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Background of the Study

Digital era had a great impact in the educational system

nowadays. Change occurs every now and then, transforming the

teaching and learning process in accordance with the changes caused

by Technology.

The education system and education analysts were being

thrilled by the idea that new generation of learners is entering

the education system. Dubbed as ‘digital’ natives or the ‘Net

Generation’ these young people are said to have been engaged in

technology all their lives (Benett, Maton & Kervin, 2008). At

present, free access to digital media defies reading habits of the

so-called digital natives. It has a greater impact specifically to

the learners of today’s era. In gathering and processing

information, technology in the form of internet is of great help.

The ease and accessibility of using it makes them choose the

devices than the printed materials (Tanjung, Ridwan & Gultom,

2017). Through digital media, they can easily access information

in just a span of a second unlike the traditional way of gathering

information which will take them minutes to hours in doing so.

Most of these learners, who were born approximately between 1980

and 1994 represent the foremost generation to grow up with this

new technology era and have been described by their familiarity

and confidence with respect to Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT). They were surrounded by digital communication

technology. They use the Internet, text messaging, and social

networking and they are doing so primarily for social and

entertainment purposes (Gallardo-Echenique, Marqués-Molías,

Bullen & Strijbos, 2015).

As one of the macro skills vital to learning, reading plays

a vital role in the academic achievements of learners to a great

extent. Reading habits and academic achievement are both

interrelated and dependent on each other. Learners’ different

environments and localities result to different levels of academic

achievement. Consequently, they vary in the pattern of reading

habits. Some learners practice good reading habits while others

tend to exhibit poor reading habits (Owusu-Acheaw & Larson 2014).

Moreover, reading habit is considered an important factor as it

serves as a significant predictor of reading achievement (Schmidt

& Retelsdorf, 2016).

The idea of riffle effect best present the notion that if

learners have good reading habits, then they will have good

performances while if they have poor reading habits, so as their

performances too. This is similar to the idea that the factor that

contributes to the poor performance of learners in tests and

examinations is lack of proper reading habits. For them to have

excellent performance, there is the need to form good reading and

study habits (Owusu-Acheaw, 2014).

In the Philippines, reading has become the least practiced

among learners. This is one of the reasons why researchers often

prioritized reading, anticipating that better reading skills will

equip children to learn other subjects and inspire them to read

outside of school. A certain study was conducted to assess the

effectiveness of reading program in enhancing reading skills of

the learners. As stated, by simply allowing and encouraging

learners to read age-appropriate books in school quickly creates

meaningful improvements in reading skills (Abeberese, Kumler &

Linden, 2011). Thus, there is a need to improve reading skills by

improving the reading habits of the learners so as to enhance their

academic performance.

The researcher as an educator deemed to discover through this

study, the reading habits of digital natives and to determine its

effect on their academic performance. Furthermore, through the

results of the study, the researcher aims to conceptualize reading

strategies and techniques to enhance the reading habits of the so-

called digital natives.

Title: Reading Habits of Digital Natives and Its Effect on
Academic Performance: A Research on the Students of Cagbolo
National Vocational High School

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the reading habits of the digital

natives of Cagbolo National Vocational High School and to determine

its effect on their Academic Performance for school year 2019-


This study specifically will answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the digital-natives in

terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Availability of Reading materials at home

d. Availability and Accessibility of Gadgets at home

e. Time spent for reading

f. Time spent on Gadgets / Online activities

2. What is the level of reading habits of the digital natives in

terms of:

a. Reading printed materials

b. Reading online materials

3. What is the level of reading comprehension of the digital-


4. What is the level of reading habits of the digital natives

when grouped according to their demographic profile?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic

profile, level of reading habits, level of reading

comprehension and level of academic performance of the

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study have a significance to the



This may give them useful insights about their being digitally

inclined learners and the positive and negative sides of it. This

will also give them ideas about enhancing their reading habits and

improving their academic performance.


Through this study, the teachers may be enlightened about the

characteristics of the net generation learners and that could be

helpful in designing teaching strategies and activities which will

engage the learners to enjoyable reading.

Program Implementers

The findings of this study may give realistic suggestions and

recommendations which will be of great help for the program

implementers in creating programs to address similar problem.

School Administrators

The findings of this study could be utilized as a guide of

the school administrators in crafting programs concerning reading

which could be implemented in school. Furthermore, the findings

may give a clearer view of the learners’ status in the academe

which is significant for the school administrators to consider in

planning a program and alike.


