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Chest Sculpting For Beginners

(Leaked Chapter)

“How to Blast Away Man Boobs And
Develop A Wide Masculine Rock Hard Chest
In 12 Weeks Flat”

Garry Davidson
The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Copyright © by Garry Davidson. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution in any way, shape,
or form is forbidden. No part of this manual shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without prior written permission from the author. Please write

Medical Disclaimer

The information content within this manual is solely intended as reference materials only and not as
medical or professional advice. Information contained herein is intended to give you the tools to make
informed decisions about your personal appearance and lifestyle, not health. It should not be used as a
substitute for any treatment that has been prescribed or recommended by your doctor.

The author and publisher are not healthcare nor fitness professionals and do not intend to play any role
relating to such a profession. The author does not give any medical advice. The author and publisher
expressly disclaim any responsibility for any adverse effects occurring as a result of use of the
suggestions or information herein. This book is offered as current information available about chest fat
loss for your own education. If you suspect you have a serious condition, it is imperative that you seek
medical attention. And, as always, never begin any new procedures or exercises, including this entire
program, without first consulting with your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional.

The author does not claim to cure or remedy any illness, chronic disorder, or health condition. No
promises or health claims are made for this program and membership. You agree to assume any and/or
all risk associated with or derived from, directly or indirectly, the usage of the information contained
in this program and membership. The author and publisher shall have neither responsibility nor
liability for the consequences, injuries, or loss relating to the information provided in this program and

Legal Notice

Best efforts have been used to prepare the material presented. The author and publisher however do
not warrant the results for the effectiveness of this program. Results vary due to individual efforts and
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All parts and content of this book are owned and only to be used by Garry Davidson. Law prohibits
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By reading this material you agree that you understand what follows is for educational purposes only.
You also by reading this book agree that you will check, or do already understand, and will abide by all
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To the authors knowledge, information contained within is accurate and up to date. The author and
publisher accept no liability for inaccurate information that may be contained within.

By reading any further you agree that the author of this material shall not be held responsible for any
resulting consequences of any actions you may take.

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Table of Contents
PREFACE………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
PART 1…………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Losing Your Man Boobs – Your First Step To Recovery……………………………………. 9
The First Step To Success: Having A Greater Vision For Yourself………………………….. 10
The Second Step To Success – Taking Action……………………………………………….. 15
What This Book Is About……………………………………………………………………. 16
Why You Should Be A Chest Sculptor - Losing Your Man Boobs And Sorting Out Your Physique Is
More Important Than You Think…………………………………………………………. 18
Losing Your Man Boobs And Making $$$ With Photography (??!!#) - Taking Your 'Before'
Pics…………………………………..……………………………………………………….. 20
How Your 'Before Pics' Can Help You Achieve Your Goals………………………………… 22
PART 2…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23
2.1: Unleashing The Adaptive Powers Of Your Body To Grow Muscle, Lose Weight And Blast
Away Chest Fat………………………………………………………………………………… 24
The Two Most Common Man Boob Myths…………………………………………………. 24
Truth: The More You Train, The Sicker You Get – Busting The Volume Training Myth….. 26
The Stimulus-Adaptation Principle – Why Doing More Push-ups & More Cardio Won't Work
………….……………………………………………………………………………………. 28
You Are Still A Caveman!…………………………………………………………………… 30
The Og & Grok Experiment – How Your Body Adapts To Different Types Of Exercise….. 31
Another Og & Grok Experiment – How Your Body Responds To Different Exercise Intensities
………….……………………………………………………………………………………. 32
How You Can Leverage Your Body's Adaptive Powers To Build A Masculine Frame And Blast
Away Those Man Boobs…………………………………………………………………….. 34
Why Doing Lots Of Push-ups Isn't A Good Strategy For Muscle Growth………………… 34
Why Doing Lots Of Push-Ups Isn't A Good Strategy For Burning Chest Fat – Busting The Spot-
Reduction Myth……………………………………………………………………………… 35
Why Too Much Cardio Is Bad For Losing Man Boobs…………………………………….. 37
The Overtraining Syndrome – Yes You Can Lose Weight By Overtraining, But.………….. 37
How Busy People Like You And Me Can Still Get A Great Body………………………….. 38
2.2: Growing Muscle To Get Rid Of Man Boobs…………………………………………… 41
How Can Growing Muscle Help You Lose Your Man Boobs?……………………………… 41
The Truth About Muscle Growth……………………………………………………………. 43
The Different Types Of Muscle Adaptation – Why Lifting Too Heavy Will Not Grow Muscle Or
Help Get Rid Of Your Man Boobs…………………………………………………………… 46
The 4 Different Types Of Muscle Adaptation – Which Is The Best For Losing Man Boobs? 48
2.3: Ancient Secrets To Muscle Growth, Fat Loss, And A Flat Chest…………………….. 54
The Fastest Way To Gain Muscle & Skyrocket Fat Loss…………………………………….. 54
“But I Don't Want To Be A Bodybuilder!”………………………………….……………….. 56
Why You Must Avoid Today's Version Of Modern Bodybuilding…………….…………… 56
This Is Not Another Men's Health Magazine Guide…………….…………….……………. 59
So Whose Guide Do We Follow? The 'Garry Davidson Guide'? Pfft!…………….………… 60
Discover The Athlete Who Could Grow Muscle And Burn Fat Without Ever Taking Steroids 61
How The Classic Bodybuilder Can Help You To Sculpt Your Chest And Lose Your Man

