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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Dosen: Maria

Disusun Oleh:

Alfi Rafiansyah (20116555)



I. 16 Tenses in English
1. Simple Present Tense
Simple Present tense is used to state general truth and activity that happens repeatedly
(daily activity/ habitual activity).
a. The Formula

1) Nominal :
(+) S + to be (am, is, are) + C
(-) S+ to be (am, is, are) + not + C
(?) to be (am, is, are) + S + C + ?

2) Verbal:
(+) S + V1
(-) S+ do /does + not + V1
(?) Do/does + S + V+ ?

b. The example of sentences

1. Nominal :
(+) She is a student
(-) She is not a student
(?) Is she a student?
2. Verbal :
(+) You always go to work everyday
(-) You do not always go to work everyday
(?) Do you always go to work everyday?
2. Simple Present Progressive
Simple present progressive is used to state something that happens at the moment.
a. The Formula

1) Nominal :
(+) S + to be (am, is, are) + being + C
(-) S+ to be (am, is, are) + not + being + C
(?) to be (am, is, are) + S + being + C + ?

2) Verbal:
(+) S + to be (am, is, are) + Ving
(-) S+ to be (am, is, are) + not + Ving
(?) To be (am, is, are) + S + Ving+ ?
b. The example of sentences
1. Nominal :
(+) Mr. Andrew is being nice now
(-) Mr. Andrew is not being nice now
(?) Is Mr. Andrew being nice now?
2. Verbal :
(+) The dogs are running in the field
(-) The dogs are not running in the field
(?) Are the dogs running in the field?

3. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used to state about something that happens in the past
a. The Formula

1) Nominal :
(+) S + to be (was, were) + C
(-) S+ to be (was, were) + not + C
(?) To be (was, were) + S +C + ?

2) Verbal:
(+) S + V2
(-) S+ did + not + V1
(?) Did + S + V1 + ?

b. The example of sentences

1. Nominal :
(+) Her uncle was a pilot
(-) Her uncle was not a pilot
(?) Was her uncle a pilot?
2. Verbal :
(+) The farmers walked to the rice field
(-) The farmers did not walk to the rice field
(?) Did the farmers walk to the rice field?
4. Simple Future Tense
Simple future tense is used to state about something that has possibility to happen in the
future or it can be said that it is applied to state about a prediction
a. The Formula

1) Nominal :
(+) S + will + be + C
(-) S+ will + be + not + C
(?) Will + S + be + C + ?

2) Verbal:
(+) S + will + V1
(-) S+ will + not + V1
(?) Will + S + V1 + ?

b. The example of sentences

1. Nominal :
(+) He will be in the school tomorrow
(-) He will not be in the school tomorrow
(?) Will he be in the school tomorrow?
2. Verbal :
(+) The parents will come to the party
(-) The parents will not come to the party
(?) Will the parents come to the party?

5. Present Perfect Tense

Simple present perfect is used to state something that happens in the past and it
continuous up to the present
a. The Formula

1) Nominal :
(+) S + have/has + to be (been) + C
(-) S+ have/has + to be (been) + C
(?) Have /has+ S + to be (been) + C + ?

2) Verbal:
(+) S + have/has+ V3
(-) S + have/has + not + V3
(?) Have/has+ S + V3+ ?
b. The example of sentences
1. Nominal :
(+) The house has been here since 1996
(-) The house has not been here since 1996
(?) Has the house been here since 1996?
2. Verbal :
(+) I have learned English for 10 years
(-) I have not learned English for 10 years
(?) Have I learned English for 10 years?

6. Present Perfect Progressive Tense

Present Perfect Progressive is used to state something that happens in the past and it is
still continuing until now.
a. The Formula

1) Nominal :
(+) S + have/has + to be (been) + being + C
(-) S+ have/has + to be (been) + being + C
(?) Have /has+ S + to be (been) + being + C + ?

