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Reaching Peak O&M

Performance in Power Generation

Eight “building blocks” to improve operations and maintenance
in rapidly changing energy markets

Kurt Oswald, partner, Vienna

Horst Dringenberg, consultant, Düsseldorf

Christof Ledermann, consultant, Zurich

Arnold Rofner, consultant, Vienna

Eva Schiefer, consultant, Vienna

Edgar Simons, consultant, Düsseldorf

Matthias Witzemann, consultant, Vienna
ew regulations, alternative energy sources, new technologies,
changing customer demands, and new supply-and-demand
dynamics for oil and gas are bringing major change to Europe’s
power generation market. The focus now is on operational performance—
improving the availability, flexibility, and commercial and technical
efficiency of conventional power plants.

The power generation market in Europe is evolv- The following offers a detailed discussion of
ing rapidly. CO2-trading regulations have ramped all eight modules — each representing different
up pressure on generators’ cost and cash positions, stages in the quest to reach peak O&M perfor-
and a massive expansion of renewable energy mance in power generation.
sources—mainly wind and photovoltaic solar—
has increased the need for flexibility. New tech- Module 1: O&M Strategy
nologies and a change in customer behavior will The question is no longer if power generators have
push carbon-neutral technologies and foster to adapt their O&M strategies to the changes in the
decentralized power generation. The supply- market, but when. This first module offers a four-
demand dynamics of oil and gas will contribute to pronged approach to crafting an O&M strategy:
a price decoupling between both and lead to more Set the O&M direction. All successful strate-
volatility in power prices. Indeed, a shift from gies begin with a foundation that has room for
energy pricing to capacity-based pricing seems further development. Key decisions are made at this
likely. With these in mind, power generators are point, including determining the degree of in-
beginning to focus on operational excellence—to house capabilities that will be necessary (com-
improve the availability, flexibility, and efficiency pared to other possible options to deliver these
of their plants. capabilities), and gauging the impact O&M has
A.T. Kearney has a framework to help improve on company performance to reach availability tar-
operational performance in the power industry gets. These and other decisions will help manage
(see figure 1 on page 2). Built on eight modules, costs and become the basis for other strategies
we address all possible moves to improve opera- such as maintenance, outsourcing, and the O&M
tions and maintenance (O&M). By following information technology (IT) setup.
a pre-defined roadmap and taking all relevant steps, Gain a maintenance-specific view. Best-in-
we have helped our clients achieve immediate class maintenance strategies are always consistent
O&M cost improvements of 15 to 25 percent, plus across both the system and subsystem levels.
5 percent in savings when considering a slightly Within this module, it is important to have a clear
increased risk level regarding plant availability. view of how strong O&M currently is and how

Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney 1

Figure 1
A.T. Kearney House of Operational Excellence

• Set the direction

• Build the organizational fframework
O&M • Agree on an outsourcing and make-or-buy strategy

ion structures
• Develop organization structure
es • Create detailed process map based on RASIC
uirements and
• Determine HR requirements an
nd • Define process interfaces
job descriptions O&M O&M • Designate stages of excellence
organization processes

• Detail the make-or- • Define premise for steering model

buy strategy • Identify key performance indicators
• Select maintenance O&M steering model and • Launch reporting and incentive system
service providers key performance indicators

• View supplier landscape • Analyze life-cycle costs

• Consider functional and hier- Maintenance Maintenance Life-cycle cost across all power plants
archical imaging of power plants strategy sourcing management • Optimize maintenance
• Create optimal maintenance mix measures

• Develop IT system
architecture O&M
• Identify best practices IT system setup Note: O&M = operations and maintenance
from peer comparison Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

best to develop it further to improve costs and Module 2: O&M Organization

ensure longer-term availability. Every lean plant-level organization must be sup-
Develop an outsourcing and make-or-buy ported by highly specialized external services. Yet
strategy. This step is the first examination of the this, by its very nature, leads to deteriorating inter-
strategic relevance of O&M processes and the fea- nal know-how. And it is often difficult to control
sibility of outsourcing, defining the optimal split the quality and price of specialized external
between in-house and external services and capa- resources, who, if not accessible around the clock,
bilities. This fundamental decision is required for put the availability of the entire plant at risk.
any procurement activity. Plus, any decision in Therefore, pooling valuable and highly spe-
favor of in-house services must be assessed at the cialized internal O&M resources into a central
component level, evaluating the capabilities and organization is vital for utilities with a generation
economies of scale to determine your true in-house fleet — not only for sharing resources, but also for
competitiveness (see figure 2). transferring knowledge and experience across all
Build an organizational framework. Often we plants. In this way, different plants using the same
see the big O&M teams at individual plants with or similar technology can set and follow standards
little to no exchange of institutional information more easily and take advantage of process synergies.
or resources, and very little interaction among From our project experience, we know the savings
plants. Defining the organizational framework can range from 5 to 10 percent of O&M costs,
requires allocating functions (centralized versus depending on a company’s current position and
decentralized) and other organizational approaches technology. Indeed, in North America, “outage
to share information, promote collaboration, and groups,” central teams ready to offer support
avoid inefficiencies, to name just a few. during outages and bring plants back online as

