Antar I An Gateway 12 Level LB

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Activating the multidimensional Light Bodies and experiencing the 12 Light Body/I AM

Avatar Blueprint Templates through the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming


Welcome precious hearts, this is Anrita Melchizedek and I would like to welcome you to
the “Activating of the multidimensional Light Bodies and experiencing of the 12 Light
Body/I AM Avatar Blueprint Templates through the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming
Recalibration” telewebinar.

As we collectively experience the third wave of Cosmic Christ Consciousness through the
activation of our multidimensional Light Bodies and the various levels of our Light Body/I
Am Avatar Blueprint we enter into the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Gateway of

What we term the multidimensional Light Body is the collective and individual experience
of the New Earth templates, sacred geometries, numerologies and fractal geometries that
activate around our physical body, energy field and hologram dimensionally; expressed
through the radiance of our Body of Light, our I Am Avatar Blueprint, our connection to
Soul and Star Family, and the integration of our Beloved I Am Presence through our lower
bodies, as we walk the path of Divine Love knowing we are all One.

In the system of energy we present to you, our multidimensional Light Bodies activate
through nine dimensions of Light, with the ninth dimensional diamond sphere of Light
activating 54 feet in diameter around us. This dimensional field of Light taking us into the
Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God is represented through a diamond sphere, the
diamond ray of Melchizedek Consciousness, and within this, the Flower of Life. And now,
through this third wave, our multidimensional Light Bodies are being upgraded and
imprinted with new geometric codes of Light, and the increased Light frequencies of our I
Am Avatar Blueprint, to assist us to ground and anchor the next level of our service work in
Love, integrity and truth as One Unified Cosmic Heart. These changes are now being
experienced through the Fruit of Life as it embraces and expands the Flower of Life into
13 whole spheres, or rather 12 plus 1, with the middle sphere representing All That Is. And
within the Fruit of Life, Metatron’s Cube activates, as do the platonic solids.

This geometric matrix amplifies the energy of the 12 Petals of the Christed Heart, the 12
stages of the Light Body/I Am Avatar Blueprint, the 12 Strand DNA, the 12 ascension
chakras, the 12 Golden Solar Sun discs and so much more for all of us as these sacred
transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
We further experience the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration as we enter
into the Antarian Gateway, initially activating our multidimensional Bodies of Light from
the third to the ninth dimension respectively. Bathing in a magnificent pink and emerald
green flame of Light and oscillating cosmic ray frequencies of the Antarian Gateway, we
connect into the Planetary Unity Grid of Divine Love, the Solar Grid of Divine Love, the
Interstellar Grid of Divine Love, the Galactic Grid of Divine Love, the Intergalactic Grid of
Divine Love, the Universal and Multi-Universal Grids of Divine Love, in the creation of our
multidimensional Light Bodies and related geometries of Light, whilst simultaneously
experiencing the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration (QSSR).

What the Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration (QSSR) does, is re-calibrate the star
fields within our body, energy field and hologram to the memory and experience of
Oneness, back to Zero point and to the moment of Divine reconnection to Mother/Father
God. This triggers through the Fruit of Life, Metatron's Cube, the DNA, the I Am Avatar
Blueprint, the chakras and so on, the experience of Divine unconditional Love and the
memory of our Soul purpose and heart's dreaming. We further merge with our Pleiadian,
Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian, Antarian, Lyran, Venusian and other Christed ET
multidimensional Selves or Master Guides, and ground and root more of our Soul essence
through our Beloved I Am Presence and into the group I Am Avatar Consciousness in this
eternal Now moment. Additionally this brings a greater level of transparency, truth, Divine
Love and unification to this sacred earth, and all Life moves into the next level of their
Soul's Forward Evolution, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.

Through the Fruit of Life, and within each sphere, we now experience the 12 Light Body/I
AM Avatar Blueprint levels and the activation of the 12 Petals of our Christed Heart,
merging into One through the middle sphere. The 12 Light Body/I Am Avatar Blueprint
levels take us deeper into Cosmic Christ Consciousness, and into the ascension process
that each one of us is experiencing in this Now, physically and energetically in the creation
of our I Am Avatar Blueprint. Additionally, we connect more deeply with our
multidimensional Selves, Soul and Star Family, while experiencing the integration of our
Beloved I Am Presence on this sacred earth and deeper into our heart’s dreaming and joy
and unique ESP gifts as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

These 12 Light Body/I Am Avatar Blueprint Templates, and Christed Heart Petals are as

In the First level; Brain chemistry changes occur, as we experience the recalibration
of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The DNA changes into greater levels of

awareness, joy and elation at reconnection to Mother/Father God and many of the
Illumined Beings of Light from On High. The clearing of old identity and false beliefs
and rapid onset of many of the ascension/flu like symptoms are experienced as we
activate within this level the Petal of the Joyful and Happy Heart.

In the Second level of the creation of the I AM Avatar Blueprint; we reconnect deep
into the Soul matrix and Beloved I Am Presence through our etheric Soul blueprint. We
experience the releasing of karmic contracts, as well as possibly increased tiredness
and oscillating emotions as well as increased spiritual searching of “Why I am here”,
“Who I Am”, and “What is my purpose” as we activate, within this second level, the
Petal of the Healing Heart.

In the Third level; the sub-atomic particles within the body start to spin in increased
Light frequencies as we come deeper into the knowing that we are here in Service in
Love. As the DNA commences its activation process into greater levels of Knowing, we
become both a receiver and transmitter of the Light frequencies through our energy
field and body as we step into the Petal of the Knowing Heart.

In the Fourth level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint, we experience increased change

within the brain chemistry as well as within the energy field, as the cerebro-spinal
fluid starts to deepen in connection through the spine and brain, and into the chakras.
We experience increased sensitivity of the physical body, with a need to exercise and
move the body more due to chakra and meridian activations. Third eye and crown
chakra activations may cause headaches or blurry vision. Chest pains may occur as the
heart chakra opens deeper into the Soul matrix. The base chakra and sacral chakra
frequencies being activated may cause a sense of pain in the lower body as the
kundalini energy now starts to activate through the chakras. Intuition, empathy,
telepathy and clairvoyance increase as does a deeper sense of trust in the Divine, as
we experience the Petal of the Trusting Heart.

