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If a team shows up with 6 players:

1st and 2nd round picks cannot play full 4 quarters. If the 1st or 2nd round pick is missing, another
player will be selected to be restricted to not play whole game. This is up to opposing coach’s
digression of the selection of the 2nd player in absence of opposing team 1st or 2nd round pick.
The opposing coach has the right to give the coach missing their 1st or 2nd round pick authority
to choose who they do not play the whole game in addition to the 1st or 2nd rounder presently
at game.

Teams with 7 versus teams with 5 or 6

6 player rule (1st and 2nd round cannot play whole game) in effect for team with 6 players.
Teams who are playing a team with 6 or 5 do not have the option to play two players the whole
game. The main reason why is eliminating quarters for players on team. For example: refer to 6
players play 3, 1 play 2. Every player plays a quarter of each half. If a team with seven got to
play two players the whole game, it makes the playing time requirement in the league
The argument that the opposing team with 6 players playing with their best two players the
whole game, and therefore they should too, is invalid with our 6 player rule discussed at the
draft meeting. The opposing team with 6 players will not have their two best players playing
whole game with agreed rule, and if 1st or 2nd round player missing, opposing coach and the
coach of the team with 6 can collaborate on the 2nd player who cannot play whole game if need
For teams with five- the opposing team playing two players the whole game argument is also
invalid. In this instance, please note: this league is for the players to have an enjoyable and fair
experience. We have discussed this in our previous meeting. I would like coaches to understand
that a team playing with 5 players is facing an uphill battle in dealing with stamina. For coaches
who have the argument that “teams will just show up with five players”- I would like you to
eliminate that mentality. The high school division has ten coaches who I believe can hold
themselves to a respectable standard and not tell any player to stay home so their team can
have 5 players. Some coaches are referring to an incident years ago- let’s focus on fixing this
stigma problem. I understand and appreciate competitive spirit, but in the end, as I said,
coaches need to be respectful of each other and collaborate together.
I would like to give you a case study. Last season, a team in the championship game faced the
possibility of only playing with 4 players. The opposing coach declined to play the following
week, which was an option, and they had every right to do so. The team in question was
prepared to play with 4 players. The team was able to get a fifth player when one player’s
church retreat came back earlier in the day, so the team got to play with five players. The
opposing team could not play their two best players the whole game, and their opponent, who
up to Friday night before the Championship were going to play with only 4 players, were able to
play a fair, competitive 5 vs 5 game.
I bring this up because it’s important to realize it comes down to having a full team being able
to play. Playing with 4 is a disadvantage, yes, and playing a 5 vs 5 full game is the ultimate goal
for all games each week. The players get more out of it and don’t get discouraged. And again-
this is what the league comes down to- for the players to have a positive, competitive and
potential uplifting experience.

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