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IRS Provision Explained & Asset Protection

Private Workshop
Presented by: Eugene Dayton Pringle, Jr.
Understanding IRS Codes-Regulations-Court
Decisions-Methods of Asset Protection
June 10 & 11, 2017
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Brookside Inn & Suites
2020 Leigh Way, White City, Oregon 97503
541-826-0800 for room reservations.

Must Pre-Register $350 Before June

5, 2017
Pay at the Door $500
Why Should I Attend
Are you a “wage earner” under 26 U.S.C. §3401(a), or are your earnings
“excepted” under the numbered paragraphs of 3401(a)? You will learn the
truth and have the absolute proof needed to obtain a refund of the previous
three (3) years of “income tax withheld” and stop your “employer” from
“withholding” from future earnings.
You Must be “Liable” for the “tax”, Demand is Not Enough!
“For a levy to be statutorily authorized in the circumstances here, two conditions must be
fulfilled, first, a 10-day notice of intent to levy must have issued. See 26 U.S.C. § 6331(a).
Terry ascertained that this had been done. Second, the taxpayer must be liable for the tax. Id.
The tax liability is a condition precedent to the demand. Merely demanding payment, even
repeatedly, does not cause liability.” Bothke v. Fluor Engineers and Constructors, Inc., 713
F.2d 1405(1983). No proof of liability - No punishment for failure to comply!!!!
You owe it to yourself to find out the Truth!
See Reverse For Details Email: Office (541) 226-9287
Uncommon Consultant, LLC
June 10 & 11, 2017 - SEMINAR
Data Drive of Seminar Provided - Must Register and be FULLY PAID
ten (10) days prior to seminar - NO EXCEPTIONS.

Full Given Name:

City & State:
Phone: .
Cell: .
Paid by: Approved by:
Referred by: Indicate you were referred by TJ Marrs and - for this
. event or for Gene's services
Mail Registration Form & Check or Money Order to:
Uncommon Consultant, LLC
1630 Williams Hwy., PMB 168, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527 Email: Office (541) 226-9287
The primary purpose of “Asset Protection” is to shield your “assets” from
the reach of those who did not earn them. There is much confusion
regarding the concept of “own nothing - control everything”. By learning
the different types of “entities” and how they function, you will quickly
understand the key component of “protection” is “control”. When you are
in control it matters not who or what is the “owner”. In a “litigious” society
ownership is a dangerous adventure. On the other hand, “control” gives
you both peace of mind and reward with little risk.
Reserve Your Place Today

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