In the Fifth level of our creation of our I Am Avatar Blueprint, the karmic and Christed
Timelines start to merge into a greater sense of non-linear time as we connect deeper
to our Soul group and multidimensional Selves. Lucid and vivid dreams may present
themselves as a guide to synchronicities and reconnections. As we come deeper into
the Soul matrix and heart chakra, a deeper level of empowerment, Love and wisdom is
experienced through the Three-fold Flame. Old relationships no longer serving us are
being released as we come into forgiveness of Self and others and further experience
the Petal of the Powerful Heart.

In the Sixth level; the crystalline regulators placed within the etheric body start to
release as we deepen into the I Am Avatar Blueprint through the New Earth Templates
and geometries of Light. Additionally, we deepen into the support of Soul and Star
family and reconnections on the outer planes to those that see us, hear us and
appreciate us as we activate the Petal of the Intimate Heart.

In the Seventh level; as the heart chakra continues to open more into Self Love,
unconditional Love and non-judgment of Self and others, a deeper expression of our
authentic self and desire to be of service through our many gifts emerges into a new
sense of being. Also this is a time of the deep release from old wounds, hurts,
betrayals and victim/persecutor consciousness, as we flow along the Path of Divine
Love in the knowing that we are these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in
service to Mother Earth and all her Life. Oscillating emotions continues to be the norm
in the “shedding of all that no longer serves us” as we experience both alignment and
misalignment to the Divine ~ Love vs fear. The desire for change is upon us, creating
choices to refine our frequency. The pineal gland undergoes a major recalibration at
this time as we activate the Petal of the Passionate Heart.

In the Eighth level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint; major changes are occurring within
the pineal and pituitary glands in particular as they change shape. We further
experience a deeper sense of our many ESP gifts of healing, clairsentience, telepathy,
empathy, clairaudience and clairvoyance. Triangular seed crystals in the third eye and
recorder crystals in the right side of the brain activate to deepen our connection of
Mother/Father God, and into a deeper level of the memory and knowing of our service
work in the creation of our I Am Avatar Blueprint. As we experience, too, the Knowing
that all life hold the God seed of goodness and Love within them, we become more
emotionally detached, deepening into observational awareness, into Cosmic Christ
Consciousness walking the path of Divine Love. The sacred geometries of the New
Earth Templates activate and actualize through the multidimensional Light Bodies and
through the third eye in scrolls of Light, creating an arc of Light from the crown chakra
to the third eye that lifts us into the higher dimensions and the knowing of our star-
seeded origins and Christed Timelines of our Highest Potential as we activate the Petal
of the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart.

In the Ninth Level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint; we deepen in reconnection to our

Beloved I Am Presence, experiencing the full activation of our multidimensional bodies
from the third to the ninth dimension respectively, the activation and actualization of
all geometries of Light and the merging of the chakras in one unified column of Light.
The I Am Avatar Blueprint merges in Unity Consciousness, and within this, the physical
body may change shape to ground and anchor us more deeply into the Unity Grid of
Divine Love, and to all Souls on this sacred earth and through the I Am Avatar
Consciousness in affecting and creating change upon Mother Earth. We release any
remaining “lesser than and better than” consciousness, coming deeper into the
Knowing of our own magnificence and Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of
Divine Love. At this level, we are now in complete surrender to the Divine, trusting
that the Highest Outcome will always prevail through Universal Truth as we activate
the Petal of Integrity and Truth.

At the Tenth Level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint and Light Body Activation; we come
deeper into Oneness as Spiritual Masters, teachers and way-showers on this sacred
Earth. The Light Body/Merkaba field starts to activate spontaneously, allowing for
interdimensional travel in Soul consciousness beyond the ring-passeth-nots into the
higher dimensional fields of Light as a natural part of our reality, and the ability to
travel within our activated Light Body/Merkaba becomes a reality. The 12 Strand DNA
activates and actualizes as the Innocent and Open Heart now activates to the knowing
of our Divinity, innocence and purity. The ninth dimensional Flower of Life takes on the
geometry of the Fruit of Life and the ability to access each sphere and the completion
of our I AM Avatar Blueprint is upon us.

At the Eleventh Level; the axiatonal lines lying along the acupuncture meridian lines
now connect through spin points of sound and color into the body and energy field. The
fifth dimensional circulatory system of Light is now complete, and rejuvenation and
regeneration of the physical and energy bodies is now activated as is the Petal of the
Loving Heart. All time exists simultaneously within the infinite eternal Now moment.
There is only this Now and we magnetize and manifest to us all that we need in the
fulfillment of our service work.

And lastly, at the Twelfth Level of the Light Body/I AM Avatar Blueprint; we are
working with many of the Ascended Masters and Councils of Light on the inner planes
as well as connecting with other 12th level initiates to create and affect change
energetically and physically upon this sacred Earth, so all life may know themselves as

Additionally through the pathways of Divine Love we have created for ourselves and
others, more and more Souls awaken to the knowing that they are Love, as together

we co-create Heaven on Earth. With this, the last Christed Petal, of the Peaceful Heart
activates for all Life on this sacred Earth.

And from here, we merge into the 13th sphere, the middle sphere of the Flower of Life
to experience All That Is.

So let us now set our sacred space as we come together as one Unified Cosmic Heart as we
prepare for the equinox energies as these physical vessels of Light and sacred transfiguring
Flames of Divine Love knowing that the changes that we are creating are changes that will
be experienced by the consciousness of all life on this sacred Earth as together we co-
create Heaven on Earth.


Let’s just start by breathing deep into the body, just grounding and centering ourselves
simply through our breath, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting
the lower abdomen as you breathe out. And having a sense simply of rooting and
grounding yourself, coming deep into the soul matrix, into the heart chakra, in the
knowing of yourselves as Love. As you energetically or physically place your hands upon
the heart chakra, as you say to yourself, “I love you ~ giving your full name now ~ I love
you, I love you”.

Calling in now the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, and all the Illumined Beings of Light
from On High.

Calling in the Pleiadians, and the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Antarians,
all of the Light, and all other Christed ET’s and Star Councils you personally acknowledge
and wish to join you in this Now.