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Boobs………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….……….. 65
Ancient, Time-Tested Training Secrets: The Training Secrets Of The Classic Bodybuilders 67
2.4: Going On A... No! Don't Say It! - Diet! Darn, Now I've Done It…………………….. 69
Bantingism – A Historical, Time-Tested Method For Blasting Away Body Fat……………. 72
Are Fats Better Than Carbs?…………….…………….…………….…………….…………. 75
Are All Fats Good?…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…….. 79
Ancient Secrets To Fat Loss And A Ripped Physique…………….…………….…………… 84
Dieting Secrets Of The Classic Bodybuilder…………….…………….…………….………. 85
Most Fats, Including Saturated Fats, Are Safe!…………….…………….…………….…….. 87
Conclusion…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….……………… 88
PART 3…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….………… 90
3.1: Muscle Groups, Equipment And Exercises That Blast Away Man Boobs……………. 91
Which Muscle Groups Will Help You Lose Your Man Boobs?…………….……………….. 91
Could I Lose My Man Boobs More Easily If I Joined The Gym?…………….……………… 99
Equipment You Will Need…………….…………….…………….…………….……………. 103
Exercises For Sculpting That Chest…………….…………….…………….…………….…… 117
3.2: Chest Sculpting Power Principles..…………….…………….…………….……………. 147
Powerful Guiding Principles Of Muscle Growth & Fat Loss – Principles That Have Withstood The
Test Of Time…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….. 147
3.3: The Chest Sculpting 12-Week Beginner's Program..…………….…………….………. 169
What Happens Next?…………….…………….…………….…………….………………….. 187
PART 4…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….………… 189
Going Beyond The Beginner's Program…………….…………….…………….……………. 190
Hard Muscle VS Soft Muscle - A Different Type Of Muscle Growth………………………… 191
Muscles That Don't Just Look Better, But Also Last Longer And Perform Better…………… 192
How To Achieve True Muscle Tone And A Rock-Like Physique – The Benefits Of Neuromuscular
Conditioning…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….. 198
On Closing……………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….. 201
Appendix…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………………. 202

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

2.1: Unleashing The Adaptive

Powers Of Your Body To
Grow Muscle, Lose Weight
And Blast Away Chest Fat

The Two Most Common Man Boob Myths

“No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back.”

...Turkish proverb

In this section I'll be outlining two of the most common myths that I have come across as a
Chest Sculpting coach. I have spent over a decade of my life believing in these myths, and I see
countless other guys doing the same.

After getting motivated and developing that vision for yourself, the next most important step
is to eliminate these myths so you can discover the truth about how to lose your man boobs
and sculpt your chest in the quickest most efficient way possible.

Deciding to sculpt your chest and transform your body is just like setting out to go on an
adventure, say to travel the world. First you have to motivate yourself and decide to take
action. The myths in this chapter act like heavy weights chained to your feet, weights chained
to your feet by a society that doesn't want you to succeed.

You may know where you are going, but as long as these weights are there, your entire journey
will be a struggle, and you may never even make it to your destination. So the next most
important step is to debunk those myths – unshackle those chains so you can travel freely and
easily to your destination.

Myth #1: The Volume Training Myth

“On a much reduced training program, my progress was far faster than it had ever
been previously – and I very quickly reached new levels in both muscular size and
strength, levels which I had previously considered impossible for me as an

...Arthur Jones

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Just yesterday I was at this party. I had just arrived and was standing around with my
old college buddy Joe, when this totally huge guy with disproportionately large arms and
chest walked past us, with his arms sticking out at almost 45 degrees from his sides. Joe
stared in disbelief and as soon as the guy was out of hearing range, Joe said to me,
“Wow, that guy must like always be working out”.

Oh if I had a dime for every time I heard someone say that.

For me, having learned the truth about the kind of training that produces the best
results in muscle growth and fat loss, it really is freaky how almost everyone seems to
think that anyone with big muscles or a great body must be working out all the time – 7
days a week, 3 or more hours a day. But this couldn't be further from the truth. The
notion that the more you train the better your results, is completely untrue. I call this
the volume training myth.

In the Chest Sculpting Blueprint, I will introduce you to the Stimulus-Adaptation

Principle, which is a thousand times more effective than volume training. For all natural
trainees who don't take steroids, the Stimulus-Adaptation method of training is the only
method that works. What you need to do for maximum gains in muscle and maximum
fat loss, is to set the stimulus with a few short but intense exercise sessions a week, and
then sit back and relax as your body takes care of the rest. So yes, I am saying that less is
better, and I know this is hard to believe for a lot of people and you are probably a little
skeptical right now, but bear with me as I will explain everything in the sections that

As Arthur Jones put it, “It takes hard work to induce growth – and time to permit

Myth #2: Spot-Reduction

“Spot reduction is physiologically impossible”

… Tom Venuto

With the vast majority of guys, the first thing that comes to mind when they want to
lose man boobs, is doing push-ups, bench presses, or some other direct chest exercise.
The truth however, is that there is no physiological mechanism that will allow you to
selectively burn fat from a chosen area of your body.

Once you stop trying to spot-reduce, you will find that there are other, far more effective
ways to melt fat away from your chest.

When you take drugs away from a drug addict, or alcohol away from an alcoholic, there's a
huge void in his life and something has to take its place, or he'll end up just going back into
drugs or alcohol. That something can be a job, a relationship, friends/family, or a new hobby.
When I tell my clients that volume training and spot-reduction don't work, they often give me
the look that says “Well what the hell else am I going to do?”

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Well in this chapter, I will be filling that void of yours with a new relationship with the
Stimulus-Adaptation Principle. Developing a love-affair with this principle is the quickest
most efficient way to blast away those man boobs, grow muscle, lose fat, and sculpt that
perfect chiseled body that you always knew you were meant to have. Your results will be
quick, and will seem effortless compared to the volume training approach.

Truth: The More You Train, The Sicker You Get – Busting The Volume
Training Myth

Case Study: Derek – Why Doing More Doesn't Pay

If you are trying to lose your man boobs by doing three hundred push-ups every day, or doing
endless hours of cardio, then please stop. I'm sure you've realized by now that this approach
just plain doesn't work. I can assure you also, that doing more push-ups and more cardio isn't
going to help you either.

My friend Derek, who started out as a client, was regularly competing in marathons before he
came to see me. He also had a personal record of 366 push-ups all in one go (yeh, pretty crazy
huh?). Despite running for over 2 hours every day and doing hundreds of push-ups daily, the
poor guy still had man boobs. He was pretty skinny, and looking at him, you couldn't tell that
he ever worked out.

Derek was stuck in the mentality that if he could just do more, he would eventually lose his
man boobs and get the body that he wanted. Eventually it was his girlfriend who bought him
in to see me.

