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Automatic Generation of Jokes in Hindi


Srishti Aggarwal, Radhika Mamidi


ACL Student Research Workshop (SRW) (Association for Computational Linguistics)


Vancouver, Canada

Report No: IIIT/TR/2017/-1

Centre for Language Technologies Research Centre

International Institute of Information Technology
Hyderabad - 500 032, INDIA
July 2017
Automatic Generation of Jokes in Hindi

Srishti Aggarwal Radhika Mamidi

IIIT Hyderabad IIIT Hyderabad

Abstract line is the final portion of the text, which violates

that expectation, thereby generating humour due
When it comes to computational language to the production of incongruity and its consequent
generation systems, humour is a relatively resolution.
unexplored domain, especially more so for As intelligent systems advance further and find
Hindi (or rather, for most languages other their way into increasingly more domains the need
than English). Most researchers agree that to process human natural languages increases; a
a joke consists of two main parts - the challenging part of this is processing humour.
setup and the punchline, with humour be- Hence, in this paper, we attempt to build a system,
ing encoded in the incongruity between which generates humorous texts in a restricted do-
the two. In this paper, we look at Dur se main of Dur se Dekha type jokes, a form of hu-
Dekha jokes, a restricted domain of hu- morous three liner poetry1 in Hindi. This kind of
morous three liner poetry in Hindi. We poetry was popular in the Indian culture at one
analyze their structure to understand how point but is almost lost now, with only a few re-
humour is encoded in them and formalize peated examples available online.
it. We then develop a system which is suc-
cessfully able to generate a basic form of 2 Related Work
these jokes.
Till date, there has been limited contribution to-
1 Introduction wards construction of computational humour gen-
eration systems. One of the first attempts in gen-
The Oxford dictionary has defined humour as the
erating humour was the program JAPE (Binsted
quality of being amusing or comic, especially as
and Ritchie (1997), Ritchie (2003)). JAPE used
expressed in literature or speech. It is an essential
an algorithm to generate funny punning riddles, or
element of human interactions. The understanding
more specifically phonologically ambiguous rid-
and sense of humour varies widely across time,
dles, having noun phrase punchlines.
space and people. The same properties which
HAHAcronym generator (Stock and Strappar-
make it interesting and compelling also make its
ava, 2003) was another attempt at computational
structure rich and complex, making it an interest-
humour generation, whose goal was to automati-
ing topic of study.
cally generate new versions of existing acronyms,
Verbal humour is the most commonly used form
which were ensured to be humorous using incon-
of humour in the everyday use of natural lan-
gruity theories.
guage. Joke, a sub-class of verbal humour, is com-
Aside from this, Taylor and Mazlack (2004),
monly considered the prototypical form of ver-
worked on humour comprehension on a restricted
bal humour, produced orally in conversations or
domain of ”knock-knock” jokes. Although the
published in collections (Dynel, 2009). Most re-
heuristic based approach was able to effectively
searchers ( Sherzer (1985), Attardo and Chabanne
identify the word-play instances which was the
(1992), Attardo (1994, 2001), Suls (1972)) agree
first task, it faced difficulty in the knock-knock
with Raskin (1985) that jokes comprise a setup and
joke identification part, again stressing the chal-
a punchline. The setup builds a narrative and in-
duces some form of expectation, while the punch- 1
A three line poem is called a tercet.

Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics- Student Research Workshop, pages 69–74
Vancouver, Canada, July 30 - August 4, 2017. 2017 Association for Computational Linguistics
lenge in humour analysis. why these jokes lose their humour when translated
More Recently, Valitutti et al. (2016), attempts into another language.
to generate humorous texts by substitution of a sin- On further analysis, we classified these jokes
gle word in a short text, within some constraints. into two main types, which are explained below
The results showed that taboo words made a text with examples.
recognizable as humorous.
Petrović and Matthews (2013) attempted to Type 1.a:
build a fully unsupervised humour generation sys-
Part1 : Dur se dekha to NP1 tha,
tem which generates a specific form of jokes us-
Part2 : Dur se dekha to NP1 tha,
ing big data. This is a first attempt at unsupervised
Part3 : Paas jaakar dekha to NP2 tha.
joke generation which gave promising results.
While there have been some attempts to formal- An example of the basic form of this type would
ize humour in English and a handful of other lan- be:
guages, to the best of our knowledge, no such prior
research work has been attempted in Hindi. Joke1 : Dur se dekha to Dharmendra
tha, dur se dekha to Dharmendra tha,
3 Dur se Dekha paas jaakar dekha to bandar tha.2

