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Analytical prediction of springback based on residual

differential strain during sheet metal bending
H K Yi1, D W Kim1, C J Van Tyne2, and Y H Moon1*
Engineering Research Center for Net Shape and Die Manufacturing/Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan
National University, Busan, Republic of Korea
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA

The manuscript was received on 30 March 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 11 September 2007.

DOI: 10.1243/09544062JMES682

Abstract: As the springback of sheet metal during unloading may cause deviation from a desired
shape, accurately predicting springback is essential for the design of sheet stamping operations.
Finite-element models have not been successful in predicting springback; hence there is a need
for analytical models to make such predictions. In this study, a model based on differential
strains after relief from the maximum bending stress is derived for six different deformation pat-
terns in order to predict springback analytically. The springback for each deformation pattern is
estimated by the residual differential strains between outer and inner surfaces after elastic
recovery. Each of the six deformation patterns has a valid region of applicability, based on elas-
tic modulus, yield strength, applied tension, and bending geometry. Analytical equations for the
springback of the sheet deformed under these six deformation patterns are derived. Traditional
analytical models for springback prediction have been based on elastic unloading from a bend-
ing moment. Traditional models also require the knowledge of the stress distribution through
the thickness of the sheet, whereas the residual differential strain model only requires the
stress state on the outer and inner surfaces of the sheet. In order to compare the residual differ-
ential strain model with the traditional bending moment model, a bending moment model is
derived for the same exact deformation patterns. Results from the two models are compared
for various materials.

Keywords: springback, sheet metal forming, analytical model, residual differential strain,
bending moment model, multiple deformation patterns

1 INTRODUCTION processes influence the springback behaviour of

press-formed parts [1 – 4].
Springback refers to the elastic recovery of deformed The application of high strength steels and alu-
parts. Springback occurs because of the elastic relief minium to automotive sheet components is increas-
from the bending moment imparted to the sheet ing, as they effectively reduce body weight while
metal during forming. Springback is common and keeping and improving structural performance [5,
inevitable in each stage of the production process 6]. Unfortunately, these materials tend to have a
where the material undergoes geometrical changes. larger springback than mild steels. The high values
Accordingly, factors related to the generation of of the ratio of strength to Young’s modulus result in
stress in the material during loading and unloading more springback. For a given amount of deformation,
higher strength materials (e.g. high strength steels)
*Corresponding author: Engineering Research Center for Net will unload from a higher strength, resulting in
Shape and Die Manufacturing, Department of Mechanical Engin- more elastic unloading strain. Likewise, for a material
eering, Pusan National University, San 30, Jangjeon-dong, with a lower Young’s modulus (e.g. aluminium
Geumjeong-gu, Busan 609-735, Republic of Korea. email: alloys), the amount of elastic unloading strain, which causes the springback, is higher. Overall, it is

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118 H K Yi, D W Kim, C J Van Tyne, and Y H Moon