In the fall of 2007, she saw him limping around the house after his usual morning routine.
She drove him to the emergency department, where an X-ray revealed a stress-fracture in his
left tibia – the main bone in the lower leg. The doctor explained that this is a common
occurrence in long distance runners, commonly known as 'shin splints'. The doctor advised
Derek to stop running until his pain went away completely.

Derek was disappointed and somewhat puzzled at how at the young age of 25, he could break
his leg by simply running. The doctor reassured Derek that there was nothing at all wrong with
him, and that he sees young runners all the time with the same complaint. It could happen to
anyone, it happened to Derek (and it can happen to YOU).

Now you might be thinking – 'Hey! He could always ditch running and take up swimming or
cycling, that way there won't be any impact on his leg'. But the leg wasn't Derek's only

Derek had become obsessed with exercise. In his free time he was always either running or
doing push-ups, bench presses and chest flys. It was taking over his life. All that exercise
coupled with a full time job as a sales assistant, he had no time for his family, no time for
friends, and very little time for his girlfriend. He was also sick all the time, and would later
find out that he was suffering from overtraining syndrome.

Eventually, Derek's girlfriend bought him in to see me. The first thing I told Derek to do was

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

to stop. Just stop. I told him to stop exercising and do nothing for 2 weeks. His body had to
recover before he could make any progress. When he came back after two weeks, I started him
on an earlier version of Chest Sculpting. Derek was skeptical at first, after all, running
marathons is the pinnacle of human fitness. How could any other form of exercise be better
than running marathons? Derek was convinced he had bad genes, and anyone with better
genes could simply have done more running and that would have fixed everything.

Ever since the first marathon in ancient Greece some 2,500 years ago, running marathons has
been seen as the greatest display of fitness and physical prowess. The very first marathon
runner, Pheidippides, ran 26.2 miles from the city of Marathon to Athens to announce the
victory of the Greeks over the invading Persians. What most people don't know is that as soon
as he yelled “Nike!” (Victory), he collapsed and died.

After just 4 weeks on the old Chest Sculpting program, Derek started to see results that he had
never seen before. His body had taken on a more manly, muscular frame, his chest was flatter,
and he already felt more comfortable wearing a t-shirt in public. On top of this, he was
working out less, had more free time on his hands, no longer had any fear of breaking his leg
again, was no longer sick, and did not feel in any way overtrained.

His biggest problem now was that he felt like he was undertraining, and had to fight the urge
to keep exercising all the time every day. Aside from that, he felt great. Better than he had felt
in a very long time.

It Isn't About Exercising More, It's About Exercising Right

So what was Derek doing wrong, and how can you do things differently?

Derek was making the classic mistake that almost every fitness newbie makes. He was taking
the 'volume' approach to exercise.

For some reason we are made to think that the more we exercise, the fitter we will become,
and the better our bodies will look. We all tend to think that those male fitness models on the
cover of magazines must be working out for endless hours every day. These guys must work
on their bodies full time, like you work on your job. But since you need to earn a living, you
can't quit your job, so you can't devote the time needed for getting a ripped muscular
physique, right?

If you did have the time to work on your body full time like these fitness models must be
doing, then you would have a perfectly ripped masculine physique too, right? Well sorry to
burst your bubble, but if you believed that then you would be totally wrong.

The world is full of people who work out for endless hours almost every day, and still have
mediocre physiques, while there are others who work out much less and are paid hundreds of
dollars for their pictures to be used on the covers of men's fitness magazines.

The truth is that when it comes to improving the way your body looks, it isn't about doing
more reps or working out for longer, but rather, it's about giving your body the correct

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

The Stimulus-Adaptation Principle – Why Doing More Push-ups & More

Cardio Won't Work

The human body is like a computer program. You give it the instructions, and it will do the
work for you.

We all know that our bones heal when they break. If you break your arm today and then do
nothing for 6 months, that arm will heal all by itself without you doing anything more aside
from maintaining your nutrition. The body's computer program gets to work at fixing your
arm without any further input.

If you have a cut on your skin, that cut will heal all by itself over time. The body's computer
program once again, with its inbuilt machinery for repair will get to work at repairing your
skin all by itself.

In the same way, if you tire your muscles out with a short burst of intense exercise, your
muscles will undergo a good type of damage called 'microtrauma'. If you then rest and do
nothing for the next few days, your body will heal those muscles and make them bigger so
they don't take as much damage next time. This healing, recovery and growth process happens
all by itself – you don't have to keep exercising continuously to make it happen.

In fact, if you do keep exercising continuously, then you will just keep damaging that muscle
over and over again, and your body won't be given the chance to repair the muscle or make it
grow. Exercising continually like you do with volume training, is like breaking that arm over
and over again, without giving it a chance to heal.

Make no mistake. The fastest and most efficient way to transform your body by losing man
boobs, growing muscle and burning fat, is to understand and use the body's inbuilt stimulus-
adaptation mechanisms. This has been confirmed by both the science and practice of
bodybuilding and fitness in general. Remember, with the human body, it's not about working
longer and harder, it's about working smart.

What Is A Stimulus? What Is An Adaptation?

A stimulus is something that causes a response. If you gave me a hundred dollar bill right now,
just because I'm such a great guy, I might respond by giving you a big manly hug. In this
scenario, you giving me a hundred dollar bill is the stimulus, and me giving you a big manly
hug is the immediate response. A long term response may be that you and I become trusting
friends (not that you can buy friendship, but I'm just trying to get a point across).

When you exercise, your body's immediate response may be that you breath faster, your heart
beats faster, you produce more heat and you sweat. But what we are interested in is the long
term response – the body's long term adaptation to exercise. This long term adaptation
response may be increased muscle bulk, increased strength, decreased body fat, decreased
chest fat, increased fitness, increased agility/balance/flexibility, etc.

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Which type of adaptation you get will depend on the type of exercise you do. You can't just
take any exercise and do it for hours on end and expect to get stronger, more muscular, fitter,
faster, slimmer and more athletic. That's not the way the body works.

