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Ally was a very popular girl at school. She was clever

and fun, and got on well with everyone. It was no accident that
Ally was so popular. From an early age she had made an effort
to be kind and friendly to everyone. She invited the whole class
to her birthday party, and from time to time she would give
presents to everybody. She was such a busy girl, with so many
friends, that she hardly got a chance to spend time with
individual friends. However, she felt very lucky; no other girl
had so many friends at school and in the neighbourhood.
But everything changed on National Friendship Day. On
that day, at school, everyone was having a great time, drawing,
painting, and giving gifts. That day in class everyone had to
make three presents to give to their three best friends. Ally,
enjoyed the task of choosing three from amongst all the dozens
of her friends.
However, when all the presents had been made and
shared out among classmates, Ally was the only one who had
not received a present! She felt terrible, and spent hours crying.
How could it be possible? So much effort to make so many
friends, and in the end no one saw her as their best friend?
Everyone came and tried to console her for a while. But each
one only stayed for a short time before leaving.
This was exactly what Ally had done so many times to
She realized that she was a good companion and
acquaintance, but she had not been a true friend to anyone. She
had tried not to argue with anyone, she had tried to pay attention
to everyone, but now she had found out that that was not enough
to create true friendship.

When she got home that night, created quite a puddle

with her tears, and Ally asked her mother where she could find
true friends.
"Ally, my dear," answered her mother, "you cannot buy
friends with a smile or a few good words. If you really want true
friends, you will have to give them real time and affection. For
a true friend you must always be available, in good times and
"But I want to be everybody's friend! I need to share my
time among everyone! “Ally protested.
"My dear, you're a lovely girl," said her mother, "but you
can't be a close friend to everybody. There just isn't enough time
to be available for everyone, so it's only possible to have a few
true friends. The others will by playmates or acquaintances, but
they won't be close friends".
Hearing this, Ally decided to change her ways so that she
could finally have some true friends. That night, in bed, she
thought about what she could do to get them.
She thought about her mother. Her mother was always
willing to help her, she put up with all of Ally's dislikes and
problems, she always forgave her, she loved her a great deal...
That was what makes friends!
And Ally smiled from ear to ear, realizing that she
already had the best friend anyone could ever want.


In the world of Names, a boy believes that there was

destined match-up for every people to their given name on their
own personalities and every name, there's a hidden meaning. It
can be came from believes, languages, legends or they were just
invented. This boy is confused whenever he feels hopeless, he is
finding himself, who he really is, what's the reason why he's
living on earth and why he is concerned about it. The only
chance to know him more is he should feel hopeless first. He
becomes nicer when his confusing questions answered.

Since young, he is very love by his family because he is

the only torn among the two flowers and he is the youngest, at
the same time, he also love them all. His family never let him
feel lonely, they are very supportive and they are the source of
his power that boosts his fighting spirit. In every problem, he
accepts them as a challenge that if he passed he always think,
that everyone will be proud of him. He solves the problems like
solving mathematics' problems. He never quits problems. He
faced them with confidence that he gets the solution. He also
love competing and debating because he enjoys fighting

As time passed by, as he grew up, he then realizes that

living with his family with the same treat doesn't last. The
attentions to him were fading. One day, he then suddenly felt
lonely and hopeless. His confusing, questions flies to his mind.
He ask his dad,

"Dad, every name has a deep meaning, what does our

surname means?"

His dad smiles and answered his question

"Our surname means, joy, it is came from a Japanese, so

there's no reason for us to be sad son",

He smiles because he started knowing himself. He then

immediately said to himself

"I needed up to be independent as I grew older and loner

I should understand things and be matured enough. I need to find
my happiness to fulfil my name destined to be."

On that day, he was full of joy that marks on his mind

and his heart.

He started socializing with new friends in school instead

of catching up for more attentions on his family. He then just
loves laughing with them because of jokes. His heart is full of
happiness when he saw people smiling because of him. His
friends swear that he is very funny to be with.

"Dad, it's true, we bring joy to other people at the same

time into ourselves"

He proudly told his dad until, he fell in love with a girl

named Ela. He wants to ask some help to Joe, his best friend, for
courting that girl, but his best friend, likes Ela too and about to

"Be the best man win"

He said to Joe because he loves competing, he didn't

gave up the girl to his best friend. By the presence of joy on him,
the girl fell in love with him too, and sometimes, he screams out
her name


"I don't have now reasons to live" he cried. The joy, "I
like you and I really love you, but my parents are strict so I can't
say yes for now until I graduated high school. So all I can
promise is we have a mutual feelings. If you can wait, then I
really appreciate it and thank you so much. But, if not, you are
free to love others. Then don't mind me, I'll be fine"

Ela said and

"Waiting for someone is hopeless, but I promise to you,

I will wait, until you are ready" he replied.

He won against his best friend but, there's no best friend

he had because Joe was hurt and they are just only friends right
now. Losing his best friend is worth it, he feels happier with Ela.
Every problem, they passed. They love each other so much, but,
after two years of loving, Ela is about to go in another place and
she don't like long distance relationship, so she broke-up with
him. Then now, he cries every moment when he remembers their
happy memories. Sometimes, he wakes up crying at night. He
still hopes that she will comeback for him. So he promised

to himself that his loyalty is always on her even it is only one-

sided love. He promised he will wait her. The effect of losing his
love to him is very negative. His school rank goes down, he can't
solve problems anymore because he loses joy, confidence and
motivations on his life.

"You're stupid crazy, Ela won't comeback anymore. Waiting for

no one? That's crazy. Loyalty, to no one? “That’s crazy" said his
classmates. He let them call him crazy, because he realize,
maybe it's what his name destined to be on him.

After three years of his craziness, Rose chat her, his

schoolmate. He didn't expect that it is the beginning of forgetting
his love to Ela. Rose and his became good friends.

"You are a fighter, you don't have fear on your future life" Rose
reacted to his past story. They got closer and closer friends. Until
they dare each other that if Rose fell in love to him, Rose will
hug him and if he fell in love to Rose, he will treat Rose foods.
Rose slightly brings back the joy on him. The dare fulfilled, they
both fell in love with each other. Rose makes sure that he already
moved on to Ela before letting him to court her.

. He thought he already did so he promised to Rose that

his feelings to Ela are gone, then, Rose let him court her. After
one month then, Rose gave her sweet yes to him. The happiness,
motivations and confidence are coming back to him. But Rose
is still worrying about his past with Ela."I love you so much
Rose, no need to worry about my feelings to Ela because it's

already gone" he promised. After three months between Rose

and him, Ela chat him, he feels very nervous about his feelings
but he knew he can face it now. So he replied. But as the
conversation goes, his eyes can't stop dropping tears from what
he is seeing on their conversation. It is his first time to see it,
long consecutive messages, and unending topics from Ela.

"It seems like Ela missed me so much and wanted to say

that she still loves me"

He thinks.

"I shouldn't cries, I already moved on from her, I don't

need to reply her, I don't miss her" he told himself.

"These shouldn't be, my feelings for you Ela are gone.

I'm happy now with Rose. Please. I have a girlfriend now. I love
you no more" he denied to himself. He can't lie to his feelings
and yes, he had feelings left on Ela although he doesn't want to
be, but he can't teach his feelings. This is the biggest problem in
his life that he needed to face and solve. He feels hopeless right
that time. The confusing questions "who really I am, what's the
reason why I'm living on earth and why I'm concerned about it"
asked his mind to his heart. He answered his questions to the
best that he can."I am Christian Gaudia, my surname means joy
like what my dad said but I'm the one who owns it, so I will make
my own meaning, Christian, for I am with God from the word

Christ and Gaudia, for I am brave because aiduag is the inverted

gaudia and aiduag means in Filipino is scared and the antonyms

of scared is Brave. I am with God, so I don't have to fear because

I am BRAVE. Sharing joy to others is my reason of living and
I'm concerned about it, because I bring out the best in me and to
know myself more" his heart answered. Christian chooses to
hide his true feelings to Rose. He sacrificed his love to not hurt
Rose who gave him love, care and comfort when Ela is not there.
This is the bravest thing in his life, sacrificing to his lost love
once for the sake of the people who loves him so much. One
month later, after Christian decided to sacrifice his feelings,

"Oh Rose please forgive me, the first 3 months of us, I

had feelings left to Ela that I thought it's already gone, I just
notice when Ela chatted then I cried, sorry I hide to you and lied,
but now, I'm confidently handsome with a heart saying to you
that it's hundred percent surely gone and I love you so much and
that's why I'm not afraid to tell you" told Christian to Rose.

Rose forgave him and believed him. Now, the Brave

Christian is success with his Brave decision on sacrificing. Rose
and Christian, is now more than a year. They are both hoping
that they destined to each other.

Now Christian Gaudia is very nice person. He love being

funny, crazy and brave in his life.


Once upon a time there was a funny guy named

Liam. Liam was an inventor. He invented all kinds of gadgets
and things. His house looked like a mess, but he had some really
cool things.
One day Liam decided he wanted to fly.
“I am going to invent some wings and fly,” Liam told his friend
“Now I really know you’re crazy. You won’t even get
off the ground,” said Rudy.
“You’ll see,” said Liam.
So he went down to his workshop and began
working. Day and night, he worked. No one saw Liam for
weeks. Then one day he came out of his workshop with a great
big smile on his face.
He called Rudy on the phone. “Rudy, tomorrow I will
fly, but I need your help,” said Liam.
“Did you really build some wings?” asked Rudy.
“Yeah and they are really beautiful,” said
Liam. “They’re a little heavy though. I need you to help me
drag them up to the top of Chocolate Hill.”
“What did you make them out of?” asked Rudy.
“I made them out of some scrap metal I had laying
around from when I built my helicopter last year,” said Liam.
“Metal! Don’t you think that will be too heavy to use for
wings?” asked Rudy.

“No, I calculated all of the angles. I will be like a human

airplane,” said Liam.
Rudy just rolled his eyes. “Ok, I will be over first thing
in the morning and we’ll try them out,” said Rudy.
“See you then,” said Liam.
The next morning they dragged the wings up to the top
of Chocolate Hill and Liam strapped them on.
“Are you sure those are not too heavy? Rudy asked again.
“No, the faster I run, the lighter they will get. The wind
will lift me up and I will be flying,” said Liam, quite confidently.
“All right, I am going to get a running start and take off,”
said Liam. So, Liam backed up about fifty feet and started
running. As he ran, the weight of the wings started to wear out
his legs and he got lower and lower to the ground. Just as he got
to the crest of the hill, his legs gave out and he skidded across
the ground on his face.
After Rudy rolled around on the ground laughing for
about a minute, he got up and asked Liam if he was Ok.
“Yeah, Yeah, real funny,” said Liam. “I guess you may
be right they are a little heavy, but I know the shape is just
right. I will just go back to the workshop and make them out of
another material. Something lighter”
A couple of weeks later Liam called up Rudy.
“I’ve done it,” said Liam.
“You’ve done what?” asked Rudy.

“I reworked the wings. I made them out of wood and

tissue paper. These things are so light I may get going by simply
by just jumping off the roof. Come on over, I need a witness,”
said Liam.
“I’m on the way,” said Rudy.
When Rudy arrived, Liam was already up on the roof
with these hilarious looking pink wings.
“Pink wings!” laughed Rudy.
“Yeah, this is the stuff I had left over from when I
invented that giant Pig robot we used on Halloween last year,”
said Liam.
“So you think you’re just going to jump off and fly?”
asked Rudy.
“Yeah. Here goes,” said Liam.
He backed up a little and took a quick dash and a jump.
Aaaaaaaaaaagh, SMACK! The wings broke right off and
Liam landed on his head in the middle of some bushes next to
the house.
After Rudy rolled around on the ground laughing for
about a minute, he got up and asked Liam if he was Ok.
“Yeah, Yeah, real funny,” said Lenny. “I guess they may
have been a little weak, but I know the shape is just right. I will
just go back to the workshop and make them out of another
material. It’s something not as heavy as the scrap metal and not
as light as the tissue paper.”

“Sounds like a good idea to me,” said Rudy as he rolled

his eyes.
A couple of weeks later Liam called up Rudy.
“I’ve really done it this time,” said Liam.
“You’ve done what?” asked Rudy.
“I reworked the wings. I made them out of wax and balsa
wood. These things look just like bird’s wings. Meet me at
Chocolate Hill, I need a witness,” said Liam.
“I’m on the way,” said Rudy.
When Rudy arrived, he saw the wings. They did look
“I need you to help me strap them on,” said Liam.
Rudy helped him strap on the wings. They fit real
snug. There was a handle under each wing out near the tip for
Liam to use to move the wings up and down and a belt that went
around his wasted so that they would not fall off.
“Here we go,” yelled Liam as he backed up and began
running towards the crest of the hill.
He didn’t slow down and just as he got to the edge of the
hill, he started to lift up into the air. He was flying!
YAHOOO! yelled Liam.
He flew and flew just laughing and hooting. He flew
higher and higher. He was really getting high now, and he started
to worry. “How do I land these things?” he asked himself.

That question was about to be answered. All of a

sudden, he noticed that his wings were starting to melt. He had
risen so high, that the sun was starting to melt the wax he used
to make the wings. Pretty soon he had little tiny wings and he
was flying about a hundred miles an hour down towards the
“Boy this is going hurt again,” said Liam to himself.
He crashed into the trees. Rudy ran up, “Are you all
right?” he asked.
“Yeah, I think so, but I am definitely going to quit trying
to fly. This is too rough on the body,” said Liam.
To this day, no one believes Rudy when he tells the story
of how Liam flew like a bird. It may be good that they do not
believe him, because others would probably get hurt, as did
Liam also made a commitment not to invent anything
that cannot be used while standing firmly on the ground.
He often tells people, “If people were meant to fly, they
would have wings!”