more difficult to accurately produce a part shape

without proper springback compensation. As spring-
back is strongly dependent on the part geometry and
the materials used, it is not possible to give a general
rule of thumb for its compensation. Commercial
finite-element programme for sheet forming simu-
lation give good results in terms of formability,
strain distribution, and wrinkling – but springback
remains a phenomenon often reported as being diffi-
cult to simulate. There are certain aspects that make
springback especially critical for sheet metal forming
[6 – 10]. Even small angular springback in deep drawn Fig. 1 A unit length of a continuous strip bent along a
structures may cause large spatial deformations and line
distortions of the whole part. As finite-element simu-
lations are computationally intense, efficient analyti- Moment per unit width, M, and tension (force per
cal methods to predict springback have also been unit width), T, are applied to the sheet. When the
developed [11 – 13]. sheet is bent by a pure moment without any tension
In this study, a model based on differential strains being applied, the neutral axis will be at the mid-
after relief from the maximum bending stress [14, thickness of the sheet. The upper half thickness
15] is derived for multiple deformation patterns (i.e. above neutral axis will be in a tensile stress state,
different stress conditions) in order to predict spring- whereas the lower half thickness is in a compressive
back analytically. The springback for each defor- stress state. In pure bending, the maximum strain
mation pattern is estimated by the residual occurs in the outer (upper) surface, and the elastic –
differential strains between outer and inner surfaces plastic behaviour at this region is determined by the
after elastic recovery. As the springback of sheet material parameters (elastic modulus E and yield
metal after bending is strongly dependent on the strength so) and bending geometry. The strain at
stress state of the deformed sheet, six different defor- the yield point 1o is
mation patterns, each having a valid region of
applicability, are derived on the basis of material par- so
1o ¼ ð1Þ
ameters (elastic modulus and yield strength), applied E
tension, and bending geometry. Analytical equations
for the springback of the sheet deformed under these and the maximum strain applied on the outer surface
six deformation patterns are derived. 1max can be expressed by
Traditional analytical models for springback pre-
diction have been based on elastic unloading from a t
1max ¼ ð2Þ
bending moment [13, 16]. Such models are more 2r
complicated than the residual differential strain
model that is derived in the present study. Traditional where t is the thickness of the sheet and r is the radius
models also require the knowledge of the stress of the bend.
distribution within the part under examination, When 1max exceeds 1o, then the outer surface will
whereas the residual differential strain model only be in a plastic stress state, but if the reverse is true,
requires the stress state on the outer and inner then the outer surface will be in an elastic stress
surfaces of the sheet. In order to compare the residual state. As the springback of sheet metal after bending
differential strain model with the traditional is strongly dependent on the stress state of the
bending moment model, a bending moment model deformed sheet, the springback parameter Sp is intro-
is derived for the same exact deformation patterns. duced for the precise classification of deformation
Results from the two models are compared for var- behaviour by dividing equation (2) by equation (1)
ious materials. to obtain

1max Et
Sp ¼ ¼ ð3Þ
1o 2rso
PREDICTION when Sp is greater than 1, the outer surface will be in a
plastic stress state and when Sp is less than 1, the
Consider the bending process as shown in Fig. 1, outer surface is in an elastic stress state. Figure 2
where a unit width of a continuous sheet is bent to schematically shows the classification of the spring-
a radius of curvature r, and the bend angle is u. back parameter.

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Fig. 3 Possible deformation for given deformation

patterns for SP 4 1

2.1 Springback model based on residual

Fig. 2 Classification of springback parameter (Sp)
differential strain

If the desired curvature of a sheet is less than the To date, most analytical springback models have
limiting elastic curvature, the sheet cannot be been based on elastic recovery from the applied
formed to shape simply by bending over a die bending moment that causes the bend. This type of
block. It would either springback to the flat shape, traditional model will be derived in section 2.2. In
or if it were over-bent until it becomes partially plas- this section, a model based on the residual differen-
tic, the springback would be so high that the process tial strain is derived. Differential strain is the differ-
would be difficult to control. Therefore, in a stamping ence between the strain on the outer surface of the
operation, tension is frequently applied to the sheet, bend and that on the inner surface of the bend. The
which is first curved elastically to the shape of a die residual differential strain method produces simpler
block. For such conditions, the initial moment and analytical equations to determine springback from
the stress state will be changed because of the appli- bending. In addition, the method only requires
cation of tension. knowledge of the stress state on the outer and inner
In the current study, the possible variations of surfaces of the bend, rather than the stress distri-
stress states for bent sheet with applied tension are bution through the thickness of the sheet.
classified on the basis of the amount of the applied Consider the case of a sheet metal bent to radius r
strain, 1a, which originates from applied stress, sa. by applying uniform bending moment. If r is such
When Sp is less than one, three different deformation that the maximum stress induced lies within the elas-
patterns are possible, as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 3. tic limit of the material, then on removing the bend-
When Sp is greater than one, three different defor- ing moment, the specimen will return to the original
mation patterns can occur, as shown in Table 2 and shape. However, if r is such that the maximum stress
Fig. 4. Therefore, six different analytical models are induced exceeds the elastic limit of the material, plas-
derived – one for each deformation pattern. From tic strain will occur at the outer surface and the
the given process conditions and material par- material will take a permanent set. If on removal of
ameters, the valid deformation pattern is determined the bending moment, the elastic unloading of the
first and then the amount of springback can be material is not uniform across the thickness, then
calculated. springback will occur. The bend radius r will not be

