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Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014

M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited


( A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited)
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director’s Office,
Materials Management Department,
Sanctoria, P.O. Dishergarh -713 333, Dist-Burdwan (W.B.), India
Phone No. 0341-2523606 & FAX 0341-2522061 / 2520459
E-mail: . CIN-010101WB1975GOI030295

Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014

M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited, Phone No: 24172709/ 8398

23, Indrani Park, E-mail:
(Please quote Purchase Order No. & Date in all your correspondence)

Type of Tender : Domestic Open tender

Whether Govt. /PSU/Private : Private

Dear Sir,

Sub: Order for supply of DGMS approved, 550V, FLP Air Break Gate End Box
Ref: 1) E- tender no: ECL/PUR/E/51311193/E/GEB/170 opened on 10.04.14 (offline)&
11.04.2014 (online).
2) Your Offer No. M14/ECL/TKM/26 dated 04.04.2014, online offer against E-tendering
and your subsequent letters & mails.

01. Scope of supply:

Sl Item Qty Price element Unit price Extended value

Description (no.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Basic price 60,672.00 53,39,136.00
DGMS approved, ED @10.3% 5,49,931.00
550V, FLP Air VAT@5% 2,94,453.35
1 Break Gate End
Packing & forwarding Nil
Box for 55 KW,
550V Motor Freight @ Rs.650 per Unit 57,200.00
Insurance Nil
Total 62,40,720.35

Total order value: Rs. 62,40,720.35 (Rupees sixty two lakhs forty thousand seven hundred
twenty and paise thirty five) only.

Brand Name/Model : Mine Line/CP-GEB-1

Material Code : 13090172

02. Price: The above prices are on F.O.R. Destination basis and shall remain FIRM till
completion of supply.

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Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014
M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited

03. Excise Duty & Educational Cess: Shall be payable at actual on submission of documentary
evidence within the scheduled delivery period. Current rate is 10.30% (including Educational
Cess & Higher Education Cess).
Refund/credit, if any, obtained shall be passed on to ECL which shall be certified by your
auditor. Any increase in Excise Duty within the original delivery period may be considered
on the basis of merit after receipt of request from you with supporting documents.
No increase in Excise Duty beyond the scheduled delivery period will be admissible.
However, in case of decrease in Excise Duty within and beyond the original delivery period,
the same will be applicable.

04. Sales Tax: Concessional VAT shall be payable at the rate of 5%. Any increase in
concessional VAT within the original delivery period may be considered on the basis of
merit after receipt of request from you with supporting documents. No increase in VAT
beyond the scheduled delivery period will be admissible. However, in case of decrease in
VAT within and beyond the original delivery period, the same will be applicable.

05. Packing and Forwarding charges: Nil

06. Freight charges, up to destination: Shall be payable at a ceiling limit of Rs.650.00 per unit.

07. Insurance charges, up to destination: Nil. Safe delivery of the consignment to consignee
will be your responsibility at your cost & risk.

08. Security Deposit: Exempted as you are registered with NSIC.

09. Delivery: Supply should commence within 04 months @ at least 12 GE boxes per month
and to be completed within 09 months from the date of issue of purchase order. Early
delivery shall be accepted.
NB: No materials shall be dispatched against this Purchase Order after expiry of the schedule
delivery period unless formal extension of Delivery period is issued to you in writing from
this office. Delivery of any materials against this order in violation of this clause shall be at
the sole risk of the supplier. Except under specific instructions delivery to stores is restricted
up to 3.00 p.m. on all working days except Saturdays

10. Consignee: Dy. General Manager (Stores), Sodepur Central Stores, ECL, PO: Sunderchak-
713360, Dist.: Burdwan, West Bengal- email:

11. Paying Authority: General Manager (Finance)-I/C, ECL, CMDs Office, Sanctoria, P.O.
Dishergarh-713333, Dist. Burdwan (West Bengal).

