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Spring 2012

Phenotypic characterization of Class II

Sara Christine Howe
University of Iowa

Copyright 2012 Sara Howe

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Recommended Citation
Howe, Sara Christine. "Phenotypic characterization of Class II malocclusion." MS (Master of Science) thesis, University of Iowa, 2012.

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Sara Christine Howe

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the Master of
Science degree in Orthodontics
in the Graduate College of
The University of Iowa

May 2012

Thesis Supervisor: Assistant Professor Lina M. Moreno Uribe

Graduate College
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa




This is to certify that the Master's thesis of

Sara Christine Howe

has been approved by the Examining Committee

for the thesis requirement for the Master of Science
degree in Orthodontics at the May 2012 graduation.

Thesis Committee:
Lina Moreno, Thesis Supervisor

Deborah V. Dawson

James Wefel

Robert N. Staley
To my supportive parents, Scott and Julie


I would like to thank Dr. Lina Moreno for all of her dedication and guidance with

this research study. This project would not have been possible without her and the rest of

my thesis committee, Drs. Deborah Dawson, Robert Staley, and James Wefel. A special

thanks to Colleen Kummet for all her hard work and time dedicated to this research, as

well as Patricia Hancock and Chicka Takeuchi for gathering the sample for this study.

I am very grateful to Dr. Tom Southard and the rest of the faculty at the

University of Iowa, Department of Orthodontics, for giving me the opportunity to further

my education and pursue a career in orthodontics.

Finally, I would like to thank my wonderful family for all the support and love

they have given me.


LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. v

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... vi

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

Purpose of this Study ...................................................................................................... 2

LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................... 3

Etiology of Class II Malocclusion .................................................................................. 3

Treatment of Malocclusion ............................................................................................. 6
Facial Morphology Studies ............................................................................................. 7
Phenotypic Characterization of Class II Malocclusion Using Multivariate Reduction
Methods: ....................................................................................................................... 11
Heritability .................................................................................................................... 16
Importance of Genetic Studies ...................................................................................... 17

MATERIALS AND METHODS:..................................................................................... 23

Sample........................................................................................................................... 23
Patient Inclusion/ Exclusion Criteria ............................................................................ 23
Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 24
Inter-rater and Intra-rater Reliability ............................................................................ 29
Statistical Analysis ........................................................................................................ 30

RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 37

DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................... 66

Limitations of the Study................................................................................................ 69

Future Projects .............................................................................................................. 70

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................... 71

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 72


Table 1 Eligibility Criteria ..............................................................................................24

Table 2 Cephalometric Variables ....................................................................................26

Table 3 Cephalometric Landmarks .................................................................................27

Table 4 CII Intra Rater Ceph Variables ..........................................................................34

Table 5 CIII Intra Rater Ceph Variables .........................................................................35

Table 6 CIII Inter Rater Ceph Variables Howe vs. Vela ................................................36

Table 7 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix ...............................................................42

Table 8 Summary of Class II Malocclusion Cluster Analysis ........................................44

Table 9 PC1 Cephalometric Variables ............................................................................46

Table 10 PC2 Cephalometric Variables ...........................................................................48

Table 11 PC3 Cephalometric Variables ...........................................................................50

Table 12 PC4 Cephalometric Variables ...........................................................................52

Table 13 PC5 Cephalometric Variables ...........................................................................54

Table 14 PC6 Cephalometric Variables ...........................................................................56

Table 15 PC7 Cephalometric Variables ...........................................................................58


Figure 1 CII division 1 Malocclusion.............................................................................5

Figure 2 CII division 2 Malocclusion.............................................................................5

Figure 3 Six Horizontal Subgroups from Moyers 1980 ...............................................14

Figure 4 Five Vertical Types from Moyers 1980 .........................................................15

Figure 5 Scree Plot .......................................................................................................41

Figure 6 Component Scores 95% Prediction Ellipse ...................................................42

Figure 7 Pseudo F and CCC Values by Cluster Number .............................................43

Figure 8 Plots of Clusters of Class II Malocclusion Subjects- Centroids Labeled ......44

Figure 9 3D Plot of 5 Clusters of Class II Malocclusion .............................................45

Figure 10 PC1 Extremes.................................................................................................47

Figure 11 PC1 Quartiles .................................................................................................47

Figure 12 PC2 Extremes.................................................................................................49

Figure 13 PC2 Quartiles .................................................................................................49

Figure 14 PC3 Extremes.................................................................................................51

Figure 15 PC3 Quartiles .................................................................................................51

Figure 16 PC4 Extremes.................................................................................................53

Figure 17 PC4 Quartiles .................................................................................................53

Figure 18 PC5 Extremes.................................................................................................55

Figure 19 PC5 Quartiles .................................................................................................55

Figure 20 PC6 Extremes.................................................................................................57

Figure 21 PC6 Quartiles. ................................................................................................57

Figure 22 PC7 Extremes.................................................................................................59

Figure 23 PC7 Quartiles. ................................................................................................59

Figure 24 Cluster Centroids with Descriptions ..............................................................60

Figure 25 Cluster 1 Centroid and Core with Description ...............................................61

Figure 26 Cluster 2 Centroid and Core with Description ...............................................62

Figure 27 Cluster 3 Centroid and Core with Description ...............................................63

Figure 28 Cluster 4 Centroid and Core with Description ...............................................64

Figure 29 Cluster 5 Centroid and Core with Description ...............................................65



Malocclusion, which may involve misalignment of the teeth, mal-positioning of

the jaws, or a combination of both, can create detrimental effects to a person‟s overall

facial esthetics, depending on the severity. In 1890, Edward Angle described three types

of malocclusion based on molar positioning. Class I malocclusion occurs when molars

are in proper position (mesiobuccal cusp of upper 1st permanent molar aligns with the

buccal groove of the lower 1st permanent molar) and is present in approximately 50%-

55% of the U.S population. Class II malocclusion is present in 15% of the U.S.

population and clinically appears with the maxillary molar ahead of the mandibular

molar. Patients usually have a convex profile with a retrusive mandible. Occurring least

commonly (1%), Class III malocclusion is seen when the maxillary molar is distal to the

mandibular molar and patients tend to have a concave profile.

There is a wide range of severity amongst malocclusion cases. The more severe

the case, the greater the psychosocial and functional problems present (Proffit, Fields, &

Sarver, 2007). To correct large jaw discrepancies and improve esthetics and function,

sometimes both orthodontic and surgical treatments are needed (Capelozza, de Araaujo

Almeida, Mazzottini, & Cardoso Neto, 1989). The exact etiology of these malocclusions
remains unclear. Both genetic and environmental factors may affect craniofacial

development, creating an intricate and elaborate multifactorial etiology for malocclusion

(Mossey, 1999a). Due to the significant genetic complexity in the formation of the face

and jaws, it is difficult to ascertain what genes are affecting various features in a

particular malocclusion case. Further research in this field can improve treatment

modalities and help in the prevention of moderate to severe malocclusion.


Purpose of this Study

The purpose of this study is to characterize the skeletal and dental variation

present in Class II malocclusion into distinct phenotypes to reduce heterogeneity and

empower studies aimed at identifying the etiology of malocclusion. This will specifically

be done using cephalometric radiographic landmarks and statistical data reduction

methods to find the most common phenotypic groupings of Class II patients. Having

Class II patients separated into homogenous phenotypic groups will provide the basis for

future studies to more precisely look at the genetic variation and environmental influence

on each subgroup of Class II malocclusion.



Etiology of Class II Malocclusion

It is important to understand the etiology of malocclusion so that orthodontic

treatments can focus more on the prevention of these conditions and their related

craniofacial deformities. The interaction of various genes has been shown to be the

primary cause of an unbalanced and malformed craniofacial complex (Ionescu,

Teodorescu, Badarau, Grigore, & Popa, 2008). An estimated two-thirds of the 25,000

human genes contribute to craniofacial development (Proffit, Fields, & Sarver, 2007).

Craniofacial structures are developed from complex processes of tissue

interactions, cell migrations, and coordinated growth (Kouskoura et al., 2011; Nieminen

et al., 2011). Neural crest cells are thought to be controlled by homeobox genes and their

derivations include the maxilla, mandible, zygomatic, nasal bones and bones of the

cranial vault. Homeobox genes, specifically Msx-1 and Msx-2, regulate expression

through proteins in the growth factor family and steroid/thyroid/retinoic acid superfamily.

Disruption and poor control in the migration of the neural crest cells can produce dento-

alveolar abnormalities and many craniofacial anomalies such as Treacher Collins

syndrome and hemifacial microsomia (Mossey, 1999a; Proffit, Fields, & Sarver, 2007).
Other abnormalities in the embryologic developmental stages can elicit many more

craniofacial malformations (Proffit, Fields, & Sarver, 2007). Disruption of the

embryologic process may result in missing or malformed dentition, cleft lips and palates,

craniosynostosis and more serious conditions like holoprosencephaly (Kouskoura et al.,

2011; Wilkie & Morriss-Kay, 2001).