I stare at the blank screen only few meters away from

me. And I don’t know how to react or think. I exhale as I turn to
see my mom sleeping on the sofa with his hand supporting his
head. I smile thinking to myself how crazy it is for mom while
watching a movie. I make my way to the kitchen carefully,
attempting to not make any sound.

I never wake mom during a movie unless I have to. Being

a doctor, she works long shifts at the hospital leaving little time
for her to sleep. Yet, despite the long hours and barely being at
home, she insists on having movie night every Sunday night.

Today we watched ‘the fault in our stars’. Mom’s friend

recommended it to her; she said it was the best movie she had
ever watched. Yes it was good movie but I rather just spend our
Sunday night talking to each other. Ever since my dad died, my
mom and I barely even get see each other as often as before.
Before, we would always in the living room talking about our
day whenever mom got back home. While remembering my dad
my tears started to fall, I know mom miss him and I miss him so
much too if there is a chance to hug him I want to hug him tight.

Mom woke up because she heard me I was crying, “I’m

sorry mom for waking you up I just miss dad”, I saw moms eyes
watering knowing that she was about to cry. “I know I miss him
too”. Mom went to her room to change her clothes so that she
can now prepare for our dinner. I get happy whenever Sunday is
near because mom is the one who will cook for our dinner. While

waiting for mom I went to the living room and remember all
those happy memory we had before.

Dad made sure we had our family time. He said it is the

most important thing to have as a family time. He didn’t want us
to be that family that barely even see each and know anything
each other. Dad would make sure mom comes home every other
day. He would call mom’s boss and make sure that she came
home. I smile at the memory. Mom’s boss was so scared of dad.

But life isn’t like that anymore. Time passed, things

changed. Dad isn’t here anymore and so is mom. Mom works
twice us much just to support us. Well, that’s what she says. I
know very well that she earns enough money, but she only says
that to hide the pain she experiences coming home to release
dad’s gone. I go to school and stay home for the rest of the day,
make sure that all the bills are being paid and the house is clean.

I look at mom cooking at the kitchen and I decided to

help her, “hmmmm smells good huh” I smiled. She was cooking
my favourite food which is adobo me and dads favourite. “You
go now and take your seat it’s almost done” mom said. I go now
and seat.

After eating, it was my turn to do the dishes. I ordered

my mom to go now to her room and rest because I know she’ll
going to work tomorrow early. After doing the dishes so I went
to my room and rest.

The next day….


My alarm clock rang. It’s almost six o’clock; Sasha

would be here soon. I go downstairs and drink water. After
drinking a glass of water, I head upstairs to my room to change
my PJ. Sasha wouldn’t care if I still wore my PJ’s, but I don’t
want her to make a joke on my ‘hello kitty’ pants.

Sasha asked me earlier today if I could help her catch up

with her reading. Our English teacher assigned us novels to read
over the summer the holidays, but Sasha went to Paris so she
didn’t have time to read.

Sasha is my best friend. Were different, but we are

inseparable. When I stay home to study, she would go out and
hang out with friends. She has a big social life where as I’m an
introvert; she has many friends where she’s my only friend; she
knows everyone at school where I only know her and the
teachers. Ever since dad died, I stay home and try to excel in my
studies. Dad always wanted me to be at the top of the class and
I feel like the only way I can make him happy, is to be at the top.

Me and Sasha watched the ‘the fault in our stars’ I made

her watch it because it was my favourite movie. “My mom’s
favourite movie” I said and smiled, “Sssssshhhhh quiet I’m
watching don’t you see?” she said and I laugh weakly cause I
see her enjoying it.

After watching the movie, something dawned on me. I’m living

a life that I could be comfortable with, a life that would prevent

me from any chance on getting scars. Is this life the right way to
live? I know the answer and it’s definitely a no.

I stared at myself in the mirror and thinking “what if I go

and find a summer job seeing as though there is no classes yet”
what a bright idea. I was shocked when Sasha “alia I’m going
home now me and my mom as somewhere to go” she said, and
I give her a tight hug and waved.

Sasha and mom are the only two people I know that calls
me Alia. No one else call me that. I have people call me Ali
instead since I never really did like my actual name –Alianna.

We finished the movie at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon

so I clean our trash and go to mall and get some grocery. Since
dad died I was the one who buys the grocery and things we need
at home before when dad is alive he teach me how to grocery
dad told me that we need to save money and buy what we needed
not useless things. It always makes me sad when I go to the mall
because dad buys me ice cream after we get what we need. Now
I’m alone and I’m buying myself my own.

I finally reach our home at 4:00. I change my clothes and

put away the groceries in their proper places. My phone ring,
and I saw it was mom calling, I answered “hello mom” I said,
“I’m sorry I’m going home late time to eat your dinner alia don’t
starve yourself or your dad will get mad” mom replied, “I will
mom don’t forget to eat too mom I love you take care”, “I love
you too alia” I heard my mom’s voice it was sad.

I went to the kitchen and cooked my dinner, after

cooking I ate and go to my room, I saw our family pictures
beside me and began to cry and that’s when I realize I miss the
old times when my family was happy and still together. Dad was
alive, mom is still here.

I got up and went to our terrace and looked up and I saw

a shooting star. I wish that mom will realize that I need her and
she needs me because we can help each other to move on to what
happen to dad.

That it all came rushing back to me when dad died it was

a cold night and we went to an ice cream shop and eat. I’m so
happy that day because dad took me to the ice cream shop. When
a truck came crushing through the ice cream shop window and I
was about to get hit but dad save me and I felt his hug so tight
so that I wouldn’t get hit. I didn’t feel any pain after the impact
but I felt blood dripping on my hand I looked up to see my dad
smiling, and his face covered in blood. I began to cry and shout
help. After minutes the ambulance came and we go to the
hospital where mom works. Mom does all her best to save dad
but dad couldn’t take the pain anymore. Mom goes out crying
and crying I go beside her and I hug her tight. “Mom this is how
tight dads hug was before he died” I said while crying.

Its 11:30 in the evening when I heard the door open, I go

down stair to see who that was and I’m sure it was mom. I saw
her and she look so tired. I hold her and she is so hot “mom are
you sick?” I asked “no I’m okay” she replied “but mom your hot

please be strong for me I can’t leave without you dad

pass away and I’m begging you to be strong for me or for
yourself please don’t leave as dad did to me” I said while crying.

Mom fall asleep and I took care of her. I get some

blankets and medicines and tell her “Mom I will be your doctor
today”, mom try to smile.

The next day …..

I feel a very tight hug I open my eyes and I saw mom

smiling “mom are you okay now?”, “yes doctor alia” she smiled.

“I have good news” mom said, “What is it?” I asked

“we’re going out” I saw Mom’s big smile. “What about your
work?”, “My alia is more important than my work” I smiled and
hug her.

We change our clothes and prepare. We went to the

cemetery where dad is buried.

I and mom got some bonding together with dad in



Once, there was a young lad named William Brandon

Augustus who lives in a village called Ogle. He lives with his
father named Rhiner Escrato Augustus and her mother Linea
Louise Augustus. He has a little sister named Henrietta Anorith
Augustus. They were living in the year 376. He found a passage
way behind a big portrait of his mother and father kissing each
other. When he reached a big door, he opened it and the torched
was lighted on its own. William was surprised in what he had
seen. He saw swords, books, wands, bows, and different
weapons displayed in the room like he was in a museum of great
weapons. William also saw a glass with a ring in it, he took it as
a souvenir from what he saw. When William wears the ring he
had a shocking memory had in placed in his head. The memory
was a memory of a man who was imprisoned in the ring by his
parents. The man was laughing until he was imprisoned in the
ring. The next day, while William and Henrietta playing at the
backyard, a mysterious cloaked group riding on horses raided
their home searching a powerful object. His father and mother
fought the raiders saying “Get outta here William and take your
little sister in the City of Gandulf”. While running away, a
mysterious lady tried to kill the two leaving a wound in the left

eye of William but the mysterious lady hadn’t killed the two
because they were helped by a man.

Ten days goes by when wandering in the streets begging

for food scraps, a man adopted them. The man said “I am
Zachariah Strato”. Zachariah teached them, care for them,
trained them. After two years, Zachariah told them that they can
now protect themselves from any dangers. While William
wearing his clothes, he heard a voice in his head saying “You
can release me from this chains were I’m imprisoned”. William
was startled and asked “Who are you” the voice replied “I’m
Winston Valerie, the one who gave you that shocking memory
where I’m imprisoned in this ring”. William asked how can he
release him, Winston said “Just say ‘Release’”. William nearly
said it and he thought to his self ‘Maybe I can release him in a
given time’ so William said “I will release you for 5 minutes.”
Winston was so surprised that the son of the one who imprisoned
him was so clever and said “Wait, I’ve didn’t said to you that”,
Winston was released just for 5 minutes and William asked why
he was imprisoned and Winston tells that they were once friends
with Rhiner, Linea and 4 other more until Winston was
controlled and was made crazy by a demon which twisted his

mind where Winston betrayed all of his friends. William felt sad
for him but William’s face didn’t show a reaction that he was

William was gone into the market until he found his way
on a dark passage where he saw a cloaked woman with a sword
on the left of her waist. She wears a cloak same to those who
raided their home. He was so curious that he asked her name, the
woman said face “I’m Lorelei, Why?” as the lady uncovers her
face from the hood. William was so surprised that the one who
gave the scar on his left-eye was also a woman with a crimson
red hair. Winston said to William ‘Don’t rush things’ but
William denied what Winston said. William assaulted Lorelei
with his dagger but Lorelei pulled her sword and easily unarmed
William. William was astonished when his dagger went flying
and he was astonished by the speed of the woman used. Lorelei
beat up William, Winston said ‘What an idiot boy!’ Luckily
Zachariah happened to passby and Zachariah protected William.
Lorelei said “What does a traitor doing in a place like this
helping a man who assaulted a woman like me?” Zachariah
replied “I’m not a traitor, it’s just your leader played you and he

made all of you a monster” Lorelei replied with a killing intent

smile on her face “Don’t insult my master with your vagrant
words”. Zachariah picked up William and quickly escaped to his

Zachariah aided William’s wounds. William asked

Zachariah on how do Zachariah and Lorelei know each other,
Zachariah tell the truth “Her name is Lorelei Abimeleck, she was
a beautiful girl with a dream to make peace. She was a part of a
guild named ‘Night Berserkers’. She saved me from a powerful
dragon where I nearly died. I was so thankful to her. She gave
me care. I’ve met their leader and have a good talk to him. Until
one day, I’ve suddenly felt an unknown bloodlust. And when I
came to see their leader, it was the leader that I’ve felt the
bloodlust. He was so different from before, but now he wanted
a limitless power that is why I’ve left their guild”. William asked
again “Then why they’ve attacked the village where I live?”
Zachariah quickly replied “They were finding a powerful

William: “What is the name of that weapon then?” Zachariah:

“It’s name is ‘Meteors’ Tear’ a magic wand happened to be in
your parents’ possession”

William: “I hope that they’ve didn’t find what they are seeking”
“Wait! How do you know my parents?”

Zachariah: “They are my friends, and I hope that your parents

founded a place where no one can get it”

William: “How they can move so many weapons at once?”

Zachariah: “They can teleport it you know? And they are


William: “And why they don’t teach me their techniques?”

Zachariah: “They don’t want their children to experience what

they’ve gone through”

And someone harshly knocked the door. William opened

it finding Henrietta crying for what happened.

Henrietta: “I hope you’re not hurt. Sobhh…..”


William: “It’s okay now so don’t cry.”

Henrietta: “Really???..... Sobhh…”

William: “Yes ma’am”


Zachariah also tell to Henrietta what happened and the story

behind why their village was attacked. William and Henrietta
spent the night in the house of Zachariah. Henrietta cooked
William’s favorite chicken curry. When they are eating,
Zachariah was amazed by Henrietta’s cooking. On the other
side, Lorelei said to herself “I think I shall give up what I’m
doing right now”. When William and Henrietta fell asleep,
Zachariah go out to feel the cold breeze of the night and a man
was there and said “Zachariah, thank you for taking care of my

Zachariah: “Are you sure that you shouldn’t take care of your
children? Rhiner!”

Rhiner: “I’m just thankful to you and it is okay for me and my

children to be separated because now he will make a journey on
his own”

Zachariah: “You are truly kind to everyone Rhiner. How about

your wife?”

Rhiner: “She has gone to the cook”


Zachariah: “I hope that the cook doesn’t make any fuss because
I will go there with your children when the time has come.”

Rhiner: “Just make sure that they are still in one piece because
he will someday save the world due to its own people’s crucial

Zachariah: “Shall I say that you just visited us?”

Rhiner: “It’s okay not to. Looks like I’ll gonna go”

Zachariah: “I’ll gonna teach them what you’ve learned on your

master right tomorrow.”

Rhiner: “Best to teach them fast”

Zachariah: “Till we meet again”

Rhiner: “You should better be prepared too. Bye!”

Rhiner jumped into a roof. William awakened and saw

his father vanished with a bunch of leaves flies away. William
said to his self ‘Maybe it is a dream.’ William sleeps again
dreaming that he had found his someone.

The next day- October 15, 378


Zachariah said to the siblings that he will now train them

the real thing for one month. William felt angry about Zachariah
on what he said. He felt angry when Zachariah said that “I’m
sorry that I’ve didn’t teach you the secret arts of your parents
used”. William forgave Zachariah on what he had done. When
the training starts, William and Henrietta felt that they were in
hell that they nearly given up their life. But Zachariah said to
them that if they want to grow stronger, they should surpass what
their parents suffered from this training.

