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T​op pros and cons of buying a Refurbished Gadget

Have you ever excited in buying a gadget with a lesser cost of Rs.10,000 to 10,000 from
Amazon, eBay, flipkart, are on any other online shopping sites than comparing to other sites
then don't be hurry in buying the gadget once look in the description of the gadget page to make
sure that it's not a refurbished pease if it's not then without any further thought you can happily
go for that gadget.
But are you thinking about what does refurbished gadget means then here we go

Refurbished Gadget

When a gadget is manufactured from a company they have options in selling those through
online sales or offline sales when they go for online they have two option either to sell it on there
own website or on online shopping sites, if offline then either it may be through distribution or
through retail outlets and here comes the problem
These gadgets come with some Guaranty and warranty periods approximately Garrety period of
30 days return policy if online if not 10 days for offline seals and warranty ranges from 1 to 3 or
5 years and it depends on the manufacturer now if these gadgets get any of the problems
before the Garrety period completes then the sellers give you a new gadget in return of old one.
Now the sellers are the distributors mark these old ones as DOA’s and returned to the
manufacturer now have no choice to sell it as it is , so he debug the problem or damage and
solve those things and put them for sale as refurbished gadgets but with less cost as it is a
refurbished not the original.

Even these come with some pros and cons :


1. There's only a single benefit; that you can get from refurbished is a new gadget running
same as brand new at every low cost.
2. Looks same like a brand new mobile

1. The sellers won't give you a warranty or warranty period

2. As these are problem solved gadgets these may give us the same problem in feature
3. Refurbished works well with some but not with all
4. You can check for the good functionality of the gadget as they were resold by doing
some post repairs, only a few replaced damaged or not functional parts were but not the
whole gadget so some parts of it used they lose their lifespan such parts could be a
battery, RAM Speed and the gadget itself.

Please make a note of the following before you buy a refurbished gadget

Now the decision is in your hands if you need a gadget brand new at less cost better to go for
Refurbished rather than buying second-hand gadgets and please make a note that
second-hand gadgets are not at all same as refurbished there are a lot of difference in both of

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