Dur se Dekha is a focused form of poetic three Joke1 (translated): From afar I saw Dhar-
liner jokes in the Hindi language. These jokes mendra, from afar I saw Dharmendra,
have a typical structure, with the humour lying in on going closer it turned out to be a
the incongruity of the punchline against the expec- monkey.
tation of the listener. A typical Dur se Dekha joke
A more complex example of the same type is:
consists of three parts. The structure of a typical
Dur se Dekha joke can be surmised as follows: Joke2 : Dur se dekha to Gabbar Singh ka
adda tha, dur se dekha to Gabbar Singh
Part1 : Dur se dekha to NP1 /VP1 tha, ka adda tha, paas jaakar dekha to aapka
Part2 : Dur se dekha to NP1 /VP1 tha, chadda tha.3
Part3 : Paas jaakar dekha to NP2 /VP2
tha. Joke2 (translated): From afar I saw Gab-
bar Singh’s haunt, from afar I saw Gab-
Translation: bar Singh’s haunt, on going closer it
turned out to be your underpants.
Part1 : From afar I saw NP1 /VP1 ,
Part2 : From afar I saw NP1 /VP1 , Type 1.b:
Part3 : On going closer it turned out to
Part1 : Dur se dekha to VP1 tha,
be NP2 /VP2
Part2 : Dur se dekha to VP1 tha,
A Dur se Dekha joke employs stylistic features Part3 : Paas jaakar dekha to VP2 tha.
like alliteration, repetition and rhyme, which have
Examples of jokes belonging to this category
previously been associated with humour appreci-
ation (Bucaria, 2004; Mihalcea and Strapparava,
2006). Joke3 : Dur se dekha to ande ubal rahe
The first part is the setup of the joke, the sec- the, dur se dekha to ande ubal rahe the,
ond is a repetition of the first. This repetition puts paas jaakar dekha to ganje uchal rahe
emphasis on the first. The beginning of the third the.4
part raises the listeners expectation, and it is what
Joke3 (translated): From afar I saw eggs
comes at the end that creates humour in this joke.
boiling, from afar I saw eggs boiling, on
That is the element of surprise, the punch line.
going closer it turned out to be bald men
Alliteration exists in the first and the third word
of the template. Also, the setup and the punchline 2
normally rhyme and contradict in meaning and shayari/
sentiment, which are two more indicators of hu- 3
mour present in these jokes. This is also precisely 4

Joke4 : Dur se dekha to hasina baal bana he gets instead is an affirmation of the subject
rahi thi, dur se dekha to hasina baal (Joke5 ), or maybe a consequence of the subject in
bana rahi thi, paas jaakar dekha to gaay the real world (Joke6 ). This is not unlike the way
puch hila rahi thi.5 humour is encoded in some shaggy dog jokes, ”a
nonsensical joke that employs in the punchline a
Joke4 (translated): From afar I saw a psychological non sequitur ... to trick the listener
beautiful girl grooming her hair, from who expects conventional wit or humour” (Brun-
afar I saw a beautiful girl grooming her vand, 1963).
hair, on going closer it turned out to be For the purposes of this study, we will be look-
cow swinging its tail. ing at only Type1 jokes.
Type 2: The structure being the same as Type 1, 4 Experimental Design
but differing in the how humour is encoded in the
joke. We are attempting to build a system that would
generate the Type1 jokes mentioned in the pre-
Part1 : Dur se dekkha to NP/VP1 tha, vious section. As of now this system generates
Part2 : Dur se dekha to NP/VP1 tha, only the most basic form of Type1a jokes (such
Part3 : Paas jaakar dekha to NP/VP2 tha. as Joke1 ), but will be expanded upon to cover as
many types as possible.
For example:
The Joke generation process has four steps:
Joke5 : Dur se dekha to kuch nahi dikha, Step1 : Template selection
dur se dekha to kuch nahi dikha, paas Step2 : Setup Formation
jaakar dekha to kuch tha hi nahi.6 Step3 : Punchline Formation
Joke5 (translated): From afar I could see Step4 : Compilation
nothing, from afar I could see nothing, These steps are explained in the subsections be-
on going closer it actually turned out to low.
be nothing.
4.1 Template Selection
Joke6 (translated): Dur se dekha to baar-
We created a collection of three templates for the
ish ho rahi thi, dur se dekha to baarish
two types of jokes we are working on (Type1a
ho rahi thi, paas gaya to bheeg gaya.7
and Type1b ), along with a few minor variations in
Joke6 : From afar I saw that it was rain- terms of auxiliary verbs, postpositions etc. These
ing, from afar I saw that it was raining, varied templates were added to naturalize the final
on going closer I got drenched. jokes, and as a measure against joke fatigue.