On the first three days, they feel worn about the training.
But none of them gives up. They said that they had to continue
to protect what they want to protect. Zachariah said to them that
they need to travel the ‘Land of the Wealth’ after they finished
their training. William asked on what they will gonna do if they
reached the ‘Land of the Wealth’. Zachariah said that they
should meet up the cook to train for their conquest. And he also
said that they need to cross the ‘Dark Forest’ before they can
reach the ‘Land of the Wealth’. And Zachariah also followed up
what he said that he should train their speed, agility, strength,
wisdom, and cleverness. William said that if they cross the ‘Dark
Forest’ they will go underneath the ‘Cave of Illusions’,

‘Mountain of the Sphinx’, and that they can encounter the ‘Beast
of the Forest’. And Zachariah replied “That’s why we shall cross
the ‘Dark Forest’, to encounter the ‘Beast of the Forest’”.
William felt that he shouldn’t go with a gloomy face. Zachariah
said that it is okay to encounter the beast. William asked why.
Zachariah said that you will find it in the right time with a smirk
on his face. William was scared on Zachariah’s face. Henrietta
said that this is no time to joke and that they’ve continued their

On the 15th day of their training in the morning - October 30,


Lorelei went to Zachariah’s house while Zachariah trains

the two. Zachariah went inside to prepare a tea for the two.
Lorelei knocked the door and William opened it. When he saw
who is behind the door, he suddenly jumped back two steps and
calmly angry said “What are you doing here?”

Lorelei: “I’m here to talk to Zachariah and apologize on what

happened two years ago”

William: “No need to apologize, just leave this place.”


Lorelei: “Till we meet again then.”

Henrietta stopped Lorelei and hears what she wants to


Lorelei: “I’m so sorry” with tears on her eyes

Henrietta: “It is okay”

William and Henrietta take Lorelei inside the house.

Zachariah was surprised when Lorelei was inside.

Lorelei: “All of you should go because they’re on their way


Zachariah said to the two that looks like they will travel
earlier than expected. And Lorelei said that the king wants to
meet you before you leave. Zachariah asked if Lorelei will come.
But Lorelei declined his proposal. And Lorelei said “I have to
do something far from you Zachariah”.

Zachariah and the two others went to the castle where the
king lives. While on their way, Winston talked to William that
he should release me just for 15 minutes because he need to talk
to Zachariah. And William released him just for 15 minutes.

Zachariah was surprised that he will be able to meet again his

friend Winston who was imprisoned due to the demon where
Winston gone crazy.

Zachariah: “Is that you Winston?”

Winston: “I’m so sorry about what happened before, I didn’t

know that I have been controlled and being twisted by a demon.
I’m so sorry that many people have died just to stop me.”

Zachariah: “What a cruel thing for that demon to do to you, yet

he knows how to act. How did he control you?”

Winston: “I am deceive by that demon”

Zachariah: “How?”

Winston: “He said that he would give me wisdom when I release

my divine protection. Yet he cursed me to be crazy and to
destroy everything in my sight. I was lucky that the ‘Beast of the
Forest’ didn’t come to kill me.”

Zachariah: “Yeah, if he had killed you, your wife will kill that
beast. And your wife alone was scary enough that I don’t want
to awake her even it was too late in the morning”

William: “Wait, you have a wife?!!!”

Winston: “Yes, and she was more scary than the beast”

William: “Who is your wife then?”

Winston: “Can’t tell, yet she was so beautiful that everyman

wants her”

William: “I think she will be happy to see you”

Zachariah: “That is if she will be happy”

William: “What do you mean?”

Winston: “Never mind that. Oops, looks like my time is up.”

Henrietta: “Till we meet again then”

Winston: “Bye then”

Winston returned to the ring.

Zachariah: “I’ve didn’t know that you have the ring”

William: “I saw it in a room behind the big portrait of my parents

kissing each other.”

Henrietta: “Wait! I’ve didn’t know such things”

William: “The portrait is in my room and that is why you don’t

know it”

Zachariah: ‘I’ve didn’t know that my master painted that thing’

Henrietta: “Did you say something??”

Zachariah: “Nothing”

When they reached the castle, the king gave them a warm
welcome. And the king introduced himself. “I am


It’s a bright new morning while our main character walks

to school to study. She is a gorgeous one not to mention that all
boys want to be with her. As she opens her locker, a lot of letters
goes out so she didn’t have a choice but to burn it. She always
combs her hair before the class starts. Her hair, her smile, her
lips and every little bit of her was so perfect but there is this man
named Meliton, he always trolls her but he always fails. Also,
he calls her black cat for unknown reasons. By the way, her
name is Crysanth Lily Rose. Meliton and Lily knows each other
since they were kindergarten, they are always at the top of the
ranks. Then, one of Lily’s friend named Stacia asked her if the
two of them go out on dates, but Lily said no and said that “We
know each other since kindergarten”. Stacia asked her again if
why they were still together in the same place and Lily said that
she lost into a bet that if Meliton wins, Lily will not complain if
he follows her. Then her friends laughed about what happened,
and one of her friends asked her again on what did they compete
with, Lily said that who will catch the most fish will do what the
winner wants to do with the loser. And Lily said that Meliton
was one more fish than her.

Then the afternoon, after the last class, she saw an eye-
glassed man who has an eye bag always carrying a laptop and
Lily felt sorry for her. As Meliton walked with Lily on their way
home, they felt that someone is watching them and they said to
each other to walk a different way and when they saw the person,
they were surprised that the one following them was Stacia and
they asked them on why she follows them and Stacia said that
she was so curious about them. Lily had an idea on her mind and
showed them where they live. Stacia was surprised that the two
of them were neighbors then Stacia left with a smile. But what
Stacia didn’t know was that they are raised by assassins. Only
the two of them were raised since birth but the bet wasn’t a joke.
And when they are now ready, they have been practiced to
assassinate who they’ve been ordered. And this night, Lily had
been ordered to assassinate an S+ rated man and his name is
Lijourn Humberg. And when she saw the picture, she saw the
same man in the school that she attends, the leader said that he
also goes into the same school as she were. Lily refused the
mission but their leader forced her to do it so she didn’t have a
choice and it hurt her feeling that she would have to kill a weak
man that is also attends the same school as she were.

During the midnight, Lily was sitting at the edge of a

high building watching her next target going on to a building.
Lily was astonished on what he is doing, he is programming
something, Lily rushed onto a spot where she cannot be seen but
Lijourn sensed him and said confidently calm “Show yourself
Crysanth”. And she showed herself saying that she has to kill
him but Lijourn said “Now I know why Meliton calls you black
cat, you always kill your prey behind their back and never leave
a single sign or any evidence”, then Lily asked him on how do
he know them and Lijourn said that they are famous but Lily
said that why do he know that they assassinate. Lijourn said that
he trolled their leader Corossa Axonorrus and played on his arms
on how he predicted how he plays. Lily says to herself that he
lies and Lily slashed him without a single hesitation. And when
the blade nearly cut his neck, Lijourn easily stolen the blade and
said “You know that you shouldn’t carry blades, and for a weak
girl like you, you shouldn’t go out on a mission where it is so
hard for you to accomplish”. Lily get angry and she kicked him
but Lijourn carried her with him and he go out watching the stars
with her saying “You should enjoy your life to the fullest and be
a weak girl that someone will protect you, OK?!” Lily’s heart
beats fast when she heard those sweet calm words and she think

that she fell in love with him. And Lijourn carried her unto her
house and he said “Goodbye my little kitten, have a sweet sleep”
and then Lily changed to her pajamas and slept thinking about

She dreamed about him having a dinner, and when they

get in the close part the alarm ringed and she woke up. She was
so sad and said that it was a bad timing. When she gone into the
school, she searched for Lijourn in every section but she failed.
At the mid-noon on the rooftop of the school, Meliton asked Lily
on what she was doing and Lily blushed but she shows an
obvious face. Meliton guessed that she was looking for Lijourn
and Lily’s face gets red and hide it, Meliton grinned and laughed.
Meliton said that he had a talk to him, at first he was furious but
when Lijourn said that “Take care of my little cat” Meliton never
suspected him anymore for killing them. Lijourn told Meliton
that he will never be in the school for 2 days and then Lily
wanders about what he is doing. After the two days, an unknown
handsome guy entered in Lily’s classroom. The guy asked “Is
this Lily’s homeroom?”

she came and asked about what business does he have here. The
guy said with a smile “Did I have changed that much, my little

cat?” Lily realized that it was Lijourn, she blushed and run away
into the rooftop due to such embarrassment. Lijourn asked
himself if he did something wrong. The girls in the room asked
him if he has a girlfriend and he said not, the girls get excited
but when Lijourn said that he had found his someone, all of the
girl’s hopes get down.

After the talk, Lijourn followed her and asked her for a
date this evening. Lily stuttered when she was asked by that
question but she rejected it due to her mission tonight. But when
he asked to have a date tomorrow 9:30 am at the front of the
ocean park, she quickly said yes. Lijourn said “Don’t push
yourself too hard cuz’ it will ruin your beauty” Lily faced back
and said something with a grin “You don’t have the right to say
that”. Lijourn gone into his classroom, he encountered Meliton
on his way down, Meliton said “Don’t hurt my black cat
Lijourn”, Lijourn replied “Of course, you cared her for so long
didn’t you? That’s why you’re still on the same school.” Meliton
replied with a serious smile on his face “You know that much?”
Lijourn answered it with a smile “I know that much because I
was trained by your master since I was just a kid.” Lijourn made
a sad face saying “And it may not be too long before I die and it

will hurt the feeling of Crysanth” Meliton had a bad expression

on his face and asked “Then why did you abandoned the ones
who take cared for you” Lijourn gets serious and walked away
saying “You should know that”.

Meliton take Lily to their classroom. And when they

reached the classroom, Lily’s friend had a smile on their faces
asking on how did it goes. Lily said that she rejected his request.
But her friends knows that she is suspicious and said “You have
a crush on her aren’t you?” Lily blushed and denied it. The class
started, and when the night came their leader said that her next
target is Jinarius Lymphae. Lily asked the leader if they raised
other children than them, the leader said that they have. Lily
asked if that one was Lijourn, and their leader said yes. The
leader tells his true name and Lily knows that it was Corossa
Axonorrus and she is not wrong. Her target Jinarius Lymphae
was on a house nearby a lake. She runs into the place saying that
she needs to prepare tomorrow. And when she was in the place,
she saw Jinarius with Stacia and Lijourn having a tea together.
Lily was so furious, she called Corossa if her target was a close
friend of Stacia. Corossa said that she was, Corossa also said

“Don’t kill him if you won’t, there is a time for everything”. Lily
asked again if Jinarius played a trick on him, Corossa said yes.
Lily asked “Why do we need to kill them?” Corossa replied
“They killed innocent people who don’t deserve to die” Lily
countered what he said “Liar!!!! Then why Lijourn and Jinarius
needed to die?” Corossa tell the truth with a serious face “They
get in the way of my plans, that’s why I need you to kill them
immediately” Lily asked on what are those plans. Corossa said
“You will understand someday”. Then Lily held back to her
house. The moment she looked away, Jinarius took Stacia and
Lijourn being held as hostages.


“Surrounded by the Darkness, HELP!”. A bright light I

see, a woman smiling at me, who is she? They’re all the same.
Wha…what’s on their head? Wait is she a he? Are they?....

A baby girl crying out loud, that is surrounded by nuns. “New

baby girl arrived” the one sister shouted. “How lovely” the other
said. They we’re amused by a good-looking adorable baby girl.
Her crying sound doesn’t annoy anyone, the sound seems
pleasing. One sister sing to calm the baby down and as fast as a
wind pass by the baby stop crying and began to laugh. The odd
thing they question is “why on earth this baby has this kind of
abilities? Is it normal?” her mom maybe the key but how can
they find her, if the mom is not ready for the responsibility yet
pushing her to leave this baby. But more odd is as they ask if
they seen someone drop the baby, everybody near at the
orphanage said they seen no one nothing at all, mysterious as it
seem but their thankful to have another blessing. Trying to find
someone related to this baby might be harder than they thought.

Time flies so fast, but unfortunately the girl supposed to be

turning 5 years old that day enigmatically *poof* she’s gone.
Some sort of magic made the girl disappear. Searching for that
little girl, days turns to weeks, weeks turns to months but they
don’t see any shadow of her.

Years passed by….

“Born with no one by my side, there’s no mother to give

kisses, hugs and saying goodbyes before going to school, no

father to defend me from bullies, no brother or sister to hang out

with, no friends to talk with. I have no one to spend my time and
create happy memories with. Belle is my name with no surname
I’m an orphan, the girl who always look at the best in life ,
maybe my mom left me because she doesn’t want me to be her
daughter, but still, I’m thankful she let me live, see the wonder
of this world.” She sings softly to attract people’s attention to
donate some money to her. Homeless she is but still she
managed to cheer herself up and motivate to continue her life.
“This world is full of mysteries and I want to know one of it”
one of her thoughts. Every night she look up to the skies “I
should be surrounded by nothing but pure darkness if it wasn’t
you my lights of my life STARS” talking from the dark corner
of the street. Another day ahead but not as the ordinary one,
Belle felt an odd feeling, she see a more brighter view of her
home town no dark corners see can find it’s like her eyes have
the ability to see brighter than a normal eye. “Am I in heaven?
Did I just die last night? Am I a spirit now?” She’s totally
confused see blink sever times to confirm if she’s just imagining
things but not. Belle died, she die because of a car crush (just
kidding, she’s completely fine) She sing through her heart and
everyone stop and watch her “So I’m not dead yet” she told her
to herself. She continued as usual her normal routine not
minding the things she experience. “Maybe I’m blessed or have
superpower I guess” that’s her conclusion. Night comes she still
see brighter things and she’s glowing in the dark like she’s a
human flashlight but suddenly a star, one of the brightest star
comes nearer and nearer until it reaches Belle. Pure light she

remembered. Waking up seeing something odd things she never

had seen before unfamiliar environment like see jump to another
Universe. In this world everybody smiles, helping one another,
there’s no one to be called poor or rich. Belle was totally
confused what’s happening right now. Like a wonderland?.
“Here we share no stories, what you see is what it is, fascinating
right? Come and dive to the wonders of Denebola” Belle
hesitated “I don’t.” before she finishes her words the boy talk
“Leo that’s what they call me, you can trust me I’ve always seen
you in Earth you’re special” “Wait… what? ho.. hoowww? I
have no memories in my past how’s that possible?.” Belle had
too many questions she taught this boy knew everything about
her. “Let me repeat Belle, here we don’t tell someone’s stories,
You, you should know who you are and that’s it” “I.. I don’t
know” Belle replied. JUST BE FREE and Leo grab Belle
leading her to his Friends. “Here’s Leo guys! DREAMERS
Another Adventure Awaits! AAA!” Everyone: “AAA!” Leo cut
the noise “Before that my brothers let me introduce you to Belle”
everyone started talking “Is that really belle?” “She’s Alive?!”
someone hugs her “Welcome back!” crying out loud Belle
replied “Pardon me everyone but I can’t remember nor recall my
past” “so that’s why we’re gonna help you” Leo replied. Belle
felt something she never felt before. Someone finally knows her,
happy to see her, love her, she’s no longer someone. She cried
happily. Lots of ADVENTURE await ahead of them. From
sunrise to sun down they always create happy memories, Belle
felt she’s finally home. She forgot all the bad memories she had
kept before. Yes she’s positive but she can be tired of that too

she kept it to herself not letting someone know how horrible she
experience on Earth.

