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How To Create Your Own Ethereum

Token In An Hour (ERC20 + Verified)
maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) in ethereum
(/trending/ethereum) • 10 months ago

As part of my own education process, I wanted to create my own Ethereum

token that would be viable to sell on an exchange. ICOs are all the rage
these days, and I see them as a valuable avenue to raising funds for
important projects in the world.

Thus The Most Private Coin Ever was born.

Since I’ve launched the coin, I’ve gotten a lot of messages from people
asking me how they can do the same. They’ve wanted to create their own
token for fun, to learn, or for a business that they’re starting…
…but they don’t know where to start.

The challenge with programming in Ethereum is that their aren’t a ton of

resources out there for how to do things. It’s still pretty new, with limited
documentation and Stack Overflow responses.

And so in this tutorial, I’m going to make it simple.

I’m going to show you how to create your own Ethereum Token in as little
as one hour, so you can use it for your own projects.

This token will be a standard ERC20 token, meaning you’ll set a fixed
amount to be created and won’t have any fancy rules. I'll also show you how
to get it verified so that it's uber legit.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Decide what you want your token to be

In order to create an ERC20 token, you need the following:

The Token’s Name

The Token’s Symbol
The Token’s Decimal Places
The Number of Tokens in Circulation

For The Most Private Coin Ever , I chose:

Name: The Most Private Coin Ever

Symbol: ???
Decimal Places: 0
Amount of Tokens in Circulation: 100,000

The decimal places is where things can get tricky. Most tokens have 18
decimal places, meaning that you can have up to .0000000000000000001
When creating the token, you’ll need to be aware of what decimal places
you’d like and how it fits into the larger picture of your project.

For me, I wanted to keep it simple and wanted people to either have a
token, or not. Nothing in between. So I chose 0. But you could choose 1 if
you wanted people to have half a token, or 18 if you wanted it to be

Step 2: Code the Contract

Here is a contract that you can essentially "Copy/Paste" to create your
ERC20 token. Shoutout to TokenFactory for the source code.

pragma solidity ^0.4.4;

contract Token {

/// @return total amount of tokens

function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply) {}

/// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be
/// @return The balance
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256
balance) {}

/// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender`

/// @param _to The address of the recipient
/// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool
success) {}

/// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the

condition it is approved by `_from`
/// @param _from The address of the sender
/// @param _to The address of the recipient
/// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _va
lue) returns (bool success) {}

/// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_addr` to spend `_value` t

/// @param _spender The address of the account able to transf
er the tokens
/// @param _value The amount of wei to be approved for transf
/// @return Whether the approval was successful or not
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (b
ool success) {}

/// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens

/// @param _spender The address of the account able to transf
er the tokens
/// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant
returns (uint256 remaining) {}

event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, ui

nt256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spend
er, uint256 _value);

contract StandardToken is Token {

function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool
success) {
//Default assumes totalSupply can't be over max (2^256 -
//If your token leaves out totalSupply and can issue more
tokens as time goes on, you need to check if it doesn't wrap.
//Replace the if with this one instead.
//if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _
value > balances[_to]) {
if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) {
balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
balances[_to] += _value;
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
} else { return false; }

function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _va

lue) returns (bool success) {
//same as above. Replace this line with the following if
you want to protect against wrapping uints.
//if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sen
der] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) {
if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sende
r] >= _value && _value > 0) {
balances[_to] += _value;
balances[_from] -= _value;
allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
} else { return false; }

function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256

balance) {
return balances[_owner];

function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (b

ool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;

function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant

returns (uint256 remaining) {
return allowed[_owner][_spender];

mapping (address => uint256) balances;

mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
uint256 public totalSupply;

//name this contract whatever you'd like

contract ERC20Token is StandardToken {

function () {
//if ether is sent to this address, send it back.

/* Public variables of the token */

The following variables are OPTIONAL vanities. One does not h
ave to include them.
They allow one to customise the token contract & in no way in
fluences the core functionality.
Some wallets/interfaces might not even bother to look at this
string public name; //fancy name: eg Simon
uint8 public decimals; //How many decimals to
show. ie. There could 1000 base units with 3 decimals. Meaning 0.
980 SBX = 980 base units. It's like comparing 1 wei to 1 ether.
string public symbol; //An identifier: eg SBX
string public version = 'H1.0'; //human 0.1 standard. J
ust an arbitrary versioning scheme.


//make sure this function name matches the contract name above. S
o if you're token is called TutorialToken, make sure the //contra
ct name above is also TutorialToken instead of ERC20Token

function ERC20Token(
) {
balances[msg.sender] = NUMBER_OF_TOKENS_HERE;
// Give the creator all initial tokens (100000 for example)
// Update total supply (100000 for example)
// Set the name for display purposes
decimals = 0; // Amount of dec
imals for display purposes
symbol = "SYM"; // Set the
symbol for display purposes
/* Approves and then calls the receiving contract */
function approveAndCall(address _spender, uint256 _value, byt
es _extraData) returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);

//call the receiveApproval function on the contract you w

ant to be notified. This crafts the function signature manually s
o one doesn't have to include a contract in here just for this.
//receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address
_tokenContract, bytes _extraData)
//it is assumed that when does this that the call *should
* succeed, otherwise one would use vanilla approve instead.
dress,uint256,address,bytes)"))), msg.sender, _value, this, _extr
aData)) { throw; }
return true;

Throw this into your favorite text editor (Sublime is my personal favorite).