To understand the way the body does work, let's take a look at why the body adapts to exercise
the way it does.

You Are Still A Caveman!

I was watching this movie recently called 'The Man From Earth', starring David Lee Smith as
Professor John Oldman. The whole movie is based in a cabin out in the wilderness, where
John invites his closest friends and colleagues for a get-together before he moves on with his
life as he does every 10 years.

When everyone is settled down on the couches, some with drinks in hand, others with feet
curled up, ready to hear what John has to say, John throws a scenario at them. He asks them
“What if a man from the upper Paleolithic survived until the present day?”

They have a laid back and interesting discussion about this at first, until John admits that he is
a 14,000 year old caveman from the upper Paleolithic era, who hasn't aged a day since he
reached the age of 35. Then things get really heated. They laugh and joke at him at first, but
when none of the scientists and historians in the room are able to prove him wrong, the
tension builds up and people get angry. Some of his friends even make threats and curse at
him, one guy even pulls a gun on him.

John makes some totally crazy claims about the historical influences he has had – he sailed
with Christopher Columbus, was a disciple of Buddha and was friends with Van Gogh who
gave John one of his original paintings as a gift. But by far the biggest claim John made was
that he himself was a historical figure, considered by the vast majority of the world, to be far
greater than any of the above three (I won't tell you who, it will ruin the film for you, you have
to watch it). That's when things really started to heat up. People started crying, others
demanded that he stop and admit that he is lying.

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

This movie was one of the most intensely engaging dramas that I have ever seen, and if you are
even slightly historically or scientifically minded, then I highly suggest you go check it out.
Anyway, the reason I bring up this movie is that there was no way to prove whether John
Oldman was telling the truth. If they did a DNA test, there would be no difference between
14,000 year old John's DNA and anyone else's in the room.

In fact, archeological evidence suggests that our DNA is 99.998% the same as the DNA of our
hunter-gatherer ancestors in the Paleolithic era more than 10,000 years ago. Think about how
this affects us.

There has been more technological advance in the last century, than in all of history
combined. Our environment and the way that we live has changed rapidly. Despite this, our
bodies have not in any way even attempted to catch up.

Our bodies still react to the environment as though we were cavemen fending for our lives.
When you exercise, your body couldn't care less about making you look better, all your body
cares about is survival.

When you eat excessively, your body assumes you are preparing for a famine, so it stores as
much of the food as possible as fat. If the body had adapted to the modern world, it would
realize that we folks in developed countries, eat excessively for pleasure and comfort, and we
are highly unlikely to ever experience famine, so it would not store any fat whatsoever, and
we'd all be walking around with 6-pack abs while stuffing pizzas in our face 24/7.

When you go to the gym and exercise, the body has no idea that you are exercising in order to
grow muscle, to get fitter, lose fat, or get healthier. The body thinks that you're involved in a
fight, or some other activity that is essential for your survival, like carrying the body of a dead
animal back to your village, or running from an animal that wants to have you for dinner.

The body can't tell the difference between you running on a treadmill and you running from a
pack of ferocious hungry wolves. It can't tell the difference between you lifting a 100 pound
barbell over your head and you lifting a 100 pound cadaver over your head. All it knows is the
stimulation it is receiving – a 100 pound weight over your head – and it responds by adapting
to that stimulus. This adaptation is a survival mechanism that is meant to improve your ability
to perform the same activity next time. The stimulus-adaptation mechanism in your body is
all about survival.

The Og & Grok Experiment – How Your Body Adapts To Different Types
Of Exercise

Now, let's say that we have two cavemen – Og and Grok. They happen to be twins, so they are
genetically the same. We throw Og into a part of the forest that is full of small but ferocious
baby bears (you know, the type that man can just about take on in a fight... *shakes head* ok
just use your imagination with me on this one, all right?). Og finds himself using his strength
to wrestle with these little blighters on a regular basis. He has to use all of his strength to beat
little Yogi bear in a fight. We leave Og in there for 6 months.

We throw Og's twin brother Grok into a part of the forest that is full of huge fully-grown

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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

grizzly bears that could rip him to shreds in the blink of an eye. When he sees a grizzly, all he
can do is run as fast as his legs can take him. We leave him in there for 6 months as well.

When we take Og and Grok out of the forest, we would see that they have both adapted in
different ways. Og's body would have adapted by making him stronger, so he can continue to
fight bears and win to survive. Grok's body would have adapted by making him faster, so he
can continue to run away from bears and survive.

Let's look at this in table form:

Stimulus Adaptation How?

Improved ability to
Og Fighting small bears Increase strength
fight bears
Running away from Improved ability to Increased running
big bears run away from bears speed

It's simple. Your body adapts exactly to what you give it. Remember that your body is no
different from Og or Grok.

If you spend a lot of time running, then your body will adapt by making you better at
running. Your leg muscles will become more efficient, the blood flow to your legs will
improve, your heart and lungs will become more efficient.

If on the other hand you spend a lot of time fighting pre-adolescent small bears, or a better
modern-day example, if you were to take up wrestling, then your body would adapt by
making you better at wrestling. You would get stronger and grow muscle, your heart and lungs
will also become more efficient.

I know, it's not rocket science, but I had to get the point across - the type of stimulus you give
your body will decide your body's adaptation response. This is the crux of the Stimulus-
Adaptation Response.

Now let's look at a different type of example that is more closely related to you and your man
boobs. The point in this example is far less obvious.

Another Og & Grok Experiment – How Your Body Responds To Different

Exercise Intensities

(PS: This one is very important, so please pay close attention)

Our ancestors were hunter-gatherers for millions of years. It was only around 10,000 years ago
that agriculture came along and we started to plow the fields. Anthropological studies suggest
that our bodies are best adapted to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Despite the agricultural
revolution 10,000 years ago and the industrial revolution about 200 years ago, our bodies still
respond to stimuli and adapt as though we were hunter-gatherers.


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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Og's Scenario

So in this scenario, let us say that Og and his tribe find themselves in an area where there are
large animals nearby, so you don't have to travel a great distance when you go hunting.