Ionescu et al. proposed that the environment plays a large role in the development

of the craniofacial structure. The three main contributing factors include changes in

mastication affecting masticatory muscle development, abnormalities in the normal

functions like breathing, deglutition and speaking, and damaging habits including thumb-

sucking, lip-sucking or resting tongue (Ionescu, Teodorescu, Badarau, Grigore, & Popa,

2008). Teratogens like drugs, alcohol and viruses can also affect the craniofacial

development. Abnormal pressures during intrauterine molding or trauma during

development may also result in abnormal jaw growth (Proffit, Fields, & Sarver, 2007).

Chronic illness, prolonged starvation and excessive stress are other factors that can hinder

growth and development (Mossey, 1999a).

Both genetic and environmental influences play a role in the development of

Class II malocclusion. Studies of Class II division 1 patients have shown that this

condition is heritable and is consistent with a polygenic mode of inheritance. A polygenic

model implies that a number of genes with small additive effects provide genetic

predisposition to the phenotypic expression observed in the class II division 2

malocclusion. There is a definite environmental contribution to this malocclusion as

well. Disparate muscular pressures, including the tongue and lips, can enhance

proclination of maxillary incisors or retrocline lower incisors, creating a larger horizontal

distance between the maxillary and mandibular incisors, also known as increased overjet

(Mossey, 1999b).

Class II division 2 patients have more definable characteristics commonly

occurring together, which helps elicit a more obvious genetic component than Class II
division 1 patients (Mossey, 1999b). Thicker upper and lower lips were found in Class II

division 2 patients compared to Class I controls (McIntyre & Millett, 2006). In addition,

the Class II division 2 subjects had greater lower lip contact and thus increased resting

pressure on the maxillary incisors than the controls. This could be a causal effect in

producing maxillary incisor retrusion and can be a concern with post-treatment stability

(Lapatki, Klatt, Schulte-Monting, & Jonas, 2007; McIntyre & Millett, 2006).

Habits such as mouth breathing, thumb-sucking, lip sucking, or an aberrant

swallowing pattern are local factors often associated with the initiation of a Class II

division 1 malocclusion or that may exacerbate the already existing malocclusion. To

successfully treat these cases and prevent relapse these local factors must be removed

(Smith, 1938). In addition, any factor disrupting the nasopharyngeal pathway, including

allergies or enlarged adenoids can possibly affect the occlusion adversely. To aid in the

prevention of malocclusion it is crucial to begin identifying and correcting the

environmental factors that contribute to a disharmony in the face and jaws (Ionescu,

Teodorescu, Badarau, Grigore, & Popa, 2008).

Figure 1 CII division 1 Malocclusion

Figure 2 CII division 2 Malocclusion


Treatment of Malocclusion

Treatment of patients with Class II malocclusion depends on the severity, the

growth potential, and the patient‟s desires. The options for correction of mild to

moderate jaw discrepancies are a combination of growth modification and orthodontic

treatment (Bailey, Proffit, & White, 1999). Although the growth potential of patients is

unknown, the presence of a distal step (Class II) in the primary dentition almost always

elicits a Class II malocclusion in the permanent dentition (Bishara, 1981). If there are

inadequate amounts of growth remaining, orthodontic camouflage of the underlying

skeletal discrepancy could possibly be an option. The effect, however, of extractions or

camouflage treatment on a person‟s facial esthetics must be considered (Bailey, Proffit, &

White, 1999).

An innovative treatment methodology for orthodontic-only correction of

malocclusion is the temporary anchorage device or TAD (Shu, Huang, & Bai, 2011).

These specialized bone screws or mini-plates are usually placed with local anesthetic and

provide skeletal anchorage to move teeth and may possibly eliminate the need for

surgical procedures in certain cases. Anterior open bites, which are commonly seen in

class II cases that would generally require surgical correction, have been treated with

intrusion of the molars using TADs as anchorage (Costello, Ruiz, Petrone, & Sohn, 2010;
Sandler, Madahar, & Murray, 2011). This technique can also provide benefit with the

anterior-posterior correction needed in Class II patients as the control of the vertical

dimension can result in autorotation of the mandible creating an improved chin projection

and profile (Upadhyay, Yadav, & Nanda, 2010). With proper protocol and treatment

planning, temporary anchorage devices may possibly eliminate the need for surgical

treatment in moderate class II cases. However, more research and long-term clinical

studies are needed to determine the limitations and benefits of their use (Rossouw &
Buschang, 2009).

Patients with severe underlying skeletal discrepancies may not be corrected with

orthodontics alone and may require orthognathic surgery. The prevalence of severe Class

II malocclusions (using 7mm or greater of overjet as an estimator), possibly requiring

orthognathic surgery, is estimated at 1 million individuals in the United States with

approximately 24,000 new cases added annually (Bailey, Proffit, & White, 1999).

Facial Morphology Studies

Much research has been done to study the specific craniofacial morphology of

Class II patients. Most studies have analyzed and compared cephalometric landmarks to

determine commonly occurring skeletal and dental characteristics of this malocclusion.

In a McNamara study (1981) of Class II malocclusion cases, 277 cephalometric

radiographs of children age 8 to 10 years old were examined. All children were dentally

Class II division 1 or Class II division 2. One vertical and four horizontal components

were measured to determine the distribution of these components amongst the Class II

patients. There were many combinations of skeletal and dental measurements revealed.

The most common component made up approximately 10% of the total sample and

included a retrusive mandible, normal position of the maxilla, normal position of the
maxillary and mandibular dentition and excess vertical face height. In this particular

study, approximately half of the sample presented with anterior vertical excess. The

second most common grouping involved the maxilla in a more retrusive position and the

same findings in all other features as the first component.

This study, along with other studies, demonstrates that there are various

components, both horizontal and vertical, that occur in a multitude of combinations

resulting in Class II malocclusion (Moyers, Riolo, Guire, Wainright, & Bookstein, 1980;

Sassouni, 1969; Sassouni, 1970). Yet, a retrusive mandible and anterior vertical excess
are common findings amongst Class II cases. Unlike McNamara, maxillary dental

protrusion was also a common feature. The facial verticality of Class II patients was

studied based on amount of overjet patients presented with. In those Class II patients

with normal overjet, a hypodivergent face, or shorter anterior facial height was found.

The increased overjet group (3-6mm) had normal vertical measurements and the extreme

overjet group (>6mm) presented with a hyperdivergent face, or anterior vertical excess

(Saltaji, Flores-Mir, Major, & Youssef, 2011). The maxillary arch widths of both

subgroups (division 1 and 2) of Class II malocclusion have been shown to have more

constriction than those of Class I malocclusion (Ingervall & Lennartsson, 1973;

Marinelli, Mariotti, & Defraia, 2011).

In a study of Class II division 1 non-growing females, many dental and skeletal

differences existed between these subjects and the Class I controls. The maxilla, in the

Class II division 1 group, was in proper antero-posterior position but the mandible was

undersized and more retrognathic. There was also a tendency for the mandible to be

rotated down and back, due to a shorter ramus height and thus an increase in the

mandibular plane angle. Dentally, maxillary incisors were found to be at a normal

inclination, however the lower incisors were more proclined than the Class I controls.

The cranial base angle was also greater for Class II division 1 patients (Sayin &

Turkkahraman, 2005).
While studies have examined Class II division 1 characteristics, there has also

been significant focus on Class II division 2 malocclusion. Based on the many skeletal

and dental findings that differ from both the Class I and Class II division 1

malocclusions, Class II division 2 patients should be delineated as a separate

malocclusion category (E. A. Al-Khateeb & Al-Khateeb, 2009). Angle first described

Class II division 2 malocclusion based only on the dento-alveolar characteristics. Many

studies have shown that significant skeletal components occur within the division 2
subtype (Brezniak et al., 2002; E. A. Al-Khateeb et al., 2009; S. Peck et al., 1998).

Through cephalometric landmarks, a normal positioned maxilla and retruded mandible

were common findings, similar to previous morphologic studies of Class II malocclusion,

in general. Other notable skeletal characteristics of this malocclusion include an acute

gonial angle, increased posterior facial height, decreased anterior facial height and an

effective pogonion. Dentally, the maxillary incisors appeared retroclined and the

mandibular incisors were either retroclined or normal. Patients of this subgroup also

presented with a deep overbite possibly due to the skeletal vertical deficiencies, creating a

forward rotation of the mandible rather than overeruption of the mandibular incisors

(Brezniak et al., 2002). It appears from some studies that morphologically and clinically,

the Class II division 2 malocclusion patients tend to be more similar to those with Class I

malocclusion than to those with Class II division 1 malocclusion (Fisk, Culbert, Grainger,

Hemred, & Moyers, 1953).

