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How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

The Grounds of the Unsung Heroes of the Philippines

An Extended Essay
Professor John Mark H. Villanueva
Mapua University

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in
The Contemporary World GED105

Shaina Louisse C. Quidangen
Darla Gale G. Vivero

April 23, 2019

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad


Being an overseas Filipino worker screams bravery, love, and all in all a potential source of wealth

and income and best believe that most Filipinos long for success with the idea of being successful

outside of their very own motherland. The economic status and the lack of job offers here inside

the country are only two out of the hundreds of reasons that the people can give but it all leads

to one thing and that is getting themselves out of the potentiality of being led to poverty or just

particularly having more than what they need. Filipinos are choosing everything that withdraws

from their very own because of how they are thinking that there is nothing this country can offer

and it cannot provide justice to all the years of studying and hard work. However, most of the

reasons that are known by many are not deciphered on its deeper context and is often seen as it

is which led to this paper in order to further understand why Filipinos are choosing the life that

is lived with the colonizers or with the people that are foreign to the Filipinos’ practices. This

paper will showcase the common reasons why Filipinos chose the life overseas instead in order

for the higher chairs to do something that could possibly resolve the problems and this can also

serve as a basis on putting the reasons why Filipinos should stay inside their own country in order

to prevent brain drain into the limelight.

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

Countries across the world have been experiencing globalization even before. According

to Irani and Noruzi (2011), Globalization is not a new phenomenon but rather a process where

different countries across the world are more integrated with each other in terms of flow of

goods and labor, culture, and technology. The goal to achieve development whether it may be

in terms of politics, economy, and culture made countries across the world intensify their social

relations and trade of products, resources, and even manpower with other countries through

globalization. Globalization urge developed and developing countries to interact with each

other to reach one global economy. With this, there’s no denying with the fact that it has a

huge impact specifically towards developing countries since international markets and

investments are available that could open new opportunities that could provide benefits for the

betterment of the said country and its people (Brune and Garrette,2004). Moreover,

globalization made its impact to Philippines in terms of movement of people and labor

(Macapagal, 2010). Way back before in the 1970’s, there’s even this popular phrase in the said

country which is “katas ng Saudi”. It had been popularized since a lot of Filipino workers chose

to worked in Saudi Arabia specifically in oil companies and construction sites. This would have

given them the opportunity to provide for their family and improve their lives. And in the early

80’s and 90’s, caregivers and domestic helpers had been an in-demand job for Filipino workers

(Santos, 2014). And today, it has been reported by the Philippine Statistics Authority that there

are a total number of 2.339 million Overseas Filipino Workers abroad (Gonzales and Pillar,

2018). For Filipinos, going abroad to work somehow serves as a requirement in order to escape

poverty and gain higher salary because apparently, staying here means “wala kang mahihita”

(you will gain nothing). On the other hand, brain drain is evidently happening with no doubt for

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

the sole reason that the economy is not giving enough justice to their credentials which

resulted into losing almost all professionals that can improve the wellbeing of the country.

Saying that the Philippines is far from being wealthy is a no-brainer and the country being

economically unstable is already a given that is why most people think that financial and

economic freedom can only be attained if one stepped on the streets of another country.

Filipinos, with no doubt, long for the betterment of their lives that is why they think that it is

best to step their feet out of the motherland or may it be because of the colonial mentality and

the thought that other races are potentially at better standing or it can be another personal

reason. Despite the challenges of brain drain, it is said believe that globalization could also

provide benefits and positive effects since it opens new opportunities towards OFW’s and it

greatly helps the said country’s economy.

It is a given that most Filipinos prefer working abroad because of the higher income and

pride it can offer and with no doubt, students who graduated weigh more than the jobs that

are present. Filipinos turn their blind eye on their own heritage due to the fact that they know

how much this country lacks in jobs and its deteriorating economic status. However, it is said

that the best way to help the overseas Filipino workers is to make the economy stable enough

for them to think that going overseas was more of an option than a necessity (Santiago, 2016).

Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago also stressed the idea that the key to reach the extent

wherein the economy is at its peak is to be able to build it effectively in order to provide more

job opportunities back in the third leg of the PiliPinas Debates back in 2016. However, with the

lack of effort and recognition, the problem remained in its position and most of the countrymen

are still choosing to spend most of their lives and make use of their degrees in other countries

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

instead of staying in their own. The professionals who can serve as tools in order to make the

economy better are now part of the brain drain phenomena because of how impossible it

seems to have the definition of a good life inside the nation. Sen. Santiago highlighted the idea

that going overseas must only be a choice but with the economy that the Philippines is facing, it

is automatic that most are going to pick to leave their own homes. Moreover, there are lots of

competition inside the area of the Philippines—may it be people who do not have a degree or

those who graduated from well renowned schools which resulted into a high unemployment

rate and more people turning their heads on their country to look for something that will give

justice to their hard work.

Filipinos also have an idea with their contractual employment arrangements for

business owners only hire people on a contractual basis—may it be for the sales ladies or fast

food servers. They will accept it regardless of how unfair it can get to their very own rights and

as long as they get their hands on basic salary because of the contentment that the idea of

having their tenures secured. Moreover, contractualization reduced the cost of labor which

resulted into having less to no privileges for their employees even if it is said to be a right or a

must and there also costly fees that go along with their recruitment (Sicat, 2016). Also, the

efforts that workers exert for the Filipino business do not exactly match the salary that they

receive monthly. These things may be small to one’s ears but these are vital in pushing the

Filipino people in choosing anything other than working in their very own country for they feel

as if the sweat and blood that were secreted are not worth for the cost of papers that they

receive can hardly fill the small plates that were put in front of them during supper.

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

It is very evident that Filipinos have this “anything but Filipino” mentality—may it be

because of the colonization that happened decades back or because of how belittling the image

of a Filipino is to the eyes of everybody. The countrymen are injected with the idea that the

culture that one has is and will always be inferior to the other cultures present. Favoring

everything that does not involve or scream Filipino was a lot more tolerable than being labeled

as someone who lived here as a middle-class man or an underclassman. Filipinos lack pride in

what they have and in what they are capable of that is why it is best to turn their backs on the

motherland and choose the life that was before forced down everyone’s throats. However, life

really was a lot easier when someone from the family decides to fly out of the country but

people often forget how important it is to be with their homeland and take pride in what is

here. There is a Colonial Mentality scale (CMS) that were used in order to know how

unconsciously voluntary it is for Filipinos to put the idea of inferiority in the limelight to the

extent that working inside their country was some sort of degradation. With the scale that was

used, the concept of having at least five indicators of Colonial Mentality among Filipinos went

to the surface and the first indicator which is on its 56% is the feelings of inferiority of being a

Filipino and the superiority of the American culture which may or may not have affected the

colonial mentality because of these two countries’ history. The oppression is still within the

minds of the Filipino people to the extent that they have internalized it enough to affect both

the culture and ethnicity that most are practicing and accepting other countries’ claims rather

than their own (David, 2017).

In addition, one of the many loopholes of labor management here in the Philippines is

providing poor benefits towards Filipino workers. Yes, the government does cover social

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

services such as SSS, Pag-Ibig, and PhilHealth that provides benefits to the said workers. But

most of the time, Filipino workers still complain due to the fact that it reduces the take home

salary of a low-paid worker (Pinoy OFW, 2017). Moreover, there’s also a problem that has been

circulating with construction workers. They opt to leave Philippines due to the fact that they

have been experiencing poor and bad conditions within their workplace. There has been a

shortage for Filipino construction workers due to the fact that they only earn an income that is

low and they were treated with poor benefits and bad working conditions. It is even said that

these workers would rather choose to train for several months and then go abroad to work

(Sunstar Philippines, 2019). In this situation, it is clearly evident that poverty is not just the case

why Filipino workers opt to leave for abroad but the idea that they do not get the proper

benefits as a Filipino worker here in the Philippines. With globalization, labor migration become

a thing to the extent that it introduces opportunities to many Filipino workers that would rather

choose to go abroad and work mainly because there are times that they are way pampered by

the government of the said country that they are working in rather than here in the Philippines.