Table 1 Three possible deformation patterns for Sp 4 1 Table 2 Three possible deformation patterns for Sp 5 1
(i.e. s0/E 5 t/2r) (i.e. t/2r 5 s0/E)

Inner Outer Inner Outer

surface surface Valid range ID surface surface Valid range ID

Elastic Elastic 1a 2 t/2r 52 s0/E, 1a þ t/2r 4 s0/E SA Plastic Plastic 1a 2 t/2r 42 s0/E,1a þ t/2r 5 s0/E LA
) 0 4 1a 4 s0/E 2 t/2r ) 0 4 1a 4 t/2r 2 s0/E
Elastic Plastic 1a 2 t/2r 4 s0/E, 1a þ t/2r 5 s0/E SB Elastic Plastic 1a 2 t/2r 52 s0/E,1a þ t/2r 5 s0/E LB
) s0/E 2 t/2r 4 1a 4 s0/E þ t/2r ) t/2r 2 s0/E 4 1a 4 t/2r þ s0/E
Plastic Plastic 1a 2 t/2r 5 s0/E, 1a þ t/2r 5 s0/E SC Plastic Plastic 1a 2 t/2r 5 s0/E, 1a þ t/2r 5 s0/E LC
) 1a 5 s0/E þ t/2r ) 1a 5 t/2r þ s0/E

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Fig. 4 Possible deformation for given deformation

patterns for SP 5 1 Fig. 5 Stress –strain distribution for deformation
pattern ‘SA’

and the resulting springback is given by

maintained in the sheet. Consider a similar specimen
that is bent over a rigidly supported die of cylindrical
cross-section of radius r with a tensile load being 1l  1u 1l  0
SB ¼ ¼ ¼ 1:0 ¼ 100% ð5Þ
applied to each end of the specimen. The tensile 1l 1l
stress due to bending is increased and the compres-
sive stress is decreased. As the applied load is Figure 6 shows the deformation pattern for SB
increased, the compressive stress is decreased where the inner surface is elastic, whereas the outer
further, and eventually the whole specimen is in ten- surface is plastic, and the resulting springback is
sion to a varying degree. Moreover, if the stress on the given by
outer surface (i.e. the surface with the greatest radius)
exceeds the elastic limit of the material, the increased 1l  1u 1l  ð1a þ t/2r  sun /Eun Þ
SB ¼ ¼ ð6Þ
applied tension will cause the load to be more evenly 1l 1l
distributed throughout the thickness of the material.
Eventually, a level of applied load is reached where where Eun is the unloading modulus, 1a the applied
the stress in the specimen is nearly uniform and the axial strain, and sun the strength of the sheet material
entire sheet thickness is in the plastic range. Remov- prior to unloading.
ing the applied load, the specimen loses its elastic As 1l ¼ 1b ¼ t/r, where 1b is the bending strain, then
strain by contracting, and the final radius in the
bent sheet can be determined from the residual t þ 2r ðsun /Eun  1a Þ
differential strain. SB ¼ ð7Þ
The springback, SB, for each deformation pattern is
estimated by the residual differential strains between
outer and inner surfaces of greatest radius after elas-
tic recovery as