The difference between Type1 and Type2 jokes 4.2 Setup Formation
lies in the way humour is encoded in them. Type1 We manually created a lexicon of words from dif-
jokes are humorous because of how the punch line ferent semantic categories - human and non hu-
contrasts with the subject of the setup in terms of man. For humans, we compiled a list of names
the sentiment. The incongruity between the sub- of popular celebrities, both male and female, from
ject (what something seems to be from far away) different domains - actors, politicians, players as
versus the punchline (what it actually turns out to well as popular fictional characters. For the second
be), induces surprise and amusement in the lis- category in the lexicon we picked some generic
tener. The use of celebrity names further makes adjectives, and words (mostly nouns) from the
a joke funnier. On the other hand, for Type2 Hindi language that would have a negative senti-
jokes, humour lies in the unconventionality of the ment when associated with a human, for example,
punchline. The listener expects a conventional names of animals, or vegetables.
punchline, something conflicting the subject, what For the form of Type1a jokes we have been
working on, one word is picked randomly from
6 this lexicon. This is the setup, the subject for our
7 joke.

4.3 Punchline Formation Experimental Funniness
We select a single word from the lexicon as our Conditions (mean ±
punchline. This selection is done following three Form + Gender + Category 2.40 ± 0.53
constraints explained below: Gender + Category 2.11 ± 0.54
Form + Gender 1.97 ± 0.49
1. Category constraint: The semantic category Form + Category 1.68 ± 0.24
of the punchline should be of a different cat-
egory than the subject. Table 1: Mean Funniness values, and standard de-
viations of computer generated jokes as different
2. Gender Constraint: As all non-human things constraints are applied.
are assigned a gender out of male/female, the
gender of the punchline has to be the same as
the gender of the subject. This is important in to changes in humour perception of the resultant
Hindi as it plays an important part in subject- jokes.
verb agreement. Since, in our sample set, we had only 5 in-
stances of the subtype of Dur se Dekha jokes that
3. Form constraint: A typical characteristic of we are working on, we took all of those 5 and an
this type of jokes is that the subject of the equivalent number of jokes generated by our sys-
setup and the punchline are lexically similar, tem and put them in a survey in a random order.
giving a poetic effect to the joke. So, we first We then asked 15 participants to rate how natural
look for a rhyming word for the punchline. If each joke felt to them on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5
a rhyming word isn’t found, we use Leven- being completely natural and 1 being completely
shtein distance to find a phonetically similar unnatural).
word which is then used as the punchline. The analyses of the responses showed us that
the average score of the jokes generated by our
4.4 Compilation
system was comparable to the average of our ex-
The template, the setup and the punchline is taken emplar human made jokes. With jokes from our
and put together to generate the resultant joke. system having an average score of 3.16/5, our
Given below are a couple of examples of the system only marginally underperforms the human
jokes generated by our system using the above jokes with an average score of 3.33/5. Another in-
mentioned algorithm: teresting observation is that of all the jokes present
in the survey, the one with the highest score was
Joke7 : Dur se dekha to mowgli tha,
one of the computer generated jokes.
dur se dekha to mowgli that, paas jaakr
In the second part of the evaluation, we want
dekha to chimpanzi tha.
to look at how the three proposed constraints af-
Joke7 (translated): From afar I saw fect the resultant text. For this, we created a set of
mowgli, from afar I saw mowgli, on go- 80 jokes - 20 from the system with all three con-
ing near I saw it was a chimpanzi. straints, and 20 each obtained removing one vari-
ation at a time. We then conducted a survey this
Joke8 : Dur se dekha to mussadi tha, entire set. Each person who then took the survey
dur se dekha to mussadi that, paas jaakr got a different randomly generated subset of jokes
dekha to fissadi nikla. to rate, with each joke being evaluated by 5 peo-
ple. In this survey, the evaluators were asked to
Joke8 (translated): From afar I saw Mr. judge how funny they found each joke to be on a
Mussadi, from afar I saw Mr.Musadi, on scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being not funny at all, to
going near he turned out to be a loser. 5 being hilarious). The results of this evaluation
have been summarized in Table 1.
5 Evaluation and Results
From Table 1, we see that people found our
We evaluated our system in 2 parts. We first drew jokes only mildly funny. We believe that the sim-
a comparison between human created jokes avail- plicity, the lack of a deeper semantic meaning is
able and the ones generated by our system. Sec- the reason for this. Varying the constraints, we
ond, we varied our constraints to see how that lead see that the jokes work best when they adhere to