2 Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney

Figure 2 targets for portfolio development, and make-or-
In-house capabilities versus economies of scale buy decisions.
Furthermore, there is often an untapped
opportunity for sharing plant-level resources.
From best-practice companies, we know that
Further outsourcing Competitive in-house
evaluation service routine maintenance can be performed by the
(based on sub-services,
market, and prices) operations shifts, and that operations teams can
also be involved during outages. Doing so builds
In-house economies of scale

Fluid and
cooling systems a mutual understanding of operations and main-
Control and
instrumentationn tenance tasks, fosters communication between
C D the teams, and often speeds up O&M strategy
Electrical development and planning.
Outsourcing, components
but controlling
capabilities Take, for example, our recent work for
in-house Heat recovery system
B generator components
ge a European utility. The leadership team wanted to
improve O&M costs and power plant availability
Powertrain for its conventional generation unit — consisting
A of lignite-fired, hard-coal-fired, gas-fired, and
In-house capabilities and know-how nuclear power plants.
Source: A.T. Kearney analysis Finding little cooperation or transparency
across power plants — and especially across
divisions — success, we soon decided, would
soon as possible, are common. In Europe, such require a cultural transformation. We began by
teams are still rare. designing a cross-divisional organization in which
Some large-scale utilities have managed to processes, responsibilities, and structures were all
reduce working capital and operational costs aligned. Working closely with the company, rele-
substantially after introducing a shared ware- vant data was consolidated, budgets and planning
house for several plants. A dedicated warehouse were aligned, and an incentive system was
strategy can help define which spare parts should launched to encourage collaboration among the
be managed and stored locally or centrally. Of plants and divisions. Change management was
course, the value of sharing warehouses depends the tool of choice in getting everyone’s buy-in,
on the geographic distribution of the fleet and especially top management and the engineers;
how diverse and focused its technology is. both groups would be crucial to success. We cal-
Indeed, several other factors are in play in the culated the potential tangible results, established
decision, including which components are cov- an implementation plan for rollout, and launched
ered by service agreements, lead time, compo- two pilots. To date, the company’s overall savings
nent value, logistics costs, and local import and on O&M costs are in the 10 percent range.
export issues.
Our framework allows for defining a tailor- Module 3: O&M Processes
made O&M organization that works across all One major step toward operational excellence
levels. It considers several aspects: the generation is maximizing the effectiveness of O&M processes.
fleet, technologies, geographic footprint, strategic An O&M process map for power generation forms

Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney 3

the basis for many such approaches. Figure 3 high- Figure 3
lights a map with eight main processes, in which O&M process map for power generation
the sub-processes might include:
1. Administration: finance, HR, IT, among others
2. Asset management: none Main processes

3. Health and safety management: health, safety, 1 Administration

and environment
4. Contractor management: manage suppliers, 2 Asset management

develop make-or-buy strategies Cross-

functional 3 HSE management
5. Procurement and inventory management: pro-
curement, inventory, warehousing 4 Contractor management
6. Production and operations management: plan-
ning, execution, reporting, monitoring, opti- Procurement and
5 inventory management
Production and
7. Routine maintenance: none Operations 6 operations management
8. Corrective and preventive maintenance: strat-
7 Routine maintenance
egy and planning, execution, reporting,
optimization 8
Corrective and preventive
(C&P) maintenance
The process map facilitates building or
Note: HSE = hhealth,
l h safety,
f andd environmentt
streamlining the O&M organization. Clustering Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

processes to functions forms the building blocks

of the organization and minimizes the number of
interfaces needed between organizational entities. Figure 4
A stages-of-excellence model helps quickly assess O&M diamond of key performance indicators
existing O&M processes. The stages range from
“fire-fighter” to best practices, and help identify
improvement potential in existing processes.
To capture all prospective synergies, it’s impor- Finance
tant to standardize processes. The highest level of
the O&M process map is applicable to all genera-
tion technologies, countries, and sites, which allows Health, safety
and environ-
all plants to define and roll out the O&M process ment

