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Algebra 1 Slope

Assignment Menu
● You must complete ONE activity in each category:
Appetizers, Entrees, and Desserts.
● You may choose to do more than one activity from each
category IF AND ONLY IF you have completed one activity in
each category already.
○ Appetizer activity is due: _______________________
○ Entree activity is due:_______________________
○ Dessert activity is due:__________________________
○ Extra Dish (extra credit) is due:_____________________

Hello Students!
Welcome to my new restaurant, Chez Slopé! We have a lot of cool
fun activities for you to do, in order to reinforce your algebra
skills. The activities are divided into three categories,
appetizers, entrees, and desserts! Appetizers will be basic
activities to refresh on the basics of the slope-intercept form.
Entrees will be activities to help you gain a deeper
understanding of the topic. Desserts will be your turn to show
your understanding and teach others about the slope-intercept
form. You only need to do one activity from each category, but
you are welcome to do more!

Bon appétit!
Appetizers (choose 1)
1. Flashcards: Make flashcards of important vocabulary words from this unit. Must include but are not
limited to: slope, rise, run, slope-intercept form, y- intercept, horizontal slope, and vertical slope.
Flashcards can be made here: https://quizlet.com/ (you will be submitting a link to your flashcard
set) This will be completed individually with a minimum of 20 flashcards. If you would like to
complete it with a partner, there must be a minimum of 35 flashcards.
2. Create your own slope-intercept equation and graph it on a graph. After, all parts of the graph and
equations must be labeled. Things that should be labeled, but not limited to include: y-axis, x-axis,
slope, y-intercept, point, line, etc. There will also be three points identified and labeled that are one
the line graphed. This can be completed either with the use of an application using technology or
done on paper. If this is completed on paper, then the student may turn it in during class. This
activity will be completed individually.
3. Create a game or activity online that relates to the various vocabulary words that is necessary to
understand and remember by using the definition or different ways to describe it. These words can
include slope, y-intercept, line, point, slope-intercept form, horizontal, vertical, positive slope,
negative slope, etc. There must be at least 10 vocabulary words that are utilized. This must be created
on the computer digitally with the use of any application or website. This will be completed
individually and submitted at the bottom of the Learning Menu page.
Entrees (choose 1)
1. Create 10 notecards with 3 truths and 1 lie about slope intercept form equations and graphing them.
You will have all four of those written on one side of the notecard. You will then create 10 more
notecards where the lie will be written with an explanation as to why. You will then partner with
someone to switch your 10 notecards with the 3 truths and 1 lie to solve on your own. You will solve all
10 notecards typed on a computer and printed, explaining what the lie is and why. Both you and
your partner will turn in the 10 notecards with 3 truths and 1 lie from each of you with the correct
answer and explanation, and the printed paper where each of you solved each notecard with an
2. Curves with straight lines: Produce a curve using only straight lines on a cartesian plot. Example:
https://blogs.osc-ib.com/2018/02/ib-student-blogs/straight-line-curves/ Include at least 7 equations
for all the lines drawn to make the curve. Each line that is drawn must identify which equation it is.
Color or draw on the graph in a creative or fun way to make it look appealing. This assignment will
be done individually. Be sure to use a straight edge and graph paper. Computer generated curves are
3. Create a list of slope intercept form equations that you will draw on a graph paper with a straight
edge. There must be a minimum of 15 slope intercept form equations. Once completely drawing all 15
equations on the graph, students must color each part within the graph a different color, creating a
beautiful art project! There must be a use of at least 8 different colors that are used in each section to
make it colorful and bright. Students must also identify which equation is drawn on the graph by
either the use of letters for each equation or writing the equation next to each line for me to see and
understand clearly. This will be done in pairs, with each student creating their own equations and
switching it with their partner to draw and color. These will be turned in during class with your
name and your partner’s name.
Dessert (choose 1)
1. Make your own Khan Academy video (or any informative video) going over important topics in this
unit. Must include: explanation of slope-intercept form and 2 practice problems with solutions. This
will be completed individually. Upload video to youtube and submit a link. (videos may be unlisted
and we will watch the best ones in class!)
2. Make a music video/cover of a song that goes over the topics covered in class with typed out lyrics.
Make sure that it goes over concepts like: slope, slope intercept form, y-intercept, and anything else
