Graphic Organizer - Don Quijote Unit

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El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha

Assignment Directions:

*For this assignment, you will be working in pairs, and there will also be some
groups with 3 people. With your groups, you will create a graphic organizer to
organize information about the characters of the novel Don Quijote that you have
been reading. After you have the information put into a graphic organizer, you will
then create a presentation, and you will present it to the class. EVERYTHING
MUST be written down in SPANISH.

Step 1: Teacher will assign you a partner or partner(s) to work with.

Step: 2: Teacher will assign you specific characters that you will be describing.
Step 3: Now that you have your groups, and the characters that you will be
working on, you will find information in your class notes, and in your class
textbook about the novel’s characters. You can also use the Quizlet website,
specifically this one
cards/ to help you acquire information about the characters. *Important: If you use
this website to acquire information, when creating your graphic organizer,
PLEASE write it in your own words.
a) Describe your characters with the following characteristics: 1) Their age, 2)
Their gender, 3) Their occupation 4) Their importance in the novel (ex: main
character, secondary character, just appears once in the novel, etc). 5) One
important characteristic that happens to this character OR a characteristic of
each one of them that stands out. *These are the main steps to describe your
characters, however, you can use more important details that you may want
to share.
b) When describing the assigned characters, you will go back to your
Webercise, and go over your vocabulary exercises. When describing the
characters, you will use use at least 6 of these vocabulary terms to describe
the characters.
Step 4: Once you have gathered and obtained all the information for your
characters, you will create a graphic organizer. You will use Google Docs, so as a
group, you all can edit it. You can also use Word. Below you will find a sample of
how your graphic organizer will look like.
Step 5: Now that you have your graphic organizer, you will create a presentation
using Google Slides or PowerPoint or Pretzi, whichever you wish to use. *I
recommend using Google Slides, so you can share it with your group partner(s),
and all of you can work on it at the same time.
a) For your presentation you will just copy and paste the information that you
have created in your Graphic Organizer. You will use one slide for each
character that you will describe. **Important: Only for your presentation,
you MUST include one image for each character. It could be a picture of her
or him or it, or of anything that represents each of them.
Graphic Organizer Sample

Rocinante Aldonza Lorenzo

1. Rocinante es el caballo 1. Aldonza era una señora
de don Alonso Quijada (don (dama, según don Quijote
Quijote) y parece ser que es de entre unos 40 y 50 años
un caballo muy enjuto. de edad.
2. El caballo blanco parece 2. Es mujer
que es macho
3. Es una aldeana, que
3. El animal es la compañía cuida de sus labores
de don Alonso Quijada domésticas y granjas.

4. Rocinante es un
personaje principal porque 4. Aldonza es un personaje
siempre acompana al que solo aparece pocas
hidalgo don Quijote en sus veces en la novela.
aventuras. 5. Ella es importante
5. Este caballo es porque es a través de esta
importante a través de la aldeana que don Quijote
novela porque le sirve a idealiza como una princesa
don Quijote para donde a través de su imaginación.
quiera que vaya a ir.
Assignment Rubric

Maximum Points 15 Points 11 Points 8 Points

You participated You participated You did not
Individual and collaborated and somehow participate and did
Collaboration equally with your collaborated with not collaborate at
within the groups group partner(s) the workload with all with your
your group group partner(s).
You, and your You, and your You, and your
group partner(s) group partner(s) group partner(s)
followed and followed the steps did not follow the
Graphic Organizer completed all the provided in the steps provided in
and Content steps provided in assignment the instructions,
the assignment instructions, but and did not
instructions did not completed complete all the
all the steps steps’
required. requirements.
The presentation The presentation The presentation
followed all the followed some of did not follow the
guidelines for this the guidelines for guidelines for this
Presentation assignment, and this assignment, assignment, and/or
everyone in your and/or when when presenting
group organized presenting, you you were not
well when were a little organized at all.
presenting their disorganized.
Maximum Points Maximum Points Maximum Points
15. Your score 11 Points. Your 8. Your score
________ score ________ _____
Overall Score/Points: ________

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