2) Verbal:
(+) S + have/has+ to be (been) + Ving
(-) S + have/has + not + to be (been) + Ving
(?) Have/has+ S + to be (been) + Ving + ?

b. The example of sentences

1. Nominal :
(+) The teacher has been being beautiful
(-) The teacher has not been being beautiful
(?) Has the teacher been being beautiful?
2. Verbal :
(+) His father has been watching TV since in the morning
(-) His father has not been watching TV since in the morning
(?) Has his father been watching TV since in the morning?
7. Past Progressive Tense
Past Progressive is used to state about something that happens in the same time in the
a. The Formula

1) Nominal :
(+) S + to be (was, were) + being + C
(-) S+ to be (was, were) + not + being + C
(?) to be (was, were)+ S + being + C + ?

2) Verbal:
(+) S + to be (was, were) + Ving
(-) S+ to be (was, were) + not + Ving
(?) To be (was, were) + S + Ving + ?

b. The example of sentences

1. Nominal :
(+) The rooms were being dirty
(-) The rooms were not being dirty
(?) Were the rooms being dirty?
2. Verbal :
(+) The girl was trying so hard
(-) The girl was not trying so hard
(?) Was the girl trying so hard?

8. Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense is used to state something that is done before another action in the
a. The Formula

1) Nominal :
(+) S + had + to be (been) + C
(-) S+ had+ to be (been) + C
(?) Had+ S + to be (been) + C + ?

2) Verbal:
(+) S + had+ V3
(-) S + had + not + V3
(?) Had + S + V3+ ?
b. The example of sentences
1. Nominal :
(+) I had been there
(-) I had not been there
(?) Had I been there?
2. Verbal :
(+) I had left it away
(-) I had not left it away
(?) Had I left it away?

9. Past Perfect Continous Tense

Past Perfect Continous is used to state something that is started in the past and
continued up until another time in the past.
a. The Formula

Subjek + Had + Been + Verb-ing/Present Participle

b. The Example of Sentence

I had been studying when you went to the market

10. Future Continous Tense

Future Continous is used to state action that will be taking place at some time in the
a. The Formula

Subjek + will + be + Verb-ing/Present Participle

b. The Example of Sentence

I will be watching your performance in the following days

11. Future Perfect Continous Tense

Future Perfect COntinous is used to show that an action will continue up until a
particular event or time in the future.
a. The Formula

Subjek + will + have + been +Verb-ing/Present Participle

b. The Example of Sentence

They will have been staying in Finland for three months
12. Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Tense is used to state something that will have happened before a certain
time in the future
a. The Formula

Subjek + will + have + Verb-3/Past Participle

b. The Example of Sentence

He will have finished his own assignment

13. Past Future Tense

Past Future Tense is used to state a prediction that happened in the past and it is
impossibility to happen now.
a. The Formula

Subjek + would + infinitive

b. The Example of Sentence

I would be so happy if you came to the restaurant yesterday

14. Past Future Continous Tense

Past Future Continous Tense is used to express something which was happening in the
a. The Formula

Subjek + would + be + Verb-ing/Present Participle

b. The Example of Sentence

She would be enjoying the show if the performer was her favorite band

15. Past Future Perfect Tense

Past Future Perfect Tense is used to state something will have been done at some point
in the future
a. The Formula

Subjek + would + have + Verb-3/Past Participle

b. The Example of Sentence
She would have gone because of your own fault

16. Past Future Perfect Continous Tense

Past Future Perfect Continous Tense is used to express an action or imaginary situation
that would have been happening in the past. The verb of Past Future Perfect Continuous
Tense is in progress at a certain point or during certain periods in the past. Past Future
Perfect Continuous Tenses are suppositions or assumptions, referring to the actors in
the sentence just assumed the sentence stated by it.
a. The Formula

Subjek + would + have + been + Verb-ing/Present Participle

b. The Example of Sentence

They would have been learning English
II. The Definition of word, phrase, clause, sentence and paragraph.
1. Word is a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or
sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side
when written or printed.
2. Clause is a group of words containing a subject and verb
3. Phrase is a group of words without a subject-verb component, used as a single part of
4. Sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense, contains a main verb, and
begins with a capital letter
5. Paragraph is a group of sentence that contains topic sentence and support sentences.

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