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Chapter III

Research Methodology

The previous chapter provides theoretical and empirical literatures of the

innovation of technology act as a booster of the educations modernization in Marilao,

Bulacan, which is considered as a useful background for the research investigation that

will follow in the next chapters. In this chapter, the research methodology explains how

the discussion of the study will be fulfilled. It is appropriate to define the methods of

collecting the data’s by means of illustration of the questionnaire survey and interviews.

Furthermore, the description of the forecasted qualitative and quantitative analysis

methods that is necessary to the research objective is given. This chapter includes

Methods and Techniques of the study, Data and Gathering Procedures, Presentation of

Data, Data interpretation, the Conclusion and Recommendation.

Methods of Techniques of the Study

The researchers chose to have a mixed method research both integrating

quantitative and qualitative research. A quantitative research includes close-ended

information such as that found to measure attitudes, behaviors and performance. The

analysis of this type of data consists of statistically analyzing scores collected from the

students by means of questionnaires or checklists that sought to answer the researches

questions or to test hypothesis as explained by Creswell, J.W. (2013). On the other hand a

qualitative research consists of open-ended information that the researchers usually

gathers from an interview and focus groups.

The examinations of the qualitative data typically aggregate it to a diverse idea

that will be gathered during data collection as explained by Crossman, A. (2019). By

mixing both quantitative and qualitative research and data, the researcher gains in breadth

and depth of understanding and corroboration, while offsetting the weaknesses inherent

to using each approach by itself. The data needed for the collection of this research were

collected through interviews and another way is through the use of surveys to collect the

data’s. The surveys will be used for the Junior and Senior High School students of

Marilao, Bulacan.

Population and Sample of the Study

The target population for this research is the Junior and Senior High School

Students in Marilao, Bulacan. In this study, the accessible population comprised chosen

Junior and Senior High School Students in the 17 educational zones of the municipality

of Marilao, Bulacan at the tertiary school level of education. The respondents of this

research were randomly selected from the Junior and Senior High School students of

Marilao, Bulacan. There are a total of 100 respondents, 5 will be interviewed from Junior

High School and 5 from the Senior High School and the 90 respondents that are left will

take the survey.

Table 1
List of Respondents

Students Junior High Senior High

Barcelona Academy 10 10

St.Philomena School 2 3

Angelican School Of Marilao,

3 2

St. Michael School Of Marilao 5 8

Discovery Child Development of

3 2

A.F.G. Bernardino Memorial

10 10
Trade School

Marilao Central School 3 2

Angelican School of Marilao 3 2

Nazarenus College Foundation 2 2

Mother Teresa Academy of

3 2

The Early Rays School of Marilao 3 2

Electron Technical Training

3 5
Center Incorporated

The Researchers will use Snowball Sampling Method in gathering the

respondents of the survey and interview. Snow ball sampling method is a chain referral;

where an existing subject will recruit future subjects from among their acquaintance as

explained by Sedgwick, P. (2013). The researchers chose the chain referral process

because it allows them to reach populations that are difficult to sample when using other

sampling method, the process is cheap, simple, and efficient, and this sampling needs

little process of thinking compare to other sampling techniques still according to


Research Instruments

In this study, the research instruments that will be used are survey questionnaires

and face to face interviews. The interview questions were aimed to obtain relevant

information concerning Innovation of technology as booster of the Educations

Modernization in Marilao, Bulacan. The type of interview that the researchers will be

using is through face to face interview, knowing the fact that they can follow up

questions in front of their interviewee for it is an open-ended interview, and one could do

as much preparation as they would as explained by Ortiz, F. (2016). The survey

questionnaires will also be held because the researchers will be asking about the

experiences of the students through the use of technological innovations in classroom

practices and the changes it brought to them. Having survey questionnaires will help the

researchers to provide broader capabilities, which can ensure accurate data’s to be

gathered Mathers, et al (2007).

Data Gathering and Procedures

The research have gathered Junior and Senior High School of Marilao, Bulacan by

means of snow ball sampling method;100 students from 17 educational zones of

Marilao, Bulacan were chosen through the use of this technique. They become the

researchers target because the innovation of technology is visible in this municipality of

Marilao making it the an ideal place in gathering the data comes along with the

accomplishment and better process performance by the students with the use of these

tools. Hence the study is fully owned for the Junior and Senior High School Students in

Marilao, Bulacan. The researchers explained the purpose of the study thoroughly. The

directions in answering the question are well discussed and the respondents and

interviewee will be informed that the information will only be for academic purposes.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The way the researchers gather the data from the interviews and surveys is by

means of Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The Pearson correlation coefficient is a

measure of strength of the association between two variables that has been developed by

Pearson, K. (1994), basically, a Pearson product-moment correlation attempts to get what

best fits through the data of two variables as furthermore explained by Chee, J. (2014).
The type of scale that the researchers will use is similar to what Luna (2015) have used in

her study.

Table 2
Scale to analyze the data

4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Not Sure
1.51-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree

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