Anthropological studies suggest that the hunter gatherers of the past only went hunting some
2-3 days per week. So Og went hunting 2-3 days per week. When he went hunting, he would
have to kill one of these large animals and carry its huge load back to the tribe over a short
distance. Because the load was so heavy, he was completely exhausted by the time he got back
to his tribe.

Og's Stimulus

So what is Og's stimulus here? He is carrying a heavy load, so a huge muscular effort is
required. Og has to apply a great amount of force with his muscles. The effort is only over a
short period of time, so there is not much endurance needed.

Og's Adaptation

Og's body responds over time by making him better at carrying heavy loads over a short
distance, so he can continue to hunt successfully and bring food back home to eat and hence
survive (remember, for the body, it's all about survival, whether it's Og's body 2 million years
ago, or your body today sitting in front of your computer right now).

To do this, the specific adaptations that occur in Og's body include bigger and stronger
muscles. Og needs bigger and stronger muscles because he has to be able to apply a lot of force
when lifting up the dead animal and carrying it back home.

The bottom line, Og would have become the Paleolithic replica of Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Grok's Scenario

Grok and his tribe on the other hand, end up in an area where there are small animals, and the
hunters of this tribe must travel a great distance to find and hunt these animals.

You could say that Grok could simply kill many of these little animals, put them in a sac and
end up carrying the same load as Og did. However Grok does not do this because he is no
fool. He realizes he has a long distance to travel back to camp, and there's no way he can
manage such a heavy load over such a great distance.

So Grok ends up carrying a much lighter load than Og. But because he has such a long
distance to travel, and the load is more than just a little girl's picnic basket, Grok is also
completely exhausted by the time he gets home.

Grok's Stimulus

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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Grok is carrying a lighter weight, so he doesn't rely much on strength. Throughout the entire
hunt, he doesn't ever have to apply much force. He relies more on muscular endurance. His
muscles may still burn, but he never really has to use a lot of strength.

Because Grok is traveling over a much longer distance however, he will burn far more calories
than Og. So overall, Grok is expending more energy than Og, despite never using his maximal

It's just like when running or cycling for a long period of time. You may use up a lot of calories
and be exhausted by the end of the workout, but at no point will you be applying a large
amount of force with your legs, like when doing an extremely heavy set of leg-presses at the

Grok's stimulus is based more on endurance than it is on strength.

Grok's Adaptations

Grok's body responds over time by making him better at carrying light to moderate loads over
a long distance, so he can continue to hunt successfully and bring food back home to eat and
hence survive.

Since Grok is using up more energy in his long-distance hunt and burning more calories than
Og, a muscle & fitness newbie might make the mistake of assuming that Grok would end up
with bigger muscles and a leaner physique than Og.

But at no point in Grok's hunt does he have any need for big and strong muscles. He doesn't
actually use much of his strength at any point during the hunt, so his body will not respond
by making him stronger.

Here's the point I'm trying to make here:

The only way to stimulate strength gains in the human body is to perform an
activity that requires the use of strength. The only way to stimulate endurance gains
in the human body is to do an activity that requires the use of endurance.

Grok with his light load and long journey is using endurance more than he is using strength.
His stimulus is endurance, so his body responds over time by improving his endurance, so he
gets better at hunting and carrying small animals that are far away.

Grok will not get stronger regardless of how long he travels for and how much energy he uses
and how many calories he burns.

Muscles for Grok would be totally unnecessary because he doesn't even need big muscles to
lift and carry a small creature, no matter the distance he travels.

Big muscles would actually be bad for Grok, because muscles are very heavy. A big muscular
guy would expend more energy on a long distance journey than a skinny guy. How many big
muscular guys do you see winning marathons? None at all! People who win marathons are

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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

always, invariably totally skinny and shriveled in appearance.

So what are the specific changes in Grok's body that make him a better endurance athlete?

Grok's body adapts for light loads over long distances by increasing the blood-flow to his
muscles, since endurance activities require lots of good blood flow. His muscles also shrink in
size. This helps to increase the surface area of his muscles so that more blood can get to it.

Grok never gets a ripped set of abs like Og, because his longer journeys require that he stores
as much fat as he can. Any guy with 6-pack abs would die half-way through Grok's journey
because he has very little stored energy in the way of fat.

Over time Grok becomes very well adapted to his role. Og, despite all his muscle, would
perform very poorly in Grok's role. Grok would perform very poorly in Og's role. One guy is
not better than the other. Over time they each simply become adapted to their own specific
roles. It just so happens that Og lifting all those heavy carcasses, will look better than Grok –
he will have bigger muscles than Grok, despite doing less work. And that is just what you and I
want in the modern day.

How You Can Leverage Your Body's Adaptive Powers To Build A

Masculine Frame And Blast Away Those Man Boobs

Unlike Og and Grok, you and I get to choose what stimulus we give our bodies. We can go to
the gym and lift heavy weights, we can go to the gym and lift moderate or light weights. Or we
could focus on cardio. We can do really fast cardio like sprinting, or we can do slow long
duration cardio like you would when training for a marathon. What type of stimulus you
choose will decide the way your body adapts and the way your body looks.

The key to getting a super masculine physique and blasting those man boobs into obscurity, is
to know which stimulus produces which adaptive response.

Remember Derek and his regime of hundreds of daily push-ups and 2 hours of cardio every

If you read the above sections about Og and Grok, then you already understand more about
exercise physiology than 99% of people who are involved in regular active exercise. And you
are in a better position now to understand why Derek's regime didn't work – despite all the
effort he put in every day.

See, Derek thought that the more push-ups he did, the bigger his muscles would get (the
volume training myth). He also believed that doing push-ups would help to burn fat in the
chest region (the spot-reduction myth). He was wrong on both accounts.

Why Doing Lots Of Push-ups Isn't A Good Strategy For Muscle Growth

We know from Og and Grok that lifting a light load over a long distance isn't a good stimulus
for muscle growth, because you are using endurance more than you are using strength.

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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

When it comes to resistance training, if you can do 15 repetitions of an exercise all in one go,
then you are focusing more on endurance than you are on strength. There's no fine line here,
it's just a general guide. Derek was able to do hundreds of push-ups all in one go, so he was
using very little strength indeed, though he had a huge capacity for endurance.