Calling in the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,
the Order of Melchizedek and Brotherhood of the Light.

Calling in now Sanat Kumara, the Bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, Helios and Vesta,
the Solar Logoi; Melchior the Galactic Logos; Sanat Kumara and his Divine Feminine
counterpart Lady Master Venus; and now all the Divine Feminine deities of Light that come
forward through the Sisterhood of the Rose ~ Mother Mary, Mary Magdalena, Lady Isis, Lady
Portia, Lady Kwan Yin, Lady Pallas Athena, Lady Hathor, White Buffalo Woman.

All these beautiful divine feminine deities that take you deeper along the Path of Divine
Love, the Path of the Rose, assist in activating the chakras in Divine Love, and now this
deepens into self-love, self-nurturing and self-appreciation, deepening into the knowing

that there is only Love. And the flow that activates now through this Pathway of Divine
Love energetically connects now in streams of Light into the cities of Light and into

Calling in now the Ascended Masters and Ray Masters ~ El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey,
Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St Germain, Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Mother Mary,
Allah Gobi, Kwan Yin and Pallas Athena; all these beautiful Beings that are working with
the earthly and cosmic rays, lifting you deeper and deeper through the energies of the
rays, into your soul’s purpose, into your hearts dreaming, into the inner plane cities of
Light, schools of learning, ashrams and ascension seats ~ knowing that this connection is
very real as we collectively experience the Third Wave of Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

And having a sense now of merging with your Beloved I AM Presence, the highest aspect of
your Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God. And through this connecting to soul and
star family that are working with you on the inner and outer planes. Connecting deeper
into the Unity Grid and the Diamond Grids of Light, wrapped in this beautiful Diamond Ray
of Melchizedek Consciousness. Connecting to all those souls at a higher light level
listening to this equinox transmission with you, listening to this recording, knowing how
each one of you is celebrated, appreciated and deeply loved.

Coming deeper now into the heart, deeper now into the Christed heart, as you now
activate the 12 Petals of the Christed Heart.


The Petal of the Peaceful Heart now activates, the Loving Heart, the Healing Heart, the
Joyful and Happy Heart, the Innocent and Open Heart, the Powerful Heart, the Knowing
Heart, the Passionate Heart, the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart, the Trusting Heart,
the Intimate Heart, and now the Heart of Integrity, Freedom and Truth, that amplifies in
this Now taking you into a deeper level of your authentic self, taking you into a deeper
level of freedom and the expression and utterance of your spiritual reality. As this
beautiful Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness continues now to expand around
the body and energy field healing deeper into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, into the new
earth templates and geometries of light, into the fractal geometries and numerologies and
sacred geometries, star key codes, deeper and deeper into the Cosmic Heart of Divine
Love and Unity Consciousness.

Just feeling this connection in Oneness to one another through the I AM Avatar
Consciousness of Light, to the Beloved I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on

this sacred earth and in particular to those awakened souls affecting and creating change
of this sacred Earth as physical vessels of Light. And within this safe and sacred space the
Elders, Ancient Celestial Beings and High Council members to the Order of Melchizedek
now come forward.


Welcome, sweet ones, it give us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you deepen
into the next level of your soul’s forward evolution, your blossoming, magnificence and
light. The change that is upon you, sweet ones, is accelerating the soul growth of
awakened Lightworkers while touching the hearts of those still to awaken and choosing to
be of service in Love. Through this third wave, sweet ones, a greater sense of the flow of
the Divine masculine and feminine energies in synchronicity, in harmony, in truth, in trust,
and of course in divine Love, emerges into a greater level of balance within each one of
your lives.

We understand that many of these changes are uncomfortable, sweet ones, as you create
the Pathways of Divine Love for yourselves and others. At a higher light level you have all
requested to be the way-showers to lead the way, in this Golden Age of Light, and the
changes that you need to make not only activate a greater level of your magnificence and
Soul Light in the anchoring and activating of your multidimensional Light bodies and the
merging, integration, of your Beloved I AM Presence, but each frequency of Light moves
into the aspects of yourself still needing to be Loved. This great change that is
experienced through this Third Wave allows you, sweet ones, if you trust and surrender to
this process following your intuition and the Divine guidance given to each one of you
through your Beloved I AM Presence ~ to experience a greater level of harmony and
manifestation and magnetization of your soul’s purpose and heart’s dreaming. The
universe pours its abundance down on to each one of you, sweet ones, and the old cellular
memories that have created a lack-of in any area of your life, that have created the sense
of survival or stress, are now being dismantled as you merge in frequency dimensionally to
match the energetic vibration of your multi-dimensional selves that come forward bringing
with them a greater level of knowing, insight, wisdom, empowerment and the ability to
truly experience the knowing of yourselves in Divine Unconditional Love.

The core groups that connect with you today are familiar to many of you. The Pleiadian
Emissaries of the Light ~these beautiful fifth dimensional Light beings that along with the
Sirian Archangelic League, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings and the Arcturian
Emissaries have been assisting in the forward evolution of humanity for eons of time. And
many of you, sweet ones, are Pleiadian or Sirian, Andromedan or Arcturian star seeds and
you feel the resonance as you start to feel the energy of these Light Beings, and within
this core group now the beautiful Antarian Star Beings of Light step forward.

As we have expressed previously, sweet ones, Antares is a portal of Light or gateway into
the higher dimensional fields of Light, into Andromeda and also it is a meeting place or
head council headquarters through which many of the many of the star councils connect.
The Antarian Star Beings of the Light have been working at a higher Light level with the
Christed Star Councils of Light and with those souls on this sacred Earth that are able to
affect and create change primarily within the political, social and economic arenas, as
well as within the circles of divine Love, sweet ones. But they now come forward
requesting to work with each ones of you, sweet ones. Their energy experienced
energetically for those of you more sensitive or empathetic in nature can feel quite
intense; they are master technicians and healers and teachers in their own right. And they
not only bring forward a deep sense of the reunion of your Beloved Divine Masculine and
Feminine spirits but they also bring through new technologies and Healing Chambers of
Light that take you deeper into the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring
Flames of Divine Love. Through the Antarian gateway, in particular sweet one, you
deepen into the connection you have with Source, releasing any levels of disillusionment
or despair or hopelessness that have been experienced by all of you at one point or
another. This beautiful Gateway of Light that activates now taking you into this Antarian
Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration is the highest Light frequency that you are all
experiencing at this time of Oneness, of the memory of your Divinity, of the memory of
yourselves as Star Beings choosing to down-step your vibration and assist in lifting the
consciousness of all life on this sacred Earth.

