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MOTORCYCLES ”DNEPR‘ MT9 and MTIO REPAIR MANUAL V/O AVTOEXPORT - USSR - MOSCOW This manual contains instructions for repairing the motorcycles “Dnepr” MT9 and MT{0, reconditioning their component parts, units and assemblies and replacing them by new or repaired components of standard or repair sizes. Recommendations are given regarding the repair methods and re- pair facilities to be used during dismantling and assembling opera- tions. Also described are procedures for adjustment, checking and testing the mechanisms ‘and assemblies of the motorcycle. The recommended technological methods and repair facilities are intended for use under workshop conditions, in conjunction with the equipment employed at motorcycle service stations and small autore- pair shops, provided this equipment is operated by skilled workers. When performing repair work, proper attention should be given f maintain the specified clearances and interferences in order to ensure the proper matching ‘of the component parts. The technical condition of the component parts, units and assem- blies, the possibility of their further usage without subjecting them to repairs, the need for repairs or complete replacement should be deter- mined on the basis of the inspection and measurement data obtained, after dismantling, cleaning off carbon deposits and dirt, washing and degreasing. In order to determine whether certain components are good for further usage, reference should be made to the relevant Tables of this Manual listing the maximum permissible values of wear and clear- ances in the basic mating members. The procedures for removing the motorcycle units and assemblies, their dismantling and repairing, taking the required measurements, re-assembling and installing on ‘ihe motorcycle as well as partial dis- mantling and assembling are outlined in the relevant sections of this Manual. XIV. XV. CONTENTS| . Preparing the Motorcycle for Repairs . .. I. IIL. IV. . Repairing the Gear Box Vi. VIL. VIL. IX. toe . Repairing the Rear Suspension . .. XI. XII. XII Checking the Motorcycie for Technical Condition Mounting and Dismantling Operations Engine Reconditioning Repairing the Main Drive Repairing the Wheel Repairing the Front Fork Repairing the Frame . Repairing the Handlebar and Control Cables Repairing the Fuel Supply System Repairing the Intake and Exhaust Systems Repairing the Sidecar Electrical System Devices . 109 . 101 - 102 » 103 I. PREPARING THE MOTORCYCLE FOR REPAIRS Regardless of the type of repairs to be carried out, one must do the following: wash the motorcycle; check it for technical condition; draw up an inspection report. Prior to washing the motorcycle, take out the tools; remove the seat cushion and back, take off the cover as these should be washed separately. - Fig. 1. Motorcycle “Dnepr” MT9 When washing, take care to keep water out of the electrical: de- vices, carburettors, air filter, air passages and petrol tank. Mog The technical condition of the motorcycle should be checked by inspection as well as by testing the appropriate units or assemblies during riding. 3

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