“Coverbite” is a term to describe 100% or greater overbite of incisors. Overbite is

the term used to describe the vertical overlap of the maxillary incisor over the mandibular

incisor during occlusion of the teeth. An overbite of 2mm is considered ideal. Through

the cephalometric and dental exam of the „coverbite‟ malocclusion, several distinct

dento-skeletal features were found. The Class II division 2 deep bite population in this

study, representing 17% of the total, was shown to have increased vertical posterior
growth with anterior forward rotation of the mandible, thus creating a greater overbite.

Although both the maxilla and mandible appeared normal in size, the anterior dentition in

both males and females were smaller than in the controls. In addition, the mandibular

basal bone formation was increased creating a stronger chin projection (S. Peck, Peck, &

Kataja, 1998).

Other research has focused on discerning the skeletal and dental differences

between the subtypes of Class II malocclusion. Pancherz et al. (1997) compared

cephalometric radiographic measurements between Class II division 1 and Class II

division 2 subjects and found no distinct skeletal or dental differences between the two

subgroups besides position of the maxillary incisors. In this study, approximately 50% of

the Class II division 1 patients also had proclination of the mandibular incisors, which

was not a common finding in the division 2 patients. Unlike the study by McNamara

(1981) and others, a common feature was a shorter lower face height. Another

comparison to note was that the ANB difference lessened in Class II division 1 patients

as their age increased. This did not occur in Class II division 2 patients and was thought

to be contributed to maxillary incisor retrusion restricting forward growth of the

mandible. Other studies, however, have shown that incisor positioning had no effect on

mandibular growth. For instance, Demisch et al. (1992) concluded that there was no

forward positioning or additional forward growth of the mandible in Class II division 2

patients once the maxillary incisors were uprighted and the bite was opened with

orthodontic appliances. This was indicative that any such growth restriction of the

mandible was not caused by the retroclined upper incisors (Demisch, Ingervall, & Thuer,


In summary, many morphological studies have been done to determine distinct

structural characteristics of Class II malocclusion along with differentiating the Class II

subtypes. Many of these previous studies have performed such morphological

characterization by utilizing descriptive analyses and testing correlations in

cephalometric variables derived from different developmental stages, malocclusion

severities and across global populations (McNamara, 1981; Battagel, 1993; Pancherz et

al., 1997; Lau and Hagg, 1999; Brezniack et al., 2002; Sayin and Turkkahraman, 2005).

More recently, more sophisticated multivariate methods for cephalometric data

analysis such as cluster procedures, principal components analysis (PCA), and

discriminant function analysis (DFA) have also been utilized in the characterization of
malocclusion components for both class II (Moyers et al., 1980) and class III (Finkelstein

et al., 1989; MacKay et al., 1992; Lu et al., 1993; Tahmina et al., 2000; Stellzig-

Eisenhauer et al., 2002; Bui et al., 2006) patients. In addition, facial form analysis derived

from lateral cephalograms using different methods such as elliptical fourier functions,

thin-plate spline analysis, and finite elements analysis have been performed in class I

(Lowe et al., 1994; Franchi et al., 2001), II (Lowe et al., 1994; Franchi et al., 2007) and

III patients (Lowe et al., 1994; Singh et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1998, 1999; Baccetti et al.,

1999; Alkhamrah et al., 2001) offering additional possibilities for classification of facial

shapes beyond those that conventional cephalometric studies are able to explain. A

thorough review of such methods for facial form analyses (i.e. elliptical fourier functions,

thin-plate spline and finite element analysis) is beyond the scope of this work, and

therefore our next section will only summarize results from studies that utilized

multivariate reduction methods for conventional cephalometric data that are directly

relevant to the methods used in this thesis (Moyers et al., 1980).

Phenotypic Characterization of Class II Malocclusion

Using Multivariate Reduction Methods:

One of the most complete descriptions of phenotypic characterizations of the

Class II malocclusion is that presented in Moyers et al. (1980) using cephalometric data

of Class II patients and data reduction methods. A cluster analysis produced subgroups

based on horizontal and vertical characteristics present in Class II malocclusion in a

sample of 610 patients. A total of 6 horizontal subgroups (A-F) and 5 vertical subgroups

(1-5) were defined based on common phenotypic characteristics. Four of the horizontal

groups (B, C, D, and E) were “syndromic types” and represented truly defined and

distinct Class II groups, both skeletally and dentally. The other two subgroups (A and F)

presented with less severe characteristics of Class II malocclusion and thus were less
well-defined Class II entities.

Amongst the horizontal subgroups, Group A represented the “pseudo Class II”

which had normal skeletal relations but had maxillary dental protrusion. Group B

displayed maxillary skeletal and dental protrusion and normal mandibular positioning and

size. Group C had bimaxillary retrusion, maxillary dental protrusion and mandibular

dental protrusion. Both the maxilla and mandible were smaller in size. Group D was

similar to Group C, but did not include mandibular dental protrusion. Group E was

maxillary prognathic with bimaxillary dental protrusion. Group F was the largest and

least well-defined group and displayed mandibular retrusion. Figure 3 illustrates the

horizontal subgroups as shown in Moyers (1980).

The vertical components were less well defined and certain types usually occurred

within one particular horizontal subgroup more frequently. The specific features of each

vertical subgroup are described below and illustrated in Figure 4 (With broken lines

representing features of that group, and solid lines depicting normal vertical). The Type

1 group presented with a steeper mandibular plane, creating a much greater anterior

vertical face height. A flatter mandibular plane, occlusal plane and palatal plane were

associated with the Type 2 group. In Type 3, the palatal plane tipped upward in the

anterior. Vertical Type 4 had an anterior downward tipping palatal and occlusal plane,

possibly creating an excess gingival display at rest. This vertical grouping was always
associated with the horizontal group B. Type 5 presented with a downward tipped palatal

plane and skeletal deep bite (Moyers, Riolo, Guire, Wainright, & Bookstein, 1980).

In summary, studies of phenotypic characterization utilizing single (McNamara,

1981; Pancherz et al., 1997; Sayin and Turkkahraman, 2005) and multivariate analyses

(Moyers et al., 1980) have found that a large amount of variation in skeletal and dental

measurements exist for both types of Class II malocclusion, yet the causes of such

skeletal and dental variation still remains elusive (Pancherz, Zieber, & Hoyer, 1997).
These various unfavorable combinations of morphological characteristics result in a Class

II malocclusion and should be carefully characterized and considered for diagnosis and

treatment purposes (Fisk, Culbert, Grainger, Hemred, & Moyers, 1953).

Through phenotypic characterization of a particular malocclusion, similar growth

patterns and treatment approaches for individuals with the same horizontal and vertical

components would be expected. Analysis of this information can improve treatment

modalities and allow for more appropriate treatment timing (Moyers, Riolo, Guire,

Wainright, & Bookstein, 1980). Moreover, this distinct characterization will be crucial in

determining the etiology of Class II malocclusion as having well-defined phenotypes will

reduce heterogeneity and empower future genetic and environmental studies of


Figure 3 Six Horizontal Subgroups from Moyers 1980


Figure 4 Five Vertical Types from Moyers 1980



The extent to which a particular trait is due to genetics is termed heritability

(Mossey, 1999a). Twin studies, especially those of monozygotic twins, are important and

useful in determining the effects of both genetic and environmental interaction and also

environmental factors alone on specific traits. Any difference found in the morphological

structure of monozygotic twins, who have identical genetic makeup, would be due to the

environment, whereas dizygotic twins, who have approximately 50% of genetic

correlation, will have differences due to the environment and genetics (Watnick, 1972).

Twin studies, along with parent-offspring genetic correlation studies, which show the

effects of additive genes through the variation between parent and offspring, help

determine the hereditary nature of the craniofacial complex (N. Nakata, Yu, Davis, &

Nance, 1973).

The extent to which genetics versus environmental factors affect the development

of Class II malocclusion remains unclear (Ruf & Pancherz, 1999). Class II div. 2

malocclusion, as discussed before, has specific morphologic features and has been

documented to have a strong hereditary component (S. Peck, Peck, & Kataja, 1998).

Studies in twins with class II div. 2 showed that monozygotic twins displayed high

concordance within malocclusion features, while dizygotic twins showed 90%

discordance in these features (Mossey, 1999b).