What you will experience is both individual and collective, sweet ones, but know that this
imprinting through the Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration will create a
recalibration through the body energy field and hologram to unify the chakras and align
you through all dimensions of Light, and indeed sweet ones, into the memory of your soul
purpose and heart’s dreaming.

So for a moment now you see yourself being wrapped in this beautiful pink and emerald
green Flame of Light brought through by the Antarian Star Beings.

And as you deepen into this connection of Light and trust and surrender in Divine Love
with your soul and star family and friends of the Light, you further experience this
beautiful diamond sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter around you.

You have a sense, sweet ones, of you innocence and your purity and your magnificence and
light. Merging deeply now with your Beloved I AM Presence, and grounding now through
the Unity Grid into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth as the Diamond Light Frequency
codes activate through the Inner Earth Sun and now through the Golden Sun within your
Hearts, the Sun, the Central Sun, and now the Great Central Sun, and into the Galactic
Sun of Light.

You now find yourselves traveling in these Merkaba Vehicles of Light, in these beautiful
energetic starships made up of the collective frequencies of each one of you, sweet ones.
You travel now through the grids of Divine Love and stralim radiation, into the Antarian
portal of Light at the time of this equinox energy, at this time of stepping into your solar
crystalline bodies of Light, and your I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light.

You have a sense of connecting now with these beautiful star beings, these many star
councils that are familiar to you. And now you find yourself within the Antarian Ascension
Seat and Gateway of Light, welcomed and greeted by the Antarian star beings, by the
Pleiadians, by the Sirians, by the Andromedans, and the Arcturians, all of the Light. As
you connect dimensionally now into the various levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, in
the creation of your multi-dimensional bodies of light, you bring a focus now to the third
dimensional portal and as this amplifies and activates you bring in a beautiful golden
sphere of Light wrapped now in this beautiful golden Flame of Light. This golden sphere
of Light is 6 feet in diameter around you and within it now you experience all the
templatings of this sacred Earth, and deepen into your connection to one another through
the I AM Avatar Consciousness and deepen now into the new Earth Templates and
Blueprints of Light, knowing, that you are experiencing many new geometries of Light.
You hold around you now, sweet ones, the Light Body energy of this sacred Earth. You hold
within this multi-dimensional Light body at this third dimensional level, the vortices and
sacred sites of Mother Earth that are linked energetically into your 12 chakra system.
Each of these vortices and their particular energetic signatures further connect you now
into the crystalline Cities of Light and into the 12 primary Ray Ashrams of the Earthly Rays
within Shamballa; experiencing yourselves now through the Crystalline Cities, the Ray
frequencies and the activational energy that is experienced through each one of the
chakras as they start to unify in one Column of Light.

You may experience this energetic frequency of the Antarian Starlight Streaming
Recalibration in different areas of the body, sweet ones, and as you expand more deeply
into the Unity Grid of Divine Love you have a sense of the twelve Golden Solar Sun Disc
discs activating through the Unity Grid and creating these Sun Shields of Light over each
one of the chakras to bring in a deeper level of the crystalline matrix, of your Light
Bodies, of your I AM Avatar Blueprint. Wonderful sweet ones.


As you hold the knowing, sweet ones, of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of
Divine Love and these Masters Beings of Light, you bring a focus now to the first level of
your I AM Avatar Blueprint activating initially now the Petal of the Joyful and Happy
Heart. You bring a memory to the knowing of the experience that each one of you have
had in the initial awaking, experiencing a deeper level now of the recalibration of the left
and right hemispheres of the brain, experiencing a deep sense of joy and innocence in this
reconnection to Mother/Father God. And from within your Joyful and Happy Heart you
now affirm:

“As I experience this first level of my I AM Avatar Blueprint I hold on to this joy
and elation and reconnection to the Divine. I know that as I deepen into the Path
of Divine Love there are challenges that I may experience as an Initiate of Light
but I will always remember and choose to experience the joy and innocence of who
I am, the joy and innocence of my inner child, of my innocent child as the gateway
to the kingdom of Mother/Father God. I choose to deepen this ascension process to
the maximum cosmic law can allow, while allowing me the experience of
happiness, the experience of simply being in this Now. I further ask that these
ascension symptoms that I experience be refined to a level where I no longer need
to experience many of the flu like symptoms, many of the energetic oscillating
emotions and frequencies. I deepen into the knowing that I am Love. I deepen into
self-love and into appreciation of myself and others; into the wonder and awe of
this multi-universe, and into the appreciation and love of all life in the knowing
that we are all One, in the knowing that All Is One.”


And now, sweet one, you activate the Petal of the Healing Heart, further releasing these
karmic experiences, coming deeper into etheric soul blueprint, coming deeper into the
understanding of the pre-birth agreement you have made to know yourselves as Love along
both the karmic and Christed timelines.

If you are still asking yourselves, sweet ones, why you are here or what is your purpose,
the aspect of your consciousness that is in pain is still being experienced in this Now
creating a sense of disillusionment and despair. Through these beautiful ray frequencies
and this Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration, the psychic surgeons from this core
group come forward now to work with you energetically in your ability to accept and
embrace all that you experience no matter how uncomfortable it may be, sweet ones,
while deepening into the memory of your many gifts and hearts dreaming as you now
affirm to yourself:

“I am One with Mother/Father God, I am One with all Life. As I activate the Petal
of my Healing Heart, I deepen into the experience and embrace of the full range
of my emotions. I welcome into my Christed Heart and in particular, into the Petal
of my Healing Heart, my sadness, anger, grief, resentment, disillusionment, or
blame, whatever these emotions may be as much as welcome, accept and
appreciate the knowing of my loving, compassionate energy. I know that all that I
experience, all that I Am amplifies in this Now, into the next level of my soul’s
forward evolution, into the next level of my magnificence and Light. I further ask
for this energetic recalibration to be as graceful for me as possible as I step into
the next level of my soul’s forward evolution in the knowing that I am Love, I am
Love; in the knowing that I have a purpose, in the knowing I am here for a reason,
in the knowing that I am co-creating with the Company of Heaven and the many
Legions of Light from On High; and in the knowing that the universe is pouring its
abundance down on to me, that all is well, all is well.”