Governments abroad even offer higher salary and benefits that includes free housing and a paid

vacation (PNA, 2019).

Moreover, globalization had its huge influence towards the country’s culture specifically

when it comes to working abroad and migration. It is agreeable to what Asis (2017) said that

going abroad has become a common, acceptable, and even a desirable option for a lot of

Filipino workers due to the fact that the country’s social, economic, and political system are all

deteriorating. There is no denying in the fact that Filipino’s choose to work abroad to get a

more stable job with a higher income. Other than finding opportunities and work abroad, one

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

of the many reasons why Filipino workers leave Philippines is mainly because they wanted to

migrate and bring their families back home with them once they have earned enough money.

And besides, family is important in Filipino culture since the said country has a collectivist

society (Shapiro, n.d.). Many Filipinos choose to be an OFW and then choose to have their

permanent residency for the sole reason they wanted a more stable lifestyle outside one’s own

country (Catipay, 2014).

Just like any other countries, Filipinos have a lifestyle that they aspire to have that are

not exactly found in the Philippines, may it be having the common large garages and two-story

houses or simply just a comfortable life that still has the right amount of money to spend for

uncalled for trips to other countries and cars. All these are only possible if one has a decent job

that can offer P120,000 a month for it involves around having to pay the daily needs, the

medium sized home, tax, education, car financing, occasional trips around the country, and

relaxation (Cruz, 2016). Moreover, having the title of one’s home is a must for a Filipino along

with the idea of having the knowledge that there will be enough for the needs and the

unexpected expenses to the extent that one can plan their children’s future without thinking of

how it can be a hassle and the idea of having the freedom, protection, and a clean, fair, and

efficient government (NEDA, n.d.). There really is nothing more important than being able to

live a comfortable life with the people that one cares about the most for it will not be

considered as a fulfilled life if one knows that a family member is suffering from shortage or

poverty. For them, comfortability can only be attained with the idea of having more than

enough to suffice the needs and in a Filipino’s mindset, it can only be possible if one stepped

out of the country and started doing a job that pays just enough in order to make everyone’s

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

future a lot brighter. Filipinos also have this sense of feeling the need to seek adventure

therefore they must earn enough to make sure that they get to see the world or even the half

of it because being able to travel with no hassle gives one a sense of comfort and the feeling of

success. Also, based on the study of Ambisyon Natin 2040, Filipinos believe that the idea of

being able to achieve the goals that they want to be considered as a norm, it is important to

eliminate corruption for this withholds the idea of having affordable government services that

could possibly affect one’s daily income. As one can tell, the ideal future of a Filipino citizen

does not revolve around themselves alone and the salary that this country can give is enough to

suffice the life that they are longing to have which resulted into them finding a new way to

achieve their ideal lifestyle even if it means losing the time that one has for their family or even

the idea of being physically and sometimes emotionally detached from their very own loved

ones because of how much they care for their family—may it be the family they have or the

relatives for Filipinos are said to be family-oriented and being one requires being of service for

them in times of need and chaos (NEDA, n.d.).