Research studying bony contours, which represented areas of bone deposition and

resorption, or potential growth sites, were compared in twin studies to determine

structures of greater heritability (Watnick, 1972). In these twin studies by Watnick, the

following defined areas were shown to be more under genetic control: the lingual

symphysis, lateral surface of the ramus, and frontal curvature of the mandible whereas

environmental components have shown to effect areas like the antegonial notch (Mossey,
1999b). Other twin studies have shown strong heritability (greater than 70%) in dental

features including number of third molars present, tooth crown size, arch width, and

maxillary lateral incisor malformation (Liu, Deng, Cao, & Ono, 1998).

Many studies have shown a strong familial segregation for the Class II division 2

„coverbite‟, which may occur through an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with

incomplete penetrance (i.e. the percentage of patients in the population who present the

disease causing mutation and expressed the specific phenotype). However, another

accepted mode of inheritance is that of a polygenic inheritance with many genes acting

additively (S. Peck, Peck, & Kataja, 1998).

Nakasima et al (1982) studied lateral and frontal cephalometric variables of Class

II and Class III Japanese patients and their parents. Stronger correlation coefficients

existed amongst skeletal measurements compared to dental measurements. All skeletal

measurements between parent and offspring were highly correlated (highest correlation

coefficient found was 0.502) in both the Class II and Class III groups consistent with a

polygenic mode of inheritance (Nakasima, Ichinose, Nakata, & Takahama, 1982).

Importance of Genetic Studies

Discrete traits, like cystic fibrosis, are more easily defined and can be explained

through a simple Mendelian mode of inheritance (Borecki & Rice, 2010). More
complex traits, like craniofacial anomalies, are continuous and multifactorial in nature,

thus creating a more complex mode of inheritance (Mossey, 1999). Identification of

chromosomal regions involved in a particular genetic trait requires familial studies to

compare genomic regions between affected members in a pedigree, an approach called

linkage analysis. However, it can also be accomplished by means of association analysis

which requires the comparison of genomic regions between unrelated individuals sharing

similar phenotypes (Ellsworth & Manolio, 1999; Townsend, Hughes, Luciano,

Bockmann, & Brook, 2009).


A linkage or an association analysis is utilized depending on the etiologic

architecture of the disease, followed by fine mapping of that chromosomal segment to

isolate a gene of interest (Ellsworth & Manolio, 1999b). Linkage analyses relate

phenotypes of genetically related individuals to specific similar locations on their

genomes and are more suited for the identification of rare variants with high impact on

the particular trait. Once more defined chromosomal regions have been identified

through a linkage analysis, candidate genes influencing a trait may be isolated.

Regression-based methods and association analyses are applied to unrelated individuals

(i.e. case-control designs) and have more power in the identification of common variants

with a smaller impact on the trait in question. These methods are used to determine the

variation within the gene as it relates to the variation in phenotypic expression of a trait

(Townsend, Hughes, Luciano, Bockmann, & Brook, 2009).

Genetic susceptibility to a disease is most commonly due to single nucleotide

polymorphisms (SNPS) (Wang & Moult, 2001), where a mutation presents with a single

base substitution and creates one nucleotide difference in two strands of DNA (Ellsworth

& Manolio, 1999a). Genomic association studies, which occur through correlating SNPS

with a certain complex trait, have elicited major advances in determining genetic

influence of a many complex traits (Manolio, 2010). One gene that accounts for multiple
phenotypes is said to be pleiotropic. Pleiotropy occurs in complex traits approximately

17% in genes and 5% in SNPs (Sivakumaran et al., 2011). Because of the pleiotropic

effect, a deleterious mutation in one gene can account for multiple morphologic

abnormalities (Mossey, 1999a) complicating our ability to discern etiologic mutations

that can explain malocclusion.

Very few human genetic studies to identify genes conferring susceptibility to

malocclusion have been performed. There have been more studies to identify the genetic

causes for class III than for class II malocclusion. This is likely due to the notion that

class III has a much stronger genetic component than the class II malocclusion.

Class III malocclusion mode of inheritance has been studied through family

pedigrees and the results suggest an autosomal mode of inheritance with a multifactorial

component. This possible Mendelian transmission includes a major gene with

incomplete penetrance (Cruz et al., 2008; Frazier-Bowers, Rincon-Rodriguez, Zhou,

Alexander, & Lange, 2009). A genome-wide linkage study was performed on Korean

and Japanese families with mandibular prognathism. Evidence of linkage was apparent

on 3 chromosomal loci: 1p36, 6q25, and 19p13. Loci 1p36 returned the highest linkage

result indicating the most likely genomic location for genes contributing to mandibular

prognathism (Yamaguchi, Park, Narita, Maki, & Inoue, 2005, Xue, Wong, & Rabie,

2010). In addition, the gene EPB41 was also determined to be associated with

mandibular prognathism (Xue, Wong, & Rabie, 2010). In a study of Hispanic families, 5

loci were found for linkage to mandibular prognathism or maxillary retrusion, which are

common features present in Class III malocclusion. They are 1p22, 3q26.2, 11q22,

12q13.13, and 12q23. One loci was found on chromosome 1, similar to the finding by

Yamaguchi, suggesting a common upstream genetic element regulating craniofacial

growth and influencing Class III tendency. Differences may lie in the racial variation of
each study and in the phenotypic differences of Class III malocclusion (Frazier-Bowers,

Rincon-Rodriguez, Zhou, Alexander, & Lange, 2009).

Genetic association has been found between mandibular ramus height and the

Growth hormone receptor gene (GHR). Two independent studies in Japanese and

Chinese Han demonstrated that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within GHR

contributed to the differences in the mandibular ramus morphology (Tomoyasu et al.,

2009; Zhou et al., 2005).


Studies relating genetic predisposition to mandibular hypoplasia in humans are

limited. Most often in the literature, genetic descriptions of mandibular ramal deficiency

associated with craniofacial anomalies, like hemifacial microsomia or Pierre Robin

syndrome, are prevalent, as one of many clinical manifestations in these syndromes is

mandibular micrognathia and subsequential retrognathia (Pirttiniemi, Peltomaki, Muller,

& Luder, 2009). Other research has demonstrated the genetic effects that can account for

mandibular deficiencies in animals, however, the link to humans has not been made yet.

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses have been beneficial in determining gene

identification for specific phenotypes (Nadeau & Frankel, 2000). This has been done in

mice by measuring the mandibular length, using gonion to menton as reference points,

and finding significant genetic linkage (2 significant QTLs) to areas on chromosome 10

and 11 that account for the differences in length. In addition, more sophisticated methods

of characterization of the mandible in mice have been performed utilizing Geometric-

morphometric approaches which use linear and angular measurements and identification

of specific landmarks to determine how they influence size and shape. This multivariate

analysis has been used to determine the linkage of QTLs and their effect on the size and

shape of mice mandibles using the Procrustes superimposition and 5 morphological

landmarks. Twelve QTLs were identified for size and 25 QTLs for shape, however there
was no morphologic clustering into distinct groups (Klingenberg, Leamy, Routman, &

Cheverud, 2001). This information can help perpetuate the study of gene regulation in the

size of the human mandibles as the chromosomal regions in mice correspond to particular

regions in human chromosomes (Dohmoto, Shimizu, Asada, & Maeda, 2002).

Other studies have suggested that Bone Morphogenic Proteins (BMPs), which

induce bone and cartilage formation, play a role in the development of the mandible, but

the extent of their involvement is unclear. The signal of the BMPs is strongly regulated
and proteins, such as Chordin (Chd) and Noggin (Nog), are BMP antagonists required for

normal mandibular development. Studies of mutant mice missing one or both copies of

the Chordin and Noggin gene elicited phenotypes displaying mandibular hypoplasia,

micrognathia and even agnathia. Mandibular malformations occurred most frequently

with mice missing both copies of the noggin gene (Stottmann, Berrong, Matta, Choi, &

Klingensmith, 2006). In a study of Colombian families with Class II tendency all

affected individuals were found to be homozygous for the rare allele in SNP rs1348322

on the Nog gene, but the exact effect of the polymorphism is uncertain (S. J. Gutierrez et

al., 2010).

The genetic involvement in the etiology of mandibular deficiency has been

studied as well as the ability to genetically alter this preexisting condition in animal

models. As many Class II malocclusion patients present with mandibular hypoplasia,

another avenue of treatment is using gene therapy to help stimulate condylar growth.

Injection of recombinant adeno-associated virus mediated vascular endothelial growth

factor (rAAV-VEGF) of rat condyles has stimulated condylar growth and induced bone

formation, increasing the length of the condyle as well as the mandibular length. By

either stimulating growth or being an alternate source to defective genes, gene therapy

could be beneficial in eliciting increased mandibular growth (Dai & Rabie, 2008).

Elucidating the etiology of malocclusion is important, as it will provide more avenues of

treatment to aid in the prevention of malocclusion.