12. Terms of Payment: 100% payment shall be made within 21 (twenty one) days of receipt and
acceptance of materials by the consignee or submission of bills together with documents
stipulated in the order, whichever is later.
Payment would be made through e-payment, the details for which shall be as under:
A) Name of the Payee in Block Letters MINE LINE PVT. LTD.
B) Address 23, Indrani Park, Kolkata - 700033
C) Bank A/c No. of Payee CC-013502000001440
E) Name of the Branch & Branch Code LANSDOWNE MARKET(0135)
F) PAN CARD No. of Payee AABCM7949Q

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Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014
M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited

13. Submission of Bills: You shall have to submit bills (five copies) to the consignee along with
the consignment and challan along with the requisite document, specified in Order. The
consignee shall then send SR Notes, Challan, Inspection Note and Three copies of bills
(including original) and any other requisite documents to the Paying Authority.
a) The following additional information should be incorporated in your invoice as per Central
Excise Act so that ECL may avail CENVAT Credit under rule 11(2) of Central Excise
i) Name of the Consignor
ii) Address of the Consignor
iii) Centralized Central Excise Registration No. of Consignor
iv) Address of Corporate Office
v) Central Excise Division
vi) Central Excise Range
vii) Commissionerate
viii) TIN No. & VAT No.
ix) Name and address of the Consignee
x) Central Excise Registration No. of Consignee
xi) Central Excise Range, Division and Commissionerate of Consignee
xii) Description and classification of goods
xiii) Time and Date of removal
xiv) Mode of Transport and Vehicle Registration No. & RR No.
xv) Rate of Duty
xvi) Quantity and Value of Goods
xvii) Excise Duty, Primary Edu. Cess & S.H. Edu.Cess
xviii) Invoice should in Triplicate. (Original for buyers, Duplicate for Transporter and
Triplicate for Consignor/Assessee).
b) Information relating to ECL to be incorporated by you in your invoices :
a) Centralized Central Excise Registration No. of ECL: AAACE7590EEM001
b) Address of Corporate Office: Office of CMD, ECL, Sanctoria-713 333.
c) Central Excise Division: Asansol II, Senraleigh Road, Asansol-713 305
d)Central Excise Range : Kulti, X-10, South Road, Burnpur- 713325
e) Commissionerate: Bolpur (West Bengal).
f) TIN No. & VAT No. : 19741701222 & 19741701028.
g) Centralized Service Tax Registration No. of ECL : AAACE7590EST007
Separate bills (five copies)/Challan should be raised for each consignment.
One copy of the Dispatch documents of the each consignment should invariably be forwarded to
this Office, ECL, HQ. Sanctoria.
Following documents, duly authenticated by you, wherever required, should be submitted along
with Bill(s) –
I. 100% Bill(s) in Quintuplicate duly pre-receipted and stamped.
II. Receipted challan
III. Copy of the Consignment note
IV. Price Certificate
V. Price Fall Clause Certificate
VI. Any other documents specified in the order

14. Mode of Dispatch: Materials shall be dispatched by Road freight paid. It shall be your
responsibility to arrange for the stores being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by
road so as to their being free from loss or injury on arrival at destination. The packing of the
stores shall be done at your expense. Way Bill, if required, may be obtained from consignee
for which a request may be sent to them indicating following details –

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Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014
M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited

III. Full address with pin code

15. Inspection:
i. No initial inspection will be made. Final inspection will be made at the consignee’s end
after receipt of the materials and the same shall be final and binding upon the supplier.
ii. If any stores are rejected, consignee will have liberty to:-
a) Allow the supplier for satisfactory replacement of the rejected part within a specified
time and supplier will bear the cost of replacement such as freight etc. and any such
replacement will be without being entitled to any extra payment.
b) Buy elsewhere the quantity of stores similar to those rejected at the risk and cost of the
c) Terminate the contract whether in part or whole. Rejected part / quantity shall have to be
removed by the supplier within 15 days of receipt of intimation of rejection.

16. DGMS Approval: Each & every supply of material must be accompanied with notarized
copy of valid DGMS approval certificate, failing which the consignment shall be liable for

17. Guarantee/Warranty: The materials should be guaranteed for a period of 12 (Twelve)

months from the date of installation or 18 (Eighteen) months from the date of receipt and
acceptance of materials, whichever is earlier against any manufacturing defects / bad
workmanship etc. The supplier warrants that the goods supplied under the contract are new,
unused, of the most recent improvement in design and materials unless provided otherwise in
the contract. The supplier further warrants that all goods supplied under this contract shall
have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship (except when the design and /
or materials is required by the purchaser’s specifications) or from any act or omission of the
supplier, that may develop under normal use of any act or omission of the supplier that may
develop under normal use of the supplied goods in the conditions prevailing in the country of
final destination.