You’re going to want to replace everything in the area where it says


So that means, change:

The token name

The token symbol (I'd go no more than 4 characters here)
The token decimal places
How much you as the owner want to start off with
The amount of tokens in circulation (to keep things basic, make this is
the same amount as the owner supply)

Some things to keep in mind:

1. The supply that you set for the token is correlated to the amount of
decimal places that you set.

For example, if you want a token that has 0 decimal places to have 100
tokens, then the supply would be 100.

But if you have a token with 18 decimal places and you want 100 of them,
then the supply would be 100000000000000000000 (18 zeros added to the

1. You set the amount of tokens you receive as the creator of the contract.

That’s what this line of code is:

balances[msg.sender] = NUMBER_OF_TOKENS_HERE;

Whatever you set here will be sent to the ETH wallet of wherever you
deploy the contract. We’ll get to that in a few.

But for now just set this equal to the supply so that you receive all the
tokens. If you’re wanting to be more advanced with the token logic, you
could set it with different rules, like different founders of your projects
would receive different amounts or something like that.

Once you have all the variables in, it’s now time to deploy it to the
blockchain and test it.

Step 3: Test The Token on The TestNet

Next we’re going to deploy the contract to the Test Net to see if it works. It
sucks to deploy a contract to the MainNet, pay for it, and then watch it fail.

I may have done that while creating my own token….so heed the warning.

First, if you don’t have it already, download MetaMask . They have an easy-
to-use interface to test this.
Once you’ve installed MetaMask, make sure that you’re logged in and setup
on the Ropsten test network. If you click in the top left where it says ‘Main
Ethereum Network’ you can change it to Ropsten.

To confirm, the top of your MetaMask window should look like this:

This Wallet is going to be the ‘Owner’ of the contract, so don’t lose this
wallet! If you’d like it not to be Metamask, you can use Mist or
MyEtherWallet to create contracts as well. I recommend using MM for
simplicity, and you can always export your private key to MyEtherWallet
for usage later.

Now head to the Solidity Remix Compiler - it’s an online compiler that
allows you to publish the Smart Contract straight to the blockchain.

Copy/Paste the source of the contract you just modified into the main
window. It'll look something like this:
Now, go to settings on the right and select the latest release compiler
version (NOT nightly), as well as unchecking ‘Enable Optimization’.

So it should look something like this:

Keep note of the current Solidity version in the compiler. We’ll need that
later to verify the contract source.

Now go back to the Contract tab and hit ‘Create’ under the name of the
Token function that you created.
So you’d hit ‘Create’ under ‘TutorialToken’.

What will happen is MetaMask will pop up asking you to hit ‘Submit’ to pay
for the transaction.

Remember, this is the Ropsten test net, so it’s not real Ether. You can double
check to make sure you’re on the test network in MetaMask before you hit
submit just to be sure.

When you hit Submit, it’ll say ‘Contract Pending’ in MetaMask. When it’s
ready, click the ‘Date’ and it’ll bring up the transaction in EtherScan. Like

If you click the date, it’ll bring up the following screen:

If this process worked, it’s now time to verify the source code.

If not, you’ll want to go back to the code and modify the source to get it to

I can’t say exactly what that’d look like, but this is where having a
“programmers mindset” comes in. A lot of time there’s unexpected bugs
that can’t be predicted until you just do it.

Step 3.5. Watch The Custom Token

Now let’s see if it actually created the tokens and sent them to me.

Copy the Contract Address that’s listed in the Transaction information (see
screenshot above).
In this case, for me, it’s 0x5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .

I’m going to add that to MetaMask ‘Tokens’ tab:

When I click the “+” button, I can paste it in there and it’ll automatically
insert the information of the token, like so:
Let’s hit ‘Add’.

Sweet! It says I have the 100 tokens that I created - it worked!

Now I can send those tokens, or sell them on a market if I decide to do so.
Boo ya!

Step 4. Verify the Source Code

This is going to be important for various reasons, mainly verifying the
validity of your token to the public.

It doesn’t technically matter, and your token will still be usable if you don’t
do it, but it’s good practice to verify it so people know that you’re not doing
anything shady.

When you’re on the Transaction screen from the previous step, click where
it says [Contract xxxxxx Created] in the To: field. That’s the Contract we just
Then click the ‘Contract Code’ tab.

Hit ‘Verify and Publish’. That’ll bring you to this screen:

Here’s where you NEED to have the right settings.

The Contract Address will already be filled in.

For Contract Name, make sure to put the name of the function that you
modified for your custom token. The default in the code I gave you is
ERC20Token, but if you renamed it, make sure you put that.

I renamed mine ‘TutorialToken’ for this tutorial, so I put that.

For Compiler, select the SAME compiler you used in the Solidity Compiler.
Otherwise you will not be able to verify your source code!

Make sure Optimization is disabled as well.

Then Copy/Paste the code from the compiler right into the Contract Code
field (the big one).