Heritability not only accounts for skeletal features but also for most dental

features. For example, the eruption of primary teeth is estimated to be over 70%

heritable (Pillas et al., 2010). Tooth size and shape are genetically linked, as seen in

numerous twin studies. More recently, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have

been used to isolate specific genes causing particular dental phenotypes and anomalies

(Townsend, Bockmann, Hughes, & Brook, 2012). Two separate GWAS studies isolated
4 loci that are associated with the eruption of permanent teeth in children, and 5 loci that

were significant in the eruption of primary teeth. Two of the loci were common in both

groups (Geller et al., 2011; Pillas et al., 2010). Moderate to severe crowding is a

common dental finding and has been significantly associated with 5 SNPs and the EDA

and XEDAR genes in a Chinese population (Ting, Wong, & Rabie, 2011). Determining

the genetic component of both dental and skeletal characteristics will be beneficial in

eliciting the best orthodontic treatment methods.

Orthodontic treatment attempts to change the phenotypic expression of a

malocclusion problem. If most pathological features present within a malocclusion case

are greatly determined by genetics, the more difficult it will be to try to achieve growth

modification or orthodontic correction. In cases with severe malocclusion, surgical or

palliative limited treatments are usually the only options. Elucidating the cause and

aiding in prevention of malocclusion will come from a better understanding of the genetic

role in the manifestation of particular malocclusion phenotypes (Mossey, 1999).

However, such malocclusion phenotypes need to be well characterized to decrease

heterogeneity, avoid misclassification of affected individuals, and empower genetic and

environmental studies.

With recent technological advances that allow the simultaneous characterization

of entire genomes via high throughput genotyping of SNPS or sequencing of the genome
to evaluate human genetic variation, future gene and gene-environment studies of

malocclusion can be performed on precisely defined phenotypes. This will provide

valuable insights into the etio-pathogenesis underlying malocclusion (Cantor, Lange, &

Sinsheimer, 2010; Manolio et al., 2009; Thomas, 2010).



The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the institutional review board

at the University of Iowa.


The sample consisted of 309 healthy Caucasian subjects (227 female, 82 male;

age range: 16-60 years) who met specific inclusion criteria. 2-D pre-treatment records

were used from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Hospital Dentistry at the

University of Iowa. All had a full set of pre-orthodontic treatment records including

lateral cephalographs, intra and extra-oral photos, and models. The original sample

included 346 individuals; 37 of non-Caucasian race were excluded. Data on the

remaining 309 subjects were used for this analysis.

Patient Inclusion/ Exclusion Criteria

To qualify for our study the subjects must have been of age 16 years or older for

females and 18 years or older for males. Two or more of the following criteria were also

required: ANB ≥ 4, overjet ≥ 4; Angle Class II molar or canine relationship on at least

one side and the determination of a convex profile. Profile convexity or concavity was
determined by measuring the internal angle between a line from the nose bridge to the

base of the upper lip and a line from the base of the upper lip to the chin. A smaller angle

and a forward-positioned upper jaw relative to the chin were indicative of a convex

profile. A concave profile was indicated by a larger angle and a backward-positioned

upper jaw. Exclusion criteria were any of the following: History of facial trauma;

previous orthodontic treatment; presence of facial syndromes; missing or poor quality

records; missing teeth other than third molars; impacted teeth or completely blocked

teeth. The following Table 1 illustrates all the inclusion and exclusion criteria for Class

II subjects. These stringent eligibility criteria were chosen to minimize heterogeneity and

increase our explanatory power of the variation observed.

Table 1 Eligibility Criteria

CII Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
*at least 2 or more

Adult (female > 16, male History of severe facial

> 18) trauma
Previous orthodontic
ANB > 4

Presence of facial
Overjet > 4

Angle Class II molar or

Missing or poor quality
canine relationship on
at least one side
Missing teeth other than
Convex profile rd
3 molars

Impacted teeth


346 Class II patients were selected based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Lateral cephalometric radiographs of all patients were acquired and any film radiographs
were scanned and imported into Dolphin Imaging with a 100mm ruler. All analog

cephalographs were calibrated to eliminate any magnification difference between digital

and film radiographs (Cohen, 2005). Distance measures for film radiographs were scaled

(multiplied by 0.8929 for 12% magnified cephs from the College of Dentistry and 0.8850

for 13% magnified cephs from Hospital Dentistry) to match the digital radiographs in


A total of 63 lateral cephalometric variables were derived from the 33

cephalometric landmarks traced (Table 2 and 3). The variables are both linear and

angular and are the most commonly used in lateral cephalometric analyses (Bishara,

1981; Bui, King, Proffit, & Frazier-Bowers, 2006; McNamara, 1984).

The first column provides all cranial base measurements. These include the

position of the maxilla and mandible, respectively, to the cranial base landmarks, such as

sella and nasion. The second column represents all intermaxillary measurements. Any

dental related and soft tissue measurements are noted in the third column.

Inter-rater and Intra-rater reliability of cephalometric landmark location were

achieved prior to the Class II cephalometric data collection. More than half of the

subjects had film cephalometric radiographs and because of the less accurate detail in

many of these scanned in x-rays, all film radiographs were measured twice and averaged

for better accuracy. Digital radiographs were measured once.


Table 2 Cephalometric Variables


Table 3 Cephalometric Landmarks


Table 3. Continued

Inter-rater and Intra-rater Reliability

To achieve inter-rater and intra-rater reliability on the location of cephalometric

landmarks, 15 cephalometric radiographs were randomly selected from both the Class II

and Class III subjects and measured twice by two examiners. The first measurements for

examiner one were compared to the same first measurements of examiner two. For the

comparison of the data sets for the two examiners, a one-way Anova test was created for

each variable with groups defined by participant ID. The residuals from each model were

examined for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test. After normality of the sample was

validated, the parametric Intraclass Correlation test by Shrout and Fleiss was used to

assess inter-rater agreement. The intraclass correlation is a parametric procedure used

when data are paired but it is impossible to assign one variable independent and the other

dependent. The intraclass correlation coefficient gives the proportion of variance

attributable to between group differences, and the null hypothesis for significance testing

is that this coefficient is equal to zero (H0=0) (Fleiss, Paik, & Levin, 2003; Zar, 2010).

The difference was calculated for each pair of measurements (first minus second

for intra-rater, and Vela minus Howe for inter rater) using a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test

to determine if the median difference between the measurements from the two measures
was equal to zero (assuming symmetry). All analysis was done using SAS 9.2, and type

1 error of 0.05 was assumed.

For the 63 continuous variables, the intra class correlation showed excellent

agreement (listed in Table 4). The parametric ICC ranged from 0.7140 to 0.9988 with

ICC>0.80 for all but 1 variable indicating excellent intra-rater agreement between the two

measurements. The variables with ICC below 0.80 are highlighted in the table. Nine

variables had significant differences between the measures and the greatest mean

difference was 2.06mm.


The intra class correlation for the 63 Class III cephalometric variables are listed in

Table 5 and all variables had ICC>0.80 ranging from 0.9180 to 0.9991. Nine variables

had significant differences in the first and second measures, however, the greatest mean

difference was -1.13mm.

The ICC estimates of inter rater reliability for the 63 Class III cephalometric

variables ranged from 0.8435 to 0.9957, with all variables ICC>0.80 indicating excellent

reliability for all measures (Table 6). There were several variables with significant

differences in the dual measure, but all mean differences were less than 1.87mm.

Intra rater comparisons seem to have good to excellent for cephalometric

variables; this was true for the Class II and Class III individuals. The inter rater

comparison showed excellent agreements on all cephalometric measures. Any variables

with significant differences were identified and examined to improve accuracy and

reliabililty for landmark identification.

Statistical Analysis

Data were standardized using a linear model for age, gender and appropriate

interactions. A separate model was fit for each of the 63 cephalometric measures using

standard regression multiple regression methods. In all, four different configurations of

covariate adjustment were used among the 63 models: all included an adjustment for

gender, and some also required age adjustment, as well as an additional consideration of

gender by age interaction, i.e., different age adjustment for each gender. Model

diagnostic procedures were performed on all standardization models and assumptions

were validated. The studentized (normalized) residuals were extracted from these models

and used as the standardized data for the principal component analysis.

Data reduction methods including the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and

the Cluster Analysis (CA) were used to determine the most homogenous phenotypic
groups. Principal component analysis is a multivariate technique often used for

quantitative data reduction prior to regression or cluster analysis. Components are the

eigenvectors of the correlation matrix and the 63 components were sorted in descending

order by eigenvalues which represent the variances of the components (Kleinbaum,

1998). This simplification method allows easier analysis of the data and more defined

clustering of individuals. Principal component 1 will describe the phenotypic

characteristics that account for the most variance. By determining more principal

components (PC2, PC3, etc.), progressively less of the variance in the data is represented.

