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English Homework




The passive voice in the present perfect is formed with the form of to be corresponding and
the participle II. The formation of the present perfect and the participle II.

La voz pasiva del present perfect

forma conjugada de to
participio II español
I have been called Yo he sido llamado.
you have been expected Tú has sido esperado.
he has been wanted Él ha sido buscado.
we have been given A nosotros ha sido dada una oportunidad.
you have been chosen Vosotros habéis sido elegidos.
they have been presented Ellos han sido presentados.

The executor of the action (ie the subject of the active phrase) is added with the preposition
b and at the end of the sentence (in case it is wanted and can be named). As far as the
temporal context in which the passive of the present perfect is used, there is no difference
between the active perfect present and the passive perfect present. The only difference is
that in the present perfect passive the subject is the goal of the action, but not the one that
executes it.

He has been helped with his studies; otherwise he wouldn't have made it.
Le han ayudado con sus estudios, sino no habría aprobado.
We have been followed all the way home.
Nos han perseguido hasta la casa.
The radio has been repaired by the neighbour.
La radio fue reparada por el vecino.

He has not been helped with his studies; he made it without it.
No le han ayudado en sus estudios. Logró todo por sí solo.
We have not been followed home, even though I would have expected it.
No nos han perseguido hasta casa, a pesar de que yo lo había creído.
The radio has not been repaired by the neighbour, but by my colleague.
La radio no fue reparada por el vecino, sino por un colega mio.

Verbos modales
He can have been helped with his studies; otherwise he wouldn't have made
Se le pudo haber ayudado con sus estudios, sino no los habría aprobado.
We may have been followed all the way home.
Es bien probable que hemos sido perseguidos hasta casa.
The radio must have been repaired by the neighbour.
La radio tiene que haber sido reparada por el vecino.

In a sentence we express an action (verb) that is performed by a subject (subject) on an object (in this
case object can be a person or thing, to which the action is directed). Depending on how we arrange
these elements in the sentence, we will use a prayer in an active voice or a sentence in a passive voice.


In the passive voice the action is highlighted and not the one who performs it. In passive prayer, the
person performing the action is unimportant or unknown.
Active Voice and Passive Voice
In this modality, the sentence expresses that a subject performs an action, and that action is received
by the object.

Subject -> action -> object


- Julia swept the street - Julia sweeps the street

-John wrote the letter -John writes the letter

-Maria bought a car -Maria buys a car


- It is cleaned

- The letter is written by John letter

- The lesson is studied by my brother

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