Hit submit.

If you did the steps right, you’ll get something like this:

That means it was verified. Woot!

If you go to the Contract address page, you’ll see that ‘Contract Source’ says
Yes and says that it’s Verified. Like this:

If not, double check your steps, or make a comment in this thread and we’ll
see what went wrong.

Step 5. Get it on The Main Net

Now that everything’s working, it’s time to deploy it on the MainNet and let
other people use it.

This part is simple.

Just do steps 3 & 4, but instead of being connected to the Ropsten Test
Network, you want to be connected to the MainNet. Make sure your
MetaMask account is in Mainnet mode.

You’ll need to fund your contract with real Ether to do this. This cost me
~$30 USD when I did this for The Most Private Coin Ever

Step 6. Get it Verified on Etherscan

This step is not required, but it adds to the validity of your token if you get it
verified by them.

You can see how my token is verified by how it has the logo and it doesn't
say "UNVERIFIED" next to it.

Click here to see what I mean

To do this you’ll need to go to the Etherscan Contact Us Page ) and send

them an e-mail with the following information:

1. Ensure that you token contract source code has been verified

2. Provide us with your Official Site URL:

3. Contract Address:

4. Link to download a 28x28png icon logo:

So yes, you'll need to have a website with a stated purpose of the token.

They’ll get back to you and let you know if they’ll verify it or not.
Remember, Etherscan is a centralized service so it's very possible that they
will not verify your token if they don't deem it worthy.
Congrats! & Next Steps
You now have a token on the ETH MainNet that other people can use. It's
now primed to be sent to others and received.

To buy and sell, you'll need to get your token listed on an exchange. But
that's a tutorial for another day :)

For now, enjoy your newly created (and personal) ERC20 & Verified
Ethereum Token!!

Follow me at @maxnachamkin (/@maxnachamkin) to get notified when

new tutorials and reports come out.

To freedom,



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10 months ago by maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) Reply 138

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olsonmino (25) (/@olsonmino) · 10 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Great info mate. :)

Even though this is pretty straightforward a video tutorial would be awesome to cover some more
advance stuff as well as how get the token listed on exchanges.
$ 0.18 12 votes Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 10 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Hey @olsonmino (/@olsonmino), I've thought about video tutorials for this but the challenge
comes with security of showing addresses, private keys, etc. Not sure how to handle that one
in a simple way in the video format yet.

Gotcha, appreciate the feedback and suggestions.

$ 0.00 6 votes Reply

romanticist (25) (/@romanticist) · 5 months ago [-]

· · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-
That's not a problem at all. Simply use a dummy address and private key. Anyway,
thanks for this tutorial. Although I would like to request a section where each and
every line on the pre-written code that needs to be changed is highlighted or
mentioned. I am trying to do my own token on a test net. For knowledge purposes.
$ 0.00 2 votes Reply

theguldenaries (39) (/@theguldenaries) · 7 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]

@maxnachamkim (/@maxnachamkim) thnks for sharing. I really appreciate that you did this for the
community. I hope to launch my own ERC20 token soon and this will definitely allow for that. Thanks a
million. When I launch I will make sure to send you some tokens
$ 0.07 3 votes Reply

guisepppe (31) (/@guisepppe) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]

· create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@guisepppe/re-theguldenaries-re-
can u send me too?thx
$ 0.00 Reply

tombola (25) (/@tombola) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

· your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@tombola/re-theguldenaries-re-
And me??? lol
$ 0.00 Reply

tinoschloegl (53) (/@tinoschloegl) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

That sounds funny.
$ 0.06 2 votes Reply

mikeslavin (25) (/@mikeslavin) · 10 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

I had no idea it was this straightforward. Thanks for your thorough explanation @MaxNachamkin
(/@maxnachamkin). is hilarious.
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 10 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
My pleasure @mikeslavin (/@mikeslavin). It's pretty straightforward for people that have
some sort of tech background. It's a basic token, but my hope is that it inspires people to
launch their own token and start projects.

Haha cheers ^_^

$ 0.00 Reply

solextin (33) (/@solextin) · 10 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Nice post bro....this is really helpful
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 10 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Happy to hear that @solextin (/@solextin)!
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

wekkel (50) (/@wekkel) · 10 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

It looks quite technical but alas, this should be doable for most people. $30 for creating the tokens is
not the worst either.

I made 'tokens' on the Byteball network (

create-your-own-tokens) which is a bit more straight forward but has a few issues. Devs need to solve
this before it is usable for Byteball users.

Anyway, good to see that knowledge is spread. I am already thinking about the possible applications
when you're able to create your own tokens on the spot.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 10 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-

Interesting. I haven't heard of Byteball, I'll take a look.

$ 0.00 Reply

maven360 (51) (/@maven360) · 10 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

I am curious to see if ICO's will evolve into a new form of GoFundMe campaigns. Appreciate the
tutorial, this is great!

How did you cover yourself from a legal perspective with The Most Private Coin Ever? What is to
prevent someone from buying into the coin not knowing what it is, and then upon realizing exactly
what they purchased coming after you for "damages". I know you are explicit on your site, but it seems
like a gray area to me...
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 10 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
That's a legitimate concern. And one that I don't know all answers to - I agree it's a gray zone.
I'm not making any false promises, so I'm not concerned about that specifically.