Until someone entered to break the friendship they had.

Happy moments change to the saddest feelings the group could
felt, they had been replaced. Belle found someone and fell in
love with, she choose to love and leave her friends in despair.
She changed, she always look for her self-satisfactions and not

minding someone else’s feelings. She became selfish, reckless,

Miss know it all.

The boy named Ares which her love of her life, in Denebola,
where all happy living creatures there their wishes will come
true. Belle wishes for Ares and betraying her friends. Belle a
queen wanna be, knew she’s better than everyone who’s living
there. Belle lived her life with material things “I deserve all of
this, I gained this because of my specialness. She planned to rule
that world but she can’t because of her attitude there’s no longer
power she can have, the bad behavior cause her to disappear on
that world and burst and trap into the asteroid full of darkness
begging for help then recreate as a baby and strike on earth
exactly at the orphanage where she had been found erasing all
the memory she had.

Denebola, here you can do the impossible, your mind comes

from the power you create. A wish will come true if and only if
you have a golden heart. Belle is one of the rarest fairy on that
world, yes all the living creatures there were fairies, mermaids,

wizard everything that don’t exist to Earth. As a punishment to

a naughty fairy they send her/his to earth to learn and appreciate
the things he/she had, contented what she/he have in life. Belle
keeps repeating the same mistakes all over. But as her friends,
they still have hopes on her to change and be the GOOD Fairy
as she supposed to be.

Too much confident is bad if you handle it the wrong way.

Not every day is always your day things can be disappointing,
beyond our expectations but have so much to learn from. Every
move you make every decision, think about the consequences.


I felt the tears run down my eyes as I cried in a dark cold

winter night. I said to myself “What could’ve been if it didn’t
end like this, what could’ve been if our story continued, what
could’ve been if you didn’t leave.” I wish I could go back in time
and relive the moments we had. I wish we could’ve been
together forever.

It was one year ago when Divine first came into my life.
We were in 10th grade of high school back then, Divine was a
shy beautiful girl back then and I was a high school jock. We
first met each other when Divine asked a friend of mine if she
would like to introduce you to me.

“Hey, I’m Divine Hunter are you a friend of Raven

Goodwind? “Divine asked.

“Yes, I am a friend of Raven. Nice you meet you I am

Skylar Azra . Why do you ask?” she replied.

“I wanted to meet him, I kind of like him” Divine replied.

“Ayieee, so you like him. Ok I’ll try to convince him to

come and meet you later” she said.

“Thank you Thank you Thank you Skylar” Divine

happily replied.

So, when school ended she came to our room and talk to
me about her introducing me to Divine.

‘Raven Ravennnnnnn hey, hey, hey come with me”

Skylar yelled.

“What the Skylar why are you so loud?” I replied

“There is someone who wants to meet you and I’m

taking you to her” she said while smiling widely.

So, I was dragged to the back of the school by an evil

witch I said to myself as Skylar dragged me. Then we finally
reached the back of the school. Divine was there and I was
looking at you like I was paralyzed as I was stunned by Divine’s
beauty. We stared at each other for a while, until our stare down
was ended by Skylar snapping her fingers.

“Hey you two are you just going to stare at each other or
are you going to introduce yourselves to each other “she said
while snapping h er finger.

“Hi, I’m Raven Good Wind” I said in a shy manner

“I know” Divine said instantly.

“Oh. So, you what’s your name?” I asked.

“I’m Divine Hunter nice to meet you” she said while

wearing the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

We met each other and knew each other’s name after that
moment. I went home with Skylar who is my neighbor; I went
home and smiled all the way through thinking that I could see

Divine again. I came home to my house feeling happy and

overwhelmed by Divine’s beauty. Then it hit me I fell in love at
first sight. I fell asleep then thinking of how can I be closer to

I woke up that morning setting sights on how to get

closer to Divine. I went to school and quickly went to Skylar’s
room. I went there to ask her if she had Divine’s contact number
so I could keep in touch with Divine because I knew I fell in love
at first sight.

“Hey Skylar. Do you have Divine’s number?” I asked


“Oh, what is this are you interested about her?” she asked
in the creepiest smile I have ever seen.

“What is with that face Skylar that’s so creepy” I told


“I’m just excited for you and yes I have her number do
you want it? “She asked.

“Yes, Skylar I want it, please give it to me” I pleaded.

“In one condition you need to treat me every day for this
week” she told me.

In the feeling of desperate I told her “Fine I will treat you

this week”

Skylar gave me your number so I walked back to my

room with the biggest smile. The other students probably think
I’m creepy after the sight of my big smile. The day was as
always hard cause you know studies I was exhausted after school
but I’m still happy that I got Divine’s number. I almost forgot
that I still need to treat Skylar today.

“Hi Raven I’m ready for your treat” she said with her
most evil laugh.

“Fine let’s get this over with ugh my allowance” I


Skylar and I went to Wcdo which is near our school so it

was not a hustle to get to the restaurant. So, Skylar and I got to
the restaurant and we looked for a place to seat in when my I
eyes saw a beauty and that beauty is none other than Divine so I
quickly went to the table which Divine was seating. Divine
greeted me and Skylar when Divine saw us seat in front of you.

“Hi Raven, Hi Skylar nice to see you” she greeted us.

“Hello Divine, what are you doing?” Skylar asked

“I’m just doing our assignment and this restaurant is

where I usually hangout when I do assignments” she replied

“How about you guys what are you doing her” she asked.

“Oh, nothing Raven is just doing me a favor in exchange

for something” Skylar replied with a smirk.

“So, what is that something” Divine asked again.

“You’ll know it soon” Skylar replied

After that chat with Divine, Skylar and I went to order

our food. She ordered spaghetti with 1 pieced chicken, large
fries, burger, and a large soda. I was crying inside when I saw
the food she ordered at where we and Divine will sit. We ate our
food while Divine is doing her assignment while eating. We
finished our food so we waited for Divine to finish her
assignment so we chatted for bit until Divine finished her
assignment. Skylar and I asked Divine if we could escort her
home and she agreed. When I finally reached my house I
immediately sent a text to Divine.

“Hello “I texted

“Who is this?” Divine asked.

“It’s me Raven this is the something that I got from

Skylar your number” I texted.

After I told that we texted each other until it was late and
we needed to sleep. With the events that unfold that day I slept
with a cheerful feeling.

I woke up that morning and continued my daily routines;

woke up then I got ready for school went to school and reached
the school. The day went on as usual at school that day class
after class after class. Class then ended and I texted Divine to

“Hey Divine let’s go and hangout for a bit” I texted her

“Sure, where is the meeting place?” she replied

I was thinking where we would meet and came up with

an idea that we should go to the Wcdo since it’s already the
afternoon and it’s where she usually goes and hangout.

“Let’s just go to Wcdo since it’s late” I told her.

“Ok well see each other at Wcdo” she replied.

So, we met each other and quickly we found a seat. After

that I got her and went to order the food. After I got the order for
us we ate and chatted for a bit.

“Let’s go out next time too” I said.

“Yea let’s go when and where are we going then?” she


“Probably this weekend so we can have fun longer and

since we need it to be fun let’s go to an amusement park” I said.

“Sure, this weekend at 8 o’clock is that an ok time?” she

asked again.

“Sure, it’s good” I agreed.

After we chatted some more we went home I escorted

her back home and after I said goodbye as she got inside her
house, I then went home. We texted more at our houses then we

went to sleep. The week continued as usual classes hang out with
Divine sometimes and we texted at nights. So, when weekend
came I was very excited because Divine and I are going on a
date. I prepared a little longer for our date so I was late. I went
to the Amusement Park and saw her probably waiting for me.

“Hey! Sorry I’m late” I immediately told her.

“It’s fine Raven your only 5 minutes late” she told me

while laughing.

“So, let’s go then” I said.

“Yes, let’s go I’m excited it’s been a long time since I

last came here” she replied.

So, we entered the Amusement Park I paid for our

entrance fee then asked he where we should go 1st

“So where should we go” I asked.

“Uhmm let’s just stroll around and see where we will end
up riding the day is long” she replied.

Just as she said we strolled around we went to the Merry

Go Round, Rollercoaster, Haunted House we ate food we had
fun from the start to finish, but sadly the day is ending. She asked
me if we could ride the Ferris wheel.

“Raven Raven can we go ride the Ferris Wheel as our

last ride before we go home?” she asked.

I was thinking for a moment because this could be the perfect

moment to ask her to be my girlfriend. So, I answered yes having
a plan in mind in asking her go out with me.

“Sure, let’s go to the Ferris wheel” I replied.

“Yeyyyyy!” she screamed out.

So, we went on the Ferris wheel she quickly went on the

cart so I followed. When it was our last spin I gathered my
courage to ask her while we were on the highest point on the
Ferris wheel looking at the sunset I asked her “Divine will you
be my girlfriend?”

She was stunned by my question not able to speak for a

few seconds. Then she took in some air covered her mouth and
she cried. Then she answered “Yes Raven I will be your

As soon as we reached the ground I quickly grabbed her

and hugged her. I was shouting “Yes” many times drawing
attention to many people but I didn’t care the woman I love is
now my girlfriend. After my celebration Divine and I went
home. When I finally reached our house, I went crazy and ran
around the house looking like a crazy man. I calmed down and
texted Divine for a bit then I went to sleep feeling like the
luckiest man in the whole world.

Days went on we were together we loved each other. Our

love was growing stronger as our relationship is getting longer I

was happy with her and she was happy with me I couldn’t ask
for more everything is going the way I wanted to. It is now
December winter and our 1st anniversary is in a few days. The
day was going through its normal routine classes and things.
Finally, the class ended I was exhausted. I waited for Divine at
the gate. She finally arrived and we were going in a mall she
wanted to buy a watch so I will accompany her.

“So, let’s go Raven” she said immediately.

“Okay then let’s go” I replied and we went to the mall.

We walked for a bit she’s thinking what watch she would

buy this went on for an hour until she finally made up her mind.
She bought the watch she wanted, after that we went to Wcdo to
eat because it’s already late and we haven’t eaten anything. We
looked for a seat, then we ordered food and then we ate. We
stayed for a bit chatting.

“That’s a pricey watch you bought Divine make sure no

one steals it” I lectured her.

“Aye aye captain Raven” she replied laughing.

After some time, we agreed to go back home. I escorted

her to their house but in an alley a hooded man came and held
Divine at gun point.

“Everything will be just fine just give me everything you

have” he shouted at me.

I didn’t talk I was thinking of a plan I’m gonna walk

close to him and give him I and when I’m close enough I will
grab his hand and get the gun.

“Hurry up” the man shouted rushing me.

I didn’t utter a word I took out our things and slowly

walked toward him then when I was close enough, I quickly
grabbed his arm and fought him to get the gun. He pulled the
trigger shooting the gun at random locations as he tries to shoot
me. He pulled the trigger again and he was shooting random to
get me. Then 1 bullet hit her, a bullet hit Divine.

“Ahhhhhh!!” she screamed in pain

I was at shock when the robber hit me; he took our things
and ran away. I then quickly rushed to where Divine was.

“Divine are you okay?” I asked her while I was crying.

“Raven I love you” she uttered.

“Divine please stay with me I’m going to get help” I said.

As soon as I told her that she fell unconscious so I rushed

to the nearest house I could see. I was shouting “Help please
help!” A man saw me what was the problem and I told him that
Divine was shot and told him to call the ambulance. He quickly
called the ambulance. I went to where Divine was and stayed
with her until the ambulance came. We got to the hospital fast
and the nurses rushed her to the Emergency Room. I called her

parents. So, they came to the hospital and they saw me and I
could see anger in their eyes.

“Mrs. Hunter I’m so-” Divine’s mother slapped me and

shouted at me saying “How could you let this happen to Divine!”
then she went past me along with Divine’s father. She was in the
Emergency Room for 6 hours. I was praying to God “Please God
don’t take her away from me please save her.” Then the doctor
finally came out of the Emergency Room. He looked at Mrs.
Hunter and asked “Family of the Patient?” Mrs. Hunter replied
“I’m her mother. How is she doctor?” The doctor shakes he’s
head and told us “I’m sorry Ma’am but she couldn’t make it.”

I was shocked, I ran outside crying. I ran somewhere

very far away from people I cried and cried I was shouting
“Why? Why were you taken away from me? God why?” I cried
until no tears were running down my eyes anymore. I went back
home and the whole night I cried again.

