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I (First) Year Annual

Examination 2015-16

Course Code: BML107/BRT107/ Paper ID: 0111107


Basics of Computers

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Max Marks: 75

Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50

words). (4x5=20)
a) Define URLs.
b) Describe various Free E-mail Services.
c) Define computer network.
d) Differentiate Internet and Intranet.
e) Define various storage devices used in computer.
f) Define protocols with suitable example.
g) Explain Electronic Payment System (EPS).
h) Describe various Elements used in HTML Syntax.

2. Define memory. Explain various types of memory used in

computer. (10)

3. Explain different network topologies used in computers.

Justify your answers with suitable answer. (10)

4. Define Internet. Write down the applications of Growth of

internet in education field. (10)

5. Define WEB based E-mail. Write down the basic concept of

sending and receiving the E-mail. (10)
6. What are the different types of digital Token based Electronic
Payment systems? Explain various Risk involve with
them. (10)

7. Define Hypertext. How Head and Body Sections used in

HTML? Justify your answers with suitable example. (10)

8. Define Macromedia Dream weaver. Write down steps to

designing web sites using MS Front Page. (10)

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