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“365 Days with you”

“I’m worthless! I’m stupid! No one loves me! No one cares! I deserve to die” I said this while
my tears fall down. “Don’t say that my dear,” my mama said. “How can’t I?” I said to her as a
reply. “Many people love you, so don’t say that. We’re here, your family to fight with you
against your disease,” she said. “I’m scared ma. I’m afraid of death,” I said to her. “You will not
die!” my mom shouted at me. I look my mom into her eyes and my tears easily fall down. I don’t
know what to do and I just hug her tightly. “Don’t worry baby, don’t be afraid. God will help

We went to the hospital for my check up. Me and my mom is now sitting at the sofa in a waiting
area for the patients. Before anything else, I want to introduce myself. “I’m Chloe Hope, a 17
years old, an incoming college student with a Hypertrophic Cardio Myopathy (HCM). That made
my life miserable and made me suffer since birth. I can’t live like a normal person. When I was a
kid, mom told me that playing with other kids will make my life shorter because of my disease.
My childhood became so boring and worthless. In my 17 years of existence, I can say that I
haven’t enjoyed my life.

The assistant of the doctor broke our silence when she calls our attention. “Ms. Chloe Hope, your
next. Please be ready the doctor is now at his room. He’s waiting for you and for your mom,” she
said. “I’m so afraid ma,” I said to my mom. “Don’t be afraid my dear,” mom cheered me up. I
smiled at her and mom greeted the doctor as we entered the doctor’s room. “Oh! Good Morning
Ms. and Mrs. Hope! The result has finally released. Your condition is malignant. I’m sorry but
you almost have 1 year and a half to live in this world. Your life is limited. I’m sorry Ms. and
Mrs. Hope.” As I heard this, I felt like it is the end of the world. I tightly hug my mom like there
is no tomorrow.

On our way home, I ask my mom. “Ma It can be possible that I can survive?” She answered
“Yes baby. Just think positive and have faith in our savior, Jesus Christ”. I smiled at her even
though it’s killing me inside. She looks at me and said “My dear daughter, you have to be strong.
Are you ready to go to school tomorrow?” I look her back and said “Yes Mom I’m ready to face
the new school year and I don’t want to be absent in the first day of school of being a college
student.” “Are you sure that you are prepared?” mom asked. “I can do it ma. Don’t worry I can
handle myself. I’m already a big girl,” I replied. “I trust you. You won’t be doing something that
can lead you in death, right?” She worried. “I will ma. “ I said and wink her with matching hug.

This is the First day of school being a College student. I’m walking on the hallway and there is
someone who calls my name. “Chloe!” unknown person shouted and pat my head. I turn around
and looked who called me and I was surprised that it was my best friend. He is Adam Radcliffe.
He’s my best friend since first year High school until now. He knows everything about me
except my disease. He is also my classmate. “Hey!” he broke the silence to both of us. “Oh! I’m
sorry!” I said. “Is there a problem my friend?” he asked again. “Nothing Adam, I’m just thinking
about what will happen this school year.” I said. “What? You’re so over thinker. There is nothing
to worry” he said and I smiled at him and said, “Let’s go were already late.” He smiled back and
we run as faster as we can.

“Good Morning Students! I’m Mrs. Stella Stanford. I will be your professor in English.” Our
new professor said. “I need to have your biography for next week. It will be your first
requirement in my subject.” She commanded. “Yes Ma’am” we replied. Time passed and
dismissal time comes.

The next day Adam and I do our biography together. “Hey! Can I read yours?” He asked. “No!
Why do you need to read this? You know all about me, right?” I asked him back. “I know I’m
your best friend. We share so many secrets together but not all, right?” He said. “You don’t need
to read it.” I said to him. “Please? “ He winked while he smiled to me. “No” I said. Adam just
smiled and became silent. “Did I say something wrong? Why are you so silent?” I asked him.
“Nah, it wasn’t you. I just missed my dad” he replied. “What’s the matter?” I asked.

“I love my dad even though he is not with me right now” He started to tell his story. “I know
papa loves us.” He said. “If he loves you why he is not with you right now?” I asked. “I know he
has a reason why he did that” he said. “If I were you Adam I won’t forgive him.” I replied.
“Why? He is still my father.” He defends. “When Mama and papa are still young they were the
so called Best of friends. They fell in love with each other. Papa was mama’s First and last man
of her life. They were married to each other. When I and my sister were young, he left us without
reason. I saw my mama cry every night and it was breaking my heart. I won’t allow someone to
make my mama cry. I love her so much no one can hurt her. I won’t allow them.” I told Adam.
“Oh I’m sorry and someday I know that you will realized someday that you’re dad is still your
dad you need to forgive and forget” he said. “Don’t feel sorry. Yes maybe someday who knows?
I’m sorry too I’m just mad of my dad because they start to be best friends but why he is able to
left mama and us without a reason? If I will be in love I will make sure I will not fall in love with
someone who is my friend” I said. “But many couples started to be a friend before being lovers.”
He told me and looked at my eyes. “Why? Are you in love with me Adam? I asked him. “What?
Are you kidding? You’re my best friend and it will not happen” he said. “That’s good Adam.” I
looked at him and laughed. Adam looked at me back and he laughed with me.