Wonderful, sweet ones. And now you bring a focus to a fourth dimensional portal 0.02ft
above the crown chakra. As this portal activates and opens now you are wrapped in a
beautiful copper-gold Flame of Light. As your energy field expands into this copper-gold
sphere of light 6.04 feet in diameter around you, as you link now into the energy of the
Sun, the solar core and the overlighting of Helios and Vesta. The solar crystalline matrix of
the Solar Light Body expands now into the deepest level of expression of the Lightbody
that you have yet to experience.

As the sub-atomic particles spin in this increased Light frequency, you have a sense, sweet
ones, of linking into the Solar Grid of Light, into the solar flares creating and affecting
change on this sacred Earth, and now through the Sun and Solar Core into this beautiful
Healing Chamber of Light. This beautiful Healing Chamber of Light amplifies now into a
greater level of manifestation, magnetization and service in Love, and you simply hold the
knowing of the changes that you are making and affecting and creating for yourself and all
life on this sacred Earth, as you release old patterns, false beliefs and judgments which
you no longer need to experience in this Now.


You now see this beautiful Solar Shield of Light, this Sun Shield of Light that activates
around the Solar Grid and now the planetary Unity Grid of Divine Love linking all life into
this matrix of crystalline Christ Consciousness, of Solar Christ Consciousness, amplified
through the Equinox energies, the energy of the Sun, the energy of Light, the energy of
Home, the knowing that you are all One as you now bring a focus to the third level of the I
AM Avatar Blueprint. At this level, sweet ones, you are indeed experiencing the increased
Light frequencies and coming deeper into the knowing that you are here in Service in
Love. As the sub-atomic particles activate into the original divine eight-cell blueprint and
into the DNA in greater levels of remembrance, you become a receiver and transmitter of
the Light frequencies ~ these miniature vortexes are now created at a cellular level
allowing you both to send your light multi-dimensionally and to receive the Light
frequencies from the higher dimensional Fields of Light, deeper into the starlight
streaming recalibration of the Antarian gateway, deeper into Zero Point as you now affirm:

“In the creation of the third level of my I AM Avatar Blueprint, I draw upon the
Sun and Solar core, in the creation of my Solar crystalline Body of Light, my multi-
dimensional Body of Light. I draw to me greater levels of manifestation and
magnetization, in the creation and grounding and anchoring of my service work. As
the DNA starts to activate into a greater level of remembrance and knowing I draw
upon the Christed timelines of my highest potential as I now merge with my fourth
dimensional self, as I now experience the next level of my soul’s blossoming,
magnificence and light activated now through the Petal of the Knowing Heart.”


Good. And now, sweet ones, you bring a focus to the Petal of the Trusting Heart as this
now activates through the Christed Heart.

As this occurs now as you deepen further into trust and surrender, as you take this leap of
faith. You have a sense now of the cerebral-spinal fluids connecting through the spine and
brain as you further start to experience the kundalini activation through the lower chakras

and into the heart chakra and in particular into the Petal of the Trusting Heart. This
kundalini energy activates from the base chakra, the sacral, into the solar plexus, the
heart and now the throat, the third eye and the crown chakra. As this activates through
the third eye and crown chakra increased ascension symptoms may temporarily occur, as
the etheric psychic surgeons come forward now and assist in this recalibration of the
ascension symptoms and lower bodies. At the same time, sweet ones, you activate a
deeper level of your intuitive gifts through the Christed timelines, of intuition and
empathy, telepathy and clairvoyance.


You now affirm: “Through the Petal of the Trusting Heart I step deeper into the
trusting and surrendering of my Service in Love, and trusting and surrendering to
the Divine. As the kundalini energy activates and the cerebral-spinal fluid
recalibrates the left and right hemispheres of my brain, the pituitary, pineal,
hypothalamus and thalamus glands, I experience a deeper sense of my heart’s
dreaming in manifestation, magnetization, in trust and surrender. I am clearing
and releasing all that no longer serves me in this Now, in the recalibration of my
lower bodies as I experience this Antarian Starlight Streaming Recalibration taking
me into the memory and knowing of my service work; taking me into the memory
and reconnection to Mother/Father God.”


And now, sweet ones, you bring a focus to the fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet above the
crown chakra as you are wrapped in this beautiful silver Flame of Light. As this portal
opens and activates it creates a beautiful silver Sphere of Light 7.2 ft in diameter around
your body; and within this Now, sweet one, you deepen into the New Earth Templates and
geometries along the Path of Divine Love. Merging now with many of your Christed ET
selves, multi-dimensional selves, as they exist on these various planets and stars ~ merging
now with your Pleiadian multi-dimensional self or master guide, your Sirian multi-
dimensional self or master guide, your Arcturian multi-dimensional self or master guide,
your Antarian multi-dimensional self or master guide, your Andromedan multi-dimensional
self or master guide, your Venusian multi-dimensional self or master guide, your Alpha
Centaurian multi-dimensional self or master guide, your Lyran multi-dimensional self or
master guide, your Maldekian multi-dimensional self or master guide, your Melchizedek
Brotherhood of the Light master guide or multi-dimensional self and all other multi-
dimensional selves that are attracted to you now as you step deeper and deeper now into

these Unified Fields of Light. Experiencing this interstellar Unity Grid of Divine Love,
connecting into the Pleiades, connecting into the many stars within this solar system and
as you experience a deeper sense of this expansiveness you start to see too, sweet ones,
the multi-dimensional axiatonal lines as they too start to activate, around and through the
body taking you into deeper levels of the expression of the Powerful and Loving Heart, of
the ability to heal, rejuvenate and regenerate the physical body.


