Oral Quiz Marketing 5 Different Products Monday 10 June in Class

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Marketing 5 different products


1. Work in groups of 4. (If you happen to be in a group of 2 or 3 is also ok.)

2. Make a ppt presentation about the best 4 adverts to promote product number 1, product number 2, product
number 3, 4 and 5.
3. Provide a description of the 5 different products as in the ppt called ‘How shall we make it’. (see folder:
‘lessons’, week 27 – 31 May)
4. For each one of the adverts, you will have to support your idea with more information (be creative!!!)
5. Include images for the adverbs and products. Make your presentation interesting and attractive for the
6. All the students in the group must speak about ONE idea of the advert to be used for each one of the products.
7. You will be graded as a group and not individually.
8. You will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

1 2 3 4 5
Description of products
Ideas for the adverts of product 1
Ideas for the adverts of product 2
Ideas for the adverts of product 3
Ideas for the adverts of product 4
Ideas for the adverts of product 5
Images/clear visuals
Pronunciation & Fluency
Total: _____/55pts.

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