Most often PCs that describe less than 5% of the variance are questioned as being

biologically meaningful (Zelditch, 2004). Calculated using weights of all 63 original

variables, the standardized principal component scores were extracted for each subject

ensuring that the variances are standardized prior to employing the clustering algorithm.

SAS 9.3 statistical software was used to perform the partitional cluster analysis with

methods based on the leader (Hartigan, 1975) and the k-means (MacQueen, 1967)

algorithms using the method of Anderberg (1973) called nearest centroid sorting. The

process initiates with the selection of cluster seeds based on an estimate of cluster means

or centroids, each subject is then placed in the cluster of the nearest centroid according to

Euclidean distance measures. Recalculation of centroids and iterative assignments of

subjects to nearest clusters continues until the minimum of the sum of squared Euclidean
distances between subjects and cluster means is accomplished. The final cluster

assignments are achieved when the algorithm converges (i.e. no further changes occur in

cluster centroids).

To visualize the cluster analysis results, a canonical discriminant analysis was

performed and scored canonical variables were computed. The purpose of canonical

discriminant analysis is to identify axes (i.e., in this case, the (k-1) axes for k clusters)

that best separate the clusters. The canonical discriminant procedures result in linear
combinations of the standardized principal components that summarize between-cluster

variation similar to the way in which principal components summarize total variation.

These linear functions are uncorrelated and define a (k-1) space that best separates the

projections of the k groups into that space.

Canonical discriminant analysis (due to Hotelling, 1936) transforms the

standardized principal component scores used in the cluster analysis so that the pooled

within-cluster covariance matrix is an identity matrix. Cluster means are then computed

for the transformed variables. Finally, a principal component analysis is performed on

the means, weighting each mean by the number of observations in the class (SAS 9.3

Proc FASTCLUS documentation). The eigenvalues are equal to the ratio of between-

cluster variation to within-cluster variation in the direction of each resulting principal

component; the analogy to principal components analysis is evident.

The first canonical variable, or canonical component, is the linear combination of

the variables that has the highest possible multiple correlation with the groups (clusters).

This maximal multiple correlation is called the first canonical correlation, and the

coefficients of the linear combination are the canonical coefficients or canonical weights.

The second canonical variable is obtained by finding the linear combination uncorrelated

with the first canonical variable that has the highest possible multiple correlation with the

groups. This process can be repeated until the number of canonical variables is equal to
the original number of variables, or the number of classes minus one, whichever is

smaller. The scored canonical variables are used in this study to plot pairs or triads of

canonical variables in order to aid visual interpretation of cluster differences. R statistical

program was used in conjunction with the rgl package to produce 3 dimensional graphs

of the data.

The k-means clustering algorithm is sensitive to extreme values as a consequence

of the least squares condition; however no subjects in this dataset appeared to be extreme
observations. The clustering algorithm was performed separately for a range of number

of clusters, from 2 to 7 clusters. The criterion based methods of pseudo F statistic,

approximate expected over-all R2, and cubic clustering criterion (valid because of the

uncorrelated nature of principal components); as well as data visualization techniques of

scored canonical variables were used to determine the appropriate number of clusters.

Cluster validation was performed by locating subjects closest to the final cluster means

and examining the subject‟s cephalometric data and profile to ensure that clusters

represented distinct clinical phenotypes. All analysis used SAS 9.3 with a 0.05 level of


Table 4 CII Intra Rater Ceph Variables


Table 5 CIII Intra Rater Ceph Variables


Table 6 CIII Inter Rater Ceph Variables Howe vs. Vela



The goal of this project was to explore the structure of cephalometric

measurement data using clustering techniques in order to identify subphenotypes within

Class II malocclusion subjects. Results indicated that 7 principal components account for

80.95% of the total variance in the data. The 7 eigenvectors are orthogonal and

uncorrelated (these are distinct properties), representing perpendicular directions in

space. The most heavily weighted components are visible in descending order in the

Scree plot (Figure 5 and Table 7) and the components before the shoulder of the curve

were deemed to be the most meaningful and explain the most variation in the data set.

There were no outliers seen in the data set as determined by the 95% prediction ellipse

for all components (one example shown in Figure 6). Specific cephalometric variables

are represented with each component (Tables 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15). Principal component

1 (PC1) refers to the vertical dimension in regards to the angulation of the mandibular

plane and explains 25.2% of the variation (Figure 10 and 11). Two patients were

identified as extremes for this component; the low extreme presented with a flat

mandibular plane while the high extreme had a very steep mandibular plane. The second

principal component (PC2) explains 14.8% of the variation and refers to the maxillary
incisor angulation (Figure 12 and 13). The low extreme of this component presented

with very upright incisors, typical to a Class II division 2 patient. The high extreme

presented with very proclined incisors. The subjects representing each quartile also

demonstrated progressively increasing incisor proclination. PC3 refers to the mandibular

horizontal and vertical lengths as well as the posterior facial height and explains 12.2% of

the variation (Figure 14 and 15). PC4 references the position of the maxilla, especially

in regards to the maxillary incisor angulation and accounts for 9.5% of the variation

(Figure 16 and 17). Mandibular incisor position relative to the mandibular plane and the
degree of facial taper are two features that represent PC5 and explain 8.3% of the

variation (Figure 18 and 19). In the low extreme, the mandibular incisors are more

upright and there is significant facial taper (the N-Gn-Go angle is acute). The high

extreme of this component has very proclined mandibular incisors and less facial taper.

The progressive proclination of the mandibular incisors is apparent in the patients who

represent each quartile. PC6 refers to the angulation of the cranial base and the position

of the maxilla and explains 6.1% of the variation (Figure 20 and 21). As the position of

sella to nasion becomes steeper, the angle S-N to F-H becomes greater. A very small

angulation of the cranial base describes the low extreme and a very steep anterior cranial

base is demonstrated in the high extreme. The final component, PC7, explains 5.0%, or

the least amount of variation of all the components thus far (Figure 22 and 23). It refers

to the WITS analysis (A-O to B-O) and the amount of overjet a patient presents with.

With all of the numerical and graphical information as well the best the clinical

depiction of distinct groups, it was concluded that the Class II malocclusion sub-

phenotypes, in our sample, is best represented by the 5 cluster model (Table 8 and

Figures 8, 9). Based on the Pseudo F and CCC data (Figure 7), 2, 3, or 4 clusters may

also seem reasonable, however, the two and three cluster models were too simplistic. The

four cluster model was compared to the five cluster model based on a clinically

meaningful interpretation of cephalometric features of the centroid and core. The 4

cluster model did not include the open-bite group seen in the 5 cluster model, and

because this was deemed clinically relevant, the 4 cluster model was not selected.

Although the most well defined clusters would be separate entities, some overlap

between groups is expected and was observed. Cluster 2 was the central cluster and

contained the most observations (n=85), however cluster 4 had the largest standard

deviation (spread of observations). Cluster 4 also had the fewest observations (n=53).

The centroid of each cluster is the numerical average of that cluster and the individual

closest to the centroid was drawn to represent the characteristics of that group. All

centroid individuals for the 5 clusters are illustrated in Figure 24.

Cluster 1, representing approximately 18% of total (n=56), depict distinct dental

and skeletal characteristics (Figure 25). The anterior cranial base was longer, with a

slightly decreased saddle angle. The maxilla was mildly retrusive and the mandible was

larger but mildly retropositioned with a normal mandibular plane angle. The longer

anterior cranial base, extending more forward than normal, is a contributing factor of the

retropositioned maxilla and mandible. The maxillary incisors were upright and the

mandibular incisors were normal with a mildly increased overjet and normal overbite.

This cluster would represent the milder skeletal Class II with a normal vertical


The largest group, representing 27.5% of the total (n=85), was Cluster 2 (Figure

26). The cranial base and maxillary position and size were normal. The mandible was

moderately retrusive with a mildly decreased mandibular plane angle. The profile was

moderately convex and the centroid representation had the least facial taper of all the

centroids. The maxillary incisors were upright and the mandibular incisors were

protrusive, with normal overjet and overbite. Overall, this group represents a more

skeletal Class II patient due to a retrusive mandible, with dental compensations present,
and a normal vertical component.

Cluster 3 represents 18% (n=57) of the total and has a shorter anterior cranial base

and normal saddle angle (Figure 27). The maxilla is mildly protrusive and the mandible

is retrusive with a smaller unit length and shorter posterior facial height. The profile is

moderately convex and the patient has upright maxillary incisors and normal mandibular

incisors, with increased overjet and overbite. Vertically, there is a shorter anterior facial

height with some lip redundancy. In summary, both jaws are involved in producing the
Class II malocclusion, the patient has a deep bite and is slightly over-closed.