1l  1u
SB ¼ ð4Þ

where 1l is the strain difference between outer and

inner surfaces of greatest radius while loaded and 1u
is the strain difference between outer and inner sur-
faces of greatest radius after unloading. Because the
model is based on residual differential strains in the
sheet, springback is defined in terms of strain rather
than the traditional measure of angular change.
Figure 5 shows the deformation pattern for ‘SA’ in Fig. 6 Stress –strain distribution for deformation
which both the inner and outer surfaces are elastic, pattern SB

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Fig. 7 Stress –strain distribution for deformation

pattern SC

The strength of the sheet can be modelled as a

power law type of material, so that sun ¼ K(t/2r þ Fig. 8 Stress –strain distribution for deformation
1a)n, where K is the strength coefficient of the sheet pattern LA
material and n is the strain hardening exponent for
the sheet material.
Figure 7 shows the deformation pattern for SC, surface is plastic, and the amount of springback is
where both inner and outer surfaces are plastic and
the amount of springback is
1l  1u 1l  ð1a þ t/2r  sun /Eun Þ
SB ¼ ¼ ð10Þ
1l 1l
1l  1u
SB ¼
t/r  ð1a þ t/2r  K ð1a þ t/2rÞn =Eu1 as 1l ¼ 1b ¼ t/r, therefore
½1a  t/2r  K ð1a  t=2rÞn /Eu2 Þ
1l t þ 2rðsun /Eun  1a Þ
SB ¼ ð11Þ
K r½ð1a þ t/2rÞ /Eu1  ð1a  t/2rÞn /Eu2 
¼ ð8Þ
where sun ¼ K(t/2r þ 1a)n
where Eu1 and Eu2 are the unloading moduli form the Figure 10 shows the deformation pattern for ‘LC’,
outer and inner surfaces, respectively. where both inner and outer surfaces are plastic and
Figure 8 shows the deformation pattern for ‘LA’,
where both inner and outer surfaces are plastic, and
assuming that Eu1 ¼ Eu2 ¼ Eun, the amount of spring-
back is

1l  1u su1 /Eu1  su2 /Eu2

SB ¼ ¼
1l 1l
K ðt/2r þ 1a Þn þ K ðt/2r  1a Þn
ðt/rÞ  Eun
K r½ðt/2r þ 1a Þn þ ðt/2r  1a Þn 
¼ ð9Þ

where the strength of the sheet on the outer surface is

su1 ¼ K(t/2r þ 1a)n and the strength of the sheet on
the inner surface is su2 ¼ 2K(t/2r 2 1a)n.
Figure 9 shows the deformation pattern for ‘LB’, Fig. 9 Stress –strain distribution for deformation
where the inner surface is elastic and the outer pattern LB

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where subscript s indicates the start of the unloading

process, I the moment of inertia and 1/r the curva-
ture in the sheet caused by the moment.
r will change as the moment changes, so
DM ¼ I  E  D ð14Þ

Extraction of the sheet from a die means Mf ¼ 0,

where the subscript f indicates the finish of the
unloading process. Therefore, during unloading

DM ¼ Mf  Ms ¼ 0  Ms ¼ Ms ð15Þ

The change in the bending radius is

Fig. 10 Stress – strain distribution for deformation
pattern LC 1 1 1 DM Ms
D ¼  ¼ ¼ ¼ Du ð16Þ
r r f r s I E I E
the amount of springback is
where Du, the angular change, is the measure of the
1l  1u springback.
SB ¼
1l For a rectangular sheet cross-section, the moment
t/r  ð1a þ t/2r  K ð1a þ t/2rÞn /Eu1 of inertia per unit width (i.e. w ¼ 1) is
½1a  t/2r  K ð1a  t=2rÞn /Eu2 Þ
¼ t3 t3
1l I ¼w ¼ ð17Þ
n n 12 12
K r½ð1a þ t/2rÞ /Eu1  ð1a  t/2rÞ /Eu2 
¼ ð12Þ
t Therefore