This study may serve as a reminder to the parents regarding

the status of their children in school. This may help them

understand their children better and through it, they can think of

a possible action as to help their children to obtain good reading

habits and good academic performance as well.


The findings of this study is highly beneficial for the future

researchers taking the same topic. The insights, results,

conclusions and recommendations could give them a clearer

perspective in doing such study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to explore the reading habits of the digital

natives of Cagbolo National Vocational High School and to determine

its effect on their Academic Performance for school year 2019-

2020. The respondents are the learners of Cagbolo National

Vocational High School enrolled for the school year 2019-2020. The

study will be conducted from the beginning of the school year and

will eventually be done on the last quarter of the school year.

The study will not be conducted on the learners who are not

enrolled in the prescribed school year. Moreover, it will not be

conducted in any of the secondary schools in the municipality.

Definition of terms

In order to clearly understand the study, the following

terms used are being defined.

Reading habits

-are well-planned and deliberate pattern of study which has

attained a form of consistency on the part of students toward

understanding academic subjects and passing at examinations.

Digital era

-characterized by technology which increases the breadth and

speed of knowledge turnover within the society (Jill, Shepherd)


-persons who perform analysis of a topic


Digital natives
-or the ‘Net Generation’ -these young people are said to have

been immersed in technology all their lives (Benett, Maton &

Kervin, 2008)

Digital media

-social media, data and databases, electronic books, video,

videogames, web sites and web pages (

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

-unified communications (telephone lines and wireless

signals) and computers that enable the users to access, store,

transmit and manipulate information (

Riffle effect

- an effect from an initial state can be followed outwards

incrementally (

Digital immigrants

- the older generations who are just beginning to learn and

adopt new technology (Prensky, 2009).

Chapter II

This chapter covers related literature and studies which

focused on the digital natives, their reading habits, and their

academic performance. This also consists the theoretical framework

based from the theory related to the study.

Review of Related Literature

Demographic Profile of the Digital Natives

Prolific evolution had touched generation to generation. A

big leap from traditional learners to digital learners occurred

which created a difference in terms of learning. Similar concept

related to the current study stated that new generation of learners

with diverse skills and characteristics attributable to the

exposure to digital technology have been talked about and labeled

as the “digital natives” (Gallardo-Echenique, Marqués-Molías,

Bullen & Strijbos, 2015). According to an article, another term

“The Net Generation” had been attached to the learners with the

claim that this group of learners think and learn differently than

older generations because of their immersion in digital

technologies since birth (Bennett, 2012). The availability and

accessibility of gadgets, mass media and digital media are

significant sub-variables which will determine the level of their

engagement to digital media and alike. This clearly supports the

objective of the current study which is to determine the

demographic profile of the digital natives (respondents) to know

the extent of their digital media dependence and how it affects

their academic performance. Similarly, in the article “A New

Generation of learners?” the author pointed out the idea of

generational break between a new generation of young learners and

older learners who are dubbed as “digital immigrants” (Jones,

2010). This so-called “generational break” has something to do

with the learners learning behavior, specifically with their

learning habits.

Reading and reading habit

Reading as one of the macro skills is a multifaceted

activity. It is composed of different separate acts which need to

be performed in good reading(>2013/06>levels-of-

reading). On the other hand, to read every day is one of the most

underestimated superpowers today (Laurinavicius, 2018). Reading

gives us power which makes us different from others. Indeed,

reading elevates us in terms of knowledge, vocabulary and

communication skills. Upon reading, you are able to enter a new

world and understand concepts in different perspective, thus

giving you power over the others. As stated in the article, the
study now is becoming a lifetime enterprise, and with emergence of

new media, “learning” becomes all things to all people, be they

lay or scholarly. The writers assume that certain information,

knowledge, skills, beliefs and values need to be imparted to the

younger generation and this will be done through reading (weigel,

James, & Gardner, 2009). As (Okoli, 2017) has written, developing

good reading habit is a significant factor which is academically

helpful and it is also vital in molding your child’s better future.