18. Performance Bank Guarantee: You will have to furnish a Performance Bank Guarantee on
any nationalized/scheduled bank in India valid for the period of Guarantee/Warranty for 10%
landed value of the materials including taxes and other levies etc. on order as a coverage
towards the suppliers performance against the contract, in the standard format enclosed in
Annexure-B. The Performance Bank Guarantee must be submitted within 3 weeks of
placement of formal order and is to be sent directly by the bankers to the office of GM (MM)
by registered post. No payment will be done without submission of Performance Bank
Guarantee. The validity of PBG may be extended in case the tendered items do not work
satisfactorily within the validity of the PBG. The Bank Guarantee should be furnished on a
Non-Judicial Stamp paper worth .100/= or more and as per the standard format of ECL. The
stamp paper for the purpose of Bank Guarantee must be in the name of the issuing Bank. The
total value of the PBG shall be Rs. 6,24,072.00 (Rupees Six Lakhs Twenty Four Thousand
Seventy Two only)

19. Manufacturer’s Guarantee and Test Certificate: Manufacturer’s Guarantee and Test
Certificate should be furnished by you along with the supply.

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Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014
M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited

20. Price Certificate: You will have to certify on the bill that the prices charged are not higher
than that applicable to all your customers including Coal Company and other Indian Govt.
Deptt./Organization/DGS&D/CIL and its Subsidiaries etc.

21. Price Fall Clause: (A) The prices charged for the stores to be supplied under the purchase
order by the supplier shall in no event exceed the lowest price at which supplier sells the
stores or offers to sell the stores of identical description to any customer during the tenure of
the supply order.
(B) If any time during the said period, the supplier reduces the sale price, sells or offers to
sell such stores to any other customer at a price lower than the ordered price, they shall
forthwith notify such reduction of sale or offer to sell to us to enable us to amend the rates of
the order.

22. Liquidated Damages: In the event of failure to delivery or dispatch the stores within the
stipulated date/period in accordance with the samples and/or specifications mentioned in the
supply order and in the event of breach of any of the terms and conditions mentioned in the
supply order, we have the right:
a) To recover from you, as agreed, liquidated damages, a sum not less than 0.5% (half
percent) of the price of any stores which you have not been able to supply as aforesaid
for each week or part of a week during which the delivery of such stores may be in
arrears limited to 10%. Where felt necessary the limit of 10% can be increased to 15%.
a) To purchase elsewhere, after due notice to you, on your account and risk the stores not
supplied or other of a similar description without canceling the supply order in respect of
the consignment not yet due for supply or
b) To cancel the supply order or a portion thereof, and if so desired to purchase the stores at
your risk and cost and also
c) To extend the period or delivery with or without penalty as may be considered fit and
proper, the penalty, if imposed shall not be more than the agreed Liquidated Damages
referred to in clause (a) above.
d) To forfeit the security deposit full or in part.
e) Whenever under this contract a sum of money is recoverable from and payable by you,
Coal India Limited and its subsidiary companies shall be entitled to recover such sum by
appropriating, in part or in whole by deducting any sum or which at any time thereafter
may become due to you in this or any other contract. Should this sum be not sufficient to
cover the full amount recoverable, you shall pay Coal India Limited and its subsidiary
companies on demand the remaining balance. You shall not be entitled to get any gain on
any such purchase.

23. Force Majeure: If the execution of the supply order is delayed beyond the stipulated in this
supply order as a result of outbreak of hostilities, declaration of an embargo or blockade, or
fire, flood, acts of nature or any other contingency beyond your control due to the act of God
then Eastern Coalfields Limited may allow such additional time by extending the Delivery
period, as it considers to be justified by the circumstance of the case and our decision shall be
final. If and when additional time is granted by ECL the supply order shall be read and
understood as if it had contained from its inception the delivery date as extended.

24. Identification Mark: Manufacturer’s distinctive identification mark and manufacturing year
should be embossed/punched/or otherwise legibly indicated on the visible non-wearable
place of the items except Nuts & Bolts because of lack of space for punching/embossing on
these items. Only tag is to be attached in each of the above items i.e. nut & bolts indicating
therein part number, description, year and month of manufacture.

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Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014
M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited

25. After Sales Service: You have to provide after Sales & Service as and when required by
ECL. You shall also have to ensure free commissioning of the machine in underground and
free training for operation & maintenance of the machine to ECL personnel.

26. Terms and conditions of Notice Inviting Tender and/ or Tender Documents are an integral
part of this Purchase Order.

27. Any terms and conditions not specifically mentioned in the order, shall be governed by the
General Terms & Conditions of Supply of Stores” as mentioned in Enclosure 6 of the tender
documents. Further, any terms and conditions not specifically mentioned anywhere in the
“General Terms & Conditions of Supply of Stores”, shall be governed by the provisions of
the Purchase Manual which is available in the web-site of Coal India Limited namely –

28. Jurisdiction: Any dispute arising out of this contract shall come under the sole jurisdiction
of Court at Asansol, West Bengal.

