Accounting Entires

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baiscally implementation will be deivded into two stages;

1: pre implemenation process

2: post implementation process

We have to work with Streeing comminttee people on cost estimation, time lines,

o2c accounting entries:

once order has been booked and confirmed, no entires will place
once pick release: inventory stage to inventory finished goods
once ship confirm: cogs to Inventory organziation
once invoice in AR: Receivabel to Revenue to tax
Once applied the receipt: cash to receivable
remitted: remitted cash to confirmed cash
reconcile: cash to remitted cash

p2p accounting entries:

once Purchase Order booked and approved, no entires will take place
Once receiving: Inventory receiving to accural. this entry will generate at cost
management level
Po match: accural to Liability
for payment: liability to clearing
once clearing: clearing to bank

item expenese to liability

prepayment to liability

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