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NĂM HỌC: 2018 - 2019
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)
(Đề thi gồm có 08 trang)
Ngày thi: 06/03/2019

SECTION I: LISTENING (3.0 POINTS) (You will hear twice for each part)
Part 1: Questions from 1 to 5. (1.0 points - 0.2/ each). Listen to a woman talking to a
policeman. From questions 1 to 5, choose A, B or C. You will listen to the conversation twice.
0. Where did the woman lose her bag?
A. in town B. on the bus C. at home
1. How much money was in the bag?
A. £ 20 B. £ 40 C. £ 50
2. What else was in the bag?
A. credit card B. driving license C. gloves
3. The bag was ______.
A. old B. expensive C. big
4. What time did the woman lose the bag?
A. 9.30 B. 10.00 C. 10.30
5. The policeman will telephone her in the ______.
A. morning B. afternoon C. evening
Part 2: Questions from 11 to 15. (1.0 point - 0.2/ each). You will hear a telephone
conversation between a hotel receptionist and a caller making a reservation. Complete the
form below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
Silver Tulip Hotel
Num ber of nights
Type of room: (circle one)
6. A. Single B. Double - twin beds C. Double - king-sized bed
Name: 7. Edward ……………………………………………..
Home address: 8. 23 ……………………………..Avenue, Cambridge
Postcode: 9. …………………………………..
Transport: 10. …………………………………..
Meals 11. …………………………………..
Date of arrival 12. Friday …………………………………..
The customer's mobile phone number is: 13. …………………………………...
The custom er would also like to: 14. . make a …………………………………..
He leaves a message for: 15. Mr. …………………………………..
Part 1: Questions from 16 to 35. (3.0 points - 0.15/ each)
Choose the best answer to each question.
16. Mr. John, accompanied by several members of the committee, ________ proposed some changes
of the rules.
A. have B. has C. are D. is

17. Watching the Olympics often motivates children ________ sports.

A. to play B. play C. playing D. played
18. I had to have my digital camera ________ after I dropped it in the water.
A. fix B. to fix C. fixed D. had fixed
19. Michael and his friend were badly injured in the last match, so _________ can play today.
A. both of them B. either one of them C. not any of them D. neither of them
20. On the table _________.
A. lay the disks B. did the disks lie C. the disks lay D. lied the disks
21. It was clear that the young couple were _______ of taking charge of the restaurant.
A. responsible B. reliable C. capable D. able
22. He found __________ to answer all the questions within the time given.
A. it impossible B. it impossibly C. that impossible D. that impossibly
23. Scientists can usually__________ when a volcano will erupt.
A. guess B. estimate C. report D. predict
24. If he had taken my advice, he _______able to deal with the problem now.
A. will be B. would be C. would have been D. are
25. By next month, my father _______in that company for 10 years.
A. will work B. will be working C. has worked D. will have worked
26. I had two copies of this book originally, but I can’t find _______one now.
A. another B. other C. the other D. the others
27. _______, Ao dai was worn by both men and women.
A. Tradition B. Traditional C. Traditionally D. By traditional
28. “Would you mind if I smoked here?” _ “_______.”
A. Thank you. B. Yes, I’d love to C. You’re welcome D. I’d rather you didn’t.
29. David apologized to Jack _______having broken his camera.
A. on B. for C. about D. of
30. He ______ a big fortune when he was young, so he didn’t have to work hard.
A. came into B. came up C. came across D. came round
31. There ________ traffic on the street at rush hours.
A. are too many B. is too much C. are too alot D. are too little
32. ________ will Mr. Dennis be able to regain control of the company.
A. With hard work B. Despite his hard work
C. Only if he works hardly D. Only by working hard
33. Remember you are _____ to buy the product. Take it home and try it out for a week. If you
don't like it, just return it.
A. under no obligation C. to no obligation
C. from no obligation D. through no obligation
34. It was urgent that she ________the robbery to the police immediately.
A. reported B. reports C. must report D. report
35. The Boeing 747 is twice ______ the Boeing 707.
A. bigger than B. more bigger than C. as big as D. as bigger as
Part 2: Questions from 36 to 45. (2 points - 0.2/ each)
Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence.

36. That song was dull and ……………………………, so we changed into different channel. INTEREST
37. Mexico achieved …………………………………..from France totally in 1954. DEPEND
38. We were shocked by the …………………………………..of the staff of that firm. FRIEND
39. He's at that …………………………………..age when he's very easily led by other children. IMPRESS
40. They ………………………………… when I first arrived in London as a student. FRIEND
41. The book was found …………………………………..boring, so the teacher chose another. BELIEVE
42. The man’s application was turned down because he was fully …………………………………... QUALIFY
43. The boss created …………………………………..of promotion when he favored male candidates. EQUAL
44. What a …………………………………..! She has the heating switched off all winter. MEAN
45. We killed the time …………………………………..doing that funny crossword. ENJOY
Part 3: Questions from 46 to 50. (1 points - 0.2/ each)
Each of the following sentences has an error. Find the errors and correct them.
46. Could you phone me as soon as he will come back?
47. Would you please stop to make so much noise?
48. The police said that they had reacted as fastly as they could.
49. We spent an interested holiday in Ha Long Bay last sum m er.
50. Many people have complained with the dirt from the factory.
Part 4: Questions from 51 to 55. (1 point - 0.2/ each)
Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
51. Those boys are addicted ………………… games.
52. Much of the meaning must be inferred …………………..the context.
53. We are here to provide the public …………………..all good products.
54. Don't worry about the stereo. It's still …………………..guarantee so we can get it fixed.
55. She wants to be independent …………………..her parents.
Part 1. Questions 56 to 65 (2 points - 0.2/ each)
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.
Women nowadays have more (56) ________ than those in the past. For example, our great
grandmothers were not allowed to go to school or to work to earn their own living. (57) ________,
they had to depend on their husbands financially. Modern women, on the contrary, can get good
education, have their own careers, and (58) ________ their interests. They can even take good
positions in politics if they are competent (59) ________ it. However, women living in our
modern society have their (60) ________ too. Today women work harder than their great
grandmothers so that they can gain the (61) ________ between working life and family life. Many
people predict that by 2032, most (62) ________ positions at work will be taken by women. Then,
it is possible that women will have more (63) ______ life because, 64) ________ in a very modern
society, the women can’t (65) ________ their role in the family.
56. A. advances B. advantages C. benefits D. conveniences
57. A. Therefore B. However C. As a result D. Although
58. A. pursue B. support C. promote D. stimulate
59. A. to B. at C. with D. of
60. A. obstacles B. disputes C. profits D. problems
61. A. equality B. stables C. balance D. steadiness