This has been the key idea of the current study, to know the

correlation of reading habits and academic performance of the

learners. However, the current study aims to identify certain

levels of reading habits wherein previous literatures and studies

overlooked. Reading is way beneficial for us readers. It helps us

improve our vocabulary, helps us learn new things and helps us

improve our focus and concentration (Mustapic, 2018). But, just

like the other skills worth mastering, reading and good reading

habit requires ample of time to develop (Morgan, 2019). If reading

habit has been developed, stress could be better fade off. It will

also improve your memory and will activate your creativity (Kelly, As being compared in the

previous literature, among the differences between digital natives

and digital immigrants, reading habits has become the most

distinct. Readers today have numerous ways to access the written

word. They prefer easier tasks with the aid of technology. They
tend to consume more of electronic texts through social media

feeds, articles, blogs online magazines and apps (Howe, 2017).

Reading printed materials has overshadowed by the texts which are

accessible in just a span of a second at the tip of the finger.

Level of Reading Comprehension

Reading and comprehension go hand in hand. Learners read to

comprehend. In an article about the importance of reading habit in

young generation, the author stated that kids at an early age who

develop the habit of reading are good at comprehending situations

and they usually have a better sense of understanding compared to

those children who are not fond of reading

( As defined in the book,

comprehension is an intense, continuous and multifaceted activity

but productive and satisfying for good readers (Duke & Pearson,

2009). In an article about Filipino readers, reading to children

at home creates positive impact such as vocabulary expansion and

it sharpens cognitive skills and widens the horizon of their

knowledge (Chavez, 2017). This is why reading should be given great

importance. Hence, in a speech during the launch of advocacy

campaign dubbed as “Read 20,” Coloma stated that since the habit

of reading printed material is declining as many Filipinos shifted

to digital devices, reading books, newspaper and magazines could

also be in that platform for the accessibility of the readers

(Mallari, 2017). In addition, (Duke & Pearson, 2009) pointed out

that for the learners to become flexible, strong and keen in terms

of comprehension, they need to experience reading texts beyond

with a clear purpose in mind. However, there is a need for a

balanced comprehension instruction which includes explicit

instruction in specific comprehension strategies and providing

opportunity for learners’ actual reading, writing and discussion

of the text. This is way similar to the current study wherein level

of reading comprehension should be identified together with the

learners’ level of reading habits as these are important factors

in obtaining the data needed for analysis.

Significant relationship between the Demographic profile, level of

Reading Habits, level of Reading Comprehension and level of

Academic Performance of the digital-natives

According to the “Chronicle of Higher Education,” there is a

strong correlation between book ownership and academic

performances. As cited, it is more important for the parents to

own books than to go to college or hold a white-collar job. It was

justified by the conducted study results that children who grew up

surrounded by more than 500 books were more likely to pursue

college education and spend time in formal education (Demme, 2014).

This idea is supported by the article written by (Alexander &

Singer, 2017) stating that learners or readers should not totally

demerit the reading of printed words because it has better things

to do in terms of academic development. This is parallel with the

current study’s variable 1 wherein the researcher intends to know

whether the learners are engaged with reading printed materials or

online reading materials and to know its effect on their academic


Related Studies

Demographic Profile of the Digital Natives

The education system and education analysts were being

thrilled by the idea that new generation of learners is entering

the education system. Dubbed as ‘digital’ natives or the ‘Net

Generation’ these young people are said to have been engaged in

technology all their lives (Benett, Maton & Kervin, 2008). The

ease and accessibility of using it makes them choose the devices

than the printed materials (Tanjung, Ridwan & Gultom, 2017).

Being surrounded by technology, the “digital natives” think and

process information differently compared to the older generation

who are just beginning to learn and adopt new technology. As

digitally empowered people, they accept digital enhancement as a

salient part of their existence and they are eventually digitally

wise. They acquire digital wisdom which is utilized in digital

enhancements to complement innate abilities and use it in making

wiser decisions (Prensky, 2009). “Digital wisdom” if wisely

utilized, could create positive impact in the manner of learning

amongst digital natives. It could be used to enhance learning such

as enhancing reading habits with the aid of technology. As

emphasized in Palfrey & Gasser (2011) study, the first generation

of Digital Natives who were born and raised in the digital age

will soon reformed our world into their image. In support with the

idea, a related study stated that having grown with computers and

internet, these young people are said to have higher skills in

using new technologies unlike older people who are a step behind

and had a difficulty in acquiring natural fluency where digital

natives possess. Furthermore, consequences for approaches to

learning arise with this generational shift because the new

generation tend to require rapid access and quick reward, impatient

with linear thinking and has greater capacity for multi-tasking.

(Jones, Ramanau, Simon & Healing, 2010.