One day in our campus, the popular Gang entered our class room and they caught me looking at
them. They began to be mad at me. They form a circle and I was putted at the center. “Why you
are looking us that way?” the leader of the gang asked me. “Nothing” I said. “If it is nothing, so
why are you looking us like that?” they asked. “Is it bad to look at you guys?!” I replied to them.
I can see to their eyes the madness of them to me. The leader is now holding a bat and he is
going to pat my head with that bat. I just close my eyes and cover my face. “Hey! Don’t you dare
to pat the girl I love!” someone shouted at them. I hear that someone fought for me. I was afraid
that time. My whole body is trembling. I felt someone who hugged me and said, “Chloe, are you
okay? Don’t worry I’m here for you. I opened my eyes and looked at that someone. I was
surprised that he was Adam, my best friend. I hug him back and Cry. “Stop crying! You look so
ugly” he said. I was curious if he is the same person who saves me from that gang. It bothers me
so I asked him to confirm it. “Are you the one who saves me Adam? I ask him. “Why? If I would
say yes you will be happy?” He said. “Of course” I replied. “Yes I am” He smiled at me. That
time, I unexpectedly had a difficulty in breathing. “Are you ok Chloe?” He asked. I nod. “No
you’re not. I’ll be taking you in the hospital as well.” He said.

When we are in the Hospital, The doctor told Adam about my condition. Adam was shocked
when he heard what the doctor tells. “Why you do not tell me about your condition?” Adam
asked me. “I don’t want you to worry” I replied. “You don’t want me to worry but you’re doing
it right now.” He said. I replied “Why are you worried? I’m just your Friend. He said, “You are
my Friend, my best friend and the girl I was in loved since High school. I have the rights to
worry about you because I love you.”
I was shocked when I heard that. “Stop it.” I said to him. “What? Why would I stop?” He said.
“Stop your feelings for me. Do you remember, when we’re doing our biography, I told to you
that I won’t fall in love with my best friend because I don’t want it to be like my Mother and
Father’s love story that destined to fall apart.” I said to him. “Since 1st year High school I had a
crush on you and one day woke up in the morning realizing how important you are in my life. I
love you. I can prove to you that not all couples that start on being a best friend will have their
sad endings. I will prove to you that if it is sad ending then it is not yet the ending. I will prove
that Greatest Love start from being a friend.” He said while looking at me with teary eyes. “I’m
not allowed to fall in love because if I do, my life will become shorter. Extreme feelings will lead
me to death. So please, I don’t want you to be hurt.” I said to him. “What? What do you mean?”
he asked. “My life is limited. I’m going to die sooner or later. The doctor said that I almost have
a year and a half. This day is the last day of the half year I have and tomorrow is the first day of
my 365 days on earth” I said while I’m looking at him. He hugged me tight and kisses me on my
fore head and he said “I’ll be with you. I will never leave you. I will here for you to fight against
your disease. I will be by your side within the 365 days of your Life” he said and smiled at me.

Morning came and as I opened my eyes many thoughts go to my mind; I realized that maybe I
was just afraid to love because of what happened to my parent’s love story but I know Adam is
worth taking the risk and it is worth it. I also realized how Adam is important to me how I loved
him. Today was the first day of my 365 days. Guess what? Adam came to our house. As I
looked him I want to tell him how I love him so much but I can’t tell him. I want to but I’m
afraid that he will expect more to me. We do things together, we laugh, we share, we give, we
talk, and all. We do all things with fun. We do crazy things together. We love each other.

Every time and every day my love for him is getting so deep. “Adam? You know what? My life
was a kind of worthless and boring but when you came in my life, my black and white world
turns to a colorful one. I haven’t enjoyed my life. I didn’t do something that I really want. I
didn’t felt something like this. Thank you for being there for me. I love you so much.” I said to
him. He smiled at me and said “You don’t know how much I love you. I can give you all my
love even my life just for my girl.”

My life is going shorter and shorter and shorter but Adam is still with me no matter what.
Time flies so fast.
This is the 360th day of my life calendar. 5 days left. Now, we’re on the church praying together.
I’m getting pale and annoying. I just laid my head to Adam’s shoulders. I feel the love of him. I
cried and said “I want to live with you; I want to be your future wife. I want to be the girl whom
you marry in the altar. God please do extend my life.” Adam hugged me and I felt the tear that
fall down in his face. An unexpected thing happened. I’m experiencing a difficulty in breathing
again. He quickly took me in the hospital.

After five days. Finally I opened my eyes, I saw white light, white wall and everything is white. I
felt that I was already in heaven. Some one’s called me. “Chloe! Baby do you hear me? Are you
okay?”. “Ma is that you?” I said. “Yes. Oh thank God!’ mom shouted. “Where is Adam ma? I
asked. Mom paused. “What happened mom? Where is Adam?” Be calm dear. “Please ma just
tells me where he is.” Later I will help you to visit him. “What? Visit him? Where is he?” I
asked. “It’s not the right time.” Mom replied. My heart beats faster and faster. I don’t know what
to do.

When we arrived, the road is changing direction from Adam’s house to a memorial garden.
“Why we’re here mom?” I asked. “I’m sorry dear. Adam gave his heart just to extend your life.
He gave his heart to grant your wishes and prayers. He gave all. He sacrifices his life for the girl
she loves so much.” Mom explained. I was shocked. I cry and sit in the side of the grave of
Adam and said “I love you. I will take care of your heart. You will always be inside of this heart.
I know this would be the 365 day of my life calendar. This Day is scheduled to be my end of life
but Thanks to you. I will never forget you. I learned many things because of you. You taught me
how to enjoy life. You taught me how to be matured enough to face many trials in life. You
taught me how to love with all my heart. You taught me to forgive and forget. You are my love.
You are my life. I taught that my last 365 days will be worthless but because of you my 365 days
with you means so much to me. Thank you Adam I will miss you.”

-Vivialyn Yumul
(11- STEM A)

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