blueprints. In this way, not only single processes are

involved, but cross-plant optimization is possible.
Even when reducing the number of interfaces,
O&M processes have several interdependencies Availability Efficiency

that often slow down decisions. For example, load

planning (over the long, mid, and short term)
might create boundaries for maintenance, such O&M costs
O&M steering
as technical issues (safety, risks), that trigger the
need to adjust the short- or mid-term maintenance Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

4 Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney

plan. Such interdependencies must be prevented stand the relevance of each? Logically grouping
whenever possible; if not, they must be reflected indicators to overall goals can help focus everyone
in the timelines and O&M steering and reporting on the true and relevant data.
cycles to prevent lengthy update cycles. Transparency. KPIs must be clearly defined
and communicated to staff. Furthermore, they
Module 4: O&M Steering Model and KPIs must be measured and reported regularly and,
Operational efficiency and transparency are vital whenever possible, fully automated.
to a consistent steering model, but neither is pos- Reliability. Data must be measured precisely,
sible without measuring key performance indica- which often requires additional sensors and instru-
tors (KPIs). This is nothing new, of course, but mentation. This should be planned for during the
using KPIs in a systematic manner will help avoid design and construction phase of a plant.
using them in a way that rewards the wrong incen- Control. Even transparent and reliably mea-
tives. As Albert Einstein said, “Not everything sured data won’t help if the ways to use that data
that can be counted counts, and not everything to improve performance are unclear.
that counts can be counted.” In our experience, more than 50 O&M-
With this in mind, our O&M KPI diamond related KPIs have proven their effectiveness in
allows for a consistent approach for reporting operational excellence programs in power genera-
KPIs across all levels. The diamond comprises tion. They range from central-level to plant-level
the six dimensions most relevant for O&M con- indicators, and from commercial to technical
trols, each dimension consisting of several KPIs objectives. We use a KPI selection framework to
(see figure 4). When selecting KPIs, four main assess and choose KPIs tailored to meet the needs
areas are considered: of individual companies.
Relevance. Why measure hundreds of O&M The reporting structure must match the KPI
indicators and then analyze them unless you under- framework. Hierarchical, modular, and IT-based

Figure 5
A focused O&M strategy results in more uptime and significantly fewer losses due to failure

Focused O&M strategy Non-focused O&M strategy

8,760 499 8,760 263 788
(100%) (5.7%) 175 8,085 (100%) (3.0%)
(2.0%) (9.0%) 7,709

Old plants with Old plants with low

focused maintenance planned maintenance
activities reach activities imply
competitive availability poor availability

Calendar Planned Losses due Operating Calendar Planned Losses due Operating
time (h) downtime (h) to failure (h) time (h) time (h) downtime (h) to failure (h) time (h)
Note: O&M = operations and maintenance Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney 5

reporting structures allow for fully automated, • Corrective. Replacement in case of failure and
customized reports that meet the needs of different best applied for low-risk equipment.
positions. So a plant manager does not get the same • Time-based. Replacement after a pre-defined
report as an operations manager, and neither is number of cycles or time intervals. This works
spammed with unnecessary or irrelevant data. best for equipment with time-dependent failure
That said, systems often allow for drill-down func- probabilities.
tionality in case either manager wants more detail. • Condition-based. Replacement depends on
Similarly, we use more than 40 templates to the state of the equipment; the equipment
set up reporting systems that link incentives across is monitored continually.
all levels to align the entire O&M organization on • Reliability-centered. Maintenance resources
the same objectives. are optimized based on equipment reliability.
• Risk-based. This overarching framework allows
Module 5: Maintenance Strategy maintenance measures to be prioritized based
Power generators with a focused, system- on importance and reliability.
related maintenance strategy — with planned The first three strategies allow for peak avail-
downtime—will have more up time, less un- ability, while the last two can reduce maintenance
expected downtime, and fewer losses from failures costs. To do so, however, both the reliability-
(see figure 5 on page 5). Typically, the five mainte- centered and the risk-based strategies will require
nance strategies highlighted in figure 6 specify more sophisticated tracking to establish failure
when to replace a piece of equipment: probabilities for defined components or systems.
While every power plant has a maintenance
strategy mix in place, we often find that the mix is
Figure 6 not systematically developed, documented, or
Corrective and preventive maintenance continually improved. In fact, most strategies are
strategies dependent on the judgment of a few experts. Our
approach, by comparison, is systematic; designed
to achieve an optimal strategy mix across the

entire plant or fleet. It is based on three levers:

Risk-based Reliability-
bility Modularity. Maintenance strategies are often
developed at the system level, making them
Condition-based generic in nature. However, giving them a suitable
Asset availability

level of detail (at the subsystem, component, and

sub-component levels) allows for improving the
Time-based overall strategy mix, and hence, improving equip-
ment availability at even lower costs.
Strategy. Historically, choosing a maintenance
strategy has been a secondary concern because
of low cost pressure. This changed considerably

in recent years, however, as the focus turned to

Low High
Maintenance costs finding suitable strategies that can improve main-
Source: A.T. Kearney analysis tenance costs at the required level of modularity.

6 Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney

Indeed, in our work, we apply a proven strategy By the time our work was done, the company’s
decision framework that considers the overall maintenance cost position, when benchmarked
architecture of a plant (that is, the redundancy of against top-quartile plants, indicated roughly
components) and other technical and commercial a 5 percent cost advantage.
parameters. Importantly, defining a strategy doesn’t
stop at the current technical setup of the plant. Module 6: Maintenance Sourcing
For instance, upgrades, such as measuring devices Conventional power plants are complex facilities,
that allow for a more sophisticated maintenance with volatile maintenance workloads that often
strategy, must be part of the approach. The costs require specialized expertise. As a result, contractors
for such upgrades are often far outweighed by do a large percentage of maintenance activities.
their positive financial impact on the company, Choosing the right contractors and assuring quality
so they are definitely worth considering. are crucial for securing availability and avoiding
Coordination. Defining the ideal strategy mix unexpected failures.
for all equipment on the modularity level requires Little has changed on the supplier landscape
harmonization—both in selecting the right strat- over the years, which means the entry barrier for
egies, as described above, and applying them in a new suppliers is quite high. There are a couple of
coordinated fashion. For example, synchronizing reasons for this. First, established suppliers have
time intervals for time-based maintenance acquired a lot of knowledge about plant equipment,
improves efficiency. so seeking out new relationships often contains too
Deploying these levers systematically, along many unknown variables in the eyes of most power
with the required in-house and third-party capa- plant executives, even if current costs seem high.
bilities, will ensure a best-in-class maintenance Second, even when power plant personnel are
operation — one that increases availability by ready to look for new suppliers, the complexity of
4 percent on average, based on our experience. the selection process can be daunting. It is far more
Our work for a major petrochemical com- difficult to source services than equipment.
pany touches on this concept. Briefly, when the We solve both issues in four steps:
company decided to expand its power generation Define maintenance activities. Define all
business with combined cycle gas turbine maintenance activities for each piece of equip-
(CCGT) plants, we supported the maintenance ment to increase transparency.
strategy setup, from definition to implementa- Map identified tasks with in-house capabili-
tion. The primary target was to excel in cost and ties, select tasks to be performed by third parties.
availability performance, so a two-phase approach For most equipment, maintenance activities are
was drawn up. Phase 1: Identify all corrective, outsourced, while strategy development, planning,
time-based, and condition-based maintenance steering, documentation, and others are handled
needs. Phase 2: Develop reliability and risk-based in-house (see figure 7 on page 8).
maintenance strategies. Decide contract type. Should we go with full
Our joint team defined maintenance strategies service agreements or frame contracts? In general,
at the system, subsystem, and component levels, the plant’s powertrain (especially for new plants)
and developed a maintenance service outsourcing will be covered by service agreements. But, with
process, leading to the selection of local and inter- more up-time and in-house expertise, frame con-
national providers. tracts could be considered.

Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney 7

Execute requests for information or pro- our experience, companies using these tactics can
posal (RFI or RFP). Provide potential suppliers save between 10 and 15 percent on their mainte-
with precise and detailed descriptions of require- nance costs over the short to medium term in
ments so they can submit accurate and easily com- activities covered by frame contracts. Furthermore,
parable quotes. longer-term savings within this same range can
This broad, four-step process is designed to come from renegotiating service agreements.
provide insight into maintenance service require-
ments and costs, to obtain state-of-the-art mainte- Module 7: Life-Cycle Cost Management
nance know-how, to improve costs, and to get the Understanding how the market will develop in the
best use of in-house and supplier capabilities. In future is an essential part of planning and steering

Figure 7
Corrective and preventive maintenance (CPM) processes

Steering Documen-
Strategy Planning CPM execution and tation and Optimization
development control reporting

Perform in-house Outsource Perform in-house

Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

Figure 8
Life-cycle costs (LCC) stages of excellence
System complexity

3 • Deploy cross-plant LCC
model, including develop-
ing scenarios
• Calculate LCC for entire • Fully automated (based
2 plant, considering main on data availability and
interdependencies transparency)
• Calculate LCC for a com- • Begin developing
1 plex unit, considering scenarios
main interdependencies • Partly automated
• Calculate LCC for one • Partly automated
asset or decision
• Not automated

Source: A.T. Kearney analysis Data availability

8 Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney

operations and maintenance. Regulatory and polit- mathematical model. The algorithm and evalua-
ical decisions and expansion of renewable energy tion options include developing different cost and
sources are already altering the operating character- operating scenarios and defining the aggregation
istics and needs of conventional coal and gas- possibilities on a block or plant level, or across
fired power plants, and will continue to do so for locations.
years to come. Phase 2: Armed with the customized LCC
The actual and anticipated reduction of oper- model and framework, we now capture mainte-
ating times, combined with additional cost and nance strategies, maintenance measures, and their
margin pressures, require more transparency and costs on a component level. Next is to identify
an examination of different operating and mainte- corresponding risk levels over the assets’ life-
nance scenarios. A comprehensive life-cycle view time (see figure 9). We cover the entire range of
is a necessary prerequisite for adapting to future applied maintenance strategies — corrective, time-
operating requirements. or equivalent-operating-hours-based, condition-
Companies in asset-intensive industries— based, and risk-based. Each strategy is captured
all quite familiar with market volatility—use life- with its relevant parameters; for example, when
cycle costing (LCC) models to gain insight into considering time-based maintenance, frequency is
their current O&M costs and to prepare for new also considered. To simplify the process, we pro-
requirements and cost pressures. Our LCC vide a unit list for power plants, which includes
approach, a cross-industry tool tested and proven more than 50 standardized units and up to 500
for the utilities industry, occurs in three phases: maintenance measures.
Phase 1: The LCC model is tailored to each Phase 3: In the final phase, we analyze the
operator’s unique situation. Requirements are long-term development of costs and risks based
built on the stages of excellence shown in figure 8, on different operating scenarios and cost levels
and consider key dimensions such as the degree to identify the optimal maintenance strategy, as well
of automation, complexity of the system, and the as the corresponding parameters and measures.

Figure 9
The development of life-cycle costs and risk

Cost-level 1 Cost-level 2
(LCC and risk development) (LCC and risk development)
CC Risk



2010 tmax EOH 2010 tmax EOH

Note: LCC = life-cycle cost Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney 9

We know from our work that the LCC costs, and risks across blocks and power plants
approach can cut costs from 12 to 19 percent, can improve the cross-plant allocation of the
without a direct impact on availability. (The maintenance budget — ultimately reducing over-
potential cost reduction combines with increased all costs and risks of the entire power plant fleet.
risk, although the risk tradeoffs differ widely, What’s more, a life-cycle focus can reveal
from nearly neutral to a 15 percent increase.) accumulated maintenance needs from past or
Additionally, comparing maintenance strategies, present restrictions. Further, it proves valuable to

Figure 10
Scenarios evaluate maintenance measures and LCC costs at the system and sub-system level

Component: water and steam circuit Example

LCC (€ million) Scenario 1: Existing maintenance strategy





Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

LCC (€ million) Scenario 2: Extended service intervals and scope






Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

LCC (€ million) Scenario 3: Reduced service intervals and scope


1,200 Time




Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Source: A.T. Kearney analysis