At this fifth level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint, sweet ones, you are deepening into a sense
of non-linear time, as the karmic and Christed timelines start to merge as you experience
the activation of the Petal of the Powerful Heart. You are moving deeper and deeper into
the synchronicities within your everyday life, experiencing now the Three-fold Flame of
Power, Love and Wisdom activating through the heart chakra, and now through each one
of the chakras amplified through the photonic Light Frequencies in this Third Wave of
collective consciousness. This is also a time, sweet ones, that old relationships that are no
longer serving you are being released, as you move deeper into forgiveness and letting go
of blame and deeper into self-love, self-nurturing, self-appreciation and non-judgment of
self and others. You now affirm to yourself:

“As I experience this Fifth Level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, I move
deeper into the knowing of myself as Love in my ability to forgive, to let go of
blame and to honor every single experience I have had, to know myself as Love.
Where I am now, I no longer need to experience the reflection of others in my
Christed heart and through my Powerful Heart, I stand with clear boundaries with
the wisdom, intuition and knowing of my beautiful gifts of Light that I offer to
this sacred Earth and all her life. I deepen into the synchronicities within my
everyday life and into the New Earth Blueprint and Templates of Light as I walk
the Path of Divine Love, co-creating Heaven on Earth.”


Good, sweet ones, and now you bring a focus to the Petal of the Intimate Heart, as this
now amplifies taking you into a greater level of the deepest expression of utterance of
your spiritual reality, of your ability to express your authentic self without fear, of the
knowing that you are divinely supported on the inner planes and that you are drawing to
you on this level the support of soul and star family and friends.

Having a sense of merging now with the soul cluster of these twelve soul rays of which you
are one, merging with your soul brothers and sisters and soulmates and twin-flame energy;
knowing, sweet ones, that the most intimate levels of soul connections in the expression
of truly being able to see you, appreciate you and understand you is being magnetized to
you through the Intimate Heart, through your ability to completely be your authentic and
loving self. You now affirm to yourself:

“As I deepen into the Petal of the Intimate Heart in this sixth level of the I AM
Avatar Blueprint, I draw upon the New Earth Templates and geometries of Light,
and I bring into my realities soul and star families and friends on this earthly level
in physical form that can assist me as I can them through our service work,
through our focus of this Reunion of Hearts and co-creating Heaven on Earth.
Crystalline regulators that have been placed within my etheric bodies until I was
ready to re-experience the memory of this Reunion of Hearts are now being
released. These crystalline regulators can be seen as small crystals imbedded
within the etheric body. These were placed, with my permission at a Higher Light
level, within the etheric body so that I may experience the karmic timelines as
part as my soul contract to understand the full range of the human emotion ~ and
I have walked this path now and found my way home and within my Intimate Heart
I now align at the deepest levels of my Beingness to my soul and star family and to
the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God through the overlighting of my Beloved I
AM Presence.”


Good. And now sweet ones, you bring a focus to a sixth dimensional portal of light 2.4 feet
above the crown chakra, and as this portal of light activates now you are wrapped in this
silver-gold Flame of Light through the Overlighting in particular of the Sirian Archangelic
League of the Light. This beautiful multi-dimensional Body of Light activates 10.8 feet in
diameter around you, and as this occurs you link into the sixth dimensional fields of Light
within the Unity Grid of Light. You are starting to experience, sweet ones, a deeper sense
of the infinite eternal Now as you create the Bodies of Light, and your multi-dimensional
Bodies of Light. You are moving deeper and deeper into Source Light, deeper into the
Divine Eternal Light and Patterns of Perfection through this connection and integration at
this level to your Higher Self of the Light, seeing the Divine within yourself and the Divine
within all life.


And now, sweet ones, you bring a focus to the Petal of the Passionate Heart. As you
activate the Petal of the Passionate Heart you experience the seventh level of the I AM
Avatar Blueprint.

At this level the heart chakra is opening now deeper into the soul matrix and more deeply,
sweet ones, into self-love, self-appreciation and non-judgment of self and others. It is
also at this level that you experience a deep release of the betrayals and wounds and grief
and hurts and victim and persecutor consciousness that you have experienced along the
karmic timeline. With your Master Guides you take yourself deeper now into the timelines
in which you experienced these hurts and betrayals. With your Master Guides and Guardian
Angels, sweet ones, you travel the karmic timelines to those moments in which you wish
to re-experience a new reality. You see in your mind’s eye and through your Christed Heart
how each one of these events has affected you, and as you look through your Master Eyes
you see how each one of these events has brought you to this Now moment. And as you
wrap yourselves in this beautiful silver-gold Flame of Light, you send healing and love to
that aspect of yourself that is still in pain or that has experienced any level of perceived
trauma or betrayal, heartache or grief. You just love these younger aspects of yourself,
sweet ones. And send now this beautiful healing energy though the silver-gold Flame of
Light, and further through this beautiful Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration
frequency, into these aspects of yourself to lift them in a greater level of Christ
Consciousness, forgiveness and understanding.


Good. You now wrap each one of these sub-personalities aspects or younger selves in this
magnificent pink and emerald green Flame of Light, knowing that this journey for these
aspects of yourself has already being experienced through the Christed timelines and
through your Love, and through your courage, as you now affirm:

“Through my Passionate Heart I experience a great level of passion within my life

~ of enthusiasm, of trust, of knowing ~ as I walk the Path of Divine Love in the
knowing that I am indeed this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love. As I come
deeper into self-love and non-judgment of self and others, I call upon the psychic
surgeons to assist me in loving these sub-personalities aspects and younger aspects
of myself that have experienced wounds and betrayals and broken hearts. I am
experiencing now a deeper level of alignment to the Divine, as the pineal gland in
particular experiences now this major recalibration; shifting in angle and

frequency to receive these Cosmic Light Rays and to receive this Antarian Starlight
Streaming Recalibration.

This further lifts the Veils of Illusion as I travel beyond the ring-passeth-nots
looking through my Master Eyes in the knowing that every experience I have had
has brought me to this Now and this moment, where I am Divine Love, where I am
All That I Am”.