That being said I'm keeping an eye on it and doing what I can as more awareness comes into
do what I need to do to keep it in good legal standard.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

tomm (47) (/@tomm) · 10 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Thanks! Fantastic! A+++++
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 10 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
My pleasure @tomm (/@tomm). And thank you sir.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply
tuakanamorgan (46) (/@tuakanamorgan) · 10 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]
thanks for the heads up, im going to try this asap... I have a idea for a coin that with revolutionise the
world but cant say more than that ...cheers upvoted and resteemed
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 10 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Nice, best of luck with your project!

Cheers ^_^
$ 0.00 Reply

freedomglen (29) (/@freedomglen) · 10 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

Awesome! Thanx for sharing! resteemed and upvoted + followed :)
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 9 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
My pleasure. Right on.
$ 0.00 Reply

rodw (25) (/@rodw) · 9 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Hello Max, Great Guide! On the final step to verify the contract, I get a few errors regarding the name.
Any ideas?

Sorry! The Compiled Contract ByteCode for 'CoinMarkertAlert' does NOT match the Contract Creation
Code for [0xb623864cc5ea683ecab9f41a822a49901d03978d].

Contract name(s) found: 'CoinMarketAlert' , 'StandardToken' , 'Token'

Unable to Verify Contract at this point time.
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 9 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Hey rodw, make sure that your compiler in the online browser is the same as the one that's
being tested when you're trying to verify the contract.

Otherwise the bytecode won't be the same and it won't verify.

$ 0.00 Reply

rodw (25) (/@rodw) · 9 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [ - ]

· · your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@rodw/re-maxnachamkin-re-rodw-
Ok thanks. I'll try it again
$ 0.00 Reply

barnabyandersun (25) (/@barnabyandersun) · 9 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [ - ]

This is an awesome article, I've been researching this topic, thanks so much for sharing all of this
@maxnachamkin (/@maxnachamkin) !
I've just now joined Steemit, and I'm researching for creating my own ERC20 token for a new project
that I'll be launch, very helpful indeed.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 9 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Happy to help! Good luck with your project :)
$ 0.00 Reply

winglessss (45) (/@winglessss) · 9 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Thanks for this post. However I am having difficulty verifying my source code.
I keep getting the error

Missing Constructor Arguments for function MyToken(uint256 initialSupply, string tokenName, uint8
decimalUnits, string tokenSymbol)

Here is my Source Code any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll throw you at least $5 worth of steem
if you can help me out.

pragma solidity ^0.4.11;

contract tokenRecipient { function receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _token,
bytes _extraData); }

contract MyToken {
/* Public variables of the token */
string public standard = 'Token 0.1';
string public name;
string public symbol;
uint8 public decimals;
uint256 public totalSupply;

/* This creates an array with all balances */

mapping (address => uint256) public balanceOf;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowance;

/* This generates a public event on the blockchain that will notify clients */
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

/* This notifies clients about the amount burnt */

event Burn(address indexed from, uint256 value);

/* Initializes contract with initial supply tokens to the creator of the contrac
t */
function MyToken(
uint256 initialSupply,
string tokenName,
uint8 decimalUnits,
string tokenSymbol
) {
balanceOf[msg.sender] = initialSupply; // Give the creator all
initial tokens
totalSupply = initialSupply; // Update total supply
name = tokenName; // Set the name for disp
lay purposes
symbol = tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for di
splay purposes
decimals = decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals fo
r display purposes

/* Send coins */
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) {
require(_to != 0x0); // Prevent transfer to 0
x0 address. Use burn() instead
require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _value); // Check if the sender h
as enough
require(balanceOf[_to] + _value >= balanceOf[_to]); // Check for overflows
balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value; // Subtract from the sen
balanceOf[_to] += _value; // Add the same to the r
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); // Notify anyone listeni
ng that this transfer took place

/* Allow another contract to spend some tokens in your behalf */

function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value)
returns (bool success) {
allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
return true;

/* Approve and then communicate the approved contract in a single tx */

function approveAndCall(address _spender, uint256 _value, bytes _extraData)
returns (bool success) {
tokenRecipient spender = tokenRecipient(_spender);
if (approve(_spender, _value)) {
spender.receiveApproval(msg.sender, _value, this, _extraData);
return true;

/* A contract attempts to get the coins */

function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool
success) {
require(_to != 0x0); // Prevent transfer to 0
x0 address. Use burn() instead
require(balanceOf[_from] >= _value); // Check if the sender h
as enough
require(balanceOf[_to] + _value >= balanceOf[_to]); // Check for overflows
require(_value <= allowance[_from][msg.sender]); // Check allowance
balanceOf[_from] -= _value; // Subtract from the sen
balanceOf[_to] += _value; // Add the same to the r
allowance[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;

function burn(uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {

require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _value); // Check if the sender h
as enough
balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value; // Subtract from the sen
totalSupply -= _value; // Updates totalSupply
Burn(msg.sender, _value);
return true;

function burnFrom(address _from, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {

require(balanceOf[_from] >= _value); // Check if the targeted
balance is enough
require(_value <= allowance[_from][msg.sender]); // Check allowance
balanceOf[_from] -= _value; // Subtract from the tar
geted balance
allowance[_from][msg.sender] -= _value; // Subtract from the sen
der's allowance
totalSupply -= _value; // Update totalSupply
Burn(_from, _value);
return true;

