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1. What does the phrase 'sunless dry geraniums' suggest in 'Rhapsody'?

2. Why does the women's eye look like a 'crooked pin' in ''Rhapsody''?
3. 'Midnight shakes the memory / As a madman shakes a dead geranium'= Explain.
4. How is the woman presented in lamplight in 'Rhapsody'?
5. What do the street lights drum up in Rhapsody on a windy Night?
6. How is the woman's eye described in the second stanza of Rhapsody on a Windy Night?
7. What does the broken spring in a factory yard in Rhapsody on a Windy Night stand for?
8. How are the floors of memory dissolved in the 'Rhapsody'?
9. What happens at four o'clock in 'Rhapsody'?
10. Why does Eliot bring in a crowd of twisted things in ''Rhapsody''?
11. How are the moon and the memory linked in 'Rhapsody'?
12. At each point, what does the lamp mention to the wanderer? What does the wanderer
subsequently remember? What is the nature of these images and the nature of the
relationship between these two images?
13. How do the lunar incantations work upon memory in Eliot's Rhapsody?
14. In Rhapsody in a Windy Night, what is the function of the street lamp?
15. What is the last twist of the knife in 'Rhapsody'?

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