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Nama : Irene Tiarasari

NIM : 181910401060
Tugas resume video


Tips and Trick For Talk
 Remember you know way more about your subject than anyone else.never assume the
knowledge of the audience , should talk in a level that audience understand your
 Practice ,try to present to people who know nothing about your work cause it helps
you to know your right level .
 Eye contact with audience cause people want to see you when you’re talking
 Preparing slide keep them as simple and as clean as possible ), but still catching eye
with design and its animation . 1 slide / minute of talk and no more then 10 slide
 Minimise stress , get your slide to th AV technisians in advance . if you have a chance
go up to podium before your session , familiries ypurself with the equipment.And if
you got a problem , stay calm
 You should be aware of your audience while you giving a talk
 Adapt and make sure that everything is clearly across . Don’t be afraid to get wound
up in the data . The more passion and the more information you give , the more likely
people remember your talk at the end of the day .
 Make sure you let the questioner finish their question before your answer.Answer the
question directly and do your best to answer it
 Always be aware to how much time you have left and be prepared to skip a few slides
to get the end .
Direct question given them direct answers .
Listen for direct question , when you are give one sentences give a yes-or-no ,fill in
the blank , or multiple choice and then about one sentence worth of detail and then put
a period at the end
Remember you have room to qualify, so you dont have say “yes “ 100% absolutely
yes , you can say yes however or no however. You can give qualifications and a little
bit of deatil but make sure you still stick about one sentence worth of length and put a
period at the end and then zip
Don’t over correct down to single words , it’s like you don’t want talk to them .
Presentation are a monologue so get your chance to talk directly at them , and when it
goes to Q&A people want to dialog and so concise answer allow for lots of back-and-
forth lots of turn taking and that’s will satisfying the listeners.
1. Start your email like a letter . use Email greetings like : “dear+ name” for very
formal, for neutral email use “Hi/hello + name”. For informal use : “hi/hey” or
no greeting .
2. Explaining why you’re writing . make this as short as possible but still your
purpose clear.
 Opening sentences for formal email : - I’m writing regarding ....
- I wanted to follow up on ....
- I would like to ask about .....
 For informal email , you don’t have use a phrase like the above .
Opening sentences : - Do you know when the database issues will be fixed ?
- lets confirm our plan next Saturday
 If you are writing because you want to find a solution to problem, you can
Opening sentences : - I’m concerned about ......
-i need to bring something to your attention...
3. Adding detail on your email and supporting information. Put this information in a
new paragraph,this can make your email clear and easy to follow.
 put a short sentence to introduce your point , the add a paragraph andl imit to 2-3
sentences. First sentences introduces the problem , and the next is detail .
 To changing topic(move from one topic to another topic) , you can use :
 There’s one more thing i’d like to discuss with you .....
 Regarding .......
 I’d also like to ask you about .......
Then introduce your next point .
4. Adding a call to action to Your Email. Put your call to action in a new paragraph .
Pay attention to whom you communicate (direct/indirect)
Adding a call to action : - please ..... by tomorrow at the latest.
- As a matter of urgency , you need to .....
If your request is less urgent , Adding a call to action : - could you please..?
- i would like you to..
- can i ask you to ..?(less
5. Adding a sign-off to your email.Finish email with a sign off and your name.
For formal use Such as: “Regards,” , “Best Wishes , “ etc.
For informal use such as : “ Cheers,” , “ Take care,”
After it , Put your name and done!
Example : “ Regards ,

You can use : or other resources .

First Week (The Basics)

 Goal 1 : Learn Basic Vocabulary . You can learn in magoosh TOEFL Study
decks you can learn Common words , easy words,Medium words,etc.
 Goal 2: Use all ETS free official material . 3 sources of material such as speaking
, essay , etc on ETS website ( 2 pdf and 1 program .
 Goal 3 : Identify to weaknesses . You must know your weakness for example in
reading section or speaking , etc, so you know what ti focus on in the uocoming
 Goal 4: Study TOEFL strategies & tips. In alot of the explain
strategies for your trouble such as strategies for timing the reading , note-taking
and also find explanations in your TOEFL books.
Second Week (Practice)
 Goal 1 : Practice more vocabulary . The next Study decks in magoosis TOEFL
you can find more difficult word then the first week
 Goal 2 : Do a full practice test .
 Goal 3: Review any wrong answers, identify what’s your mistake,the way to
avoid / the correction and write it in notebook.
 Goal 4: Grade your essays and spoken answers . To grade your answers you may
to look at the website( for free.There
are a lot of sample answers to give you understanding.
Third Week (More Practice)
 Goal 1 : Practice more vocabulary : The next Study decks in magoosis
TOEFL you can find more difficult word then the second week
 Goal 2 : Do a full practice test in one sitting .you need 4 hours to sit and take a
full test ,like the real test as possible. Focus on timing , make sure yiu don’t
spend more time that you should
 Goal 3: Review reading and listening answers. Study related strategies , find
material , blog posts ,etc.
 Goal 4: Edit your essays and spoken answers.Edit all of your essays and
spoken answers from weeks 1,2&3 .Edit them to make them as good as
possible so they would get higher grades.For your spoken answers simply give
the same answer again but with better pronunciation or more details
Forth Week (Final Week)
 Goal 1: Review all previious vocabulary . not studying new vocabulary a
week before a test ,instead make sure you know vocabulary that you alreday
studied , and review it .
 Goal 2 : Take a practice test in parts . Take it piece by piece and carefully
review every wrong answerand Prioritize the area that causing you trouble
 Goal 3: Take a practice test in one sitting as your final practice before your
test day to make sure you know the whole material very well
 Goal 4 : Rest ! . Don’t complete that practice test the day before the real test ,
you must rested, relaxed and prepared you body for the next day(test day).

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