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Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this section with special for each part.

Question 1 to 4

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The dialogues and
the questions will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully
to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you listen to the dialogue and the quetsion about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which
one be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear :

Man : How can I help you, Mum?
Woman : Please buy a kilo of rice, two kilos of sugar, a half kilo of eggs and a
pack of tea.
Man : Do you need some chicken nuggets?
Woman : No, we still have some in the refrigerator.

Narrator : What shouldn’t the man buy?

A. Eggs.
B. Tea.
C. Rice.
D. Sugar.
E. Nuggets.

Narrator : The best answer to the question “What shouldn’t the man buy?” is
nuggets. Therefore you should answer (E).

1. A. I don’t know.
B. I don’t like it.
C. It sounds familiar.
D. I’m sorry to hear that.
E. I think it’s very inspiring.

2. A. will learn about it.

B. accept that position.
C. is good enough for it.
D. isn’t a good man for it.
E. refused to be a manager.

3. A. the boy goes at 6.30.

B. she is on time to go with the boy.
C. she isn’t on time to catch the bus.
D. the bus passed the junction on 6.30.
E. the boy asked the girl to go with motorcycle.

4. A. his satisfaction to the woman’s hard work.

B. his agreement to the woman’s hard work.
C. his compliment to the woman’s book.
D. his gratitude.
E. thanks.
Question 5 to 7

In this of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, folowed by five responses,
also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in
your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to
choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question.
Woman : Do you have any plans for next weekend?
Man : I am thinking of going mountain climbing.
Woman : That’s interesting. Can I go with you?
Man : Sure. Do you have any suggestion for activities there?
Woman : ...
Narrator : What does the woman probably respond?
A. Sorry, but I don’t know much about that.
B. Yes, we could have a barbaque there.
C. Yes, I think that mountain is too high.
D. Yes, I really love mountain climbing.
Narrator : The best answer to the question “What does the woman probably respond?” is
“Yes, we could have a barbaque there.” Therefore you should choose answer (B).

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Question 8 to 11

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues. The dialogues or monologues will
be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand
what the speakers are saying. After you listen the dialogue or monologue, look t the five pictures in your
test book, and decide which would be the most suitable one for the dialogue or monologue you have




















Question 12 to 15

In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are
saying. After you listen the monologue and question about it, read the five possible answers to the
question you have read.

Questions 12 and 13 are based on the following monologue.

12. A. Speaking English.

B. Chatting in Bahasa.
C. Learning Mandarin.
D. Writing some emails.
E. Listening Hip Hop music.

13. A. Biography of the writer.

B. The writer love to find friends.
C. The writer’s email about her self.
D. Dian Harapan School in Makassar.
E. The explanation about someone’s life.

Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following monologue.

14. A. National Disaster Mitigation Agency or BNPB.

B. Eruption of Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi.
C. Residents Evacuation from Mount Lokon.
D. Natural Disaster in North Sulawesi.
E. Hot news from Jakarta Post.
15. A. their living outside the dangerous zone
B. the radius is only 2.5-kilometer
C. the agency is from BNPB
D. the government said so
E. it was not dangerous


The text for question no 16 - 17

Attention Please!

This announcement from the head master is addressed to alll 12

graders of SMA students in our school. Please attend the additional lesson
that will be held on 11th November untill 19th December 2017 for having final
preparation to the final exam. All students are required to take an additional
class to be successsful in national exam. They who do not take the lesson
must report themselves to head master with their reasons. Participant
registered will be ended 10th November 2017, at 12 PM.
Additional Lesson staff

16. What is thetopic of this text?

A. Final preparation
B. Additional lesson
C. Final examination
D. 12 graders student
E. Participants students

17. What is the main idea of the text

A. December final exam preparation
B. An announcement from head master
C. A national successul exam for the students
D. An announcement to take an additional lesson
E. Students as the participants registered on November

This text for question no 18 - 19

To : The head person, care foundation, Lahore.

Dear Principle,

It is stated with all respect that you are doing a good job for our society by providing
education to special children. We admire your effort and to honor them the students of
our school has arranged a funfair for the special children. We invite you and your staff
along with the children of your school on 6th June 2017 to appreciate the effort of our
students. It will be a great get together. Looking forward for your arrival. Thanks.