Cluster 4 represents approximately 17% of the total sample and has a shorter

anterior cranial base and slightly decreased saddle angle (Figure 28). The maxilla is

mildly protrusive and the mandible is retrusive with smaller unit length, smallest ramus

height and very steep mandibular plane angle. There is a severely convex profile with

increased facial taper. Dentally, the maxillary incisors are normal and the mandibular

incisors are protrusive. Increased overjet and an anterior open-bite are present in this

centroid. Vertically, there is a mildly increased anterior face height. Soft tissue findings

include a larger interlabial gap. This cluster is defined by the steepness of the mandibular

plane due to the shortness of the ramus, which creates an open-bite tendency and a more

severe maxillo-mandibular discrepancy, caused by both jaws.

Cluster 5 accounts for approximately 19% of the individuals and clinically

features a normal cranial base, mildly protrusive maxilla and mildly retrusive mandible

(Figure 29). This group presents with a severely decreased mandibular plane angle. The

maxillary incisors are protrusive and the mandibular incisors are normal with increased

overjet and normal overbite. Vertically, there is a shorter anterior facial height with lip

redundancy. Overall, the flat mandibular plane, protrusive maxillary incisors and

increased overjet are common findings in this cluster.


Figure 5 Scree Plot: Heaviest loaded components charted in descending order; Seven

principal components selected.


Figure 6 Component Scores 95% Prediction Ellipse: No outliers present

Table 7 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix


Pseudo F and CCC Values by Cluster Number

35 0


Pseudo F


-5 Pseudo F

28 -9
2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of Clusters

Figure 7 Pseudo F and CCC Values by Cluster Number: Five clusters selected

Table 8 Summary of Class II Malocclusion Cluster Analysis

Cluster Summary - 5 Clusters
Root Mean Squares Nearest Distance Between
(St. Dev) Cluster Centroids
1 56 0.7527 2 2.13
2 85 0.7685 5 2.10
3 57 0.9007 2 2.26
4 53 0.9419 2 2.19
5 58 0.8739 2 2.10
*n=309 Caucasian. Data age, gender adjusted and normalized PCA

Figure 8 Plots of Clusters of Class II Malocclusion Subjects: Centroids Labeled


Figure 9 3D Plot of 5 Clusters of Class II Malocclusion


Table 9 PC1 Cephalometric Variables

Cephalometric Measures Definition

Angle formed at intersection of Sella-Nasion with Gonion-
SNGoGNDeg (intermaxillary)
Gnathion Line
Angle formed at intersection of Frankfort Horizontal (Porion-
FHMPDeg (intermaxillary)
Orbitale) with Mandibular Plane (Gonion-Menton)
Angle formed by Nasion-Sella and Sella-Gnathion lines at
NSGnDeg (Y-axis)
mm distance from Pg to N Horizontal, which is a vertical line
PgNhorizmm (mandibular)
from Nasion constructed perpendicular to Horizontal Plane.
Horizontal Plane is 7 degrees superior to Sella-Nasion (S-N).

Figure 10 PC1 Extremes: referring to vertical dimension in regards to the angulation of

the mandibular plane.

Figure 11 PC1 Quartiles

Diagram shows cephalometric profiles of individuals within the minimum,

25%, 50%, 75% and maximum component scores of PC1.

Table 10 PC2 Cephalometric Variables

Cephalometric Measures Definition

Angle formed at the intersection of Sella-Nasion
U1SNDeg (dental measurement)
with line connecting U1 tip and U1 root
Angle formed at the intersection of a line
U1L1Deg (dental measurement)
connecting U1 tip-U1 root with line connecting L1
tip-L1 root
Angle formed at the intersection of Frankfort
U1FHDeg (dental measurement)
Horizontal (Porion-Orbitale) with line connecting
U1 tip and U1 root
mm distance from Lower Lip to Soft Tissue N
LLipSTNPerpmm (soft tissue
Perpendicular, which is a vertical line from ST
measurement) Nasion constructed perpendicular to Frankfort
Horizontal (Po-Or)

Figure 12 PC2 Extremes: referring to maxillary incisor angulation.

Figure 13 PC2 Quartiles

Diagram shows cephalometric profiles of individuals within the minimum,

25%, 50%, 75% and maximum component scores of PC2.

Table 11 PC3 Cephalometric Variables

Cephalometric Measures Definition

mm distance from Condylion to Gnathion
CoGnmm (mandibular unit length)
mm distance from Condylion to Gonion
CoGomm (posterior facial height)
mm distance from Nasion to Menton
NMemm (anterior facial height)
mm distance from U6 cusp tip to palatal plane
U6PPmm (dental measurement)

Figure 14 PC3 Extremes: referring to mandibular horizontal and vertical lengths

(anterior and posterior facial heights).

Figure 15 PC3 Quartiles

Diagram shows cephalometric profiles of individuals within the minimum,

25%, 50%, 75% and maximum component scores of PC3.


Table 12 PC4 Cephalometric Variables

Cephalometric Measures Definition

Angle formed at the intersection of Nasion-A with line
U1NaDeg (dental measurement)
connecting U1 tip and U1 root
mm distance from Nasion-A line to U1 tip
U1Namm (dental measurement)
Angle formed by Sella-Nasion and Nasion-A lines at
SNADeg (maxilla to cranial base)
mm distance from A to N Horizontal, which is a vertical
ANHorizmm (maxilla)
line from Nasion constructed perpendicular to
Horizontal Plane. Horizontal Plane is 7 degrees superior
to Sella-Nasion (S-N).

Figure 16 PC4 Extremes: referring to the position of the maxilla, especially in regards to

the maxillary incisor angulation.

Figure 17 PC4 Quartiles

Diagram shows cephalometric profiles of individuals within the minimum,

25%, 50%, 75% and maximum component scores of PC4.

Table 13 PC5 Cephalometric Variables

Cephalometric Measures Definition

Angle formed at the intersection of Mandibular Plane
L1MPDeg (dental measurement)
(Gonion-Menton) with line connecting L1 tip and L1
Angle formed by Gonion-Gnathion and Gnathion-
NGnGoDeg (facial taper)
Nasion lines at Gnathion
Angle formed at the intersection of Mandibular Plane
IdPgMPDeg (chin angle)
(Gonion-Menton) with a line connecting Pogonion to
the L1 Labial Gingival Border (Pg-Id)
mm distance from Sella-Gonion divided by mm
SGoNMePerc (P-A Face height)
distance from Nasion-Menton

Figure 18 PC5 Extremes: referring to the position of the mandibular incisor to the

mandibular plane and the degree of facial taper.

Figure 19 PC5 Quartiles

Diagram shows cephalometric profiles of individuals within the minimum,

25%, 50%, 75% and maximum component scores of PC5.


Table 14 PC6 Cephalometric Variables

Cephalometric Measures Definition

FHSNDeg (intermaxillary) Angle formed at intersection of Sella-Nasion with Frankfort

Horizontal (Porion-Orbitale)

ANPerpmm (maxilla) mm distance from A to N Perpendicular, which is a vertical

line from Nasion constructed perpendicular to Frankfort

Horizontal (Po-Or)

ULipSTNPerpmm (soft tissue) mm distance from Upper Lip to Soft Tissue N

Perpendicular, which is a vertical line from ST Nasion

constructed perpendicular to Frankfort Horizontal (Po-Or)

LLipSTNPerpmm (soft tissue) mm distance from Lower Lip to Soft Tissue N

Perpendicular, which is a vertical line from ST Nasion

constructed perpendicular to Frankfort Horizontal (Po-Or)


Figure 20 PC6 Extremes: referring to the cranial base angulation and position of the


Figure 21 PC6 Quartiles.

Diagram shows cephalometric profiles of individuals within the minimum,

25%, 50%, 75% and maximum component scores of PC6.


Table 15 PC7 Cephalometric Variables

Cephalometric Measures Definition

AOBOmm (Wits Appraisal) mm distance between two points located on the occlusal

plane, projected from A and B perpendicular to the occlusal

plane. Occlusal plane is defined as a line constructed

between the midpoint of the U6 and L6 cusp tips and

bisection of U1 and L1 tips

OJmm (dental measurement) horizontal mm distance: L1 tip to U1 tip measured along

occlusal plane, which is defined as a line constructed

between the midpoint of the U6 and L6 cusp tips and

bisection of U1 and L1 tips

Angle formed at the intersection of Facial Plane
ABNPgDeg (intermaxillary)
(Nasion-Pogonion) with A-B line

ANBDeg (intermaxillary) Angle formed by A-Nasion and Nasion-B lines at Nasion


Figure 22 PC7 Extremes: referring to the WITS analysis and amount of overjet

Figure 23 PC7 Quartiles.