These congruent descriptions of the so-called “digital

Natives” gave emphasis to one of the key variables of the current

study which is the profile of the respondents.

Reading and reading habit

Reading is of great significance in the life of every learner.

It has a repercussion to academic performance of learners. Thus,

learners should be engaged to reading habits which will help them

become lifelong learners (Oriogu, Subair, Oriogu-Ogbuiyi, Ogbuiyi,

2017) Reading proficiency opens doors of knowledge. In today’s

era, reading rest on the individual’s capacity to interpret

accurately the printed or electronic page. Reading has personal

values; it is the entry way to almost all knowledge, vocations and

professions (Ameyaw & Anto, 2018). Reading is making use of the

information for self-improvement and advancement through

understanding words contained in a printed or non-printed

materials. (Dadzie, 2008). Through reading, the information

obtained by the learner will be the implication of his academic

accomplishment (Bashir & Mattoo, 2012).

Habit cannot be developed in an instant. It requires a long

process and there are a lot of factors influencing it such as

interests, motivation and environment. For an instance, to build

a reading habit, if a learner wants to read, he can start by

choosing interesting and knowledgeable resources to read. It the

activity is done regularly, reading habit can be achieved (Asep &

Acep, 2017). The repetition of reading and the normal time spent

for reading strengthen the reading habit (Ameyaw & Anto, 2018).

Furthermore, reading habits are well-organized and cautious

pattern of study which has reached a form of consistency on the

part of learners toward understanding academic subjects and

passing at examinations (Bashir & Mattoo, 2012). Accessibility of

gadgets, technologies, digital media and mass media greatly affect

learners’ reading habits. At present, people are disinterested in

reading the books, magazines and journals due to the influence of

digital media (Palani, 2012). A similar study agrees with the

previous claim. The main factor affecting learners’ reading habit

is the social media such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, 2go etc

(Oriogu, Subair, Oriogu-Ogbuiyi, Ogbuiyi, 2017) As cited, there is

a significant change in learners’ preference and motivation to

read caused by the shift of paper-based reading to internet-based

reading (Tanjung et al, 2017). The easy access to digital resources

had an impact on their reading preferences. For example, they tend

to source-out information through electronic book rather than the

printed ones because they can save the electronic books and can be

taken anywhere with ease (Akarsu & Dariyemez, 2014).

The above studies focused on reading and reading habits,

however, studies reviewed missed identifying the level of reading

habits which could uphold the objective of the current study.

Level of Reading Comprehension

The ability to read and write using online sources is called

digital literacy proficiency. In a study of (Bulger, Mayer &

Metzger, 2014), they found out that proficiency in digital literacy

correlates with their academic experience rather that technical

experience. Thus, learners learn through organizing and

integrating information they find rather than assessing how much

information they read. In addition, another study was conducted

regarding digital media and comprehension. As cited, reading on

screen becomes a significant part of today’s generation of

learners. From reading printed materials, tablet computers and

computer-based reading dominates the reading system. Groups of

learners were being studied and results show that high level of

tablet familiarity group performed better than the low level group

in terms of deep level comprehension (Chen, Cheng & Chang, 2014).

Moreover, students tend to utilize reading resources in a form of

digital text however, comprehension of reading materials remains

unchanged irrespective of presentation whether in print or digital

(Wright, Fugett & Caputa, 2013). A clear choice of digital texts

was noted by (Singer & Alexander, 2017) through their study

conducted and ordinarily, learners predict better reading

comprehension digitally. Another study which was proven the

effectiveness of digital media in reading comprehension is the

guided reading groups using Nearpod in Elementary. It shows that

the use of technology such as Nearpod engaged the learners to read

and understand the lessons as well because of its friendliness and

it monitor the learners’ progress. (Delacruz, 2014).

The related studies reviewed have opposing claims about

reading comprehension in terms of printed and non-printed

materials. Conversely, more studies attested that reading

comprehension is way higher than reading comprehension of printed

materials. This gave a wider perspective for the current study to

determine the reliability of the related studies.

Significant relationship between the Demographic profile, level of

Reading Habits, level of Reading Comprehension and level of

Academic Performance of the digital-natives

In any educational setting, academic achievement is vital as

it indicates the level of competence of learners with regards to

the academic content (Ladipo & Gbotosho, 2015). Consequently,

generational shift results to learners’ altered learning habits.