A few weeks later here we are in a cold winter night. I’m

here on the cemetery right beside you. Crying while saying
“What could’ve been if it didn’t end like this, what could’ve
been if our story continued, what could’ve been if you didn’t
leave.” Here I am Lost without You


Azalea’s mom is so happy while she’s packing up her

things. Even her whole family surprise for what she asks for
because for the first time she initiated to fly back in the
Philippines. They know that she won’t ever go back in that
country again because of what happened. It’s her last day in
Canada today that’s why her family prepared a feast for their last
family gathering.

“Argggh.. I’m so tired but I can’t sleep” Azalea said.

She wake up like zombie, messy hair, dark eye circles

but hey even she’s like that right now you can’t say that she’s
ugly because her beauty’s overflowing. Her mother is so excited
to send her off last night but she’s very emotional right now.

“Hey mom, stop crying like a child. I can handle

myself.” Azalea said.

“Oh, I’m sorry baby, take care of yourself there.” Mother


“Yes, yes I will. Good bye Mom, Dad, Brother, and to

you little sis be a good girl yes?” Azalea said.

“Please put on your seatbelt ladies and gentleman and

turn off your gadgets for the meantime coz were going to take
off right now.” Pilot said. Azalea can’t take her eyes off the
scenery of the clouds that it floats freely and for the first time
she smile genuinely again.

On the other hand, there’s a boy that feels bored too. His
eyes roams around to find a thing that will lessen his boredom
but there’s someone that caught his attention. He didn’t notice
his self that he’s staring her too much. “She’s so damn gorgeous,
she has a pair of very beautiful eyes that I’ve ever seen” the boy
utter to himself.

Azalea feels like there’s someone who’s staring at her,

she’s searching whose eyes of that and there it is she find out
that it is a boy who’s staring at her very intimately. Then, she
just ignores it but she found out herself complimenting the good
features of the boy. “In fairness, he’s oozing hot, he has a pointed
nose, kissable lips, moreno, thick eyelashes, his dimples is great
to him and I like his ocean blue eyes” Azalea utter to herself.
“Oh my gosh! What am I doing? Oh never mind, it doesn’t care
to me”, she said.

Back to the boy, he’s enjoying the scene because Azalea

is speaking to herself. “She’s so cute, I’ll take a picture of her”
he said. He feels so blessed today because he got the best
remembrance in his life.

Months passed by…..

Mom’s Azalea enrolled her in a well- known school

named “Liberty High” in where only elites can be passed
through that school.

In her perspective, she doesn’t care of what school she’ll

be enrolled if it is private or public. Because to her, school is just

school you can learn of what you want to learn if you’re going
to listen carefully of what the teacher is discussing and study

It’s her first day in her school and she’s already late.

As she step on her foot on the ground, all eyes on her,

gossips everywhere. People now a days, her thoughts. She
doesn’t care all the eyes that following her, she just continued
walking fast but accidentally she bumped to someone that
annoys the hell out of her.

The next, next day…..

Azalea feels sleepy because the topic that their instructor

discussing is she already knows it. She’s going to take a nap but
her naughty classmate teases her again to agree her to become
her friend. Then, she just nod to her and suddenly her classmate
shout silently “YES!”. Then here she goes again,” Hey! It’s so
nice to meet you, Savannah Almerio is the name the new friend
of yours and FYI I’m not into your fame girl I just sincerely want
to be your friend of course.

Weeks passed by…..

They enjoyed each other company and they treat each

other like siblings. Even in the shortest period of time. Savannah
is the jolly type, she’s always talking random things and on the
other hand Azalea the silent type, listening all the rants of

While Azalea and Savannah walking in the hallway, all students

are running to their direction, “What’s happening?” they asked
to each other. “I don’t know” Savannah said. Then someone
interrupts on their conversation and said “There’s a young
handsome man right there (pointing where the commotion

“Azalea, let’s go there” then Azalea replied, “I don’t like,

it’s not my business to mind what’s the commotion all about coz
it doesn’t care me”. “Oh okay, your so.. uhh, never mind, I’ll go
first”, Savannah replied.

Azalea continued walking to their classroom and she’s

the first one there. The peaceful scenery of their school feels her
at ease. But her drama stops in just a few minutes because
suddenly her classmates entered the room. Gossips everywhere
again coz of what happened earlier. The last one who entered
their room is her best friend Savannah. She’s in the entrance of
their room and their shouting her name, “Azalea! I have good
news to you. The commotion all about earlier is the young
handsome man is going to transfer here in our school.”

Azalea just remained silent. Then, Savannah continued

talking, “You know the boy earlier is so handsome, he’s hunky,
he’s like a model”.

Suddenly, her classmates become silent because their

terror teacher entered the room. “Come in”, teacher said. Then
her classmates become wild again because there’s a young

handsome man entered their room. “Class, please quiet!,

introduced yourself”.

“Shaun is the name, I hope that you’ll be good to me” he

said. He feels so happy because she sees her again Azalea the
one who caught his attention. On the other hand, Savannah
whispering to Azalea “Hey girl, look up he’s looking at you and
he’s smiling, damn his dimples is so cute. Oh there he come,
he’s coming to our seat”

Shaun stop by in front of them, “Is there someone sitting

behind you?” he asked. ”Nothing” she replied. While Azalea
staring blankly in front, on the other hand Shaun can’t stop
himself to stare at her. Suddenly he utters, “Don’t you remember
me?” she replied, “No” but her head says Yes, I remember you.

Meanwhile, “You know Azalea you two are great

together. I ship the both of you”, Savannah whisper to her but
Shaun overheard them. On the other hand, Crizza “The Queen
Bee of the Campus” her eyes like a dagger ready to kill someone
looking at them because she should be the one who’s Shaun
talking to.

The bell rings and it’s already break time. In the


“I’ll just order our foods” Savannah said. Meanwhile,

Crizza and friends confront Azalea to don’t flirt with their
beloved Shaun or else their going to kick her at school. “Back

off bitches, Azalea is not the one who initiated the conversation
it’s Shaun” Savannah interrupts.

Months passed by…

Shaun is already courting Azalea, every day she’s always

receiving letters, roses and chocolates. Shaun is giving all his
best to prove that he’s serious to her.

At Azalea’s house. ”Hey mom, it’s been a while since

your last call are you guys okay there?” she said. “Hey sweetie,
yes were okay and why you’re blooming today. Is there someone
courting you already?” Savannah interrupts, “Hi tita, yes
someone courting her and his name is Shaun. They are great
together”. “Oh well that’s nice to hear and sweetie don’t forget
to introduced him to me when I’ll call again” Azalea’s mom
replied. ”Yeah, yeah okay bye mom.” “Good bye sweetie, take
care yourself there”. “Yes, I will you guys there too.”

The next morning…..

As she start walking on their campus, all students that

she passes by are smiling at her that makes her confuse. Even
Savannah is not in the hallway where she always stands when
she awaits her. That’s weird. And even Savannah and friends are
not in the hallway to throw trash talks to her and Shaun also
whose giving to her gifts. But as she steps, there’s someone that
will give her rose. As she reached her locker to put all the roses
that she receive. There’s a note saying, Come in the gymnasium

Savannah waiting for you. She doesn’t want to go but there’s a

part of her that go and you’ll find out.

She entered the gymnasium and there it is, Savannah’s

waiting to her but Shaun caught her eyes in the middle of a big
heart form by the petals of roses. Shaun staring at her so lovingly
as he starts strumming his guitar and starts singing.

While Shaun singing she can’t stop herself staring him.”

His voice is so cold yet refreshing to the ears”. Shaun ended the
song with his beautiful smile. Then, “Can you be my girlfriend,
Yes or Yes?” Azalea answered, “Yes, I do”. Shaun is so happy
because Azalea is his officially minenow.

As days passes turns into weeks, weeks turns to months

Shaun and Azalea still dating. Shaun’s sweetness to Azalea
doubled. Every students envy them coz they’re so perfect to each
other, they can see how they smile to each other. They called
them “The Campus Love Team”.

Then suddenly, for some reason Shaun didn’t appear in

her eyes again. The last time she saw him was their last date that
the outcome was not so nice. She’d been hurt because even just
a single goodbye from him she didn’t receive.

She thought that love is just love but Shaun made her
realize that it wasn’t. He made her feel the feeling of being loved
by. And it’s him. He’s the taste of love.

One thing that she received for a little while in her life

People come and go. Some of them stay, but they have to drift
away eventually.

Some things may disappear, but memories never fade.

Azalea Ferell, a silent-cold type of lady yet has a

beautiful heart, a fighter but never been a survivor of love


Hi. I'm Kendra. Kendra Tores. 17 years of age. Living

with my aunt, in our own house. My mom is working abroad as
a doctor. My father died when I was young because of a car
accident. My aunt is with me at home. She's the one who cares
for me. Do my mom's job as my mother.

When I was 10 we lived at America for 3 years, where

my mom works for. But the company she was working get
bankrupt and she loses her job so she sent me here at Philippines
and continued my life. She stayed there to find job and to support
me in my studies.

When I got home here I met a best friend. His name is

Cris. Cris Jackson. We've been friends since we're young but it
stopped when we migrated abroad. And now that I'm back we're
good again.


Partying is one of my favorite part of being a teen ager.

I got to dance with people whom I didn't know. Get friends.
Dance under the dancing lights, forgetting my problems just for
once and specially bond with him.

I drifted from party to party like some Firefly in search

for his light. Boys always turned their heads to look at me first,
but I was looking at him. He could usually found sipping his beer
slowly in perfect angle. The cigarette in his hand makes him

more mankind, an accessory that matched the girl on his arm.

He wasn't like the others. Playing feelings every minute. It was
always the same girl, soft skin, cheekbones sharp, pink lips
straight long black hair. Almost perfect: Janela Gala


Tonight he spotted me first and wave his hand. I push

myself of the kitchen door frame where I've been watching him
since I arrived. I take his cup and sip down some beer.

"Any harder drinks?" I asked, handing back his cup to


He smirked. It's all he can manage but I'll take it." Not
all of us want to black out soon. Some of us would rather sleep
on their own door step than the stranger's couch".

I drop my gaze out from him when I felt someone's eyes

bore on me. It was Janela, Cris's girlfriend. I leave them without
any word and proceed to his room for a break.


We're in his bedroom, sharing a beer can. Lying flat on

my stomach, I pick at a thread on his bedspread while he's busy
watching some horror movie, our favorite thing to do.

"Mind if I stay here for tonight?" I ask as if this is the

first time. I watched him with my eyes as he jumped out from
the bed and switches off the TV.

"Depends" He murmured before asking me the same

question when I sleep over in his room. "Can you promise to not
snore tonight? Cause I wouldn't be able to get eighth and above
hours sleep if you do.

"Yeah, I promise".

"If that's the case, then you can stay"

"You sleep alone here yet you look always pale at school.
You always get detention every day because you sleep between
our classes, and why is that?"

"How do you know?" He replied without answering my


Standing up, I pull my belt out from my rip jeans and

tying my hair up on a bun. As I do my routine as a girl, he
watches me from the corner of his eye. I turn my back and enter
his bathroom. When I was about to step on his room I then heard
him murmuring few words for Janela.

"Yeah I'm alone. See? She's not here, why would I let her
sleep in my room if I have a girlfriend?"

That hit me a little. I know I shouldn't be here in his room

and I shouldn't be here sleeping with him but I can't. I want to
bond with him every minute.

I then enter his room when I can hear no more

conversation. I answered his question a while ago with no

"I watch you in class. I watch you a lot." I reply

carelessly. When you’re not drooling your desk you're
realigning your pens from the shortest to the longest one. You
always----he cut me.

"You shouldn't do that" he says quietly

"I know but I just can't help it." I answered in a

disappointed tone.

I slowly sat on his bed. I slide my palms behind my head

to pillow the spongy where my skull fell.

"I don't watch you. It just happened to note the things

you do. When you’re work on something on our class. the way
you brush your fingers on your hair. The time you consume
when you spin your pen on your------"

"Stop it."

I covered my mouth from the tone it tend to out, for he

may know I was crying on his pillows fighting for nothing "stop

"Stop it." He stopped for a second and continued." Stop

making me...."

"Feel things?"

He sighed. Feeling under easy, he was about to go out

his room when I say words on him and apologies. "All right, I'll
stop teasing you."

He then switches the light off. Finally the whole room is

dark. He takes off his shirt making me uncomfortable.

Seriously? I asked he nods. After that he lay down in the

bed facing my direction.

"I'm serious a while ago Kendra". He spotted.

I switched and faced his direction. "I'm serious too Cris.

I hope you noticed."

"Janela already thinks we spend too much time together."

"So what do you want me to do?" Avoid you? Get rid

every time we see each other? .Cris I can't. But that last part is
just in my mind.

With a resigned sigh, he turns around to the other

direction. The crack in the curtains let's a shaft of moonlight

bathe the room in a pale glow. I watch him sleep silently.

His jawline is incredibly soft, face that lacks the harsh angles,
face that curves all the parts perfectly for him.

After a few minutes, his eyes opened and he's staring at

the ceiling; the star scattered all around and begins to glow dimly
in the constellations.

How I wish he'd let me connect the dots and piece him
together even if the lines don't match the way they used to be.

"Have you ever wanted something that you know you

can never have?" He asked.

"Yes, I have," I reply thoughtfully after a while.

"Like what?" He asks

"Stupid things," I reply. “Tons of stone for my collection.

Attend my idols concert. And others, most specially the love of
a father."

"That's real hard to get" he rolls over and sigh heavily.

My reply is not enough I want him to know even more. I have
many wants, most of which I'm not allowed to have, but there's
only one thing that I think of off the top of my head.



"You look sad “he remarks, his voice softer than the
beating of butterfly wings. We're in the school ground right now
answering some activities.

He sits down beside me and asks "want to talk about it?"

"About what? "

"About anything that's bothering you" he looks around,

a warm finger gliding along my jawline, skating towards the
curved of my lip. "Anything" he breathes.

"The upcoming Valentine's Day Dance??" I offer with

light smirk. He chuckles softly and shakes his head.

"What? You said anything." Eyes half close as he trace

my lower lip, measuring their fullness with the pad on his thumb.