Sincerely yours,

The committee :
18. What is the main idea of the text…?
A. Providing education for special children
B. Introducing new school for special children
C. Appreciating the Care Foundation Lahore’s job
D. Reporting the job of Care Foundation Lahore’s job
E. Honoring the students of Care Foundation Lahore’s

19. Why do the students should arrange the funfair?

A. To help the students with special needs
B. To invite the special students attending the funfair
E. To meet and have fun together with the special students
D. To respect the job of Care Foundation Lahore’s head job
A. To give award for the head of Care Foundation Lahore’s Job

This text for question no 20 - 23

One of the beauty which is owned Kota Tual is Bair Island. The island has its own unique and
appeal which has two bays with a beautiful green sea water. The sea was calm and the water is very clear
so we can see the marine under water park. The beauty of the beach is so amazing.
The island not only has mangrove plantation but also rocky cliffs that make this island more
attractive. When we compare with Raja Ampat in Papua, the situation and the activities done are the
same. In this island there are many kinds of Blacpit, with its clear water the visitors can even see free
swimming sharks.
For tourists who want to go to Bair Island is quite easy. At first we start from the center of the
city of Tual to Dullah village , approximately 30 minutes by public transportion. After arriving at the
Dullah port we must continue our journey by speed boat,we rent because the location of the island is
rather far from Dullah village.
To the Bair island we need about 1 hour . When traveling to the island, we will pass through
some beautiful small islands, one of which is the Adrenan island.This island is a small island with an area
of 500 m2. which has a very fine white sand.
After enjoying the trip, tourists welcomed by beautiful cliffs that surround the island. The visitors
also be able to see the new born sharks of Blackpit swim. Don’t worry, the small sharks were very
funny and friendly but must remain vigilant.

20. What does the text tell about?

A. Enjoying trip to Bair island.
B. A beautiful island located in Tual
C. A small island near Adrenan island
D. An attractive island in Dullah village.
E. Bair is one of amazing island in Tual

21. What is the text for ?

A. To convince or persuade the reader to visit Bair island
B. To retell events for the purpose of entertaining
C. To describe specific about Bair island
D. To describe an island in general
E. To inform about Bair island

22. “Don’t worry, the small sharks were very funny and friendly but must remain vigilant” (the last sentence)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. alert
B. caution
C. take care
D. look out
E. be careful

23. What can be inferred from the text ?

A. The sea in the Bair island is calm but not clear.
B. Bair is competitive with Raja Ampat
C. Bair is closest with Adrenan island
D. There are many plantations in Bair
E. Bair is a disappointing island
This Text for question no 24 - 26

I never forgot May 3.1990, the data Tien – Tien came into our lives. A Hong, the wife of my youngest
brother A Jing, gave birth after a very difficult labor of five hours. We already difficult had a name for
the baby before she was born. She would be called Tien- Tien which meant sweetness.”
As we waited at the hospital, our joy quickly turned to grief when the attending physician
announced that he could detect no signs of life in Tien- Tien. There was no heartbeat, so he finally
declared the baby dead.
A Jing decide to lay the body next to the Taizi River. To outsiders, this might be strange: to use,
a Chinese family with almost no money or resources, the prospect of encouraging the baby’s spirit slip
away to a better word in a beautiful setting made a great deal of sense. We planned to return later to
bury Tien- Tien’s remains and pay honor to hers.
A Jing wrapped his child in a red floral quit and set off for the river. He gently laid his baby in a
patch of grass along the bank of the river.
A week later, while I was walking home from work. I overheard several women talking about
one of her friends. They said their friend heard a baby crying and the sound came from a patch of
grass along the river bank. They further explained that the baby had been placed in a local orphanage.
Something inside me said it must have been Tien- Tien. Without waiting any longer, I ran to the
orphanage. In the room I saw Tien – Tien in a crib covered in dirt but very much alive.

24. Paragraph 3 tells us about….

A. A Jing came from a poor family
B. The baby was buried by the river
C. A Jing’s family lived by Taizi River
D. The baby’s spirit would go to a better life
E. Tien- Tien’s remains had been buried in the river bank

25. The communicative purpose of the text is….

A. To explain how the baby was born.
B. To retell event of the story in the past
C. To describe about something
D. To entertain the readers
E. To inform the readers about the story.