Lastly, there is no denying that globalization intensifies the idea of labor migration. New

opportunities and work are readily available towards Filipino workers. Which in this case, it

does not just provide benefits towards the said Overseas Filipino Worker but they also provide

a positive effect towards the economy here in the Philippines. Forto (2017) stated that

Philippines’ economy does rely on the remittances that we get from our Overseas Filipino

Workers. It is crucial to the development and growth of the said country’s economy. Based on

the released data of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas last year in February, the remittances from

these Overseas Filipino Workers contributed US$31.29 billion to the country’s economy in

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

which this provides an insight that there is a growth of 4.3% (Lim, 2018). Moreover, this boosts

Philippines’ economic growth specifically if there’s a double-digit surge in remittances that was

added just like way back in 2015 where the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 6.6% (Villar,

2017). This is a huge deal since Philippines is a developing country and with remittances, it gives

the country the ability to reserve it for funds that could be used for the development of the


Overall, it is no-brainer that there is an increasing number of Filipino workers who

choose to leave their families and life here in the Philippines to work abroad. There is no

denying that a lot of professionals and workers here in the Philippines do not get the proper

benefits and the right amount of salary that they should have been paid with. One of the many

reasons why they choose and prefer to work abroad since they wanted to find a job that would

provide them a high income so in that way, they could earn money and send it to their families

back home. Moreover, there is a lot of competition in terms of having a job in the said country

that also results to a high unemployment rate in the Philippines that leads to many Filipinos

finding a job abroad. In addition, the history played a huge role in the said phenomena

regardless of how much people try to neglect it and say that everything is not the same

anymore. The Philippine history dictated or even formed how most Filipinos think which

resulted into them choosing anything else or putting everything else first other than their very

own country. Furthermore, besides working abroad, many of the OFWs find the opportunity to

migrate and leave the country for good. Once they have earned enough money, they would

bring their families back home with them to attain a more stable life style that they did not

attain back home. Filipinos long for the idea of not having so much in their hands but having

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

enough to suffice all the things that they need and want. Moreover, being able to live a

comfortable life equates to the feeling of contentment and the idea of attaining one’s goals and

in their minds, this can only be possible with the help of learning that specific foreign language

and settling with the concept of being far away from their families to have that sense of

comfortability and contentment. Furthermore, contractualization has captured and broken a

million hearts of Filipinos for it has given jobs but Filipinos also experienced having their rights

taken away from them. Most of the people who go through with such have chosen the path

wherein everything is far and unknown for that battle was far more tolerable than staying here

just to have their mouths shoved with unequal rights and their plates filled with not enough to

suffice their needs all throughout the day. In addition, there’s no denying that most of the time,

Filipino workers receives no proper benefits from the company they work in and even put into a

bad working condition where their health and skills could be compromise and may be put into

risk. Which in this case, a lot of Filipino workers chooses to work abroad wherein they get to

receive the proper benefits that they have been longing when they are still working here in the

Philippines. Lastly, working abroad does not just provide benefits to the said Overseas Filipino

Workers but with the remittances they send back home boosts Philippines’ economy. With this,

it is clearly evident how globalization affected a developing country like Philippines. It is true

that with globalization, it intensifies our culture in terms of labor migration. There is an

increasing number of Overseas Filipino Workers every year to seek out jobs and stability which

in this case, they find it within the developed countries that provided them with new

opportunities. In such situations, it is evident that each Overseas Filipino Workers have their

reasons on why they tend to choose to go abroad and work. It is within the culture of

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

Philippines on how Filipinos invest their time and effort when it comes to their families. Which

in this case, it is a matter of a decision to go abroad to sustain a well-paid job and stability.

Furthermore, Overseas Filipino Workers simply depicts such country’s culture in terms of labor

migration. It is truly that globalization could provide benefits towards Filipino workers and it

has an effect with the economy of the Philippines. Since Philippines is a developing country, it is

surely that globalization opens new opportunities in terms of labor that such country couldn’t

provide to their own people. Filipino workers have awakened with the fact that they have more

options to choose from that could provide them an improved and a better life. However,

globalization could provide effects that it can give can either be good or bad for it can possibly

have an effect on one’s lifestyle and dreams but it can certainly take away the love that they

have for their country. Moreover, one cannot simply say that Overseas Filipino Workers are

selfish for they tolerate all the hardships that other countries throw for the people that are

dear in their lives.

How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

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How Globalization urged Filipino workers to work abroad

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