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Power Surge: Chest Blast

Bench like a powerlifter—and get the pecs of a

bodybuilder—with this power bodybuilding workout.
Mike O'Hearn

Directions: Rest 2–4 minutes between warmup sets and 3–5

minutes between working sets.

Exercise Sets Reps O'Hearn's Weight

Incline Press

Warmup Sets 4 10, 8, 8, 5 135, 225, 315, 365

Working Sets 7 4 425

DB Flat Bench

Warmup Sets 3 5 100, 130, 160

Working Sets 4 10 180

Incline DB Flyes

Warmup Sets 3 5 80, 100, 125

Working Sets 3 10 150

Pullovers 4 15 125

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