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Desalination 220 (2008) 669–676

Sun tracking system for productivity enhancement of solar still

S. Abdallaha, O.O. Badranb*

Applied Sciences University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Amman, Jordan
Al-Balqa Applied University, FET, Amman, Jordan
Tel. +962 6 5679773; email:
Received 21 February 2007; accepted 25 February 2007

A sun tracking system was deployed for enhancing the solar still productivity. A computerized sun tracking
device was used for rotating the solar still with the movement of the sun. A comparison between fixed and sun
tracked solar stills showed that the use of sun tracking increased the productivity for around 22%, due to the
increase of overall efficiency by 2%. It can be concluded that the sun tracking is more effective than fixed system
and it is capable of enhancing the productivity.
Keywords: Solar energy; Sun tracker; Solar still; Distillation; Desalination

1. Introduction environment, as other kinds of energy, like coal

Water is a basic necessity of man along with and the derivations of oil that cause the pollution
food and air. Fresh water sources are considered of atmosphere and environment. The arid zones
to be rivers, lakes, and underground water reser- of the world, where insolation levels are high,
voirs. These sources were the only types that man are mostly in the developing countries. From this
depended on for a long time. However, the use point, most scientists, because of the abundant
of water from such sources is not always pos- availability of sun shine that satisfies our needs
sible, especially because of the polluted environ- for the coming years ahead, emphasized the
ment (i.e. acid rain). So, search for other sources importance of the solar energy. This requires from
becomes a must. us a detailed study to deeper our knowledge in its
The sun is regarded as the source of energy different usage, especially in Jordan, which are
for its constant duration and hygienic state, and rich in the solar energy. The annual average
its remarkable efficiency of not polluting the number of hours of the sun shines in Amman
reaches 9 h daily, in which the highest rate reached,
is in July, and the lowest rate is in January, the
*Corresponding author. annual rate of the number of the solar radiation

Presented at the conference on Desalination and the Environment. Sponsored by the European Desalination Society
and Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Sani Resort, Halkidiki, Greece, April 22–25, 2007.

0011-9164/08/$– See front matter © 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.

670 S. Abdallah, O.O. Badran / Desalination 220 (2008) 669–676

per annum (9 × 365 = 3285 h/year). Also the are considered one of the cheapest solutions for
percentage ratio of the number of solar radiation fresh water production. Many researchers were
of the same period is (83%), therefore, the annual interested on experimental studies on solar stills.
rate of the sunshine radiations days (365 × A team at MIT led by Maria Telkes had already
0.83 = 303 days) in the year [1]. Ten months in begun experiments with solar stills. At the same
the year are regarded a very high economic value time the US National Research Defense Commi-
to be used in solar energy in Jordan, in which ttee (NRDC), sponsored solar research to develop
there should be an extraordinary care in this solar desalters for military needs at sea. Many
energy, to convert it into other shapes of energy- patents were granted as practical individual
thermal, mechanical and electrical [2]. small plastic solar distillation apparatuses were
In principle, solar energy can be used to sepa- developed to be adaptable to lifeboats or rafts. The
rate pure water from most of the natural contami- US Navy used these extensively during the war.
nants, such as dissolved solids (salts) and particles They were designed to float on seawater when
(dirt and algae). Solar distillation represents one inflated, saving many lives. Telkes continued to
of the important applications of solar energy. investigate various configurations of solar stills,
Solar distillation is most economically effective glass covered and multiple-effect solar stills [4].
when sunlight is allowed to pass through a trans- An excellent review on the use of various types
parent cover and into a black evaporating pan of distillation systems can be found in Kalogirou
with little or no concentration of the sun’s rays. and Samee et al. [3–5]. Many experimental and
Distillation process was made to obtain theoretical works have been conducted on single
hygienic potable/fresh water (that has less than basin solar stills for testing the thermal perfor-
or about 500 parts per million of salt). Moreover, mance of different enhancement parameters
solar distillation is already being used to supply [3–7]. Different absorbing materials were used to
pure water to areas with special needs where study their effect in a solar still, and thus enhance
suitable water otherwise have to be purchased at the productivity of distilled water, using a single-
a higher price, e.g. providing distilled water for basin solar still with single and double slopes
automobile services stations in isolated areas, [7–13].
supplying drinking water to tourist facilities on The performance of a single basin solar still
otherwise waterless islands. with the entering brine flowing between double-
In the last century the use of solar concentrates glass glazings were investigated by Abu-Arabi
in solar distillation was reported by Pasteur [3], et al. [14]. The function of their arrangement was
who used a concentrator to focus sun rays onto a to lower the glass temperature and thus increase
copper boiler containing water. The steam gen- the water to glass temperature difference. This
erated from the boiler was piped to a conventional results in improved performance because of a
water-cooled condenser in which distilled water faster rate of evaporation from the basin.
was accumulated. Al-Hayek and Badran [15] considered utiliza-
Solar stills are used to convert saline water in tion of solar energy in two different types of solar
order to produce fresh water. The high cost of stills, and factors that influence the productivity
oil made solar desalination processes is the most of solar stills. They found that the productivity of
prominent, because of the advantage of low asymmetric greenhouse type still (ASGHT)
energy consumption. Moreover, it is one of eco- having mirrors on its inside walls was higher
nomical methods. It requires simple technology than that of the symmetric greenhouse type still
and easy maintenance; hence it can be used at (SGHT) and more efficient. It was found that
any place without much problem. Probably, they the distilled water output of the asymmetrical
S. Abdallah, O.O. Badran / Desalination 220 (2008) 669–676 671

