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Info about the learners

Class / Age:
Level: A2
School status: examination / non-examination class, common core / elective, 1st language / 2nd language etc., no. of hours
per week, vocational / professional / primary / highschool / after school etc.
Learner profile: class structure (gender, age), background (social, ethnic, religious – where relevant), ability, type of
intelligence, motivation, preferences, special needs, special considerations etc.
Info about the lesson
Title, topic:
[Type of lesson]: teaching (as in teaching something new), revision, consolidation / practice, assessment, culture and
civilization, project work etc.
Aims: [Teaching something new? or revising / consolidating / testing something – what? Which skill? Which subskill?
What aspect of communication? On what topic? What aspect of culture and civilization? What grammar structure? What
items of vocabulary? – give a list!] – be very specific!
Teaching aids and materials: Which coursebook? Which movie? Which song? Which CD / DVD etc.? Blackboard /
whiteboard / smartboard? Chalk / markers / (colour) crayons / highlighters? Which stationery? Computer / laptop /
concordancers / software, internet connection, website / any other technology? Handouts / worksheets [slips of paper,
photocopiables – make sure you give them titles and order numbers for later reference]? Realia, toys, other objects?
Pictures, maps, albums? Dictionaries, phrase books? Exercise books? Literature books? Costumes, masks, business cards,
name cards, personal info cards etc.?
Stage Activity Interaction Time Observations (backup plan, possible
Warm-up Ex. 1 p. 37 Picture: family shot (Ss guess T-S 2’ -
family members) – Warm-up is a stage of
the lesson, not an administrative stage. It
does not mean calling the attendance,
checking the homework etc. If you need 2
minutes for admin stuff, it’s the 2 minutes
BEFORE Warm-up. Warm-up is PART OF
today’s lesson on today’s topic, not
outside it.
Pre-reading Handout no. 2 “Family”, ex.4: match Pair work 2’ Handout no. 2 “Family”, ex. 2
holidays with the correct month of the
year (New Year, Children’s Day, Mother’s
Day, Father’s Day)
While- Ss read the text “Mother’s Day” (see S-S 5’
reading Annex) silently [say how] and answer the
first 5 comprehension questions in
Handout 1 ex.1 [always give the reading
text + task attached, not just the text].
Then they check the answers in pairs /
with T [feedback is part of the same stage,
not a different activity].
Post-reading Ss propose a different ending (Ex. 6 p. 38) Group 7’
– card-filling. work
Presentation a) Listening + Comprehension questions: a) 10’
Ss hear a short dialogue between a man Individual,
and a shop assistant about choosing the then b)
right gift for his old mother. As they listen, lockstep
they note down the possible gifts.
b) Ss write down the numbers in the
recording. T shows Ss a chart with
numbers to 100, in words and digits, that
also indicates how numbers are formed
(colour code). In turn, Ss look at the chart
and say random numbers T indicates.
Controlled T dictates ten numbers that Ss write in Pairs 5’
practice words on cards (Ss practice the spelling of
numbers up to 100) – whole numbers and
fractions (e.g., 33, 45, 52.6, 92.43 etc.).
Then, Ss hold up their cards to check the
Semi- Ss practice a short scripted dialogue based Pairs 5’
controlled on picture cues (item and price, polite
practice questions, affirmative/negative reply):
A: Do you think we could get her a CD?
How much is it?
B: I think we could, it’s £8.80./ No, I don’t
think we can afford it, it’s £10.
Free Role-play: gift-shopping for family Pairs 12’
practice members. T leaves the cues from the
previous task in sight so Ss can use them
freely (polite questions, replies). Student A
is the shop-assistant, student B is the
customer. They receive cards with
suggestions of gifts for family members
(student B) and the price for each item
(student A). The script is as follows:
A: Hello, … [are you looking for a gift]?
B: Yes, I’d like to buy a … for ….
A: Certainly, it’s £….
B: Oh, that’s …! I’ll take it/I think I’ll get
her/him something else then.
For the third S and so on, T begins to
remove some parts of the script so as to let
the Ss improvise.

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