that relates! This will not be graded on creativity or talent but on how comprehensive the lyrics are.
These will be done in groups of 3, where all three must be in the music video/cover of song as well as
help in creating the lyrics. There will be a time after the assignment is turned in to grade each person
in your group to ensure that everyone put in their share of the work. Please upload your music
videos/songs to youtube!
Scoring Guides:
*Students will be required to do at least one assignment that is technology based (2 points)
Appetizer 1:
 Students submit a working link to their flashcard set on time (1 point)
 Students created at least 20 flashcards individually or 35 with a partner (1 point)
 Students have included all important vocabulary words from this unit including ones that were
listed (6 points)
 Students created flashcards with correct spelling and comprehensive/clear grammar (4 points)
 Students created flashcards with correct and understandable definition of each word (8 points)
Appetizer 2:
 Student submitted their assignment on time (1 point)
 Students created their own slope-intercept equation and graphed it correctly (4 points)
 Students labeled all parts of the graph (4 points)
 Students labeled all parts of the equation (4 points)
 Students labeled at least 3 points on the line (3 points)
 Students turn in assignment neat and easy to read (2 points)
 Students labeled all things listed as well as more (2 points)
Appetizer 3:
 Student submitted their assignment with website URL on time (1 point)
 Student created a game/activity online (4 points)
 Student focused on vocabulary in this assignment (3 points)
 Student used some words listed and/or more (2 points)
 Student has at least 10 vocabulary words all spelled correctly (3 points)
 Student uses correct vocabulary word connected to correct and clear definition (4 points)
 Student is creative and fun in their activity/game (3 points)
Entrees 1:
 Student submitted their assignment in class on time (1 point)
 Student created 10 notecards with 3 truths and 1 lie (3 points)
 Student created 10 other notecards with the lie and a well-explained explanation (5 points)
 Student switched notecards with Student B and solved all 10 notecards (3 points)
 Student solves all partner’s (vice versa) 10 notecards with explanation with use of digital technology
like Word Document (3 points)
 Student creates 3 truths and 1 lie to be challenging (3 points)
 Student relates all 3 truths and 1 lie with unit we are covering (2 points)
Entrees 2:
 Student submits their assignment during class or online below on the Learning Menu page on time
(1 point)
 Student uses at least 7 equations to create curves (5 points)
 Student identifies which line is the graph for which equation correctly (3 points)
 Student draws on graph paper and uses a straight edge/Student prints out clean computer-
generated curve (2 points)
 Student creates a smooth curve and identifies the axis and points (3 points)
 Student lists all equations below the graph (3 points)
 Student colors and makes the graph creative, fun, and appealing to look at (3 points)
Entrees 3:
 Student submits their assignment with their partner during class on time (1 point)
o Student writes who their partner is and their own name on assignment – student partners
must math
 Student creates a list of at least 15 slope-intercept form equations (6 points)
 Student will switch the 15 equations with a partner and have them draw the equations (2 points)
 Student partner draws all 15 equations on the graph correctly (4 points)
 Student’s partner identifies each line with the correct equation (3 points)
 Student’s partner colors each part of the graph (2 points)
 Student’s partner uses a minimum of 8 different colors (2 points)
Dessert 1:
 Student submits their assignment online below on the Learning Menu page on time (1 point)
 Student creates their own Khan Academy-like/informational video clearly (3 points)
 Student teaches on topics in this unit (2 points)
 Student has an explanation of slope-intercept form (3 points)
 Student has 2 practice problems with correct solutions (4 points)
 Student’s video is at least 5 minutes long (3 points)
 Student’s video is uploaded to youtube (2 points)
 Student’s video is informational and interesting (2 points)
Dessert 2:
 Student submits their assignment online below on the Learning Menu page on time (1 point)
 Student creates a music video/cover of song (3 points)
 Student clearly focuses on concepts we are going over in class (4 points)
 Student will create comprehensive lyrics that are true (4 points)
 Student creates lyrics that are typed out clearly (3 points)
 Student submits Word Document of lyrics with the URL (2 points)
 Student upload music video/song to youtube (1 point)
 Students complete these in groups of 3 with assessment on group members at end that everyone did
their share of the work (2 points)
Supplemental Resources:
 Microsoft Word Document
 Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/
 Khan Academy – https://www.khanacademy.org/
 iMovie
 https://blogs.osc-ib.com/2018/02/ib-student-blogs/straight-line-cruves/
 Quizlet - https://quizlet.com/
 Kitz Kikz Flash Card Maker – http://www.kitzkikz.com/flashcards/
 Foo Plot -
 Popplet – http://popplet.com/

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