When you start out doing push-ups, you might find that you can just do say 7 or 8 reps in one
go. In this case, push-ups are fine for you. Keep doing them, they'll be making you stronger
and making your chest muscles grow bigger. But as you get better at doing push-ups, you'll
find that you can do more reps in one go. When you get to about 12 reps, the only way to
continue growing bigger muscles is to increase the resistance!

But more about this later.

Why Doing Lots Of Push-Ups Isn't A Good Strategy For Burning Chest
Fat – Busting The Spot-Reduction Myth

When I take my clients to the gym, there are always a bunch of women sitting there doing
triceps extensions, and it's quite common to see a queue of women behind the hip adductor
machine for burning thigh fat.

I see the same women there over and over again. Year after year they still have fat thighs and
fat flabby arms.

Never in my life have I seen a woman get slim thighs and toned arms from doing hip
adductions and triceps extensions. Nor have I ever seen anyone get six pack abs by only doing
crunches. I've also never seen a guy lose man boobs just by doing push-ups.

These people are all doing these targeted body part exercises because they believe that doing
so will burn fat in that target area – they believe in spot reduction.

When a woman wants to lose arm fat, her friends and even many so-called fitness
'professionals' will tell her to do triceps extensions to target the arm fat. When a guy wants to
lose his love handles, everyone will tell him to do side-crunches. When a guy wants to lose his
man boobs, everyone will tell him to do push-ups.

Both science and practical exercise reality point toward the fact that spot reduction is a myth.
When you exercise your chest muscles, the muscles in your chest do not use the fat in your
chest for energy. The same applies to all other parts of your body.
Triceps extensions wont get rid of your arm fat, side crunches won't get rid of love handles,
hip adductors won't get rid of your thigh fat, crunches won't get rid of your belly fat.

Regardless of what part of your body you are exercising, where the fat comes off from is
determined by your genes and by your hormones.

Your genes might be programmed to release fat from your belly first, then fat from your legs,
then fat from your face, and then fat from your chest. No matter what exercise you do –
whether it be running, swimming, cycling, bench presses, push-ups, or finger curls, the fat will
come off your body in the same order according to your genes.

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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Your hormones also play an important role. The male hormone testosterone and the female
hormone estrogen are especially important. You may have realized how at puberty, girls grow
breasts and wider hips, while boys get deeper voices and grow some muscles. This is because
of the female hormone estrogen in girls and the male hormone testosterone in boys.

High levels of estrogen cause women to store more fat in their breasts, thighs, buttocks and
hips. Testosterone reverses the effects of estrogen. When men get fat, they tend to store most
of their fat in their bellies. This occurs because of a lack of estrogen. Unfortunately though,
when men are exposed to high levels of estrogen, they start to grow breasts and store more fat
in their butt, hips and thighs – just like women. They also start producing less sperm and
virtually start to morph into women.

In the modern environment, estrogen is used to treat the food we eat, and a lot of estrogen is
found in our water supply (estrogen goes unfiltered by almost all water purification systems,
even in the West). High exposure to estrogen is what's responsible for all the stories you hear
on the news about us men becoming less virile and having significantly reduced sperm counts
today than men did 50 years ago. It is also the commonest cause of man boobs in men.

High exposure to estrogen can make it notoriously difficult for you to burn the excess fat off
your chest. Avoiding exposure to estrogen is hence an important long term strategy in man
boob reduction.

But I've gone off on a tangent here, what was I talking about? ... ah yes, spot reduction! Your
genes and hormones decide where your fat will come off first. You can do push-ups till you're
blue in the face, but if your genes and hormones decide that you will lose your belly fat first,
then that's what will happen.

You will burn no more chest fat doing push-ups, than you will doing shoulder presses, barbell
rows or burpees.

Does it then not make more sense to do other exercises that burn way more calories than
push-ups? If you do any form of cardio, you will stimulate more muscle groups and burn more
calories than if you do push-ups. So with cardio your body will go through its genetically
predetermined pattern of fat loss (e.g. butt first, then legs, then belly, then arms, then face,
then finally your chest) much quicker, allowing you to get to burning chest fat quicker than if
you were just doing push-ups.

For losing chest fat, it is hence much better for you to do cardio than it is to do push-ups... but
not the way Derek was doing cardio...

Why Too Much Cardio Is Bad For Losing Man Boobs

When done properly, cardio is great for losing overall body fat, and fat from your chest too.
But Derek was going about it all wrong.

Derek was doing moderate intensity cardio 2 hours a day, every day.

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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Moderate intensity cardio is very resource-intensive, it uses up a lot of energy. When you do
too much cardio, your body starts to release large amounts of the stress hormone cortisol.
Cortisol causes your estrogen levels to go up, making your body really start to hold onto those
man boobs. Cortisol also causes your testosterone levels to plummet.

Man boobs aren't just caused by high levels of estrogen, they are also caused by low levels of
testosterone. So when cortisol comes along and both increases estrogen and decreases
testosterone, it has a double-whammy effect that really makes it tough for you to lose those
man boobs.

Cortisol also causes your muscles to break down. When you overdo the cardio, your body
goes into a catabolic state where it starts to break down massive amounts of muscle to use for

Other problems with cortisol is that it weakens your immune system (which is why Derek
was sick all the time), reduces your bone density (which likely contributed to his shin splints),
increases your appetite and cravings for sugar, and induces weight gain.

So while cardio can be very helpful for losing body fat, it's important not to overdo it,
especially when you are trying to look better by growing muscle at the same time.

With the Chest Sculpting Blueprint 12-Week Beginner's Program, you may be happy to learn
that you can lose body fat quickly and easily, without doing any cardio at all. You may of
course do some cardio if you wish, but it isn't at all necessary.

The Overtraining Syndrome – Yes You Can Lose Weight By Overtraining,


A lot of people do lose weight by training for hours on end every day. Olympic swimmers for
example, train for 2-3 hours, twice a day 6-7 days per week. Marathon runners also train for
hours on end almost every day, and you don't see many successful fat marathon runners
around. Same goes for triathlon competitors and pro cyclists.