greenhouse type was 20% higher than that of single slope solar stills. They found that the single
symmetric greenhouse type. Performance charac- slope gave higher daily yield (30%) in winter and
teristics of the two stills showed that the temper- 3% higher in summer; they attributed this due to
ature at the water surface is closely related to the the larger radiation losses from the cover surface
incident solar radiation and the productivity of of the pyramid.
the stills can be increased with decreasing water Sun tracking systems were used by some
depth, and by the addition of dye. researchers to enhance the distillation yield or
Sodha et al. [16] used a multi-wick solar still to power production. Ibrahim [21] conducted exper-
maximize temperature difference between the imental investigation on a collector consisting of
condensing cover and water surface which can six parabolic troughs with trackers. Whereas,
be achieved by reducing the heat capacity of the Kalogirou [22] described a tracking system which
water mass in the basin. In other words, a water can be used with single-axis solar concentrating
film is maintained on the absorber for fast heating systems as an enhancer. Khalifa and Al-Mutwalli
and quick evaporation. The water film is achieved [23] performed an experimental study to investi-
by using a porous multi-wick (jute cloth). Each gate the effect of using two axes sun tracking
jute cloth layer is separated from others by pro- system on the thermal performance of compound
viding a black polythene sheet between them so parabolic concentrators CPC. The tracking of
that each jute cloth can act independently. CPC collector showed a better performance with
Nafey et al. [17] investigated the main para- an increase in the collected energy of up to 75%
meters affecting solar still performance using four compared with an identical fixed collector.
different still design parameters operated under Hession and Bonwick [24] introduced a sun
the same weather conditions. A general equation tracking system for use with various collectors
is developed to predict the daily productivity of a and platforms. Abdallah and Nijmeh [25] used
single sloped solar still. Whereas, Nafey et al. two axes sun tracking system with PLC control
[18] studied experimentally the use of black to evaluate the performance of photovoltaic
rubber or black gravel materials within a single panels (PV). They found that the sun tracking
sloped solar still as a storage medium to improve systems increased the power output by 50%.
the still productivity. The main drawback of a traditional solar still
Thermal modeling and characterization of solar is that the amount of distilled water produced per
still were presented in several research materials unit area is somewhat low which makes the single-
[6,11–13,19,20]. Badran and Abu-Khader [6], basin solar still un-preferable in some instances.
conducted an experimental work on a single slope Therefore there is great scope for improvements
solar still, and evaluated its thermal performance to increase the efficiency of such type of solar
under Jordanian climate. Srivastava et al. [19] in stills. The key objective is to improve the perfor-
their numerical computations showed that there mance of a traditional single slope solar still
is a significant effect in the plant, water temper- through the combined functioning of the solar still
atures and distilled output due to change in the with a sun tracking system to increase the solar
fraction of the solar radiation incident on the still capability to capture more solar radiations.
north wall, depth of water, absorptivity of basin
and the inclination of the roof whereas the heat
capacity of the plant has a marginal effect on 2. Experimental set up
these temperatures and distilled output. The experimental setup shown in Fig. 1, is one
Fath et al. [20] presented analytical, thermal of the simplest types of solar stills; it is called the
and economic comparisons between pyramid and asymmetric greenhouse type still (ASGHT). It
672 S. Abdallah, O.O. Badran / Desalination 220 (2008) 669–676