2.2 Springback model based on bending moment      

1 1 1 12  Ms
Du ¼ D ¼  ¼ ð18Þ
To compare the residual differential strain model r r f r s E  t3
derived in the previous section, a second analytical
model based on the bending moment [14, 15] is Figure 11 shows the deformation pattern for SA
derived for the same six deformation patterns. The where both inner and outer surfaces are elastic.
bending moment model is the traditional analytical Tension T for the deformation pattern for SA is
model used to determine springback. The bending
moment model depends on the unloading from an ð t=2    
applied moment in the sheet, causing a change in E 2a  1 E
T¼  t þ  y  dy
the curvature of the bend. t=2 r 2 r
When a normal section of unit width of the sheet is Eð2a  1Þ  t 2
bent, a stress distribution due to bending occurs. ¼ ð19Þ
Tension, T, on the sheet causes a change in the
stress distribution, such that T will balance the inte-
gral of the stress distribution due to static equili-
brium. The bending moment can be obtained by
finding the first moment of the stress distribution.
By examining analytical expressions for the tension,
T, and the bending moment, M, the springback can
be obtained.
From the moment at a given condition before
Ms ¼ I  E  ð13Þ
r Fig. 11 Stress distribution for deformation pattern SA

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where, for this deformation pattern, a is the normal- where, for this deformation pattern, a is the normal-
ized distance between the outer surface of the sheet ized distance between the outer surface and the plane
and the neutral plane. in the sheet at the yield strength and b is the normal-
Moment, M, for the deformation pattern SA is ized distance between the plane in the sheet at the
yield strength and the bottom surface. In this case,
ð t=2     a þ b ¼ 1.
E 2a  1 E
M¼  t þ  y  y  dy Moment M for the deformation pattern for SB is
t=2 r 2 r
 3  3 
E t t E  t3 ð t=2 ð ð1=2aÞt 
¼   ¼ ð20Þ E
3r 8 8 12r M¼ s y dy þ y þ s0
ð1=2aÞt t=2 r
From equation (16), the springback is 2b 1 t  E
   y  dy
2 r
( nþ2  nþ2 )
ð1/rÞs  ð1/rÞf 12M K  r2 t ð1  2aÞ  t
SB ¼ ¼ ð21Þ ¼ þ 1a  þ 1a
ð1/rÞs ð1/rÞs Et 3 n þ2 2r 2r
( nþ1  nþ1 )
Note that equation (21) is a different equation for K  r2 1a t ð1 2aÞ  t
 þ1a  þ1a
springback when compared with the definition nþ1 2r 2r
given in the residual differential strain model in "  # "  #
equation (4). The difference is due to the fact that E 1 2a 3 3 t 3 s0 1 2a 2 2 t 2
þ t þ þ t 
the traditional bending moment model relies on the 3r 2 8 2 2 4
moment – curvature relationship and defines spring- " #
back in terms of angular change as in equation (16). 2b  1 E  t 1 2a 2 2 t 2
As the springback measure for both models is deter-    t  ð23Þ
4 r 2 4
mined on a percentage basis and both models
account for the elastic unloading after bending, a
comparison between the two models can be made From equation (18), the springback is
despite the differences between the two definitions.
Figure 12 shows the deformation pattern for SB, ð1/rÞs  ð1/rÞf 12M
where the inner surface is elastic and the outer sur- SB ¼ ¼ ð24Þ
ð1/rÞs ð1/rÞs Et 3
face is plastic.
Tension T for the deformation pattern for SB is
Figure 13 shows the deformation pattern for SC,
ð t=2   where both the inner and outer surfaces are plastic.
1 r 1 E bt Tension T for the deformation pattern for SC is
T¼ s  dy þ  s20  þ s0 
t=2at 2 E 2 r
 s0  r ð t=2 ð t=2 n
 bt  y
E T¼ s  dy ¼ K
þ 1a  dy
( r
nþ1  nþ1 ) t=2 t=2
rK t ð1  2aÞ  t " nþ1  nþ1 #
¼ þ 1a  þ 1a rK t t
n þ 1 2r 2r ¼  þ 1a   þ 1a ð25Þ
nþ1 2r 2r
E  b2  t 2
 þ s0  b  t ð22Þ

