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NR 512 – Week 1 Integration of Nursing Informatics Skills and Competencies

Reflect on your own practice. Explain how much informatics you use in a shift or day of work

For your discussion, consider the following questions:

1. Are you satisfied with your current level of nursing informatics competencies?
What, if anything, would you like to change or improve?
2. How, if at all, do you see the evolving role of the master’s-prepared nurse defining
additional informatics competencies?
3. Do evolving informatics competencies instead dictate in part the evolving role of
the master’s-prepared nurse?

I feel fairly confident in my current competency level of nursing informatics, but I am

excited to see how much more I will be able to learn in the next eight weeks. The field of nursing
is ever-changing and as a result the field of nursing informatics continues to evolve and become
more advanced. The amount of informatics that I use in a single shift almost seems endless. I
clock in and out of work using a computerized system. I enter our ICU by swiping my badge and
this system also gives me access to areas restricted to the public such as our supply and
medication rooms. When I sit down to chart, every single stroke of the keyboard is converted
into data.

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