One major problem with overtraining is that only a few particularly determined people (like
Derek) can ever keep up with doing that amount of exercise every day. There's too much
willpower involved, and you usually have to be a full-time athlete to make it work.

Besides, overtraining poses a serious risk to your health and well-being. It's also a highly
inefficient way to either lose weight or to grow muscle. By over training, the only thing in your
favor is the principle of calories in vs calories out. By training for hours on end every day, if
you are able to burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. But at the same
time, your entire body chemistry will be waging war against your efforts. Just like with
countless over-enthusiastic athletes, this war will lead to the destruction of your health and
well-being. By having your hormones work against you, it becomes more difficult to lose
weight and almost impossible to grow muscle.

We have already discussed how doing too much cardio can increase estrogen levels, and
decrease testosterone. With the overtraining syndrome, these hormonal changes aren't just

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there during and after your prolonged workouts, but they'll also be there on non-training rest
days. Prolonged exposure to increased estrogen levels and decreased testosterone levels will
not only make it notoriously difficult to gain any muscle, but will also cause your body to hold
onto as much body fat as possible, especially to those man boobs.

The Symptoms Of Overtraining

Prolonged intense training requires your adrenal glands to produce high levels of the
hormones epinephrine, cortisol and aldosterone. Over time, the receptors for these hormones
become less sensitive, and adrenal fatigue sets in, where you experience low energy and
fatigue, muscle loss, decreasing blood pressure and fluctuating daily body temperatures.

With the overtraining syndrome, you may also become moody, easily irritated, have altered
sleep patterns, become depressed, or lose the desire and enthusiasm to exercise. Physical
symptoms include persistent muscular soreness, increased frequency of viral illnesses, and
increased incidence of injuries.

Now I know how much it sucks to be overweight or to have man boobs, and I personally
would gladly suffer all of the symptoms of overtraining if it meant that I could be slim and just
look normal with a flat chest. Really, I'm not being sarcastic. For me, having man boobs was
worse than suffering from the overtraining syndrome. But the truth is that you DO NOT
have to train like crazy and go through the overtraining syndrome in order to get a great body
by losing your man boobs, losing weight, and growing muscle.

How Busy People Like You And Me Can Still Get A Great Body

How Conan Got His Body

I remember watching the original Conan the Barbarian Movie back in the 1980s starring
Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the beginning when his village is raided and his parents killed,
young 10-year old Conan is captured and taken as a slave. On his very first day he is chained
to a huge mill, the 'Wheel of Pain'. It then shows him grinding away at the mill, pushing with
his upper body and legs. He does this continuously as the seasons go by and his hair grows
longer. He grows older while pushing the mill, showing him in his late teenage years, and then
as a fully grown adult with big bulging muscles. The whole scene gives us the impression that
he doesn't take a break, that he had to push that mill 24/7 from childhood to adulthood in
order to get those muscles.

I remember watching that movie as a child and thinking “Wow, so that's what you have to do
to get big muscles”. But in reality, we know historically that overworked slaves were always
shriveled, skinny and wiry, and overwork usually lead to death by exhaustion rather than to
big bulging muscles and warrior status.

The movies all generally tend to make us believe that we have to always be working out in
order to get a great body. They'll make you believe that there's no other way to go about it –
the more you train the leaner, stronger and more muscular you get. It's just more sexy that
way. Isn't it just a heck of a lot more awe-inspiring to watch a guy on the big screen doing the
un-doable, working out for 12 hours a day, every day of his life ever since he took his first

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Even if training like Conan was the best way to get a great body, who the heck in the modern
day has the time to push a mill for 12 hours a day? Or even to work out for 2-3 hours a day 5
days a week? We don't have the time or the willpower.

The Movies Have It All Wrong...

Thankfully however, the movies have it all wrong. The science and practice of real-life training
have revealed that the best bodies are built by just a few hours of training a week. When you
overtrain yourself, your body chemistry is working against you, so you have to work longer
and longer to continue getting results.

But there is another way. With the Chest Sculpting Blueprint, your hormones and body
chemistry will be on your side, helping you to achieve your goals rather than working against
you. You will be using the Stimulus-Adaptation Principle to your advantage, by setting the
stimulus for muscle growth and fat loss with short bursts of intense exercise, and then sitting
back and relaxing as you allow your body to remodel itself by burning fat and growing muscle
while you are resting.

Now this isn't some new gimmicky or fad exercise regime. Chest Sculpting is based on age-old
and time-tested principles used by owners of some of the best physiques the world has ever
seen (I'll tell you about these folks a little later).

By setting the proper stimulus and then resting long enough for your body to recover and
remodel itself, you will get far better results than if you were to overtrain yourself, by either
working out daily, working out for hours on end, or both. When it comes to losing man
boobs, growing muscle, or losing fat, less really is better.

As a side-effect, you will have more time on your hands. Since you don't have to work out for
hours on end every day to get a great body, you can have a full-time job with a family to care
for, and still get a great body. If you are a student with exams coming up, you can start
working out now, during your exams, so you can enjoy your great body immediately after
your exams are finished. The psychological and emotional boost you get from short bursts of
intense exercise will even help to improve performance in your exams, rather than hinder
performance by hijacking your revision time.

With the Chest Sculpting Blueprint, anyone can lose their man boobs and get a great body,
regardless of how busy they are with their work, education or whatever else they might be
doing. All you need is to set aside less than 3 hours a week, and your body will transform in
ways that you never dreamed possible.

"Learn to work with your body and not violently against it."


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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

So What D'ya Think?

Do you want more of the above?

Any questions or comments, let me know over at

Where Do You Get The Full Book?

You can get the entire program, including the full book, video series and audios, over at:

Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit the buy button/link.

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Books By Garry...

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint is the most powerful resistance training manual around.

It’s a form of “break-through” training program, especially designed for guys who have
tried everything else in the past and failed.