Encl : Annexure –X (Technical specifications)

Annexure – B (Format for Performance Bank Guarantee)

Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of Eastern Coalfields Limited

Asst. Manager (MM) (Pur) Chief Manager (MM)(Pur)

Copy to:
1. CVO/GM (E&M)/GM (MM)(Stores)/GM(Fin.)IC, ECL(HQ).
2. Progress Cell, ECL (HQ) – This is covered against IC No. 51311193 dated 25.02.2014.
B.C No: CB/EM/P&M/14-15/110 dated 08.11.14 and F.C No: GM(F)/FLP Air Break/14-
15/86 dt 12.11.2014
3. Dy.FM (Bills) ECL (HQ). email:
4. Dy. General Manager (Stores), Sodepur Central Stores, ECL, PO: Sunderchak-713360,
Dist.: Burdwan, West Bengal - email:
6. Asstt. Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, Central Section, 14, Beliaghata Road, Kolkata

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Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014
M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited

Detailed Technical Specifications Annexure X

Technical Specification of FLP Air Break Gate End Box for 55 KW,
550V Motor
STANDARDS : Gate End Boxes are for use in gassy, humid (98%
2 approx.) underground coal mines. The GEB should have valid Complied
approval of DGMS, Dhanbad , India
a FLP Enclosure – IS/IEC 60079 – 1: 2007 and any amendment till date. Complied
General Performance design and Rating – IS 1822 and any amendment
b Complied
till date.
Should comply all relevant provisions as per CEAR 2010 amended
c Complied
upto date.
Rating & Duty : Suitable for 55 KW Motor with 525 + 6% V, 3Ph, 50
d Complied
+ 3% Hz power supply for used with Universal Drilling Machine.

b POWER SUPPLY : 525 + 6% VOLTS, 3Phase, 50 + 3% C/s Complied

c Control Circuit should be designed for Local & Remote Control Complied

d Provision for interlocking with Auxiliary Ventilation Fan Complied

The GEB is of welded steel construction. The enclosure shall be of 2
a Complied
b Compartment – 1 : comprising of Complied
ISOLATOR : TP OFF Load reversing having three position forward –
i Complied
Off – Reverse
RATING : 300 Amps. Mechanically interlocked with the front cover
ii Complied
and electricallay interlocked with the contactor
iii Complied
400 AMPS.
iv AMMETER: Suitably scaled and fitted at front door. Complied
c Compartment – 2 : comprising of Complied
i CONTACTOR : TP Air break of L&T make ML10 for AC4 duty Complied
ii The operating coil shall operate at the mains supply Complied
OVERCURRENT PROTECTION: TP Thermal / Electronic type over
load relay with time lag arrangement with a setting range of 60 –
d 150% of full load current, suitable for working in extreme humid and Complied
watery condition inside coal mines. (Oil dash pot type Overload relay
is not acceptable)
SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION : Instantaneous tripping of power
e Complied
from G.E.B. in case of of Short Circuit
PILOT CORE PROTECTION: In case of a short circuit between earth
and pilot core in the outgoing side, contactor should automatically
f Complied
open and stop power to the motor and it can’t be started till fault is
g Should have Under / No voltage protection Complied

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Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014
M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited

EARTH LEAKAGE PROTECTION: Earth leakage relay operating

through core balance transformer with a setting of 100 to 750 mA
range. Adjustable setting of primary leakage current with test/reset
h Complied
switch and indicating lamp. ELR must have mechanical latching
mechanism. The reset of which shall be secured against unauthorized
i Test/reset switch and indicating lamp should be fitted at front door. Complied
ii Local START/STOP push button should be fitted at front door Complied
iii INDICATION – Shall be as per norms Complied
Potential Transformer of suitable VA rating, 80 VA (minimum)
iv having tapping of 525V, 500V, 480V on Primary side and 30V, 12.5V, Complied
7.5V tapping of Secondary side
(i) Incoming cable Boxes to suit PVCDWA cable of required size with
i Complied
respect to suit 55KW Electric Motor
(ii) 02 Sets of Auxiliary terminals with terminal box, cable – sealing
box, each suitable for 2.5 PVCDWA cable, having blanking Complied
covers also.
j Suitable phasing preventor (current operated) Complied
Outgoing restrained PLUG & SOCKET of required capacity (Amp) &
k Voltage grade having valid DGMS approval , suitable for 25 sq. mm, Complied
type FT 7 Trailing Cable.
Shall be fitted with proper rated cable terminal box for required size of
l power cables for incoming, through going and outgoing are suitable Complied
for 200 Amp (minimum) with blanking cover.
The front door shall be mechanically interlocked with the isolator so
that compartment can be opened only if the isolator is in “OFF”
i Complied
position. Minimum ground clearance from the bottom most part of
equipment should be 150mm.
The tripping of the isolator should be mechanically and electrically
ii interlocked with the early break contact which acts on the main Complied
tripping device (contactor)
Should have Electric and Mechanical Interlock in between Isolator and
iii Control circuit and in between isolator and Front Cover respectively as Complied
per standard practice.