26. “Something inside me said it must have been Tien- Tien.” (Last par). What does the writer
mean by the above sentence?
A. She believes that Tien-Tien is still alive
B. She regrets that Tien-Tien is still alive
C. She is surprised that Tien-Tien is still alive
D. She knows that Tien-Tien is still alive
E. She is confused that Tien-Tien is still alive

27. “A Jing wrapped his child in a red floral quit and set off for the river
“The similar meaning of the underlined word is….
A. Covered
B. Hugged
C. Put
D. Hid
E. Chose
The text for question no 28 - 30


SMS, or Short Messaging Service, messages are commonly referred to as text messages. The act of
sending an SMS is called "texting." To send a text message, or SMS, from a cell phone may be
straightforward or may be a bit complex, depending on the cell phone model.

Things you need :

SMS-enable cell phone.

Instruction :

1. Clik the "Message" button, or click Application > Message > Create Message.
2. Enter the phone number or email address of the SMS recipient.
3. Type a SMS message. Short message are typically 160 character or less. If you send many
characters, you send a speech :D
4. Click "Send" to send your SMS
5. Verify that your message was sent by checking your sent items box. If the message is waiting in the
Sent items, it means your messages are not read yet.

28. What does the text mostly tell you about?

A. How to send a short message
B. How to make message application
C. How to text a message by cell phone
D. How to use a cell phone
E. How to change cell phone application

29. How do you know that your message has sent?

A. by clik the message button
B. by entering the phone number or email address
C. by typing 160 characters
D. by seeing message in the sent item box
E. by waiting the sent items

30. “Short message are typically 160 characters or less.” ( Step 3 )

The bold word can be replace with....
A. words
B. message
C. letters
D. email

This text for question no 31 -34

Orchidaceae are a family of Monocotyledon. They have a single seeding leaf and their floral part
in trees. Orchid family is the largest plant family which has more than 20.000 unique genera. Orchids are
a cosmopolitan family found all the way from within the Arctic circle the island South of Australia and
mostly in Asia.
Most Orchids have leave of longitudinal parallel with visible crossing. The color of orchids
flower can be variegated and display many different marking like purple, white, yellow, pink, and nearly
black hues. Orchids feature thick white roots that illustrate their origin as Epiphytes, or the plants that
grow on other plants.
Orchid grows in almost all types of environment. They do not grow in soil, but they live on the
ground while other grows perched on trees or rocks. Many others now are growing in the green houses for
sale to public.
The scent of orchids is frequently analyzed by perfume to identify potential fragrance chemical.
The other important use of orchid is their cultivation for the enjoyment of the flowers. In China, orchid
have been used in traditional medicine in an effort to treat many diseases. Orchid have biggest family.
The orchids family includes Vanilla, Orchids, and many commonly cultivated plant, such as Phalaenopsis
and Cattleya.

31. The main idea of the third paragraph is…

A. The parts of orchid
B. The family of orchid
C. The important of orchid
D. The place where Orchid’s grow
E. The kinds of place where orchid’s sale

32. The purpose of the writer in writing this text is…

A. To discuss a particular flower
B. To explain the growth of orchid
C. To inform the features of orchid
D. To analyze where the place of orchid’s live
E. To describe the information about an orchid

33. The topic of this text is…

A. Orchid
B. Orchid’s life
C. Kind of orchids
D. Orchid’s environment
E. The Unique of orchid

34. “The scent of orchids is frequently analyzed by perfume to identify potential fragrance chemical …”
( paragraph 4 ). The underline word has similar meaning to…
A. Odor
B. Smell
C. Sweet
D. Essence
E. Perfume

35. After reading the text we know that…

A. Orchid can’t grow on other plants
B. Orchid needs specific place to grow
C. Orchid has more than one seeding leaf
D. Orchid can be used as medical treatment
E. Most orchids are found in North Australia and Asia

The text for question no 36-38


The number of damaged roads linking Jakarta with West Java has certainly provoked complaints
from locals and road users. Take for an example, the roads in Bekasi and Tangerang, which have been the
focus of the media.

