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Modifying Wire Lengths Page 1 of 2

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Concept: Modifying Wire Lengths

Modifying Wire Lengths
You can directly edit the length of a wire segment. You can also directly edit the length of an entire wire by
selecting its end location points and assigning a fixed length. In Figure 2, the wire was made a fixed length
and it was made longer.

Figure 2 – Wire Lengthened Using Fix Length

If the assembly connectors to which the wire is attached move, the wire bows or stretches, maintaining its
fixed length. However, if the wire must stretch further than its fixed length allows, it fails. In Figure 3, the wire
was stretched to the right by moving a location point, which removed some of the bowing.

Figure 3 – Location Point of Fixed Length Wire Moved

If the location point were moved slightly more to the right, it would fail.

You can edit the wire length back to a free length. 25-10-2017
Modifying Wire Lengths Page 2 of 2

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Figure 1 – Wire Free Length

When this happens, the system automatically determines the required wire length.

The following are wire length options you can use by clicking the Fixed Length types drop-down menu from
the Route group:

• Change Length – Enables you to modify the value of a fixed length wire. This option is not valid for
wires that are set to free length.

• Fix Length – Enables you to specify a length value for a wire segment or an entire wire by selecting two
location points.

• Free Length – Enables you to remove a fixed length dimension from a wire or wire segment.

• Show Length – Enables you to view the existing fixed length value for a wire or wire segment. 25-10-2017

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