$ 0.00 10 votes Reply
winglessss (45) (/@winglessss) · 9 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]
· create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@winglessss/re-winglessss-re-
I looked at this again today I think I figured it out
$ 0.00 Reply

ccmut (41) (/@ccmut) · 9 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

· own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@ccmut/re-winglessss-re-maxnachamkin-how-to-
besides not having inserted throw if your stil having issues check

balanceOf[_from] -= _value; // Subtract from the sender's allowance

allowance[_from][msg.sender] -= _value; // Subtract from the targeted balance

totalSupply -= _value; // Update totalSupply

i also believe you can delete

allowance[_from] line completly
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

theoriginal3ddee (25) (/@theoriginal3ddee) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Thank you so much! One of the best posts on steemit!!! Can I just paste this in windows 7
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

tombola (25) (/@tombola) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

· your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@tombola/re-winglessss-re-maxnachamkin-
HI - I can see from here that you havent completed the following:

$ 0.00 Reply
tombola (25) (/@tombola) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [ - ]
· · create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@tombola/re-tombola-re-
Sorry - see you have fixed it!
$ 0.00 Reply

doraemon (25) (/@doraemon) · 8 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Please make the next post about getting the token listed in an exchange, I'm involved with a couple
new tokens and this is hard and expensive.
$ 0.00 Reply

tellall (43) (/@tellall) · 7 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

How much ether does it normally costs to create a custom token?
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 7 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Amount of Ether would depend on spot price. It cost me around $30 USD.
$ 0.00 Reply

deborahlindsey (25) (/@deborahlindsey) · last month [-]

· · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-
Does this depend also on the number of tokens you are creating? Also does it need
to be on an exchange in order to use it? For instance, in my case it would be a coin to
be used for trade between people in our little community. For example, one person
sells coffee and someone else sells rice. Can we use this token as a kind of money to
trade between them? Would I need to make a custom wallet for that or can I use any
wallet the uses ETH? If I wanted to have custom aspects to the wallet can I build on
top of the ETH wallet or is it something that needs to start from scratch?
$ 0.00 Reply
bitcoinmeetups (46) (/@bitcoinmeetups) · 7 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]
Good article. Following.
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 7 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Thank you. Cheers.
$ 0.00 Reply

erics1230 (25) (/@erics1230) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [ - ]

Does the example code for the contract work anymore? I edit the names and get errors when trying to
verify. This outline does not show where to edit these other spots

Contract name(s) found: 'ERIC' , 'StandardToken' , 'Token'

$ 0.00 Reply

erics1230 (25) (/@erics1230) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [ - ]

· your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@erics1230/re-erics1230-re-maxnachamkin-
I got it to work. had to turn off optimization on the confirming
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 6 months ago [-]

· · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-
Nice :)
$ 0.00 Reply

mrtree420 (36) (/@mrtree420) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

This is great. Thanks for taking the time to show people how easy and quick it is to make a token.
People seem to think it takes a lot of funding to get an ICO going and throw endless amounts of funds
at companies just because they taken an hour of there time to follow the steps you just explained.
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 6 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
My pleasure.

It's important to note that I wouldn't use this contract for an ICO - it's very basic, and doesn't
have any rules attached to it that a legitimate ICO would most likely require.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

richardcrill (67) (/@richardcrill) · 5 months ago [-]

· · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-
Maybe a tutorial for that part now?
$ 0.00 Reply

earthumbrella (31) (/@earthumbrella) · 3 months ago [-]

· · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-
Hi there. Thanks for the great tutorial. I'm looking into creating my own coin as well
and I am wondering how to incorporate values/rules at some point. Can these be
added later or do they have to be encoded from the very start? I'm a noob and just
wondering about the future viability of the coin I'd like to make. Thanks again!
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· · · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-
It depends on what the rules and values are and how they play into your
bigger picture strategy. You could always create the token and then put
them into another contract with rules, though.
$ 0.00 Reply
earthumbrella (31) (/@earthumbrella) · 3 months ago [-]
· · · · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-
$ 0.00 Reply

minderbinder (37) (/@minderbinder) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

Freaking awesome. Thanks man. Upvoted and followed
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 6 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

bangkokhearts (35) (/@bangkokhearts) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]

One of the best posts on Steemit and only $2.55 payout shows the shallow nature of today's social
media. Thanks for posting this information.
$ 0.00 2 votes Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 6 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Thanks bangkokhearts, and my pleasure.
$ 0.00 4 votes Reply

skope (25) (/@skope) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]

· · create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@skope/re-maxnachamkin-
Hi please can you make or link me to a post on how to create an ico from scratch
$ 0.00 Reply

deborahlindsey (25) (/@deborahlindsey) · last month (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how- [ - ]

