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Wa Ode Darniati, Wa Ode Sukmawati
Student Majoring in Physics, Faculty of Math and Natural Science , Halu Oleo
Email: waodedarniati21@gmail

Regulation transformer is a form of voltage quality of a transformer of the load side
the greater the voltage regulation of a transformer the worse the voltage quality on the
load side of the transformer and vice versa. So it is necessary to do transformer
efficiency and voltage regulation to know the quality of the transformer performance
in serving the burden of consumers both on the state of the load balanced and
unbalanced. To calculate the voltage regulation on the transformer is very easy if you
already know the equivalent circuit of the transformer. This is because of the
equivalent circuit that we can know the magnitude of the voltage on the side of the
transformer. The formula voltage regulation on the transformer is
Regulation = (Ns/Np).Vp-Vs/Vp
Np = number of primary windings
Ns = number of secondary windings
Vp = voltage on the primary side
Vs = voltage on the secondary side
In this study calculation is done to ensure good or not the voltage quality
of a transformer. Calculations performed using Microsoft Excel by first determining
the primary and secondary stresses as well as the number of turners on the transformer
the regulation voltage in step-up and step-down is different. Based on the observation
result, it is found that the regulation voltage in the step-up transformer is bigger than
the step-down transformer. This is due to the difference in the number of loops on the

Keywords: Transformer, voltage, primary, secondary, regulation

Physics is one discipline that developed very rapidly, both material and usefulness.
This development certainly cannot be separated from its relation to fields of science
other knowledge. Physics in some the state becomes the educational policy material
government in supplying resources human because Physics is a stem useful and
fractical knowledge in support of technology development and its invention procedure
as well as method for finding the next knowledge or the development of that science
other. Physics covers many things, one of physics itself is a transformer.
Almost every house in town or village in Indonesia is powered by 220 volt
electricity. With the current 220 volt, we can enjoy the drama television, bright lights
incandescent bulbs, and fluorescent lamps, recharge mobile phones and also use other
kitchen appliances such as refrigerator, rice cooker, and washing machine. 220volt
electric current is a type alternating current ( AC ) derived from the electrical company
that is PLN . The electric voltage generated by PLN can generally teach tens to
hundreds of kilo volts and then lowered to 220V as we use it now a tool called the
transformer .
In essence transformer is used to lower or raise the voltage of a voltage source
, by connecting its primary terminals to the terminals of the voltage source and the
voltage we want to be taken from its secondary terminals. The voltage we want can be
adjusted by adjusting the amount of the winding. A truly ideal transformer does not
exist but notion obtained from the ideal transformer model provides a basis for
studying the properties of the real transformer.

The research was conducted at the Basic Physics laboratory of Halu Oleo
University in April 2018 and data retrieval time from 08:00 WITA to 10:00 WITA.

2.1 Materials and Research Tools

In this study used 1 demountable transformer (12V, AC) as observation of
transformation and GGL induction. The power supply as a voltage source, multimeter
as a powerful current and voltage gauge, galvanometer to detect and measure electrical
current, cable connecting cable to connect electrical current, and circuit board as circuit
mounting place .

2.2 Research Procedure

The working procedure in the experiment is the initial step of transformer

by connecting the primary coil at the 4 volt AC power supply terminal in the OFF
position. To distinguish the primary voltage of ideal size parallelized by different
secondary winding. Then the power supply is made ON, measure AC voltage (Vs) and
AC current (Is) by using secondary text 240,160,120, 80 and 40. Further OFF catu
power, use consecutively on the primary coils 240,160, 120,80 and 40. Finally,
measure the resistance on the number of primary and secondary windings.


Based on the experiments that have been done obtained the following data:
Table 1 : Data on the step-up transformer
Ns Np vp(volt) Vs(volt) R
40 40 4 3 0.25
80 40 4 6 0.5
120 40 4 9.2 0.7
160 40 4 14 0.5
240 40 4 18 1.5

Table 2 : Data on the step-down transformer

Ns Np Vp(volt) Vs(volt) R
40 40 4 1 0.75
40 80 4 1.2 0.2
40 120 4 0.8 0.133333333
40 160 4 0.6 0.1
40 240 4 0.2 0.116666667

The effect of the number of loops on the regulation factor on the transformer can be
seen figures 1 and 2
-50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5

Figures 1. The effect of the number of turns on the Regulatory factor on

the step-down transformer






0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 2. The effect of the number of turns on the regulatory

Factor on the step-up transformer

In the experiments there are two observations that is step-up transformer and
step-down transformer difference step-up transformer that is located on the number of
windings. For this step-up transformer has a coil of primer less than the secondary coil
. for the step-down transformer has more primary coil besides the difference can be
seen from its function. For step-up transformer serves to raise the voltage while the
step-down transformer serves to lower the voltage.
To find the value of regulation factor used formula :
Regulation = (Ns/Np).Vp-Vs/Vp
Based on figures 1 and 2 obtained data that the regulation factor in step up transformer
is bigger than step down transformer. This is caused by difference of number of
primary and secondary windings.
In essence the transformer serves to raise or lower the AC voltage. One thing to note
is that the goodness of the quality of a transformer depends on the regulatory factor.
The size of the regulatory factor depends on the number or turns. Based on the
experiment that has been done concluded that the factor in step up transformer is bigger
than step down transformer. This means the quality of the step down transformer is a
better than the quality of the step up transformer.


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