Fig. 12 Stress distribution for deformation pattern SB Fig. 13 Stress distribution for deformation pattern SC

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Moment M for the deformation pattern for SC is Moment M for the deformation pattern for LA is

ð t=2 ð t=2 n

M¼ s  y  dy ¼ K þ 1a  y  dy
t=2 t=2 r 
ð t=2 ð ð12a=2Þt
" nþ2  nþ2 # 2 s0 y
r2  K t t M¼ s  y  dy þ
¼ þ 1a   þ 1a ð12a=2Þt ð12a2b=2Þt bt
n þ 2 2r 2r   ð t=2
" bþ2a1
nþ1  nþ1 # þ s0  y  dy þ s  y  dy
r2  K t t b ð12a2b=2Þt
 þ 1a   þ 1a
n þ 1 2r 2r ( nþ2  nþ2 )
r2 K t ð12aÞt
ð26Þ ¼ þ1a  þ1a
nþ2 2r 2r
( nþ1  nþ1 )
The springback can be obtained from equation (24). K  r2 1a t ð12aÞt
 þ 1a  þ1a
Figure 14 shows the deformation pattern for nþ1 2r 2r
LA, where both the inner and outer surfaces are  3  
plastic. 2 s0 1 s0 ðbþ2a1Þ 12a 2 2
þ a t 3 þ  t
Tension T for the deformation pattern for LA is 3bt 2 2b 2
2 s0 1 s0 ðbþ2aþ1Þ
ð t=2  ab  t 3 
1 1 3bt 2 2b
T¼ s  dy þ  s0  b  t   s0  b  t  2
t=2at 4 4 12a2b
ð t=2   t2
 s  dy ( nþ2  nþ2 )
ð2aþ2b1Þ=2t r2 K t ð2aþ2b1Þt
( nþ1  nþ1 ) þ  1a  1a
rK t ð1  2aÞ  t nþ2 2r 2r
¼ þ 1a  þ 1a (
nþ1 2r 2r nþ1
K  r2 1a t
( nþ1   1a
rK t nþ1 2r
n þ 1 2r  nþ1 )
 nþ1 ) 
1a ð28Þ
ð2a þ 2b  1Þ  t
  1a ð27Þ

where, for this deformation pattern, a is the normal-

ized distance between the outer surface and the plane The springback can be obtained from equation
in the sheet at the yield strength and b is the normal- (24).
ized distance between the first plane in the sheet at Figure 15 shows the deformation pattern for LB,
the yield strength and the second plane in the sheet where the inner surface is elastic and the outer
at the yield strength. surface is plastic.

Fig. 14 Stress distribution for deformation pattern LA Fig. 15 Stress distribution for deformation pattern LB

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Analytical prediction of springback 125