· to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@deborahlindsey/re-
Honestly I agree. Wow. This is a GREAT post! It is exactly what I have been looking for for
weeks. I still have gaping holes in my knowledge here but this goes a long way to giving me
some understanding.
$ 0.00 Reply

crypto-cash-hub (25) (/@crypto-cash-hub) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]

Thank you for writing this up
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 6 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
You're welcome.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

samarkand.me2017 (25) (/@samarkand.me2017) · 6 months ago [-]

very useful info! will try to create one
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 6 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Nice ^_^
$ 0.00 Reply

astroboysoup (31) (/@astroboysoup) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

Thank you for the great content. Made my first token
$ 0.00 2 votes Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Boo ya, nice astroboysoup!!
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

guisepppe (31) (/@guisepppe) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]

· create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@guisepppe/re-astroboysoup-re-
how? i get errors
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

x-online (25) (/@x-online) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Great read mate. Thanks so much for this!
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
My pleasure!!
$ 0.00 Reply

falselight (25) (/@falselight) · 6 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [ - ]

Hey, good tutorial! But I have a problem... I create the contract in testnet, It says Contract created, but
tokens don't show up in my address when I add it to MetaMask... I dont know what to do
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

rafalloc (25) (/@rafalloc) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

· your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@rafalloc/re-falselight-re-maxnachamkin-
Same problem, any idea?¿
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

rafalloc (25) (/@rafalloc) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

· your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@rafalloc/re-falselight-re-maxnachamkin-
Same problem, any idea?
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Did you add the Contract Address for the token in Test Net to your Custom Token list in
$ 0.00 2 votes Reply

karwanmino17 (25) (/@karwanmino17) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]

Thanks for the hard work there is no one explained simply like you did

one question : what fee needs for a 150m total supply token project instead of 30$ for your work ..
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
No prob.
I'm not sure, it would depend on the gas price. Try publishing it to the MainNet and it'll give
you the exact number.
$ 0.00 Reply

svedenmacher (36) (/@svedenmacher) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [ - ]

Well explained! Upvoted! I wonder if there are further costs other than the initial $30 for the coin to be
used on the network..
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Hi there, the cost isn't a flat fee that's static. It depends on the gas price at the current
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

richangh (25) (/@richangh) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
$ 0.00 Reply

cryptogee (73) (/@cryptogee) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Hi, I don't know if you're still monitoring this article.
I found it really helpful, however I hit a snag; when I copied your modified code into the solidity
compiler, I just got a bunch of errors on the right. The interface looks different as well, and I don't see
any 'create' button.

Do you have any tips for me?

I downloaded Metamask as well..

Cg (
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Hi cryptogee,

Are they errors on the right (in red?) or are they just warnings? I get a lot of warnings when I
compile with this code but it never seems to be an issue.

As far as the UI - it looks like it's changed quite a bit. Try going to the 'Run' tab and hitting
'Create' on the function.

If that doesn't work I'll have to play around a bit to see how they changed it.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

cryptogee (73) (/@cryptogee) · 5 months ago [-]

· · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-
HI Max,

Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it; since I posted that question I got a little
bit further; I realised the error was in the Pragma Solidity version, in your code it was
.4 and it has since been upgraded to .18.

So as soon as I changed that it worked; however my latest problem is, the coin
seems to publish fine; and gives me an address, however I can't get it to show up in
my wallet when I try and add the coin to Metamask.

Any ideas?

Thanks again.
Cg (
$ 0.00 Reply
maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]
· · · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-
If this is still an issue and the coin gave a contract address, audit the
contract on EtherScan to see if the coins are in there.

If they are and it’s still not showing up in MetaMask I’d contact their
support, if they have it.
$ 0.51 1 vote Reply

tombola (25) (/@tombola) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [ - ]

· · create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@tombola/re-
Hi Maxnachamkin - I too got these errors and it seemed a bit different. I am a newb
but will soldier on regardless as my job depends on it - lol - Thanks for taking the
time to do this
$ 0.00 Reply

richardcrill (67) (/@richardcrill) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Thanks for this tutorial! I have just created my first token! I am not a developer so this was very
encouraging to be able to create an ERC20 token so easily! Guess it's time for my ICO!
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Hi Richard, nice dude!!!

Haha right??
$ 0.69 1 vote Reply

wombleoftherock (38) (/@wombleoftherock) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [ - ]

oh man why can I only upvote this once ??

u r a ****ing star dude!!!!!!

great post :)
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Haha thanks dude!!!
$ 0.00 Reply

ankitgoyal09 (27) (/@ankitgoyal09) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

where i have to paste the code of contarct?
in my pc ethereum wallet and geth is not running properly. when i run the applications it always show
an error??
please help bro!!
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 5 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
You don't need Ethereum Wallet or Geth. Just MetaMask, then use the online solidity browser
as I talked about in the tutorial.
$ 0.00 Reply

ecoboss (28) (/@ecoboss) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

wow..that's amazing...i think now there are so many different #ICO (/trending/ico)'s based on
#etherum (/trending/etherum) that it's so hard to judge which ones will survive and which ones will die
quickly...thanks for sharing the info
$ 0.00 Reply
maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]
· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Indeed. My pleasure ecoboss.
$ 0.00 Reply

amitrwt (31) (/@amitrwt) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

This looks interesting. I would love to test it. Time to launch sublime.
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Do it.
$ 0.00 Reply

dhimansatish (25) (/@dhimansatish) · 5 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