"What about your father?"

"What about him?, Oh Cris don't . Please, don't say a thing"

He shifts, moving closer. The rest of the class are aware

and unaware all at the same time. They know that we're best
friends and that he has a girlfriend. They know that we're close
but he's taken.

"What happened to that?" I shrug. Following the

movement of his eyes as they track the dark circles where my
aunt struck me this morning for not sleeping home the other

"I just spill some water on the kitchen tiles and the plate
hit me." I answered

"Is that even possible?"

"Yes it is."

After that conversation, silence filled us around. I don't

know what to say. I can't think of a topic.

"Have you ever wishes to be someone?"

"All the time" he answered quickly.


He frowns before answering my question.

"Cause" he start. "It's tiring to be one you know you’re

not into it. Especially loving someone whom you don't love. I
want to do the things I want. They say live your life to the fullest
but why is it so hard to do? I want to be able to stand
imperfection." He spotted.

I became silent for a moment. "Then why don't you do

what you want? Just want to tell you this one. Even though
Janela is angry about me, you should tell her the truth. She has

the right to know that. Specially don't play the girls heart.
If you want someone just tell it to her now that's early. It'll be
harder if you keep it for longer" Did I really just tell that?
Hahaha I think some demon possessed me when I'm saying that,
I don't know where did I got those things .hahaha.

"Wow. hahahaha. Nice speech" with clap on his hands."

Just that I don't want to spend my time locking the doors seven
times or chewing the same slice of pizza nine times. I want to be
okay with doing everything once."

"That's enough imperfection to keep you going for a

century." I laugh mockingly.

"Actually you’re not imperfect Kendra"

I fake a laughed "what am I then? Perfect?"

He shakes his head. "Yes you are" and without any word
he left me there dumb. That was weird but then I can't stop
myself from thinking things that are out of the bound.

Afterwards I get a message from an unknown number says:

"I don't have to fix you like I have to do with the others.
You, of all people, should know that by now."

Ok god what's happening...


The same day we met at the library because on every

Friday of the week he likes to read books. Most specifically,
animals. He likes to study each of them.

"Did you know that koalas have the same fingerprint

with us humans?" He asks. I stare at him numbly.


"I said, did you know that the koalas have the same
fingerprint to humans? .hmmm isn't that weird?"


"I've read books about koalas but I've never read this before."

Dumbfounded. I lick my lower lip. His gaze lowered

down to my lips. "Uhm that's nice."

"What's nice Kendra that koalas have the same

fingerprint to humans that you’re not listening to what I'm saying
in the first place?"

I blink back and got to reality. Stupid day dreaming.

"Uhm you've been saying?"

My fake smile makes him shake his head in disbelief

amuse. "Since we arrived idiot" he replies.

"Really?.....Sorry my heads all over the place today".


He smiled as if he knows that he is the cause of my

stuttering pulse. "I can tell"

When the bell rings I offer to bring back the book to the
shelf same he can pack up his notes. He nods, clearly distracted.

After I slot the heavy book on the shelf, I turn around and
Yelp because there's a face in front of me.

I put my hand at my chest we're I can feel the fast beating

of my heart. “Don’t you ever scare me like that!" I groaned when
a smile flash on his face. He holds it for longer than any of the
previous smiles. "You know how much I hate it when you do

"Sorry" he says. "Ready to head back to class?."

It's not worth losing the sight of his rare smile, but what
exactly happens when I step forward and he doesn't step back.
The way he thinks is so mechanical, so ordered. He doesn't
understand that if I step forward he must step backwards. We're
so close that I can even see it's baby hairs softly waving in his
forehead. Those curling lashes that swept his cheek. We're so
close that I need only inch forward and our lips will meet. So I
do that. I close in. And our lips met.

He's surprised. Pouring warmth into my mouth,

butterflies began to fly at my stomach. It's good that I can
manage to stand even though my knees can't support me to stand.
My lips are frozen in shock. It's getting longer, I thought he

would jerk his head or that his eyes would harden into
steel or just say 'sorry I'm not interested'. But he didn't. I thought
too soon.

Two palms find my chest. He finds my heart. He

understands the message of each beat. He smiled in silence.

"You --- " but before he can utter some words. Janela
came where we are standing.

"Cris I've been finding you all over the campus"

"Uhmm we studied" he replies.

"I see. Oh Kendra come with us tonight. We're going to

party at the bar behind the blue hotel. I'll see you." And then he
drags Cris away from me.


I'm preparing for the party later. Red dress that fit my
curves, high heels, and then last I put my makeup.

I wasn't fond at driving but when I go to parties I usually

drive myself for my safety.

When I get there I find them sitting on the VIP corner.

"Hey." Janela utter.

"Hi" I said in reply. This is awkward. Cris pinned his

eyes on me ready to say something but he's not letting it out.

The place is quite large. But what's making me

uncomfortable here is the two of them making out in front of me.
It hurts. I then take hard shots. I think I’m ready to dance
shooting my 15th glass of hard liquor. "Just go to the dance
floor”. I said, and without their yes or no answer I hurried there
and dance.

I’m crying like a baby in the dance floor. When I glance

at the VIP seats, Cris bore his eyes on me. I don't think he's in
love with me by the way he stares at me. It’s just being a best
friend he can give. I'm in the middle when a tall man asks me to
than with him and I said yes. If he can make me feel this hurt
then I want to do also the things that makes me happy.

We danced there under the lights. People are getting

Wilder and Wilder. I was shock when a hand drags me out from
the dance floor. I was ready to yell at him when I saw his brown
eyes tore on me. He drags me out from the bar and put me inside
his car.

"What are we going to do here?" I said with irritation.

"You! What are you doing there?!" He exploded. I'm

shock. He's acting weird.

"I'm dancing" I reply in sarcastic one.


"Yeah you're dancing with some stranger not minding if

they do some bad moves for you" he said.

"God Cris this is a bar. If people wanted to dance then

they can stop that possibility."

"So your saying to me that it's okay if they do that" he

pointed me.

"Do what Cris. It's just normal in a bar or party for that."

"No it's not!!" He said angrily.

"Okay if it's not then it's not, but why are you yelling at
me like I did something wrong!" I said

"Yes you did!"

"And what is it? Is it the part that I dance with tons of boys?!"

"Yeah! You shouldn't do that."

"My God Cris this is a bar what do you want me to do

just sit there until everyone will disappear? I can't understand
you. If you want to say------

"You shouldn't dance with boys cause it's making me

jealous!" He cut me.

"You what? "

"I'm jealous baby" what's that.


"You drag me here because I did that. Cause your

jealous. Why are you jealous, were just best friends. rigth? And
for your information I dance with strangers because you’re the
one who makes me jealous. Do you even think that I'm in front
of you when you’re making out with Janela? Huh? Do you even
think how much this hurts to see the man that I love, my best
friend, kissing other girls? It hurts Cris. It badly hurts." I utter.
After that the tears I hold when I was saying those words fell. I
want to stop them but I can't."go now. Janela is waiting for you
there. “I said

"No" he replied.

"I said go."

"No. Why would I go there if your here"

"Why? What's the reason why are you here?"

"Go now Cris"

"I said no Kendra. I break up a while ago with Janela

when I see you standing away from your table crying. You think
I can't see it? He I can. Even though you’re at the edge of the
road I can always see it. I don't want my girl crying because of
my stupid actions."

I don't know what to say. I can't think of any word to

reply on him.

"Baby I broke up with her for you" he then said it.


"You what? You broke up with her!Cris what are you


She’s-------- he cut me

"I broke up with her because I didn't love her! It's you
Kendra. You! You’re the one I loved! Ever since. Can't you feel
it?. Am I too late?"

"Uhm no?" And without words I kissed him. He kissed

me back. That was my signal that he loves me. After that, “But
Janela would kill me out"

"No she won't just be with me all the time.”


That was unexpected. I am now the girlfriend of my love.

We bond every day. After the party, Janela confronted me in
front of him but he's the one who talk to Janela and explained
everything. Every day he picks me up for school. When we're at
school he's the one whom I bond and be with every single
second. He's the one who buy our lunch, break snacks. At
weekends we go around and have fun. Mall, Park, Anywhere.
Our relationship is semi perfect. We love each other.

One night, an unknown number texted me

Go to the bar at the back of the blue hotel.


VIP Area 1

That’s what in the text.

I called Cris but his not answering my calls. This is the

first time he didn't answer it. I texted him a million times but I
didn't even receive one of his replies

It's past 9:00 in the evening but there's something in my

feelings that I should go there. Without hesitation I change my
clothes and head to the bar.

When I enter the bar, it's literally it's picture or way. I go

to the VIP area were the text was saying and then I saw him
there. Cris is making out with this thin girl. My man's hand is all
over her waist. I was about to run when I bump into the table full
of shots that make some noise which made Cris turn his head on
my direction and he see me.

I get up and ran as I could. I run in the high way not

ashamed of the trucks and busses passing by. When I was really
near our house a hand curled me in a back hug.

Even though I can't see his face I know it's him. I remove
his hands on me and continue walking to our home.

"Kendra please, let me explain"

I slapped him, really hard.


"Explain what huh. What I see is the right explanation

for everything. If you’re tired of me just please say it or break--

"No baby. No I can't please"

"Then what is that Cris!"

"Calm down baby for a second. Stop crying your making

me uncomfortable"

“Because I'm not Cris. I was hurt yet your not-----

"She's my cousin. Okay baby hush. Stop crying. She's

my cousin. You don't have to worry about it okay?"

"You’re lying!"

"No I'm not baby, check out my phone if you want she
has a text message here"

He gave me his phone and then there I see it.


Party tonight, let’s go to our favorite bar for my welcome

party. See you there! 8:00pm.

He holds my arm and hugged me tight.


"Okay baby stop crying. You’re freaking me out. Stop.

Okay sorry if I didn't let you know this but I was really excited
to see her again so I didn't left any message for you."

He comfort me again and again

"You okay now?"

"Yeah, don't ever do it again"

"Yeah I won't. It's really hard to run from the bar to your

I chuckled a little. "I'm sorry I was just hurt."

"I'm sorry too baby. I will never do that again. Second is

it hurts when you slapped me hard, really and lastly don't you
dare run away from me when we have problem, because
whenever you’re going I will always find a way to find you.

That 'baby' word he's uttering makes me want to melt.

I held his cheek with my hands and softly trace in where

his slapped marks .Hahahah I'm so bad. I move closer to him and
tiptoed to kiss his cheek when he turns his face on my direction.

"I love you with all my heart Kendra"

This man made me feel loved. I can never forgive anyone

who will hurt him. Except me. Hahahaha and then he kissed me
under the star in the silent dark night. I let him take me
underwater with him because if he's drowning, I want to drown

with him. And if he needs someone to breathe through,

I'll give him air to breathe with. And if he's sinking, I'll always
hold he's hand and float with him to the surface.

I smiled at him and run my thumb on his face. A beautiful

smile plastered on his face.

I gaze up at him and grinned. "You never cease to amaze

me Cris Jackson."

"And you never cease to amaze me too Kendra Tores


Hi. I'm Kendra. Kendra Tores. 17 years of age. Living

with my aunt, in our own house. My mom is working abroad as
a doctor. My father died when I was young because of a car
accident. My aunt is with me at home. She's the one who cares
for me. Do my mom's job as my mother.

When I was 10 we lived at America for 3 years, where

my mom works for. But the company she was working get
bankrupt and she loses her job so she sent me here at Philippines
and continued my life. She stayed there to find job and to support
me in my studies.

When I got home here I met a best friend. His name is

Cris. Cris Jackson. We've been friends since we're young but it
stopped when we migrated abroad. And now that I'm back we're
good again.


Partying is one of my favorite part of being a teen ager.

I got to dance with people whom I didn't know. Get friends.
Dance under the dancing lights, forgetting my problems just for
once and specially bond with him.

I drifted from party to party like some Firefly in search

for his light. Boys always turned their heads to look at me first,
but I was looking at him. He could usually found sipping his beer
slowly in perfect angle. The cigarette in his hand makes him
more mankind, an accessory that matched the girl on his arm.
He wasn't like the others. Playing feelings every minute. It was
always the same girl, soft skin, cheekbones sharp, pink lips
straight long black hair. Almost perfect: Janela Gala


Tonight he spotted me first and wave his hand. I push

myself of the kitchen door frame where I've been watching him
since I arrived. I take his cup and sip down some beer.

"Any harder drinks?" I asked, handing back his cup to


He smirked. It's all he can manage but I'll take it." Not
all of us want to black out soon. Some of us would rather sleep
on their own door step than the stranger's couch".

I drop my gaze out from him when I felt someone's eyes

bore on me. It was Janela, Cris's girlfriend. I leave them without
any word and proceed to his room for a break.


We're in his bedroom, sharing a beer can. Lying flat on

my stomach, I pick at a thread on his bedspread while he's busy
watching some horror movie, our favorite thing to do.

"Mind if I stay here for tonight?" I ask as if this is the

first time. I watched him with my eyes as he jumped out from
the bed and switches off the TV.

"Depends" He murmured before asking me the same

question when I sleep over in his room. "Can you promise to not
snore tonight? Cause I wouldn't be able to get eighth and above
hours sleep if you do.

"Yeah, I promise".

"If that's the case, then you can stay"


"You sleep alone here yet you look always pale at school.
You always get detention every day because you sleep between
our classes, and why is that?"

"How do you know?" He replied without answering my


Standing up, I pull my belt out from my rip jeans and

tying my hair up on a bun. As I do my routine as a girl, he
watches me from the corner of his eye. I turn my back and enter
his bathroom. When I was about to step on his room I then heard
him murmuring few words for Janela.

"Yeah I'm alone. See? She's not here, why would I let her
sleep in my room if I have a girlfriend?"

That hit me a little. I know I shouldn't be here in his room

and I shouldn't be here sleeping with him but I can't. I want to
bond with him every minute.