And now, sweet ones, you experience the eighth level of the I AM Avatar Consciousness of
Light; as these changes continue to occur through the pineal gland and now the pituitary
gland, as you step deeper into your ESP gifts, you bring a focus now to these triangular
seed crystals within the third eye, as the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light bring in
these beautiful sacred geometries of light in sound and color through the Patterns of
Perfection. These triangular seed crystals, sweet ones, deepen you into the knowing of
insight and understanding, of illumination and knowing. They show you the maps that you
have created through your own pre-birth agreements; and as they amplify and activate
now, you further link into the Recorder Crystals in the right side of brain to deepen your
service work and memory of your soul and star family, of your heart’s dreaming and
heart’s joy. You are moving deeper into this observational awareness of the changes you
wish to still make within your life, sweet ones. And as you experience now these beautiful
third eye geometries and scrolls of light, an arc of light is created from crown chakra to
the third eye, and with this comes, sweet ones, the deepest levels of the knowing of your
star seeded heritage and highest potential, activated through the Petal of the Overflowing
and Prosperous Heart.


You now affirm to yourself: “Through the Petal of my Overflowing and Prosperous
Heart, as I deepen into the abundance of the universe, as I draw to me all that I
need for my service work, financially, emotionally, and through the support on the
inner and outer planes ~ I further come into a deeper level of my ESP gifts,
walking the Path of Divine Love, and embracing all those around me as my energy
field continues to expand in the creation of my multi-dimensional Bodies of Light,
in the knowing of how I am affecting and creating change upon this sacred Earth.
As I experience the triangular seed crystals in the third eye and the Recorder
Crystals in the right side of the brain into deeper levels of the creative expression
of the my heart’s dreaming and joy, at this level, I know that I am able to ground
my service work, I know that I am able to be divinely and inspired, in insight and
understanding in knowing, in Illumination through the mind of God.”


And now, sweet ones, you bring a focus to the seventh dimensional portal of light 3 feet
above the crown chakra linking you now into the seventh dimensional field of Christ
Consciousness, of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, as you are wrapped in this beautiful
golden-white Flame of Light. You are connecting at this level to the Andromedan
Intergalactic Beings of the Light, into greater levels of expansion and into greater levels of
the merging of the Divine Masculine spirits in harmony, reunion and balance with the
Divine Feminine energies of Light. Within the seventh dimensional levels, sweet ones, your
chakras are starting to merge in one Unified Field of Light. As your energy field now
expands 12 feet in diameter around you, you are linking now to a deeper level of the
Councils of Light that you are working with on the inner and outer planes for your service
work, and experiencing now the celestial and sonic vibrations of the Realms of Illumined
Truth and Patterns of Perfection. As this beautiful gold-white Flame of Light continues to
expand, it links you into this inter-galactic level of Christ Consciousness, into Metatronic
Consciousness, and into the experience too, of the Atomic Accelerator. The Atomic
Accelerator, sweet ones, brought in by the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light,
splits the sub-atomic particles within the body into even smaller particles of Light with an
increased spin, as the radiance of your I AM Avatar Blueprint expands now into a greater
expression of yourselves in self-mastery. The chakras now are starting to merge in one
unified Column of Light in the knowing that you are a Master Initiate of Light.


At this ninth dimensional level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint, sweet ones, you now have a
sense of the full merging and integration of the multi-dimensional Light Body, linking
briefly now to the eighth dimensional portal 5.4 feet above the crown chakra, bringing in
this beautiful platinum sphere of Light around the body and energy field. And now as the
energy field expands 16.8 feet in diameter around you, you have a sense of the activation
of the full 12 strand DNA; and lastly experiencing this ninth dimensional Diamond sphere
of Light. As the ninth dimensional portal activates 24 feet above the crown chakra it brings
in the ninth dimensional Body of Light 54 feet in diameter around you, at this stage
imprinted, sweet ones, with the Flower of Life and the knowing of yourselves as
Melchizedek Initiates of Light. And as you hold this now, as you move deeper into the
seventh dimensional fields of Light and the experience of this ninth level of your I AM

Avatar Blueprint, you release any lesser than and better than consciousness, as you
activate the Petal of the Integrity and Truth, as the Warriors of Light, as the spiritual
transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

You experience the greatest level of the utterance of your expression of Universal Truth, in
observational awareness and understanding, sweet ones. You release any level of
comparing yourself to others, coming deeper into the knowing of your unique vibration
and frequency, immeasurable and incomparable to others.


Good. And now you affirm: “As I activate the Petal of Integrity, Freedom and
Truth I experience this deepest reconnection to my Beloved I AM Presence I have
yet to experience. As my chakras now experience this unification of Divine Love
and Unity Consciousness, as my physical body changes shape to ground and anchor
my hearts dreaming, and to anchor God’s infinite perfection through the Unity
Grid of Divine Love and through the I AM Avatar Consciousness, I link into all life
on this sacred Earth. Through my Love, through my Light, and through my energy I
assist in lifting the Consciousness of All Life. I release any level of compromise
that I have experienced at this time ~ I no longer need to compromise, to defend,
to justify, as I look through my Master Eyes at all of life around me”.


Good, sweet ones. And now you bring a focus to a Portal of Light 5.4 feet above the crown
chakra. This eighth dimensional portal activates now as you are wrapped in this beautiful
platinum Flame of Light, in the Overlighting in particular of Lord Melchizedek and the
Brotherhood of the Light. As your energy field now expands into this sphere of Light, 16.8
feet in diameter around you, you have a sense of all the Christed timelines merging into
this Now through your multi-dimensional selves ~ through the Golden Ages you have
experienced on this sacred earth and other timelines, through ancient Egypt, and Atlantis,
Lemuria, the Mayan and Aztec cultures, and also sweet ones, through these multi-
dimensional timelines on different planets and stars. At this level you are not only an
Initiate of Light, but as you deepen into the connection to the Councils of Light on the
inner planes, to the Illumined Beings that are connected to your soul and star family and
that are assisting you through your service work, and you have a deeper sense of knowing
that you are indeed the spiritual teacher, this way-shower on this sacred Earth. As the
geometries start to activate, sweet ones, as you start to experience all the new
geometries of Light, and a deeper sense of the infinite eternal Now through this Antarian
portal of light at this tenth level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint, the DNA activates now as
you experience the Innocent and Open Heart and a deeper sense of the knowing of your
Divinity, Innocence and Purity.