Thank you for sharing this all,

I've followed all what is mentioned here, all things are going well on test but at the time of add token
on Ropsten Test Net I'm failed, It's not responding anything there
$ 0.00 Reply

aqeelmalik (54) (/@aqeelmalik) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Thanks for rhe tutorial helped me alot
$ 0.00 Reply

pcaruba (27) (/@pcaruba) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Thank you Max, this was of great help.
Do you know how to change the icon that is assigned to the token?
$ 0.00 Reply

sarah249 (47) (/@sarah249) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

· your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@sarah249/re-pcaruba-re-maxnachamkin-
You need to fill out a form on etherescan and submit icon along with a bunch of other
$ 0.00 2 votes Reply

pcaruba (27) (/@pcaruba) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [ - ]

· · create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@pcaruba/re-sarah249-re-
$ 0.00 Reply

unicron (36) (/@unicron) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

very good tutorial.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

tavasti (25) (/@tavasti) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Hi, what could be the problem be when verifying and publishing in Ropsten test ntw I get this error:
Error! Unable to generate Contract ByteCode and ABI.

I tried to follow the instructions carefully, but I am not an experienced programmer so.. will need your
help, folks.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

wizard3000 (25) (/@wizard3000) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Thanks a lot for the tutorial Max! However MM ask me to pay to confirm the transaction even in on the
Ropsten test net and it is very frustrating... How can I fix this?
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
You will have to pay to publish the contract. Ropsten ETH isn’t real ETH though. If you don’t
have Ropsten ETH look up the Ropsten faucet to get some.
$ 0.00 Reply

ara13 (25) (/@ara13) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Hi Max, thanks for your post, it's ****ing awesome. I ran into some issues with step 3. After I select my
Solidity Version, I go to Run and when I click create button nothing is happening. It looks like it was
redesigned, so I am not sure what to do?
Please help, thanks a lot !
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Yeah, the redesign kind of made it a bit more confusing. Have you figured this out yet?

I’d love to update this tutorial at some point soon.

$ 0.00 Reply

grunet (47) (/@grunet) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

thanks a lot for this nice how-to!!!

when i want to Create the Token for the Main Network, i got the following error: "Gateway timeout. The
request took too long to process. This can happen when querying logs over too wide a block range."
can i do anything to short the block range?
$ 0.00 Reply

grunet (47) (/@grunet) · 4 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

· own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@grunet/re-grunet-re-maxnachamkin-how-to-
ok, i need more ETH;) gas limit 1251480 and gas price 90 gwei means transaction fee from
0.112633 ETH...
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-
Interesting. Did you get this handled? I’ve never seen that error before, and that
transaction fee is quite high.
$ 0.00 Reply

louisberner (25) (/@louisberner) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Hi, I hope someone can assist me. I get the response from Remix solidity that states as follows: creation
of Awesome errored: Error: URI Too Long.

How do I resolve this?

$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Have you figured this out? Post some more specifics, like which line of code it’s throwing the
error on.
$ 0.00 Reply

goodecoin (25) (/@goodecoin) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

@maxnachamkin (/@maxnachamkin),

Awesome guide!

For educational purposes, what would be the drawbacks to walking a group through the guide that the
Ethereum Foundation provides versus your guide? If you've had a chance to check it out, what
essential items do you feel they skip and how would it impact the outcome of the token?
Guide referenced:

Warmest Regards
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Thanks, I appreciate that.

I don’t know about drawbacks. I’ve seen that tutorial and it felt like it had things in there that I
didn’t need initially (like freezing assets). I just wanted to learn how to create a token, in
reality, with standards (ERC20) quickly. I don’t think that tutorial is for an ERC20 token but I
could be mistaken.
$ 0.00 Reply

rootpwn (32) (/@rootpwn) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Thanks for adding this to the community. This was exactly what I was searching for and to see it here
on steemit is wonderful.
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Nice, happy to hear it was what you were looking for.
$ 0.00 Reply

adiandrea (25) (/@adiandrea) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

great tutorial! I was looking what to be prepared for deploying smartcontract to main net and I got this!
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
$ 0.00 Reply

tvance929 (25) (/@tvance929) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

I had to try several times to get eth from the faucet... so that I could CREATE to test network. Just keep
trying to 'BUY' ether.