has an effective area of 1 m2. The frame is made base is largely transferred to the water in the still
of iron. It has a top cover of transparent glass, and and a small fraction of it lost to the ambient by
the interior surface of its basin is blackened to conduction through the base. The water enters
enable absorption of solar energy to the maximum the basin through an inlet hose. A trough is fixed
possible extent. The body is made of wood, inside the still, and is tilted so that condensed
16 mm thick; and shaped as an inclined box water can be accumulated in the glass beaker
placed on a vertical tracking system. While the outside the still through a plastic pipe.
identical fixed solar still is faced due south. The
whole assembly was air tight made with help of 2.2. Transparent cover
rubber gasket and clips.
Different parts of the still will be explained in The cover of the solar still must transmit
the following: solar radiation with minimum amount of absorp-
tion and reflection in the solar spectrum. As also
acts as resistance to thermal radiation heat transfer
2.1. Basin liner from the basin to the atmosphere. It was fixed at
This is the major part of the solar still. It 32 degree with the horizontal on the top of the
absorbs the incident radiation that is transmitted inclined still.
through the glass cover. The basin liner should
be resistant to hot saline water, have a high 2.3. Insulating material
absorbance to solar radiation and to resistance to
The insulating material is used to reduce the
accidental puncturing and in the case of damage,
heat losses from the bottom and the sides of the
(the shape of drawer, for maintenance and clean-
solar still. In this work, the insulating material is
ing purposes); it should be easily repaired. A very
rock wool of 5 cm thickness and 0.045 W/m2 °C
large part of the solar radiation, direct and dif-
thermal conductivity.
fused, falling in the still is absorbed in the black
base. Small reflection losses occur at the glass
surface, the water surface and to a very small 2.4. Measuring instruments
extent at the base. The energy absorbed at the Various types of measurement were used
such as:
(1) Pyranometer: To measure the total radiation.
(2) Glass beaker: To collect the distillate water.
(3) Temperature thermometer: to measure tem-
perature at various points in the still by ther-
mocouples (type-k). The accuracy of this
device is in the range of 0.3°C for the tem-
perature measurements between 1 and 99°C.

2.5. Sun tracking system

In this study the programming method of con-
trol works efficiently in all weather conditions
regardless of the presence of clouds. The calculated
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the single slope solar still values of the surface positions as a function of
(dimensions are in cm). time were fed to the PLC program to control the
S. Abdallah, O.O. Badran / Desalination 220 (2008) 669–676 673

Fig. 2. The division of daylight time into four intervals.

actuator of the sun position tracker. Single axis

tracking systems are considerably cheaper and
easier to construct.
The surface position is defined by one angle
g [26]. g is the surface azimuth angle, Fig. 2. For
one axis tracking, surface positions are deter-
mined as follows: g = gs where gs is the sun
azimuth angle. Vertical sun tracking motor is
used for the joint rotating about the vertical
axis to control g. Fig. 3. The electromechanical circuit for vertical

2.5.1. The electromechanical system

The electromechanical system consists of to calculate the optimal positions of the tracking
one driver rotating about the vertical axis as shown surface during the day light hours [29]. Day
in Fig. 3, it can be seen from Fig. 3 that the sys- light hours were divided into 4 identical time
tem has two bridge rectifiers. The first one, PS1, intervals T1, T2, T3 and T4, as shown in Fig. 2,
converts the 220 VAC of supply network into during which the motors speeds (deg./second)
24 VDC to power the PLCI. The second rectifier, were determined. Then, the PLC programming
PS2, converts 220 VAC into 24 VAC to supply the was done based on the solar angles analysis
electrical motor M1. PLCI system chosen was and motor speed calculations. The motor of
of the LOGO 24 RC type [27,28], because it suits vertical tracking will be idle for 15 to 35 min
this application. Also, it is fairly simple and cheap and works for a few seconds. As well, the
in cost. The present stepwise tracking simplifies LOGO 24 RC PLC system uses the functional
the work of the system without great loss in diagram language of programming described in
power. The estimated consumed power by the [27,28]. Two types of motions were specified
electrical motor and control system is less than 3% by the developed program: forward motion and
of the collected energy by the tracking system. backward motion. From the theoretically calcu-
lated values the forward motion covers the
intervals of time T1 and T2 in Fig. 2. While the
2.5.2. Control system programming backward motion will cover the intervals T3
Computer software has been developed to and T4 which begin from noon till sunset where
determine the different solar angles for Amman, b is maximum.
674 S. Abdallah, O.O. Badran / Desalination 220 (2008) 669–676