Tension, T for the deformation pattern for LB is

ð t=2  
1 r 1 E bt
T¼ s  dy þ  s20  þ s0 
t=2at 2 E 2 r
 s0  r
( nþ1  nþ1 )
rK t ð1  2aÞ  t
¼ þ 1a  þ 1a
nþ1 2r 2r
Fig. 16 Stress distribution for deformation pattern LC
E  b2  t 2
 þ s0  b  t ð29Þ
2r Moment M for the deformation pattern for LC is
ð t=2 
ð t=2 n
where, for this deformation pattern, a is the normal- y
M¼ s  y  dy ¼ K
þ 1a y  dy
ized distance between the outer surface and the plane t=2 t=2 r
in the sheet at the yield strength and b is the normal- "   nþ2 #
ized distance between the plane in the sheet at the r2  K t t
¼ þ 1a   þ 1a
yield strength and the bottom surface. In this case, n þ 2 2r 2r
a þ b ¼ 1. " nþ1  nþ1 #
Moment M for the deformation pattern for LB is: r2  K t t
 þ 1a   þ 1a
n þ 1 2r 2r
ð t=2 ð ð1=2aÞt  ð32Þ
M¼ s  y  dy þ  y þ s0
ð1=2aÞt t=2 r
   The springback can be obtained from equation (24).
2b  1 t  E
   y  dy
2 r
( nþ2  nþ2 )
K  r2 t ð1  2aÞ  tÞ
nþ2 2r 2r
( nþ1  nþ1 )
K  r2  1a t ð1  2aÞ  t To evaluate the two models developed in this study,
 þ 1a  þ 1a four materials were selected for comparison. The
nþ1 2r 2r
" # materials used were a mild steel (SCP-1), two
 advanced high strength steels (DP780 and TRIP780),
E 1  2a 3 3 t 3
þ t þ and an aluminium alloy (Al2008). Figure 17 shows
3r 2 8
the stress – strain relationships for these materials.
"  #
s0 1  2a 2 2 t 2 Table 3 gives the specific tensile properties for the
þ t  materials, which are required as input for the models.
2 2 4
Model evaluations were made for sheet thicknesses
  "   #
2b  1 E t 1  2a 2 2 t 2 of 0.7, 1.0, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.0 mm and bending die radii
   t  ð30Þ of 3.175, 6.35, 9.525, 12.7, and 25.4 mm.
4 r 2 4

The springback can be obtained from equation

Figure 16 shows the deformation pattern for LC,
where both inner and outer surfaces are plastic.
Tension T for the deformation pattern for LC is:

ð t=2 
ð t=2 n
T¼ s  dy ¼ K
þ 1a  dy
t=2 t=2 r
" nþ1  nþ1 #
rK t t
¼  þ 1a   þ 1a ð31Þ
nþ1 2r 2r

Fig. 17 True stress –true strain curves

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126 H K Yi, D W Kim, C J Van Tyne, and Y H Moon

Table 3 Tensile properties of model materials

Material Elastic modulus (MPa) Yield strength (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Strength coefficient K (MPa) n ef

Al 2008 71 000 120 210 490 0.26 13.9

SCP-1 2 06 000 160 394 567 0.264 39.0
TRIP 780 2 06 000 470 785 1108 0.228 30.0
DP 780 2 06 000 481 843 1200 0.230 19.5

To assess the effect of applied strain (stress), calculated as

approximately ten different values of 1a were used.
The range of these applied strain values spanned T ¼ t sa ¼ tE1a ð33Þ
the various deformation patterns given in Tables 1
and 2. When the applied strain is in the plastic range, the
The values for the parameters a and b in the bend- tension (T ) in the bending moment model is calcu-
ing moment model are determined by calculating lated as
tension (T ) and are then used in the bending
moment calculation.
T ¼ t sa ¼ tK ð1a Þn ð34Þ
When the applied strain, 1a, is in the elastic range,
the tension (T ) in the bending moment model is
Figure 18 shows the predicted springback using the
residual differential strain model (solid lines) and the
bending moment model (dotted lines) for two differ-
ent combinations of thickness – bending radius of
curvature. With increasing applied strain (1a), the
predicted amount of springback undergoes signifi-
cant change. In both models, mild steel (SCP-1) exhi-
bits the lowest amount of springback, whereas the
aluminium sheet (Al2008) has the largest amount of
springback. The advanced high strength steels also
show significantly higher springback than mild
steel, with the dual phase steel, DP780, exhibiting
higher springback than TRIP780. Both models sort
the materials in the same order with respect to
For the bending moment model, the springback
gradually decreases with increasing applied strain
(1a), whereas the residual differential strain model
shows only a slight decrease until the applied strain
(i.e. applied tension) reaches a transition value.
When the applied strain reaches the transition