The method of training in this program will not only help you to lose man boobs, but it will
also help you to sculpt a powerful chest, with stone-slabs to replace those floppy man
boobs. Not only that, this program is also equipped with a whole-body workout regimen
that will get you burning body fat and growing muscle all over your body.

So by the end of the Chest Sculpting 12-Week Workout Routine, not only will you be able
to show off with a powerful, masculine chest when you go topless at the beach, but you’ll
also sport a chiseled set of abs, strong legs, big arms and boulders-for-shoulders to boot.

But remember, there’s more to sculpting your chest than just exercise. This program also
comes with a comprehensive section on diet. I show you how you can eat like a king,
without counting calories, without giving a two hoots about portion sizes, while eating
some of the most delicious foods around (meat and fat are totally allowed), and still
shredding fat like never before.

✓ Why push-ups and bench presses could be

making your man boobs bigger and what to
do about it.
✓ The 45 minute flat-chest promise. Get a
rock hard chest in just 3 days a week.
✓ The secret to revealing your pecs without
living in the gym (chest exercises you've
probably never heard of).
✓ Blast away man boobs and forge an iron
chest with the 12-week Chest Sculpting
workout plan.
✓ Lose man boobs and excess chest fat using
the unusual power of Hormonal Training.
✓ Discover delicious ways to “tickle your
system” into burning fat throughout the
day and even while you sleep!

Click Here To Learn More

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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally

Where the Chest Sculpting Blueprint focuses mostly on weight training, and has a
moderately detailed section on diet, How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally goes more into
detail on diet. It also focuses on other lifestyle and hormonal changes for losing man boobs,
that have nothing to do with exercise.

There’s a saying that “no amount of exercise can undo a bad diet”, and I stand by this
100%. This is why if you have man boobs or too much body fat, then How To Lose Man
Boobs Naturally is a program that will help you above and beyond the Chest Sculpting

Where the Chest Sculpting Blueprint focuses on weight training, and my program
Paleolithic HIIT (see below) focuses on HIIT training, How To Lose Man Boobs is more
of a general, overall guide for losing man boobs. It covers diet, lifestyle, hormonal tactics,
weight training, HIIT training, and steady state cardio training.

✓ Insider secrets on how I help my private

clients to blast away their man boobs in
record time
✓ What’s the best exercise for losing chest
✓ Hormone balancing methods I used to
flatten my chest in just a few weeks.
✓ Foods that make your man boobs bigger,
and foods that make ‘em shrink.
✓ How to boost testosterone naturally –
unusual methods you won’t read about on
the net.
✓ The one biggest secret nobody tells you
about losing man boobs
✓ Shrink puffy nipples with these unusual
hormonal methods
✓ Signal your body to shrink chest fat first,
before losing fat anywhere else

Click Here To Learn More

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The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Paleolithic High Intensity Interval Training

Paleolithic High Intensity Interval Training is about high intensity sprint-style training for
reducing body fat and losing man boobs.

Where does Paleolithic HIIT fit in with the weight training program in the Chest
Sculpting Blueprint?

Well I actually go into detail about this in the Paleolithic HIIT book. It’s amazing how well
both programs complement one another. Paleolithic HIIT improves your performance in
the weight training protocol in the Chest Sculpting Blueprint, and the weight training
protocol in the Chest Sculpting Blueprint improves your performance in Paleolithic HIIT.

Paleolithic HIIT improves your heart-lung capacity far beyond what weight-training can
do. This significantly reduces your fatiguability in weight training, allowing you to lift
heavier or to do more reps and sets. The weight training in the Chest Sculpting Blueprint
increases your strength, which helps increase power output in your HIIT training, which,
as I discuss in the program, helps give you bigger post-exercise testosterone boosts.

So both programs complement one another perfectly well. If you’re serious about getting
in shape, and you’ve got the Chest Sculpting Blueprint, then Paleolithic HIIT is definitely
a program you should get.

✓ Tap into the power of ancient Paleolithic

man. Work out the way your body was
designed to work out, and watch as your
body transforms in a matter of weeks.
✓ Blast away man boobs with revolutionary
new training techniques like glycolytic
training and flow training.
✓ A simple training trick that enhances your
chest-fattening success rate by 300% (page
✓ The 10 most powerful Paleolithic HIIT
exercises for losing man boobs (pages
✓ Paleolithic Weight Training DVD Series:
watch fitness pro Steven Campbell take
you through 22 powerful Paleolithic
✓ How To Boost Testosterone Naturally: T
expert, Carlos Moreno, shares his secrets
on how he doubled his testosterone levels
in just a few months.

Click Here To Learn More

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

Untold Secrets Of Intermittent Fasting

Lose Fat, Grow Muscle & Blast Away Man Boobs With Intermittent Fasting

Low carb dieting combined with the hormonal tactics in How To Lose Man Boobs
Naturally, and the training in the Chest Sculpting Blueprint and Paleolithic HIIT, will all
get you really far. However, there's a piece of the puzzle that's missing.

If you want to really accelerate your results, if you have an event coming up in a few
weeks/months, and you really want to get lean quickly, then intermittent fasting will get
you there quicker.

Like high intensity training, studies have shown that intermittent fasting changes your
genes to make your chest flatter, to make your body better at burning fat, and better at
growing muscle.

You could look at intermittent fasting as a form of high intensity dieting. When you
combine high intensity dieting with high intensity training, the results you get will be
through the roof!

If you get started with intermittent fasting today, and combine it with the training
protocols in this book, then you could easily be walking around on the beach with a set of
six pack abs and perfectly flat chest, just a few weeks from now.

So don't wait, click the link below to learn more about my special program on intermittent
fasting for losing man boobs:

✓ A sneaky method that kills hunger

(without breaking your fast), and can help
you extend your fast by several hours,
without getting hungry (p30-31)
✓ How to lose man boobs with intermittent
fasting - never before revealed secrets
✓ My story of how I fasted for 36 hours
without getting hungry, and how you can
do it too (p30-32).
✓ How to do a 16-hour fast with ease,
without even knowing that you are fasing
✓ How to train while fasting, in a way that
maximizes breast reduction, fat loss, and
muscle growth.

Click Here To Learn More

© 2014 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved

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