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Union of Lords’

The constitution as approved by

the council of the 28th October
We, the sole union of justice and peace for the Kingdoms, in all order thereof,
are abiding by the principles of peace and unity for the unity everlasting and
cooperation thereof sake.

1. That the Constitution per se should abide by its principles and therefore
should be the core of the constitution
a. Unity, Justice, Peace, Charity and Friendship
2. The rulers of the kingdom shall be the sole representative of the
kingdom lest the ruler assigns a trustee in case of one’s absence.
3. Royal marriages are permitted and can be dissolved into a kingdom or
united as long as the marital union does not violate the principles and
the constitution per se.
4. The rights of every resident living on the dominions encompassing the
Union of Lords are to be respected ; if, in accordance with the culture
of that Kingdom, such action is illegal or has been declared illegal by
edict and law, then such action should be illegal
5. The press is free to roam and establish in the Union of Lords so as long
as it does not violate the laws of a kingdom or entity.
a. In private meetings, strict permission is required from a trustee,
ruler representing a kingdom, to make the press access.
b. In public meetings, the press should know their boundaries.
c. Assigned press members by the respective kingdoms and entities
inside the Union of Lords are free to roam as long as they do not
violate the laws and the constitution and the rights of the rulers.
d. The press should not intervene in any meetings unpermitted to be
filmed, recorded or essayed
6. The Entity of human life is important. therefore, whoever bygones a
life and from the kingdom it belongs to
a. In Times of war, it is legal to take an enemy PoW and if the PoW
attacked, it shall be executed in terms of defence
b. All processes of execution shall therefore be avoided as much as
possible and should undergo all processes of law
c. Expulsion and immense defamation are the styles of “execution”
7. As a Union, the union should persist and in all causes, should be
together in times of war and diplomacy in times of peace
8. The Union Secretary General should be unanimously elected by both
trustees and rulers.
a. That the Union Secretary-General should not be rulers nor trustee
9. The responsibilities of the Secretary General are as follows:
a. Responsible in order at the union hall
b. Representative in diplomacy
c. take minutes of the meeting and jot down the proposed law
suggested by each member.
10. Each member should have a representative as editor on the main
a. The official page is

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