Along with GEB, following must be supplied :-

Notarized copy of valid DGMS approval of related manufacturer for
i Agreed
use in underground highly gassy coal mines
ii Circuit Diagram – 01 no. Agreed
iii Tool Kit – 01 set Agreed
Manufacturer’s Test certificate and Guarantee/warranty should be
iv Agreed
provided along with the supply

Asst. Manager (MM) (Pur) Chief Manager (MM)(Pur)

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Purchase Order No: 05854130 (40) Dated: 19/11/2014
M/s. Mine Line Pvt. Limited




Messer’s --------------------------- a company having its registered office at -------------------------------------------

(hereinafter called the said seller) has entered into an agreement no.-------------dated------------- (hereinafter called
the said contract) with Eastern Coalfields Limited, having its registered office at Sanctoria, Post – Disergarh, Dist –
Burdwan (West Bengal)(Pin-713333) (hereinafter called the purchaser) to supply equipment on the terms and
conditions contained in the said contract.
(1) It has been agreed that hundred percent (100%) payment of the value of the equipment will be made to the said
seller in terms of the said contract on the said seller furnishing to the purchaser a Bank Guarantee for the sum of Rs.-
----------(Rupees------------------------------)equivalent to -------% (------percent) of the value of the equipment
supplied by the said seller, as security for the due and faithful performance of the terms of the said contract and
against any loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the purchaser by reason of any breach by
the said seller of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said contract.
The ------------------Bank having its office at --------------------------------has at the request of the said seller
agreed to give the guarantee hereinafter contained.
(2)We -------------------------Bank do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee
without any demur, merely on a demand from the purchaser stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or
damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the purchaser by reason of any breach by the said seller of
any of the terms or conditions contained in the said contract or by reason of the said seller’s failure to perform the
said contract. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the
Bank under this guarantee. We shall not withhold the payment on the ground that the said seller has disputed its
liability to pay or has disputed the quantum of the amount or that any arbitration proceeding or legal proceeding is
pending between the purchaser and the said seller regarding the claim. However, our liability under this guarantee
shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.-------------------
(3) We ------------------------- Bank, further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall come into force from the
date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the
said contract and that it shall continue to be enforceable till at the dues of the purchaser under or by virtue of the said
contract have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or the purchaser certifies that the terms and conditions of the
said contract have been fully and properly carried out by the said seller and accordingly discharges the guarantee.
Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the ------------(date)--------------
(month) from the date of the Bank Guarantee, we shall be discharged from all liabilities under this guarantee
(4) We ----------------(Bank), further agreed with the purchaser that the purchaser shall have the fullest liberty
without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and
conditions of the said contract or to extend time of performance by the said seller from time to time or to postpone
for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the purchaser against the said seller and to
forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said contract and we shall not be relieved from our
liability by reason for any such variation or extension being granted to the said seller or for any forbearance act or
omission on the part of the purchaser, or any indulgence by the purchaser, to the said seller or by any such matter, or
thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving us.
The Bank further agrees that in case this guarantee is required for a longer period and it not extended by the Bank
beyond the period specified above, the Bank shall pay to the purchaser the said sum of Rs ------------or such lesser
sum as may then be due to the purchaser and as the purchaser may demand.
(5) We -------------- Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the
previous consent of the purchaser, in writing.
(6) The Bank has under its constitution power to give this guarantee and Mr. ……………,
……………….(designation ), who has signed it on behalf of the Bank has authority to do so.
(7) This Bank guarantee will not be discharged due to change in the constitution of the Bank or the said seller.

Dated ……………… day of …………..20

For …………………………. Bank

(Signature of the authorized person

For and on behalf of the Bank)

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