I then enter his room when I can hear no more

conversation. I answered his question a while ago with no

"I watch you in class. I watch you a lot." I reply

carelessly. When you’re not drooling your desk you're
realigning your pens from the shortest to the longest one. You
always----he cut me.

"You shouldn't do that" he says quietly


"I know but I just can't help it." I answered in a

disappointed tone.

I slowly sat on his bed. I slide my palms behind my head

to pillow the spongy where my skull fell.

"I don't watch you. It just happened to note the things

you do. When you’re work on something on our class. the way
you brush your fingers on your hair. The time you consume
when you spin your pen on your------"

"Stop it."

I covered my mouth from the tone it tend to out, for he

may know I was crying on his pillows fighting for nothing "stop

"Stop it." He stopped for a second and continued." Stop

making me...."

"Feel things?"

He sighed. Feeling under easy, he was about to go out

his room when I say words on him and apologies. "All right, I'll
stop teasing you."

He then switches the light off. Finally the whole room is

dark. He takes off his shirt making me uncomfortable.

Seriously? I asked he nods. After that he lay down in the

bed facing my direction.

"I'm serious a while ago Kendra". He spotted.

I switched and faced his direction. "I'm serious too Cris.

I hope you noticed."

"Janela already thinks we spend too much time together."

"So what do you want me to do?" Avoid you? Get rid

every time we see each other? .Cris I can't. But that last part is
just in my mind.

With a resigned sigh, he turns around to the other

direction. The crack in the curtains let's a shaft of moonlight
bathe the room in a pale glow. I watch him sleep silently. His
jawline is incredibly soft, face that lacks the harsh angles, face
that curves all the parts perfectly for him.

After a few minutes, his eyes opened and he's staring at

the ceiling; the star scattered all around and begins to glow dimly
in the constellations.

How I wish he'd let me connect the dots and piece him
together even if the lines don't match the way they used to be.

"Have you ever wanted something that you know you

can never have?" He asked.

"Yes, I have," I reply thoughtfully after a while.

"Like what?" He asks


"Stupid things," I reply. “Tons of stone for my collection.

Attend my idols concert. And others, most specially the love of
a father."

"That's real hard to get" he rolls over and sigh heavily.

My reply is not enough I want him to know even more. I have
many wants, most of which I'm not allowed to have, but there's
only one thing that I think of off the top of my head.



"You look sad “he remarks, his voice softer than the
beating of butterfly wings. We're in the school ground right now
answering some activities.

He sits down beside me and asks "want to talk about it?"

"About what? "

"About anything that's bothering you" he looks around,

a warm finger gliding along my jawline, skating towards the
curved of my lip. "Anything" he breathes.

"The upcoming Valentine's Day Dance??" I offer with

light smirk. He chuckles softly and shakes his head.

"What? You said anything." Eyes half close as he trace

my lower lip, measuring their fullness with the pad on his thumb.

"What about your father?"

"What about him?, Oh Cris don't . Please, don't say a thing"

He shifts, moving closer. The rest of the class are aware

and unaware all at the same time. They know that we're best
friends and that he has a girlfriend. They know that we're close
but he's taken.

"What happened to that?" I shrug. Following the

movement of his eyes as they track the dark circles where my
aunt struck me this morning for not sleeping home the other

"I just spill some water on the kitchen tiles and the plate
hit me." I answered

"Is that even possible?"

"Yes it is."

After that conversation, silence filled us around. I don't

know what to say. I can't think of a topic.

"Have you ever wishes to be someone?"

"All the time" he answered quickly.


He frowns before answering my question.

"Cause" he start. "It's tiring to be one you know you’re

not into it. Especially loving someone whom you don't love. I
want to do the things I want. They say live your life to the fullest
but why is it so hard to do? I want to be able to stand
imperfection." He spotted.

I became silent for a moment. "Then why don't you do

what you want? Just want to tell you this one. Even though
Janela is angry about me, you should tell her the truth. She has
the right to know that. Specially don't play the girls heart. If you
want someone just tell it to her now that's early. It'll be harder if
you keep it for longer" Did I really just tell that? Hahaha I think
some demon possessed me when I'm saying that, I don't know
where did I got those things .hahaha.

"Wow. hahahaha. Nice speech" with clap on his hands."

Just that I don't want to spend my time locking the doors seven
times or chewing the same slice of pizza nine times. I want to be
okay with doing everything once."

"That's enough imperfection to keep you going for a

century." I laugh mockingly.

"Actually you’re not imperfect Kendra"

I fake a laughed "what am I then? Perfect?"


He shakes his head. "Yes you are" and without any word
he left me there dumb. That was weird but then I can't stop
myself from thinking things that are out of the bound.

Afterwards I get a message from an unknown number says:

"I don't have to fix you like I have to do with the others.
You, of all people, should know that by now."

Ok god what's happening...


The same day we met at the library because on every

Friday of the week he likes to read books. Most specifically,
animals. He likes to study each of them.

"Did you know that koalas have the same fingerprint

with us humans?" He asks. I stare at him numbly.


"I said, did you know that the koalas have the same
fingerprint to humans? .hmmm isn't that weird?"


"I've read books about koalas but I've never read this before."

Dumbfounded. I lick my lower lip. His gaze lowered

down to my lips. "Uhm that's nice."

"What's nice Kendra that koalas have the same

fingerprint to humans that you’re not listening to what I'm saying
in the first place?"

I blink back and got to reality. Stupid day dreaming.

"Uhm you've been saying?"

My fake smile makes him shake his head in disbelief

amuse. "Since we arrived idiot" he replies.

"Really?.....Sorry my heads all over the place today".

He smiled as if he knows that he is the cause of my

stuttering pulse. "I can tell"

When the bell rings I offer to bring back the book to the
shelf same he can pack up his notes. He nods, clearly distracted.

After I slot the heavy book on the shelf, I turn around and
Yelp because there's a face in front of me.

I put my hand at my chest we're I can feel the fast beating

of my heart. “Don’t you ever scare me like that!" I groaned when
a smile flash on his face. He holds it for longer than any of the
previous smiles. "You know how much I hate it when you do

"Sorry" he says. "Ready to head back to class?."

It's not worth losing the sight of his rare smile, but what
exactly happens when I step forward and he doesn't step back.
The way he thinks is so mechanical, so ordered. He doesn't
understand that if I step forward he must step backwards. We're
so close that I can even see it's baby hairs softly waving in his
forehead. Those curling lashes that swept his cheek. We're so
close that I need only inch forward and our lips will meet. So I
do that. I close in. And our lips met.

He's surprised. Pouring warmth into my mouth,

butterflies began to fly at my stomach. It's good that I can
manage to stand even though my knees can't support me to stand.
My lips are frozen in shock. It's getting longer, I thought he
would jerk his head or that his eyes would harden into steel or
just say 'sorry I'm not interested'. But he didn't. I thought too

Two palms find my chest. He finds my heart. He

understands the message of each beat. He smiled in silence.

"You --- " but before he can utter some words. Janela
came where we are standing.

"Cris I've been finding you all over the campus"

"Uhmm we studied" he replies.


"I see. Oh Kendra come with us tonight. We're going to

party at the bar behind the blue hotel. I'll see you." And then he
drags Cris away from me.


I'm preparing for the party later. Red dress that fit my
curves, high heels, and then last I put my makeup.

I wasn't fond at driving but when I go to parties I usually

drive myself for my safety.

When I get there I find them sitting on the VIP corner.

"Hey." Janela utter.

"Hi" I said in reply. This is awkward. Cris pinned his

eyes on me ready to say something but he's not letting it out.

The place is quite large. But what's making me

uncomfortable here is the two of them making out in front of me.
It hurts. I then take hard shots. I think I’m ready to dance
shooting my 15th glass of hard liquor. "Just go to the dance
floor”. I said, and without their yes or no answer I hurried there
and dance.

I’m crying like a baby in the dance floor. When I glance

at the VIP seats, Cris bore his eyes on me. I don't think he's in

love with me by the way he stares at me. It’s just being a

best friend he can give. I'm in the middle when a tall man asks
me to than with him and I said yes. If he can make me feel this
hurt then I want to do also the things that makes me happy.

We danced there under the lights. People are getting

Wilder and Wilder. I was shock when a hand drags me out from
the dance floor. I was ready to yell at him when I saw his brown
eyes tore on me. He drags me out from the bar and put me inside
his car.

"What are we going to do here?" I said with irritation.

"You! What are you doing there?!" He exploded. I'm

shock. He's acting weird.

"I'm dancing" I reply in sarcastic one.

"Yeah you're dancing with some stranger not minding if

they do some bad moves for you" he said.

"God Cris this is a bar. If people wanted to dance then

they can stop that possibility."

"So your saying to me that it's okay if they do that" he

pointed me.

"Do what Cris. It's just normal in a bar or party for that."

"No it's not!!" He said angrily.


"Okay if it's not then it's not, but why are you yelling at
me like I did something wrong!" I said

"Yes you did!"

"And what is it? Is it the part that I dance with tons of boys?!"

"Yeah! You shouldn't do that."

"My God Cris this is a bar what do you want me to do

just sit there until everyone will disappear? I can't understand
you. If you want to say------

"You shouldn't dance with boys cause it's making me

jealous!" He cut me.

"You what? "

"I'm jealous baby" what's that.

"You drag me here because I did that. Cause your

jealous. Why are you jealous, were just best friends. rigth? And
for your information I dance with strangers because you’re the
one who makes me jealous. Do you even think that I'm in front
of you when you’re making out with Janela? Huh? Do you even
think how much this hurts to see the man that I love, my best
friend, kissing other girls? It hurts Cris. It badly hurts." I utter.
After that the tears I hold when I was saying those words fell. I
"No" he replied.
want to stop them but I can't."go now. Janela is waiting for you
there. “I said "I said go."

"No. Why would I go there if your here"

"Why? What's the reason why are you here?"

"Go now Cris"

"I said no Kendra. I break up a while ago with Janela

when I see you standing away from your table crying. You think
I can't see it? He I can. Even though you’re at the edge of the
road I can always see it. I don't want my girl crying because of
my stupid actions."

I don't know what to say. I can't think of any word to

reply on him.

"Baby I broke up with her for you" he then said it.

"You what? You broke up with her!Cris what are you


She’s-------- he cut me

"I broke up with her because I didn't love her! It's you
Kendra. You! You’re the one I loved! Ever since. Can't you feel
it?. Am I too late?"

"Uhm no?" And without words I kissed him. He kissed

me back. That was my signal that he loves me. After that, “But
Janela would kill me out"

"No she won't just be with me all the time.”



That was unexpected. I am now the girlfriend of my love.

We bond every day. After the party, Janela confronted me in
front of him but he's the one who talk to Janela and explained
everything. Every day he picks me up for school. When we're at
school he's the one whom I bond and be with every single
second. He's the one who buy our lunch, break snacks. At
weekends we go around and have fun. Mall, Park, Anywhere.
Our relationship is semi perfect. We love each other.

One night, an unknown number texted me

Go to the bar at the back of the blue hotel.

VIP Area 1

That’s what in the text.

I called Cris but his not answering my calls. This is the

first time he didn't answer it. I texted him a million times but I
didn't even receive one of his replies

It's past 9:00 in the evening but there's something in my

feelings that I should go there. Without hesitation I change my
clothes and head to the bar.

When I enter the bar, it's literally it's picture or way. I go

to the VIP area were the text was saying and then I saw him
there. Cris is making out with this thin girl. My man's hand is all
over her waist. I was about to run when I bump into the table full
of shots that make some noise which made Cris turn his head on
my direction and he see me.

I get up and ran as I could. I run in the high way not

ashamed of the trucks and busses passing by. When I was really
near our house a hand curled me in a back hug.

Even though I can't see his face I know it's him. I remove
his hands on me and continue walking to our home.

"Kendra please, let me explain"

I slapped him, really hard.

"Explain what huh. What I see is the right explanation

for everything. If you’re tired of me just please say it or break--

"No baby. No I can't please"

"Then what is that Cris!"

"Calm down baby for a second. Stop crying your making

me uncomfortable"

“Because I'm not Cris. I was hurt yet your not-----


"She's my cousin. Okay baby hush. Stop crying. She's

my cousin. You don't have to worry about it okay?"

"You’re lying!"

"No I'm not baby, check out my phone if you want she
has a text message here"

He gave me his phone and then there I see it.


Party tonight, let’s go to our favorite bar for my welcome

party. See you there! 8:00pm.

He holds my arm and hugged me tight.

"Okay baby stop crying. You’re freaking me out. Stop.

Okay sorry if I didn't let you know this but I was really excited
to see her again so I didn't left any message for you."

He comfort me again and again

"You okay now?"

"Yeah, don't ever do it again"

"Yeah I won't. It's really hard to run from the bar to your

I chuckled a little. "I'm sorry I was just hurt."


"I'm sorry too baby. I will never do that again. Second is

it hurts when you slapped me hard, really and lastly don't you
dare run away from me when we have problem, because
whenever you’re going I will always find a way to find you.

That 'baby' word he's uttering makes me want to melt.

I held his cheek with my hands and softly trace in where

his slapped marks .Hahahah I'm so bad. I move closer to him and
tiptoed to kiss his cheek when he turns his face on my direction.

"I love you with all my heart Kendra"

This man made me feel loved. I can never forgive anyone

who will hurt him. Except me. Hahahaha and then he kissed me
under the star in the silent dark night. I let him take me
underwater with him because if he's drowning, I want to drown
with him. And if he needs someone to breathe through, I'll give
him air to breathe with. And if he's sinking, I'll always hold he's
hand and float with him to the surface.

I smiled at him and run my thumb on his face. A beautiful

smile plastered on his face.

I gaze up at him and grinned. "You never cease to amaze

me Cris Jackson."