Diagram shows cephalometric profiles of individuals within the minimum,

25%, 50%, 75% and maximum component scores of PC7.

Figure 24 Cluster Centroids with Descriptions


Figure 25 Cluster 1 Centroid and Core with Description


Figure 26 Cluster 2 Centroid and Core with Description


Figure 27 Cluster 3 Centroid and Core with Description


Figure 28 Cluster 4 Centroid and Core with Description


Figure 29 Cluster 5 Centroid and Core with Description



There have been no studies that have delved into the phenotypic makeup of Class

II malocclusion like this study. Using similar statistical procedures and methods as Bui

et al. (2006) had used in the study of phenotypic characterization of Class III

malocclusion, this study has produced specific components describing most of the Class

II variation and identified 5 distinct clusters depicting the most common phenotypic

characteristics found in the Class II malocclusion. Unlike the study by Bui, we have

included only Caucasian adult patients presenting with Class II malocclusion who most

likely had full expression of growth completed and all subjects were standardized in

regards to age and gender.

This study also differed from the older study conducted by Moyers et al., which

did not have set inclusion/exclusion criteria or as well defined statistical methods. In

Moyers‟ study, all subjects were Caucasian children, however, the age ranges were not

specified. Moyers‟ study divided Class II malocclusion into separate horizontal and

vertical subtypes. While separating the horizontal and vertical components may be

convenient for description purposes and a good tool for classifying patients, it was not

fully representative of the Class II malocclusion subphenotypes, like our findings. The
current study produced clusters representing the most common combinations of

horizontal and vertical components. It is beneficial to illustrate the interactions between

the two dimensions, as viewing them as separate entities may not reveal the true

expression of the malocclusion. Additionally, in Moyers‟ study, 115 out of the 610

horizontally-classified patients were not classified into a vertical type. Therefore, no

direct comparison can be made between the clusters in this study and the different

horizontal and vertical subtypes in Moyers‟ study. The findings of this study showed all

of the phenotypic variation of Class II malocclusion seen in the studies using the single

variable analysis including McNamara (1981), Pancherz et al. (1997), Sayin and

Turkkahraman (2005), as well as the multivariate analysis of Moyers (1980).

The present study has conducted more in-depth statistical analyses with more

stringent methodological criteria and detailed cephalometric landmark identification.

With this, we have elicited the principal components or specific features that can explain

most of the variation of Class II malocclusion, something that has not been produced

before. The statistical methods in Moyers‟ study were not described in detail, however, a

cluster analysis was used. By using a principal component analysis prior to a cluster

analysis, as in our study, we have elicited the most important independent variables and

used that information to form the specific clusters.

The PCA reduced the 63 variables and identified seven principal components that

explain 81% of the variation of our Class II sample. Each component represents a

specific phenotype or trait of the malocclusion. The most variation was explained by the

first component (PC1), and subsequent components explain progressively less variation.

The first component describes the vertical dimension in regards to the angulation of the

mandibular plane to the cranial base. Verticality of patients plays a significant role in

determining orthodontic correction for Class II patients; for example, the treatment and

treatment response may differ in patients with a flat plane versus a steeper plane.
PC2 referred to maxillary incisor inclination and the subjects representing each

quartile demonstrated progressively increasing incisor proclination. Incisor angulation is

a significant feature distinguishing Class II subdivisions. As reviewed from the literature,

those divisions present with very different skeletal and dental characteristics (E. A. Al-

Khateeb & Al-Khateeb, 2009).

PC3 differentiates the range of mandibular lengths present in Class II patients. A

common finding of Class II malocclusion, as described previously, is smaller mandibles,

however, some patients who present with this malocclusion have normal size mandibles

and are Class II skeletally based on a malpositioned maxilla. For each patient the jaw

size and position will affect the treatment.

The fourth component refers to the position of the maxilla, especially in regards to

the maxillary incisor angulation. As the incisors become more upright, the position of the

maxilla, represented by A point, moves forward. This can create the appearance of a

more protrusive maxilla due to the positioning of the maxillary incisors.

Principal components 5, 6, and 7 explain less of the variation and it should be

noted that as progressively less variation is explained, the clinical differences may be

more difficult to observe. Viewing the quartiles in PC5, it is apparent that the mandibular

incisors become more proclined and there are differences in degree of facial taper. The

position of the maxilla is referred to in the PC6 and is seen by the distance from A-point

to nasion perpendicular, where the low extreme has A-point set back from N-

perpendicular and the high extreme has A-point much more forward of that line,

depicting a more protrusive maxilla. Inclination of the anterior cranial base can create

variation in the measurements based on these landmarks. Smaller than normal

measurements of the SNA and SNB angles can be due to actual maxillo-mandibular

retrusion, or can be an outcome of a low sella or high nasion point creating a steeper

cranial base. In PC7, it is obvious between the low and high extreme that the overjet
increases significantly. This component describes the differences in the underlying

skeletal discrepancy and it is apparent that the patient on the high end is a more severe

Class II, while the low end has normal overjet and may have only mild Class II skeletal

tendencies. Obviously, treatment options for the two extremes will differ, where the

patient with minimal overjet may benefit from orthodontics alone and the patient with

more significant amount of overjet may need orthodontic and surgical correction for the

underlying skeletal discrepancy.


The specific components produced illustrate the most important variables

explaining the variation of Class II malocclusion. Having more descriptive clinical

information will aid in a more accurate diagnoses and better treatment decisions. Patients

with similar growth patterns should have comparable treatment modalities. If the amount

of horizontal and vertical components in Class II patients can be assessed earlier on, more

specific and appropriate treatment can be rendered. Other Class II patients can be

described through this model and their specific phenotypes can be evaluated and assigned

to an appropriate cluster. Each cluster will require different treatment and the most

befitting treatment for each cluster will be determined. Future patients assigned to a

particular cluster can be assumed to have a similar growth patterns and course of

treatment. Thus, these specific phenotypic groups will elicit more valuable information

on the timing and treatment of orthodontics and help elucidate the etiology of


Limitations of the Study

There are several inherent limitations to this study. First, our sample represents

those people seeking orthodontic treatment and may not be representative of the general
population, as possibly those with more severe malocclusion may present to the

orthodontic clinic. Also, there is some subjectivity involved in determining the number

of clusters to describe Class II malocclusion. Although there are statistical computations

and numerical values in the process, identifying distinct clusters both spatially and

clinically is left open to some interpretation. Lastly, our study used and analyzed 2

dimensional data, which can create difficulty analyzing 3-dimensional craniofacial

features. The ability to landmark 3-D images could provide more information when

standardized cephalometric analyses are available. As technology improves, replicating

this study with 3-D images will prove beneficial.

Future Projects

Future projects could include dividing Class II subjects into division 1 and

division 2 subgroups and analyzing the principle components and clusters amongst the

divisions to note differences. However, Class II division 2 patients are not as prevalent in

the population and an adequate sample size for this group may be difficult to attain. As

noted before, the division 2 group can be viewed as a distinct entity and has significant

skeletal and dental differences from those patients with Class I or Class 2 division 1


More importantly, phenotypic characterization of Class II malocclusion will be

the data infrastructure to future large-scale genetic studies that will allow an in-depth

analysis of the etiology of malocclusion. Hopefully, with specific clusters of Class II

patients, identifying a causative gene will be more attainable. Having the ability to

distinguish between those patients with more vertical versus more horizontal growth

components and identifying genetic variants that account for these differences will

facilitate the design of preventative measures and the most beneficial treatment for

specific phenotypes. Although it is clear that there is a genetic role in Class II

malocclusion, there are limited studies on the specific genes involved. Having

characterized Class II patients into commonly occurring phenotypic subgroups will

hopefully allow a more accurate depiction of causative genes creating various

components of this malocclusion.



Malocclusion is a complex trait, with both environmental and genetic influences

interacting to create disharmony of the jaws and teeth. This can create a distorted facial

appearance and have significant effects on the quality of life, both psychosocially and

functionally. The etiology of malocclusion is not fully understood and has not been

studied in great detail due to the lack of well-defined phenotypes. The purpose of this

study was to reduce the heterogeneity of Class II malocclusion and produce distinct

phenotypic groups that will allow future studies to determine the etiology of this


This study has produced seven components that help to explain the most

important features of Class II malocclusion. Furthermore, five distinct clusters have been

identified that divide this malocclusion into homogenous phenotypic groups. This study

will lay the foundation for future studies to identify a causative gene in this multifactorial

problem. The identification of genetic influences in Class II malocclusion can aid in the

prevention and improve treatment modalities of maxillo-mandibular discrepancies.



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