all three constraints. We infer from the table that amount of variations, verbal humour has been ex-
Gender constraint contributes the most to humor plored only mildly in computational language pro-
in our jokes, while Form constraint contributes the cessing, with only a few attempts at generating hu-
least. mour. This job is also made difficult due to the
We were unable to perform an inter-rater agree- lack of any robust theoretical foundations to base
ment analysis because each joke was rated by a a system on. Further, there has essentially been no
different set of people. Instead, we chose to in- work of significance in the domain for Hindi.
clude the standard deviations for each set in our Our Dur se Dekha joke generator is a first step
analysis. towards the exploration of humour in Hindi lan-
guage generation. In this paper, we took a focused
6 Future Extensions form of humorous tercets in Hindi - Dur se Dekha,
and performed an analysis of its structure and hu-
Our joke generator is giving encouraging results
mour encoding. We then created a lexicon, and
for the basic form of the jokes but it still has a
came up with an algorithm to form the various el-
long way to go to improve domain coverage, and
ements of the joke following specific constraints.
only then will it be possible to evaluate how well
We saw that the jokes generated by our system
the system works.
gave decent results in terms of naturalness and hu-
The lexicon needs to be expanded to add adjec-
mour to serve as a baseline for future work.
tives, adverbs and verbs so that noun phrases and
Finally, we discussed possible extensions for
verb phrases can be formed and used as the subject
our system to make it more complete and compre-
and the punchline. We also plan on adding asso-
ciated features of nouns, in terms of their physical
representation in the world, which would help add Acknowledgments
semantic significance to the results. This will re-
quire much more sophisticated algorithms. This The authors would like to thank all the evaluators
task is especially challenging due to a lack of for their time and help in rating the jokes. We
availability of language resources and tools for would also like to thank Kaveri Anuranjana for all
Hindi. We will need to develop phrase genera- the time she spent helping us put this work on pa-
tors for Hindi for the task. Also, as the punch- per.
line should have the sentiment opposite to the sub-
ject line, more thought needs to put into what that
means for complete phrases.
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volume 1. Walter de Gruyter.
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picks up trending celebrity names, adjectives and Salvatore Attardo. 2001. Humorous texts: A seman-
verbs from social media websites and use them as tic and pragmatic analysis, volume 6. Walter de
subjects for the joke. This will be instrumental in
avoiding joke fatigue and would help our system Salvatore Attardo and Jean-Charles Chabanne. 1992.
keep up with the fast changing culture these days. Jokes as a text type.
Also, a much more extensive evaluation should Kim Binsted and Graeme Ritchie. 1997. Com-
be done for the system when it is capable of gen- putational rules for generating punning riddles.
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