$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Try looking up the Ropsten faucet and getting your ETH from there.
$ 0.00 Reply

julienpr (25) (/@julienpr) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

great job, i ll test it ! thanks.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

bennyliaw (25) (/@bennyliaw) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

A bit lengthy, but is a nice article
$ 0.00 Reply

hezi (25) (/@hezi) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum- [-]

Thanks. I must reread to fully understand!!!
$ 0.00 Reply

guessikatze (25) (/@guessikatze) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Dear Maxnachamkin, a friend of mine' Needs ome help to employ your tutorial, he is trying to do it for 3
days now. He Needs 500,000,000,000.00 coins and the selling Price would be 1 Cent. He wants
100,000,000,000.00 coins to stay in the Company and he Needs a description how to do it via MEW and
Etherscan possibly with an ICO.
It would be helpful for him if the Things that he has to fill in himself would be in red colour and of
Course it would be even better to know what exactly to fill in. In the PHP he couldn't see where to put
in his own wallet to receive those coins and he wasn't able to distinguish where to get diverse codes
from. I myself can only translate thingsfor him as he cannot speak English. So it would be very nice of
you to drop us some Information. My steemit nme is guessikatze. Thankyou for your Attention.
$ 0.00 Reply

tessal (25) (/@tessal) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

· own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@tessal/re-guessikatze-re-maxnachamkin-how-to-
it's so easy to make all the necessary changes, even in less than 20min, kudos to the writer
$ 0.00 Reply

adarshsunil (25) (/@adarshsunil) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Nice and simple tutorial .. Really helped me a lot..
$ 0.00 Reply

maxnachamkin (37) (/@maxnachamkin) · 3 months ago [-]

· (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-
Good to hear.
$ 0.00 Reply

tombola (25) (/@tombola) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [ - ]

· · create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified#@tombola/re-
Hi Max - How do I send the tokens to another wallet? I don't want to list it on an
exchange - I just want to be able to send to other Ethereum wallets belonging to
people in my company?

Thanks very much for such a great post - you resolved what I have been attempting
for days in a few hours and I have never done a single bit of coding in my life. Really
great post!
$ 0.00 Reply

tombola (25) (/@tombola) · 2 months ago [-]

· · · (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-
No worries - I worked it out after a basic search - still using it all now!
$ 0.00 Reply

infinitydaniel (25) (/@infinitydaniel) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

Good job, with all the info.
$ 0.00 2 votes Reply

tessal (25) (/@tessal) · 3 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Nice tutorial, for those needing the testnet eth you can let me know and I will send you some
$ 0.00 Reply

teddib (25) (/@teddib) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Thanks so much for this! it was super helpful
$ 0.00 Reply

apprenticecrypto (25) (/@apprenticecrypto) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]

Great write-up, community definitely needs more coding/crypto 'beginner' articles like this.
$ 0.00 Reply

solomon123 (37) (/@solomon123) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

Thanks a lot for this article, really awesome. Also I was wondering if we can use MEW instead of
$ 0.00 Reply

bgilbert (25) (/@bgilbert) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

I really hope you become a billionaire, or whatever your goal may be. Thank you very much for this
$ 0.00 Reply

curiousmatter (25) (/@curiousmatter) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]

This post was excellent - I don't know why it didn't get more attention when you published it.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply
rishabhbhandari (25) (/@rishabhbhandari) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to- [-]
Your post is a million dollar post <3
Loved it :) Very informative.
Thank you for sharing...
Have a great day
$ 0.00 Reply

philiprhoades (25) (/@philiprhoades) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create- [-]


Very interesting! I have now read your other articles too and followed you. I also had a look at ByteBall.
I have an idea about creating tokens to support this project:

(eg one token per square metre of land) - which I am using to also support one of my non-profits:

I think you are the sort of person who could help me sort out the best way forward with my ideas. Do
you have any time? - send me an email if you do:

phr AT lev DOT com DOT au

Thanks for your generous contributions!

$ 0.00 Reply

yomight (25) (/@yomight) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

WOOW!!! Thanks
$ 0.00 Reply

cryptotoit (25) (/@cryptotoit) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Thanks for this, pretty amazing!! How do you add an image to your token?
$ 0.00 Reply

salsim5774 (25) (/@salsim5774) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

Thanks for this amazing post. I want to make a ERC 20 Token on the test net for a school project.
$ 0.00 Reply

mirax (25) (/@mirax) · 2 months ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]


In your second post (

launch-today-details-tokens-inside (
private-coin-ever-launch-today-details-tokens-inside)), you say that we have to send .003 ETH to
receive one token.

Where is this parameter visible into the script above ? Where did you specify this number ?

Thank you,

$ 0.00 Reply

ocecer (25) (/@ocecer) · last month (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

This is a great explanation, thanks a lot. but i have a question.

I want to send 5000 Tokens for 1 ETH and for that reason I added that line: "unitsOneEthCanBuy =

But my problem is i have complately forgot about decimals! My decimal is 18 so i think i should have
write 50 instead of 5000.

Does anyone know how to fix it? i have already deployed, verified and published my smart contract.
$ 0.00 Reply

greenalien (32) (/@greenalien) · 21 days ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-

ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified-20180405t204804343z) [-]
Assuming that I buy 1btc of your token. How do you set it so that it sends the token to a wallet right
after payment is confirmed?
$ 0.00 Reply

cryptheld (33) (/@cryptheld) · 17 days ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

It's a great job you did here bro. You just decided to educate us all. You must be a genius.
$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

sreecanvas (25) (/@sreecanvas) · 15 days ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your- [-]

It's awesome.It was really helpful but a video would be much easier to create ERC20 tokens.You can
make a video of this and post the link @maxnachamkin (/@maxnachamkin).
$ 0.00 Reply

websilver (25) (/@websilver) · 9 days ago (/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own- [-]

Very good manual, thx a lot.

It helped to understand it better.

$ 0.00 Reply

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