You now affirm: “As I experience this tenth level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint of
Light I enter into my Innocent and Open Heart, into the knowing of my Innocence,
into the knowing of my Divinity. My Lightbody/Merkaba Field of Light is starting
to activate, as the geometries of Light from the New Earth Templates are being
created within each one of my multi-dimensional bodies. I am able to travel in
soul consciousness through the ring-passeth-nots, knowing I have the ability to
travel too in my activate Lightbody/Merkaba Field as I link now to all the way-
showers and star-seeded ones on this sacred Earth in Divine Inspiration, in
innocence and purity. I experience a deepening sense of the I AM Avatar
Consciousness, I experience a deepening sense of the Beloved I AM Presence of All
Life on the sacred Earth.”


The Brotherhood of the Light and Lord Melchizedek come forward sweet ones, to let you
know that they honor you for all the challenges that you have chosen to experience on this
sacred Earth, to know yourselves as Love, for these are indeed Initiations of Light. And
where you are now, sweet ones, in the illumination of your multi-dimensional Light Bodies
dimensionally and in the creation of your I AM Avatar Blueprint there is a deep sense of
knowing so many of the hidden mysteries and teachings through the Left and Right Eye of
Horus. You surrender to this process of knowing, as the DNA activates now for you, the
timelines of being a Melchizedek Initiate of Light.


And lastly now, sweet ones, you experience the ninth dimensional sphere of Light. As you
bring a focus to a ninth dimensional portal 24 feet above the crown chakra you bring in
this beautiful Diamond sphere and within this the Flower of Life. This imprinting of the
Flower of Life as a holographic image is now imbedded through each one of 12 chakras,
sweet ones. The chakras are fully aligned as One Cosmic Unified Field of Light, as you
have a sense of now of traveling through this Portal of Light, through the Alpha and Omega
portal into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. You are Home, sweet ones, as you

now hear the chants of Kadoish Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai T’sebayoth ~ Holy, Holy Holy Is
The Lord God of Hosts.

You now bring a focus to the eleventh level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint, connecting
deeper now into the Petal of the Loving Heart, as you activate the axiatonal lines along
the acupuncture meridian lines through these spin points of sound and color.

This allows for these sonic frequencies of Light, these color frequencies of Light, to bring
about the healing of the physical body, of the organs and the body parts, lifting you into
the immortal aspects of yourselves, sweet ones, as you now experience the activation of
the two immortal chromosomes.


You now affirm to yourself: “I AM Home, I AM Home. Through the Petal of my

Loving Heart I move deeper into the Infinite Eternal Now moment and the ability
to rejuvenate and regenerate my physical body, my organs and body parts through
the spin points of sound and color frequencies. As these immortal chromosomes
activate I have the choice to remain in my physical form in this body using my
body, and experiencing my immortal I AM Avatar Blueprint. This focus on this
ascension process gives me the opportunity to experience my body as my Garment
of Light.”


I am in the full flow of my service work ~ I am grounded and centered and firmly
in my body, able to magnetize and manifest and bring into my reality all that I
need, looking through my Masters Eyes at all of life around me, Knowing that I Am
Love, I Am Love”.

And now sweet ones, you experience the last level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint, this
twelfth level. As you deepen into this twelfth level ~ of Knowing that you are indeed this
awakened conscious, Christ Conscious Being of Light working with the Ascended Masters
and Councils of Light on the inner planes, you have a sense now of connecting to other
Twelfth Level Initiates of Light energetically and physically, so that all life may know
themselves as Love. This activates from within the Christed Heart Petal of the Peaceful
Heart and as you move into this Peaceful Heart you have a sense of the peace and
harmony experienced within your life, of the focus that is simply in the flow of Divine
Love, of the support that you are given on any level of your Beingness at any time it is
needed from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
The full activation and memory of Oneness and Unity Consciousness is now experienced
within this twelfth level of the I AM Avatar Blueprint, sweet ones. And in this Reunion of
Hearts the Flower of Life expands into the Fruit of Life.


Each of these spheres brings through a level of these Blueprints of Light, of the I AM Avatar
Blueprint. And with this now, sweet ones, you merge into this thirteenth sphere, this
Central Sphere of Light, to this essence of Oneness, of Love, through the Christed Heart.


As the platonic solids now activate ~ the sphere, the cube, the tetrahedron, the star
tetrahedron, the icosahedron, the dodecahedron ~ within Metatron’s Cube these
geometries activate at the appropriate dimensional levels of your multi-dimensional Light
Bodies. While these geometries activate at each dimensional level, there is an
amplification or focus on one or more of these geometries at each dimensional level, and
as you bring a focus for a moment now to your eighth dimensional Lightbody you
experience the activation of the dodecahedron within this beautiful sphere of Light 16.8
feet in diameter around you. As you bring a focus now to your seventh dimensional Light
Body you experience the anchoring and activating of the icosahedron in this beautiful
sphere of Light 12 feet in diameter around you. You bring a focus now to your sixth
dimensional Light Body experiencing the anchoring and activating of the star tetrahedron
in a silver-gold sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around you. And now to your fifth
dimensional Light Body experiencing the anchoring and activating of the octahedron in this
beautiful silver sphere of Light 7.2 feet in diameter around you. Through your fourth
dimensional Light Body 6.04 feet in diameter around you, you experience the activation of
the cube. And through your third dimensional Light Body six feet in diameter around you,
you experience the activation of the sphere. And as these geometries are now upgraded
and experienced through the Equinox Energy for all life on this sacred Earth and through
the Unity Grid and through all the Grids of Light, sweet ones, this recalibration of these
geometric matrices activates through your multi-dimensional Bodies and at a cellular
level, and to deepen this experience we speak in the lovely Language of Light:


Good. And now, sweet ones, you experience yourselves back in your sacred space
visualizing now your own vortex Portal of Light activating in this beautiful torus shape
within the Fruit of Life. These multi-dimensional Light Bodies are experiencing now the

full activation of this Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration, the sense and knowing
and experience that All Is One, as it amplifies now through this Torus Vortex of Light. As
you ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth while keeping this connection open to
all these Illumined Beings of Light from On High, know that this powerful energetic
transmission is being experienced by all life at a Higher Light level, sweet ones, and the
changes that you wish to make individually are upon you in this sacred month of

We bless you and we thank you for your service work. And with this we bid you a most
magical day.


Transcribed by Zulma

Edited by Eadie Miller

Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network


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