Fig. 18 Comparison of predicted springback between

residual differential strain model (solid lines)
and the bending moment model (dotted
lines) for (a) thickness ¼ 1.7 mm, r ¼ 6.35 mm Fig. 19 The applied strain transition for the model
and (b) thickness ¼ 1.0 mm, r ¼ 12.7 mm based on residual differential strain

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Analytical prediction of springback 127

value, then the springback decreases rapidly and Figure 20 compares the variation of springback
merges with the model based on the bending with sheet thickness at different radii of curvatures
moment. The transition values for the applied without any applied tension (1a ¼ 0). The amount
strain, as shown in Fig. 19, increase with increasing of springback decreases with increasing thickness,
thickness and decreasing radius of curvature (r). and the slopes of the curves calculated from both
This transition behaviour occurs because the models show similar trends. Figure 21 compares the
elastic – plastic behaviour of sheet metal has three variation of springback with radii of curvatures at
distinct valid ranges. different sheet thicknesses without any applied

Fig. 20 Variation of springback with thickness for the Fig. 21 Variation of springback with radius of
residual differential strain model (solid lines) curvature for the residual differential strain
and the bending moment model (dotted model (solid lines) and bending moment
lines) for (a) curvature radius ¼ 3.175 mm, (b) model (dotted lines) for (a) thickness ¼
curvature radius ¼ 9.525 mm, and (c) 0.7 mm, (b) thickness ¼ 1.4 mm, and (c)
curvature radius ¼ 25.4 mm thickness ¼ 2.0 mm

JMES682 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science
128 H K Yi, D W Kim, C J Van Tyne, and Y H Moon

tension (1a ¼ 0). The amount of springback increases ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

with increasing radius of curvature, and the slopes
of the curves from both models also show similar This work was partially supported by a grant from the
trends. According to the evaluation results, National Core Research Center (NCRC) program
the model based on bending moments predicts 25 funded by the Korea Science and Engineering Foun-
per cent higher springback values than those of dation (KOSEF).
models based on residual differential strain for zero
applied tension.
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London, UK).
1bending_loading (1max max
tensile_loading 2 1compressive_loading)
1bu bending strain differential after unloading,
1bending_unloading (1max
tensile_unloading 2
1cl largest compressive bending strain(on inner
Notation surface) while loaded, 1max compressive_loading
1cu largest compressive bending strain (on inner
a normalized distance through the thickness of
surface) after unloading, 1max compressive_unloading
the sheet in the moment model
1tl maximum tensile bending strain (on outer sur-
b normalized distance through the thickness of
face) while loaded, 1max tensile_loading
the sheet in the moment model
1tu maximum tensile bending strain (on outer sur-
E elastic modulus on loading
face) after unloading, 1max tensile_unloading
Eun effective elastic unloading modulus
1acl largest axial plus compressive bending strain
Eu1 effective elastic unloading modulus on the
(on inner surface) while loaded,
outer surface
Eu2 effective elastic unloading modulus on the
1atl maximum axial plus tensile bending strain (on
inner surface
outer surface) while loaded, 1max axial_tensile_loading
K strength coefficient
1acu largest axial plus compressive bending
m parameter ¼ ye/(t/2)
strain (on inner surface) after unloading,
n strain hardening exponent
Sp springback parameter
1atu maximum axial plus tensile bending strain (on
SB springback
outer surface) after unloading,
t thickness
ye geometrical position of elastic–plastic transition
r radius of the curvature.
so yield strength
1a axial strain in combined loading sun strength of material prior to unloading
1b bending strain in combined loading su1 strength of material on the outer surface prior
1l axial plus bending strain differential to unloading
while loaded, 1axial_bending_loading su2 strength of material on the inner surface prior
axial_tensile_loading 2 1max
axial_compressive_loading) to unloading

JMES682 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science

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