The poor condition of these roads not only jeopardizes road safety, but also gives a squalid
impression. Moreover, the condition will get worse when it rains. The roads are transformed into water
pools or puddles, which can easily caue accidents if motorist are not careful.

No wonder if some people question why there are so many damaged roads and why repairs do not
seem to last long. The government should pay special attentationattentation to these problems.
In my opinion, the road should be repaired using the right sort of asphalt, stones and sand.
Repairs should be done carefully so that the roads can be prevented from constant damage. Otherwise, the
repairs would be useless

36. What is the writer’s argument on writing the text?

A. The roads that link Jakarta with West Java should be repaired.
B. The road that link Jakarta and West Java do not need to repaired.
C. The roads that link Jakarta with West Java should be done carefully.
D. The roads that link Jakarta and West Java should not be done carefully.
E. The roads that link Jakarta with West Java should be repaired using the righgt asphalt stone and

37. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. the impact of the bad roads’ condition
B. the government should pay special attention
C. the worse condition of the roads
D. The roads are transformed into water pools or puddles
E. the accidents happened during rainy days

38. It’s proudly state in the text that .....

A. The road is limit on safety
B. Persuade government to pay special attentation
C. The repair of the road seem useless
D. The repair do not seem to last long
E. The road are transformed into water pool or puddles when it rains

This text for question no 39 - 42

Arjen Robben is a Dutch football player well-known for his mobility, speed and agility. He plays for the
German Bundesliga football league’s FC Bayern Munich (which has won many national championships)
and the Netherlands national football team. Arjen plays as an attacking midfielder and most plays on the
right wing although he has a powerful left footwork. He is currently noted as one of the best footballers in
the sport fraternity. He is appreciated by his fans for his speed and technique of maneuvering the ball
forward, quickly turning around to the centre and then giving the ball the final shot.

Arjen started his professional football career in a regional club FC Gronigen and there after he was
transferred to PSV Eindhoven. He went on to play for Chelsea FC where he performed a crucial role and
won them two Premiere League titles consecutively. He then went to play for Real Madrid CF and helped
them win the La Liga trophy in his first season. He was next transferred to the Bayern Munich FC for
whom he won the Bundesliga and the DFB-Pokal cups. He led the Netherlands team to victory in the
2006 World Cup scoring the winning goal.

Robben was born on 23rd of January, 1984 to Hans Robben and Maryo Robben in Bedum (one of
Gronigen’s largest satellite towns) in the north-eastern part of Netherlands. He is very close to his father
who acts as his manager and agent. His father also deals with all his negotiations and contract signings.

39. What is the topic of the text?

A. Arjen Robben was transferred to Bayern Munich
B. Arjen Robben was Real Madrid football player
C. Arjen Robben is well-known football player
D. Arjen Robben is powerfull left footwork
E. Arjen Robben’s career in football

40. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Arjen Robben as a professional leader club
B. Arjen Robben went on to play for Chelsea FC
C. Arjen Robben’s career as a professional football player
D. Arjen Robben was next transferred to the Bayern Munich FC
E. Arjen Robben led the Netherland team to victory in the 2006 World Cup

41. The text mostly describes Arjen Robben as …

A. A winner in playing football
B. An expert of football player
C. A good player in a team
D. A powerful left footwork
E. A football player

42. “He is very close to his father…” (paragraph 3 )

This sentence means…
A. Arjen Robben believes his activity to his father.
B. Anywhere Arjen Robben goes, his father must beside him
C. Arjen Robben gives his father all schedules of tournament to manage
D. Arjen Robben wants his father to protect him when he follows the tournament
E. Arjen Robben is always with his father as a manager and agent in every competition

This text for questions no 43 - 44


43. What is the topic of the text?

A. Role Area
B. Role Place
C. Stay Outside
D. Required Area
E. Exclusive Area

43. From the notice, we know that …

A. Everyone can enter the area
B. The area is dangerous for man and woman
C. Man and Woman must go outside the area
D. Only people in charge belongs to the area
E. Man and woman have a specific role for the area

This text for question no 45 – 47

Jakarta (Asia News) – At least 12 people have been killed in floods that swept across six sub-districts of
Langkat regency in the north of the island of Sumatra. The area’s big rivers burst their banks and
overflowed, putting homes at risk.