10 Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney

understand deferred maintenance measures— HR-related functionalities required to operate a
otherwise outside the planning period and thus power plant. The systems are usually predefined
“out of scope”—or to uncover revision cycles and with existing ERP systems.
needs not coordinated among plants. It is also Asset management. This is the strategic
ideal for prioritizing maintenance measures based power base that provides business-wide asset
on their costs and opportunities, and for applying management functionalities necessary to steer
different levers—such as maintenance interval O&M and control the power plant portfolio.
length, scope, project management, and spare Here, best-in-class business intelligence solutions
parts management. Figure 10 highlights the trade- collect required information from various systems
off between maintenance intervals and scope, and provide analysis, reporting, and dashboard
illustrated in three general scenarios, to maintain functionalities.
a water and steam circuit. HSE management. The health, safety, and
Finally, it is no coincidence that the LCC environment (HSE) continent contains all func-
approach aligns with the maintenance strategy tionalities for defining HSE policies and reporting
and sourcing modules in our O&M Pyramid. performance at the group level.
As an example: A leading European utility Procurement and inventory management.
used our LCC approach in its fossil power plants. This continent encompasses the procurement of
The objective was to optimize life-cycle costs to materials and services, inventory, and warehouse
meet a top-down O&M budget allowance, while management. These functions, often covered by the
also improving availability and flexibility. We ERP system as well, are included in the computer-
used LCC to capture maintenance strategies and ized maintenance management system (CMMS).
define measures for each power plant at the system Operations and maintenance. This includes
and subsystem levels; and developed scenarios to all functions for the planning, execution, and mon-
simulate annual maintenance and opportunity itoring of day-to-day O&M activities. Usually this
costs, and failure risk. area is split into three parts from an IT system per-
The company realized a 19 percent cost spective: (1) field technology, (2) supervisory con-
reduction without a direct impact on availability trol and data acquisition (SCADA) for collection,
and only slightly higher risk. monitoring, analysis, and archiving of real-time
operating figures; (3) and the O&M system, which
Module 8: O&M IT System Setup supports the planning and execution of operations
The IT system setup is a major player in O&M— and complete maintenance activities (maintenance
ensuring that activities are carried out in a way plans, work-orders, and status reports).
that improves power plant availability and reduces When it comes to setting up a best-in-class
costs. IT systems allow for the standardization of O&M system, the challenge is organizing all of
O&M processes and structures across power the continents into one integrated IT system (see
plants, ensure sustainable operational excellence figure 11 on page 12). In our recent survey of exec-
over time, and lead to O&M synergies. utives at leading utilities to understand their IT
The IT architecture can be divided into five approaches, we discovered two best practices in
parts—or so-called IT continents: turning these separate parts into an integrated one.
ERP. The enterprise resource planning First, align O&M IT systems across all plants.
(ERP) continent includes all finance, control, and Leading companies have defined templates, which

Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney 11

Figure 11 process — developing a state-of-the art O&M IT
Best-in-class O&M system setup architecture and defining (in close cooperation
with the client) the business and technical require-
ments for use in the system and system-integrator

selection process. And we were there through the

C implementation, closely managing the system
integrator to avoid costly change requests. In the
System harmonization across all plants

Future end, the company not only met its aggressive
A timeline but also its full implementation budget,
and was reaping the rewards of an advanced
O&M system.

A Recipe for O&M

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to improving
operations and maintenance. Every company is
A different, so every module discussed in this paper
Today will find unique applications and deliver individ-

Narrow Broad ual results. We sometimes tell our clients to think

(focus on finance, Scope of ERP system (including O&M
control, human
functionality) of the modules as ingredients in a larger recipe
Source: A.T. Kearney analysis that can be adapted or combined to their advan-
tage. Take a maintenance strategy (module 5),
add sourcing (module 6) and life-cycle costing
are rolled out to all power plants with only minor (module 7), and stir.
adaptations to ensure standardized O&M pro- The greatest impact on O&M performance
cesses and synergies among plants. Second, their occurs when all of the modules are applied sys-
ERP systems tend to have a broad scope. The func- tematically. First, define the target: Do you want
tional coverage includes the classic ERP space to reduce costs? Increase availability? Lower your
(finance, control, and HR), procurement and risk levels? Then, by following a pre-defined road
inventory management, and CMMS. This ensures map that outlines where and when to bring in the
that financial and material data usually covered in modules, it becomes possible to improve O&M
the ERP system are seamlessly integrated in the costs from 15 to 25 percent, with an additional 5
processes supported by the CMMS. percent savings for firms that are comfortable with
However, development of a state-of-the-art a slightly increased risk level in terms of plant
IT architecture and system selection are only the availability.
beginning. True success depends on the follow- And, while the immediate cost savings will
through—the seamless and close management of almost always depend on market conditions and
the system integrator to get the O&M system up your appetite for risk, the longer-term results —
and running on time and within budget. In a what we call the growing advantage — are designed
recent engagement for a Central European power for longevity: to establish a competitive position
generator, we offered support throughout this well into the future.

12 Reaching Peak O&M Performance in Power Generation | A.T. Kearney

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