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University College London Hospitals University College London Hospitals

NHS Foundation Trust NHS Foundation Trust

At UCLH we are well known for the quality of

our clinical outcomes and research. We share an
ambition to be equally as well known for the
experience our patients and staff have, in being
Our values, behaviours and standards
cared for and working here. How we serve patients and their families, and how we are with
Over a thousand members of staff and patients colleagues in the Trust and beyond.
have been involved in developing our new
values. These will guide everything we do, how
we make our decisions, and how we are with
patients and with each other.
The links between improved staff experience
and better patient experience are clear. As is the
evidence that shows a better patient experience
contributes to safer patient care and better
outcomes. By living up to our values everyday,
together we can make this happen.

Sir Robert Naylor

Chief Executive

Innovate and research

Develop through learning We strive to keep improving
Courage to give and receive feedback
Efficient and simplified

Respect everyone’s time

Work in partnership We achieve through teamwork
Explain and involve
Listen and hear

Protect your dignity

Attentive and helpful
we would want for a loved one
Friendly and courteous We offer you the kindness
Respect individuals

Take personal responsibility

Reassuringly professional
and wellbeing above everything
Keep people safe We put your safety
Deliver the best outcomes
We put your safety and wellbeing above everything We offer you the kindness we would want for a loved one
Love to see Expect to see Don’t want to see Love to see Expect to see Don’t want to see

Tolerates or engages in practice that

Promotes / uses recognised best Is insensitive to the needs /

Inspires others to follow best practice. is not consistent with clinical and Thinks the best of people. Treats

practice (e.g. evidence-based) to ensure

the best

Overcomes constraints to meet preferences of others; makes


Safely finds better ways to deliver non-clinical best practice. Sometimes people as valued individuals; is
consistent, predictable physical and
services. Influences team around them to prioritises “internal” or other activities individuals’ needs; always maintains inappropriate generalisations
make patient and colleague physical and
emotional outcomes. Ensures patient
ahead of activities that would most open to different views and ways
and colleague outcomes are prioritised in sensitivity and patience. about other people; is dismissive
psychological outcomes a priority. benefit patient clinical and non-clinical of doing things.
their day to day work. of different views / cultures.
Known for promoting vigilance for safety

Friendly and
(of patients and staff). Develops and Follows safe procedures in clinical and Cuts corners and demonstrates a lack Remembers people’s names, Ignores or avoids people;

Makes eye contact, smiles if

faces or facts to ‘personalise’ demonstrates rude, aggressive


implements safer practices and reduces non-clinical decision-making. Recognises of attention to detail. Does not give due

appropriate; always introduces

risk. Encourages others to make safety when things are going wrong and acts/ consideration to the safety of patients service; makes others feel special or impolite behaviour; is
themselves and their role and
a priority. Creates an environment where escalates. Learns from mistakes. and colleagues. and individual. Intervenes when inappropriately distant or
others learn from mistakes. asks permission.
others do not do this. over-familiar.

Is a role model for upholding the Personally acts in a manner that upholds Is unaware of the impact of their words

Attentive and
reputation of the entire UCLH team the Trust as a place in which patients and actions on patients and colleagues.
around them in all that they say and and staff can have confidence. Remains Criticises colleagues in front of others. Keeps eyes open for people
Goes the extra mile, putting

do. Instills confidence in colleagues calm and in control under pressure. Passes on personal stress to others. who need help and takes action to Avoids patients or colleagues
themselves out for the benefit
and patients with a consistently positive Engages with colleagues and patients to Does not pay attention to patients or help them or to find someone else who need help.
attitude. proactively identify and resolve concerns. colleagues. of others.
who can.
Positively influences beyond area of
Take personal

defined responsibility to make the

Avoids responsibility. Can be inflexible.

Protect your
experience of patients and colleagues Creates an environment of privacy Demonstrates awareness of
Doesn’t ‘let the ball drop’ - sees things Resists others’ effort passively - unable Demonstrates thoughtlessness or

better without undermining others in the
through, keeps promises, is accountable to constructively help move past conflict. and dignity and is an active vulnerability; protects privacy; and
organisation. Teaches others through
for their own performance and actions. Looks for excuses and undermines a lack of awareness of others’
their actions and words about the advocate for the vulnerable, both treats others as equals. Intervenes
others. needs and feelings.
importance of staying accountable for patients and colleagues. when others do not.
performance and actions.

We achieve through teamwork We strive to keep improving

Love to see Expect to see Don’t want to see Love to see Expect to see Don’t want to see

Proactively seeks and acts on

Courage to give
Listens to others, expresses an Fails to listen or try to understand feedback from patients, families Rejects or is dismissive of
and hear

and receive
Motivates others by making people Offers, welcomes and acts on

interest in what others have to others’ views – talks over people and colleagues to help improve constructive feedback, and is
feel their views are welcomed and appreciative and constructive
say and engages with their points and doesn’t allow them to express their service. Is skilled in giving reluctant to offer feedback or
valued. feedback; says ‘thank you’ and
of view. their opinion. and receiving feedback to praise to others. Uses their status
‘well done’ to others.
colleagues at all levels. Teaches to block feedback.
others to do likewise.
Explain and

Adjusts their communication style Uses clear language and checks Makes little effort to explain; fails

depending on who they talking understanding; explains what to adjust language to audience

Efficient and
Cooperates and works with Fails to recognise the need for
Leads change for the better,

with; goes out of their way to keep is happening and what is going and situation; creates anxiety others to change for the better - change for the better; shows little
people informed. to happen. or confusion. influencing others and sticking
developing creative solutions to interest in alternative approaches;
with the problem until a solution
improve quality and efficiency within resists change or finds excuses not
is reached.
Builds relationships and partnership Puts own needs before others; fails safe parameters. to try new approaches.
Puts the team above local interests

working with patients and to share information; and expects

Work in

– demonstrates commitment to
colleagues inside and outside others to adapt to accommodate
shared objectives; collaborates Is creative in making and taking


UCLH; inspires teams to achieve them inappropriately. Puts up Takes accountability for their
positively with colleagues; and challenging opportunities Lack of interest in the value of
more together than could be barriers to working outside team own performance and seeks out
contributes honestly to discussions. for learning development for learning for themselves or others.
achieved alone. or organisation. opportunities to learn and improve.
themselves and others.
everyone’s time

Maintains responsiveness under

Sets unrealistic expectations,
Innovate and

pressure of competing priorities; Sets clear, realistic expectations;


failing to manage time effectively, Understands research disciplines Seeks out new ideas, assists Shows little interest in improvement,

and proactively seeks to reduce does what they have committed to

uses busyness as an excuse for and Identifies opportunities to development of learning through or the opportunity to apply new
waits and delays, clearly explaining do; is punctual and values other
persistent lateness and failing to build learning to improve service research and helps put findings ideas or research to improve
progress. Influences others to people’s time.
be prepared. through research. into practice. aspects of their role.
respect others’ time.

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