62. A. senior B. junior C. inferior D. superior

63. A. sheltered B. healthy C. strenuous D. active
64. A. though B. even C. ever D. never
65. A. perform B. adopt C. fulfill D. neglect
Part 2. Questions 66 – 75 (2.0 points - 0.2/ each)
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question
It is commonly believed that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it
has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The difference
between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.
Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no
limits. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in the kitchen or
on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in school and the whole universe
of informal learning. The agent (doer) of education can vary from respected grandparents to the
people arguing about politics on the radio, from a child to a famous scientist. Whereas schooling
has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation
with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People
receive education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term; it is a lifelong
process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be a necessary
part of one’s entire life.
Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies
little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at about the
same time, take the assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework,
take exams, and so on). The pieces of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet
or an understanding of the workings of governments, have been limited by the subjects being
taught. For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes
the truth about political problems in their society or what the newest filmmakers are
experimenting with. There are clear and undoubted conditions surrounding the formalized process
of schooling.
66. This passage is mainly aimed at ______.
A. giving examples of different schools
B. telling the difference between the meaning of two related words
C. listing and discussing several educational problems
D. telling a story about excellent teachers
67. In the passage, the expression “children interrupt their education to go to school”
mostly implies that ______.
A. education is totally ruined by schooling B. all of life is an education
C. schooling takes place everywhere D. schooling prevents people discovering things
68. The word “all-inclusive” in the passage mostly means ______.
A. going in many directions B. involving many school subjects
C. allowing no exceptions D. including everything or everyone
69. According to the passage, the doers of education are ______.
A. mostly famous scientists B. mainly politicians
C. only respected grandparents D. almost all people

70. What does the writer mean by saying “education quite often produces surprises”?
A. Educators often produce surprises.
B. It’s surprising that we know little about other religions.
C. Success of informal learning is predictable.
D. Informal learning often brings about unexpected results.
71. Which of the following would the writer support?
A. Without formal education, people won’t be able to read and write.
B. Schooling is of no use because students do similar things every day.
C. Our education system needs to be changed as soon as possible.
D. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.
72. The word "they" in the last paragraph refers to ______.
A. workings of governments B. political problems
C. newest filmmakers D. high school students
73. Because the general pattern of schooling varies little from one setting to the next, school
children throughout the country ______.
A. do similar things B. have the same abilities
C. are taught by the same teachers D. have similar study conditions
74. From the passage, we can infer that a high school teacher ______.
A. is free to choose anything to teach B. is not allowed to teach political issues
C. has to teach social issues to all classes D. is bound to teach programmed subjects
75. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The more years students go to school, the better their education is.
B. The best schools teach a variety of subjects.
C. Education and schooling are quite different experience.
D. Students benefit from schools, which require long hours and homework.
Part 3: Questions 76 – 85. (2.0 points- 0.2/ each).
Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope (76) ……………………..……..the present levels
of pollution. However, little is known about the long-term effects of (77) ……………………..……..slow
poisoning. The most serious problem of modern times is that man is destroying the earth’s (78)
……………………..…….. resources and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a (79)

……………………..…….., it is becoming extremely difficult to grow (80) ……………………..…… feed the

world’s rapidly increasing population. A way of (81) ……………………..…….. all the wildlife on the
earth must also be found as many species are in (82) ……………………..……..of disappearing completely
from the face of the earth. The dangers, (83) ……………………..…….., are not confined solely to the land
and the sea. The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, is increasing so (84)
……………………..……..that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities. Man’s whole
environment is (85) ……………………..……..changed in a serious way.
Part 1: Questions 86 – 89. (1 point- 0.5/ each)
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it.
86. We know that the expedition reached the South Pole in May.

 The expedition..............................................................................................................................................................................................
87. I regret speaking to him so rudely yesterday.
 I wish ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
88. When the goods arrive at the shop, they are inspected carefully.
 On ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
89. We had hardly sat down at the table when the phone rang.
 No sooner .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Part 2: Questions 90 – 93. (1 point - 0.25/ each)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given.
90. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic. (prevented)
 We ………………………………………………………………………………….. picnic because of the heavy rain.
91. I don’t intend to go to the university. (no)
 I have ………………………………………………………………………………….. to the university.
92. She suddenly began to cry after reading the letter.
 She ………………………………………………………………………………….. the letter. (into)
93. You should think about the price before you decide whether to buy it or not. (consideration)
 You should ……………………………………………………………… before you decide whether to buy it or not.
Part 3: Paragraph writing (2 points)
Write a paragraph of at least 120 words about the advantages of the internet.




















--- THE END ---
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