Torrential rains pouring down on Indonesia since 21 December have created a mudflow that has made
roads linking Sumatra to Aceh province impassable. Hundreds of commuters were stuck for the night in
forested areas of the province, unable to return home.

Several sources said the death toll is not known as yet. Zainal Arifin, spokesman of the affected regency,
said: “We have lost all contact with Sekoci village and consequently also with Aras Kapal and Alur
Jambu, that are situated 15km off the roads.”
The emergency has blocked all public activities: schools have shut down and thousands of people have
moved to safer places.

The authorities of the regency have publicly blamed “widespread illegal logging taking place in Leuser
National Park.” Syamsul Arifin, mayor of Langkat, said: “These criminals are the real perpetrators of this

45. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To compare the floods of the two regions
B. To explain about floods that takes place in Sumatra
C. To inform the misfortune about the flood in Sumatra
D. To persuade the readers to hand in hand solving the floods
E. To inform the important things for readers about floods from a city

46. What does the North Sumatra deal with?

A. Flood brings a medium effect for the city
B. All public cities is unblocked by the flood
C. Mudflow of floods blocked roads to Aceh
D. The government faces the difficulties with the flood
E. The commuters get their way to run home in the flood

47. What is the conclusion of the text?

A. Flood accounts shabby for individual, necessaries and total paralyses
B. The city has the problem to face related to the catastrophe
C. The city experiences flood needs a contribution physically.
D. Flood brings victims for the cities more than ten people
E. The floods refugees are evacuated to the safer places

This text for question no 48 – 50


In a small village situated in Tanimbar Island, Maluku, there lived a very rich man with his wife,
a daughter and a son that had become young girl and boy. Since kids, their parents had spoilt them and it
was no wonder that they were growing having a lazy and boastful attitude. One day, bad thing happened
in the family. The father, the one supporting the family passed away. Instead of changing their attitudes
after the death of their father, the kids still had the same manner. They still treated their servants’ bad.
And because of bad treats they had from the kids, all the servants decided to stop working on the family.

With all the servants gone, now all the housework had to be done by the mother. Her kids’ bad
behavior just never changed. They treated their mother the same way they treated the servants.

As a human, the anger of having such treatment arose in her heart but as a mother, she just could
not show it to her kids since she also realized that she had contributed in shaping how her kids were now
by spoiling them when they were kids. Every night, after all the hard day she had been through, she would
sit in the corner of her bed praying to God for their kids.

One day, in the middle of the day, the kids just woke up from their sleep. Feeling hungry, they
walked straight to kitchen to find something to eat. But how angry they were, as they open the food
container, they found nothing there. They were really upset that they started to yell while throwing
everything in the kitchen.

I couldn’t bear it anymore! From now, don’t call me your mother! Because I am not now! I will
not go home and you can do everything as you please!”

After said that, the mother then pulled herself into a big stone near the river. She said something
to the stone in a small voice. Then magically, the stone cracked opened, and there were small room inside
it that fitted her body. The mother then sat on it and the stone joined into one again.
All people in the river were really angry of what just happened. They then took the kids to the
village hall to decide what the best thing they should do with the kids. After the discussion, all people in
the village agreed to kick the kids from their village. And started from that day, they kids lived inside the
forest. They often visited the big stone near the river, calling their mom, regretting of what they had done
to her. But, the stone stayed still, their mom would never be back and their regret didn’t mean anything
now. They couldn’t take back what they did.

48. “ …they were growing having a lazy and boastful attitude.” (Par 1)
The underlined word can be substituted with…
A. Spoil
B. Arrogant
C. Indolent
D. Annoyance
E. Meticulous

49. What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To amuse the reader with actual or vicarious experience about the boastful kids
B. To explain the process of how the mother died
C. To present the point of view of the writer about the boastful kids
D. To critique the story of the boastful kids
E. To describe the life of the boastful kids

50. From the story, we can learn that…

A. We should respect other
B. Human must preserve the nature
C. An obedient child can reach a better future
D. Parents should serve their children everyday
E. The disobedient children can cause chaos in their future life.

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