3. Results and discussions 80

Results of the experiments are presented in

the form of graphs, to show the effect of using dif-

Water temp. (°C)

ferent solar still systems on the still output, and
to highlight the effect of using tracking system 40

on the received solar intensity, external glass

temperature, basin water temperature and the dis- 20
tillation accumulation. All the experiments were Tracking
taken in same day during the month of August 0
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(21/8/2005) at clear sky weather conditions. Local time (h)
Fig. 4 shows the solar intensity (i.e. electrical
power) versus time of the day. The intensity of Fig. 5. Temperature variation of the water basin for
both fixed still and still with tracking system.
solar radiation reaching the earth surface varies
from zero during the night to about 940 W/m2,
on a clear noon for both systems. Hence, the increases till noon, then decreases as the solar
radiation intensity depends on the hour of the intensity decrease. It was found that the water tem-
day. It can be seen that the solar intensity for perature for the tracking system is higher than
the tracking system where higher than that of the fixed still due to the increase of the radiation
identical fixed system for most of the time. The concentrations on the absorbency basin, especially
highest differences were in the morning till mid in the morning hours, that decreases the heat
day with an average increase of 40%, while in capacity in the basin.
the evening the average increase is about 22%. Fig. 6 shows the increases in the temperature
This is due to the sun tracking system which of the external glass as the solar radiation inci-
makes the solar radiation striking a horizontal dent on glass increases. But the temperatures are
surface is greatest. As the sun’s rays will be lower than the basin water temperature (Fig. 5),
vertical on the surface most of the time. due to the effect of air cooling on glass. Energy
Fig. 5 shows the effects of solar intensity on is transferred from the water to the glass cover
basin water temperature for two different sys- principally by the water vapor evaporating from
tems. It can be seen that the water temperature the water surface and then loosing its heat of
increases for both systems as the solar intensity vaporization to the glass cover.

1000 60
External glass temp. (°C)
Electrical power (W/m2)



200 Fixed
0 0
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Local time (h) Local time (h)

Fig. 4. Power intensity dropped on the external glass Fig. 6. Temperature variation of the external glass for
for both fixed still and still with tracking system. both fixed still and still with tracking system.
S. Abdallah, O.O. Badran / Desalination 220 (2008) 669–676 675

200 4. Cost estimation

In designing a solar still for principally rural
Collected water (mL)

communities, the prime objective was to keep

120 the cost as low as possible. Cost estimation for
various components was about JD 170. The
80 cost of fabrication was about JD 30. The total
cost of fabricated still comes out to be JD 200
Fixed (US $282). It is expected that cost would sub-
stantially decrease if a large number of stills are
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 fabricated. The still was constructed from a large
Local time (h)
variety of local materials which were selected
Fig. 7. Collected distilled water for both fixed still and based on acknowledge of material cost assessment
still with tracking system. and ease of construction.

5. Conclusion
It can be seen that tracking system has
increased the external cover temperature due to Introducing the sun tracking system to a fixed
the increase of the temperature of the vapor solar still has improved the performance of the
inside the still, and attributed to the high con- traditional fixed single slope solar system by
centration of incident sun’s rays passed through 22%. This means that there is a scope to improve
a transparent cover to a black evaporating pan. the poor performance of this traditional solar still
Fig. 7 presents the relationship between the system. Also from the results of this work, the
rate of distilled water volume and the local stan- following conclusion may be made:
dard time (6 am–18 pm) for the tracking and • By using the sun tracker the water tempera-
identical fixed system. It shows that the highest ture increases, and the thermal capacity of the
production was at 14 pm, because the sun rays water decreases, by which the evaporation
angle at this period is nearly vertical with the rate increases, hence the production will be
still and coincident with the highest solar radia- increased.
tion intensities. It can be seen that the distilled • The conventional single basin solar still is
water production increased by 22% when the the simplest and most practical design for
sun tracking system coupled with the still. The an installation and less complexity than the
tracking solar still will be able to follow the sun other types.
during the day, as this method will increase the
concentration of solar radiation; reduce the ther- Solar distillation may be considered as one of
mal capacity of the water in the basin, and the alternatives for fresh water production in
increase the productivity. remote arid zones where no fresh water is avail-
It can be concluded from the results that the able, in the quantity where it is needed for specific
use of tracking system is predictable and effi- purposes. Consequently, solar distillation seems
cient for solar stills applications. This finding is to be specifically relevant to Jordan now, and
supported by previous studies which proved that even more so in the future.
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