"And you never cease to amaze me too Kendra Tores



In the high mountains and grassy jungles, there is a

village called “Komondro” where a tribe of Viking and green
orcs lived together peacefully.They build an army full of great,
courageous and mighty warriors guarding the village to be safe.
“Huarako” and his family lives there in the village of
Komondro with his father “Cheepakka” who is a brave Viking
and his mother “Orcanta” which is a green-beuatiful orc.

Huarako is a shy and easily gets scared to anything,in

short he has a low self-steem and confidence not like his tribe
who is dauntless and powerful.Huarako grew up in the village
with his family peacefully with the care and love from his
mother together with the guide and support from his father.One
night,Huarako sitting in front of their house looking at the
beautiful night sky and then Cheeepakka sat down beside his
son.Cheepakka said to Huarako “ There are times that you must
be brave and strong all by your own ,conquer your fear to be
undefeated, someday you will be on your own, keep in mind
what I just said, okay?”. “ Yes, Papa” Huarako gently
repiled.Midnight, as the tribe is asleep,the village was attacked
by the “Fearless Creeps” small-scary creatures with sharp
teeths.Killing all the Guards of the village,the creeps
outnumbered the tribes army which led into the Fearless Creeps
entering the village of Komondro. Cheepakka said to Huarako
“Go!Hide and keep yourself safe”.Huarako hid on a cave while
his parents along with the last warriors of the village fought with
the Fearless Creeps. Unfortunately, all of his friends was
slaughtered and killed including his parents, Cheepakka and

Orcanta. Huarako is the only one survived from the attackof the
Fearless Creeps. All of the souls went to “Soulfolous” where all
of the soul around the world is driven here which is also guarded
by monsters.

Huarako missed his parents and friends so much that he

decided to go on a quest to find his parents to Soulfolous. He
know a way to be with his family again, it is to get the “Heart of
Life “ but he didn’t know where to find it.So he planned to go to
a genius wizard and ask him where to find theHeart of Life.
Huarako, gather the things that he needs which is food that is
enough for his quest, rock-hard and shining armor for safety
along with his helmet and a sharp-shining metal sword from his
father. Huarako leaved the village. He wander through the
Nowhere Dessert where there is nothing but him and sailed
through the Bertian Ocean where the big-tall waves approach
one by one. As Huarako found the hut of the wizard, he eagerly
asked him “Where does the Heart of Life is?” but the wizard first
introduced himself.” I am Lucas,a genius-wizard elf” the wizard
said. Lucas then answered the question of Huaroko, Lucas said
to Huarako“The Heart of Life lies in the heart of “Kantour” the
giant fearless and angry demon who protects the
Soulfolous”.But Huarako is scared of demons, but he
remembered what his father said to him.So he decided anyway
to still go on to Soulfolous even if he is scared because he loves
his family. Huarako courageously said to himself, ”I will do
anything for my Family”. Now, Huarako planned on a journey
to Soulfolous to get the The Heart of Life from Kantour to be

with his tribe again. As Huarako walked away to go Soulfolous,

Grondor asked Huarako”Can i join you on the quest?”.Huarako
replied“ YES, Of course my friend!”.

They walked along through the meadows and corn fields.

They clibed the rocky mountain of “Darato” where the people
said that a dragon lives there which is called
“Styracoasauerous” which red and big fire breathing dragon.
As they walked through the big boulders they found a pitch-
black cave and suddenly saw a fire coming out. Huarako leaved
a small amount of food as an offering because he believes that
what they just saw is the dragon Styracoasauerous. Huarako and
Lucas continued on the quest to go to Soulfolous to find his tribe.
As they walk along they tell each other who they are to make
themselves entertained through the quest. They travelled
through the Stormy lands of Honaluna, the grassy jungle’s of
Ma-Il and the rainforest of Itchiko .

Huarako and Lucas finally arrived at the entrance of the

“Realm of Monsters” which is surrounded with with monsters
that kills all intruders without mercy from the outside world.
Huarako felt a little bit of scared and nervousness inside his
body,his heart beats fast while his arms and legs started quaking
and shaking. But, Huarako remembered what his fahter said to
him, he takes a big breath and crack his knuckles and bravely
said “Let’s goLucas, let’s fight them”. Huarako puts his rock
hard shining armor with his helmet on and pulled out his sharp-
metal sword from his father while Lucas also pulled out his
magic-wooden wand and his magic book to cast spells to the

enemies.Finally, the two is fully-armed with weapons and Lucas

suddenly gave a potion to Huarako which is the “The Tears of
Mars” that when it is drinked it makes the person big, dauntless
and 10x the power of a normal person. Huarako drinked the
potion and felt the power of it. Huarako began slashing, cutting
the heads of the monsters and the blood was sacttered all over
the place along with their bodies while Lucas on th other side
was casting spells towards the monsters, lightning, fire and some
spells that made some of the monsters disappear. The sharp-
metal sword of Huarako is covered with blood and Lucas was
tired casting spells.Successfully, they defeated all monsters on
the abyss clearing the way to Soulfolous.

They sit and rest for a while. Huarako said to

Lucas“Woah! That battle makes me feel more stronger and
powerful” Lucas replied “We got one more battle to fight amigo!
Kantour”. “Oh, yeah!” Huarako replied toLucas.The two stood
up and continued walking to Soulfolous to find his parents. They
finally reached Soulfolous- The Soul World. Huarako began
searching for his family but Kantour the giant-fearless demon
got on the way. The two bravely started to stab and cast spell to
Kantour, Kantour felt the damage that is dealed to him , So he
also began attacking the two.Suddenly, Kantour smashed the
ground with full-force making the two tumble down and lay on
the ground. Kantour grabbed Huarako and Lucas, Kantour
opened his mouth and because of scared and nervousness,
Huarako screamed out loud, so loud that it was heared from a
distance. Styracoasauerous-The red fire-breathing Dragon

remembered of Huarako. Styracoasauerous stood up and fly

away to help Huarako and Lucas because of the kindness that
Huarako did to him.

Styracoasauerous streched her wings and flew toward

the realm of monster.As Kantour almost eat Huarako and Lucas,
Solomondra began roaring outrageously and out loud that it
caught the attention of Kantour. Kantour drop the two and he ran
to Styracoasauerous to fight her, Huarako and Lucas also heped
Styracoasauerous to kill Kantour. Huarako slashed him, Lucas
cast spells to Kantour and Styracoasauerous throws some fires
into Kantours Face. The three successfully defeated Kantour-
the giant demon of Soulfolous, as Kantour was killed, his body
turns into ashes and the Heart of Life was thrown into the air and
Huarako catched the stone. As the stone was in the hands of
Huarako,it turned into a big bright light that is so bright it made
everyone to close their eyes. After the bright light appeared the
tribe of Huarako is now alive, his parents, Cheepakka and
Orcanta, and also his friends.Cheepakka said to his son Huarako
“I am so proud of you son!” and they embraced together

The Tribe of the Vikings and orcs started a new life

together with Huarako. They build a new village with tall and
strong wooden walls. Huarako trained some men to be the guard
and warrior of the village.He trained them to be much more

stronger that no one would enter the village because of

the fear of what happened to the other village. As a celebration
to their new life they feast all night long with Lucas and
Styracoasauerous . Huarako lived happily and peacefully in the
new village.


I stare at the blank screen only few meters away from

me. And I don’t know how to react or think. I exhale as I turn to
see my mom sleeping on the sofa with his hand supporting his
head. I smile thinking to myself how crazy it is for mom while
watching a movie. I make my way to the kitchen carefully,
attempting to not make any sound.

I never wake mom during a movie unless I have to. Being

a doctor, she works long shifts at the hospital leaving little time
for her to sleep. Yet, despite the long hours and barely being at
home, she insists on having movie night every Sunday night.

Today we watched ‘the fault in our stars’. Mom’s friend

recommended it to her; she said it was the best movie she had
ever watched. Yes it was good movie but I rather just spend our
Sunday night talking to each other. Ever since my dad died, my
mom and I barely even get see each other as often as before.
Before, we would always in the living room talking about our
day whenever mom got back home. While remembering my dad
my tears started to fall, I know mom miss him and I miss him so
much too if there is a chance to hug him I want to hug him tight.

Mom woke up because she heard me I was crying, “I’m

sorry mom for waking you up I just miss dad”, I saw moms eyes
watering knowing that she was about to cry. “I know I miss him
too”. Mom went to her room to change her clothes so that she
can now prepare for our dinner. I get happy whenever Sunday is
near because mom is the one who will cook for our dinner. While

waiting for mom I went to the living room and remember

all those happy memory we had before.

Dad made sure we had our family time. He said it is the

most important thing to have as a family time. He didn’t want us
to be that family that barely even see each and know anything
each other. Dad would make sure mom comes home every other
day. He would call mom’s boss and make sure that she came
home. I smile at the memory. Mom’s boss was so scared of dad.

But life isn’t like that anymore. Time passed, things

changed. Dad isn’t here anymore and so is mom. Mom works
twice us much just to support us. Well, that’s what she says. I
know very well that she earns enough money, but she only says
that to hide the pain she experiences coming home to release
dad’s gone. I go to school and stay home for the rest of the day,
make sure that all the bills are being paid and the house is clean.

I look at mom cooking at the kitchen and I decided to

help her, “hmmmm smells good huh” I smiled. She was cooking
my favourite food which is adobo me and dads favourite. “You
go now and take your seat its almost done” mom said. I go now
and seat.

After eating, it was my turn to do the dishes. I ordered

my mom to go now to her room and rest because I know she’ll
going to work tomorrow early. After doing the dishes so I went
to my room and rest.

The next day….


My alarm clock rang. It’s almost six o’clock; Sasha

would be here soon. I go downstairs and drink water. After
drinking a glass of water, I head upstairs to my room to change
my PJ. Sasha wouldn’t care if I still wore my PJ’s, but I don’t
want her to make a joke on my ‘hello kitty’ pants.

Sasha asked me earlier today if I could help her catch up

with her reading. Our English teacher assigned us novels to read
over the summer the holidays, but Sasha went to Paris so she
didn’t have time to read.

Sasha is my best friend. Were different, but we are

inseparable. When I stay home to study, she would go out and
hang out with friends. She has a big social life where as I’m an
introvert; she has many friends where she’s my only friend; she
knows everyone at school where I only know her and the
teachers. Ever since dad died, I stay home and try to excel in my
studies. Dad always wanted me to be at the top of the class and
I feel like the only way I can make him happy, is to be at the top.

Me and Sasha watched the ‘the fault in our stars’ I made

her watch it because it was my favourite movie. “My mom’s
favourite movie” I said and smiled, “Sssssshhhhh quiet I’m
watching don’t you see?” she said and I laugh weakly cause I
see her enjoying it.

After watching the movie, something dawned on me. I’m

living a life that I could be comfortable with, a life that would

prevent me from any chance on getting scars. Is this life the right
way to live? I know the answer and it’s definitely a no.

I stared at myself in the mirror and thinking “what if I go

and find a summer job seeing as though there is no classes yet”
what a bright idea. I was shocked when Sasha “alia I’m going
home now me and my mom as somewhere to go” she said, and
I give her a tight hug and waved.

Sasha and mom are the only two people I know that calls
me Alia. No one else call me that. I have people call me Ali
instead since I never really did like my actual name –Alianna.

We finished the movie at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon

so I clean our trash and go to mall and get some grocery. Since
dad died I was the one who buys the grocery and things we need
at home before when dad is alive he teach me how to grocery
dad told me that we need to save money and buy what we needed
not useless things. It always makes me sad when I go to the mall
because dad buys me ice cream after we get what we need. Now
I’m alone and I’m buying myself my own.

I finally reach our home at 4:00. I change my clothes and

put away the groceries in their proper places. My phone ring,
and I saw it was mom calling, I answered “hello mom” I said,
“I’m sorry I’m going home late time to eat your dinner alia don’t
starve yourself or your dad will get mad” mom replied, “I will
mom don’t forget to eat too mom I love you take care”, “I love
you too alia” I heard my mom’s voice it was sad.

I went to the kitchen and cooked my dinner, after

cooking I ate and go to my room, I saw our family pictures
beside me and began to cry and that’s when I realize I miss the
old times when my family was happy and still together. Dad was
alive, mom is still here.

I got up and went to our terrace and looked up and I saw

a shooting star. I wish that mom will realize that I need her and
she needs me because we can help each other to move on to what
happen to dad.

That it all came rushing back to me when dad died it was

a cold night and we went to an ice cream shop and eat. I’m so
happy that day because dad took me to the ice cream shop. When
a truck came crushing through the ice cream shop window and I
was about to get hit but dad save me and I felt his hug so tight
so that I wouldn’t get hit. I didn’t feel any pain after the impact
but I felt blood dripping on my hand I looked up to see my dad
smiling, and his face covered in blood. I began to cry and shout
help. After minutes the ambulance came and we go to the
hospital where mom works. Mom does all her best to save dad
but dad couldn’t take the pain anymore. Mom goes out crying
and crying I go beside her and I hug her tight. “Mom this is how
tight dads hug was before he died” I said while crying.

Its 11:30 in the evening when I heard the door open, I go

down stair to see who that was and I’m sure it was mom. I saw
her and she look so tired. I hold her and she is so hot “mom are
you sick?” I asked “no I’m okay” she replied “but mom your hot

please be strong for me I can’t leave without you dad

pass away and I’m begging you to be strong for me or for
yourself please don’t leave as dad did to me” I said while crying.

Mom fall asleep and I took care of her. I get some

blankets and medicines and tell her “Mom I will be your doctor
today”, mom try to smile.

The next day …..

I feel a very tight hug I open my eyes and I saw mom

smiling “mom are you okay now?”, “yes doctor alia” she smiled.

“I have good news” mom said, “What is it?” I asked

“we’re going out” I saw Mom’s big smile. “What about your
work?”, “My alia is more important than my work” I smiled and
hug her.

We change our clothes and prepare. We went to the

cemetery where dad is buried.

I and mom got some bonding together with dad in



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