Studies were conducted and findings show that this change brought

negative impact on some of the digital natives in terms of academic

performance. To support the claim, Palani (2012) pointed out that

at present, mass media influence affected people’s interest in

reading. Poor examination results and practices may be traceable

to predominant reading interests and habits among the bigger

percentage of learners. Moreover, inventions and innovations

product contributed greatly to the declining interests in reading

among majority of students. Likewise, parents and teachers

complain about the undeveloped reading habits of the learners

(Owusu-Acheaw & Larson 2014). The West African Examination Council

officials and teachers of English complain of the kind of English

written by the new generation of learners (WAEC, 2008). As

concluded, Poor performance in final examinations of most of the

learners is the result of their over exposure to digital media.

Clearly, as stated, it is not the learners’ inability to read but

their lack of interest is the main issue that the learners are

facing nowadays (Owusu-Acheaw & Larson 2014). To improve the

academic performance of the learners, they must put more emphasis

on intensive reading as a study habit (Benwari & Nemine, 2014). In

the Philippine setting, a stud was conducted to evaluate a reading

program entitled “Improving Reading Skills by Encouraging Children

to Read In School: A Randomized Evaluation of The Sa Aklat Sisikat

Reading Program in the Philippines,” the researchers claim that

the reading ability of the learners can be enhanced through a

short-term reading program that provides age-appropriate reading

material and trains teachers to use. A commendable increase of a

standard reading test scores was noted immediately after the

intervention (Abeberese et al, 2011). Both local and foreign

studies agree with the current study in terms of variables which

correlate with one another; the academic performance and the

reading habits. Thus, the current study seeks to find out the data

triangulation of the three variables (reading habits, reading

comprehension and academic performance) through conducting a study

in a local setting.

Synthesis of the Art

As one of the significant variables in this study, the

researcher is able to acquire different notions about the

respondents which are tagged as the “digital natives.” In the

review of related literature, it was given emphasis that this new

generation of learners has unique characteristics compared to the

old generation of learners. This group of learners think and learn

differently than older generations because of their immersion in

digital technologies since birth (Bennett, 2012). Similarly, a

related study stated that they acquire digital wisdom which is

utilized in digital enhancements to complement innate abilities

and use it in making wiser decisions (Prensky, 2009). Both related

literature and studies and studies claim that the new generation

of learners create a “generational break” which create a big

difference in learning and reading preferences.

In terms of reading and reading habits, both related

literatures and studies emphasized the importance of reading and

good reading habits. As (Okoli, 2017) has written in his article,

developing good reading habit is a significant factor which is

academically helpful and it is also vital in molding your child’s

better future. This is way similar with the related study stating

“Reading is of great significance in the life of every learner. It

has a repercussion to academic performance of learners. Thus,

learners should be engaged to reading habits which will help them

become lifelong learners” (Oriogu, et al 2017). These thoughts

clearly support the objective of the current study which is to

determine the level of reading and reading habits of the digital

natives.) However, determining the said level of reading habits is

not that easy as literature say, “But just like the other skills

worth mastering, reading and good reading habit requires ample of

time to develop” (Morgan, 2019). Similarly, a study about reading

habits claimed that it requires a long process and there are a lot

of factors influencing it such as interests, motivation and

environment. For an instance, to build a reading habit, if a

learner wants to read, he can start by choosing interesting and

knowledgeable resources to read. It the activity is done regularly,

reading habit can be achieved (Asep & Acep, 2017).

Reading comprehension as a more complex variable yields

different views. As defined in the book, comprehension is an

intense, continuous and multifaceted activity but productive and

satisfying for good readers (Duke & Pearson, 2009). This was

supported by a study regarding digital media and comprehension as

cited, reading on screen becomes a significant part of today’s

generation of learners. From reading printed materials, tablet

computers and computer-based reading dominates the reading system.

Groups of learners were being studied and results show that high

level of tablet familiarity group performed better than the low

level group in terms of deep level comprehension (Chen, Cheng &

Chang, 2014). Additional idea was being cited in a speech during

the launch of advocacy campaign dubbed as “Read 20,” Coloma stated

that since the habit of reading printed material is declining as

many Filipinos shifted to digital devices, reading books,

newspaper and magazines could also be in that platform for the

accessibility of the readers (Mallari, 2017).However, there is

also contradictory assumption such as students tend to utilize

reading resources in a form of digital text however, comprehension

of reading materials remains unchanged irrespective of

presentation whether in print or digital (Wright et al, 2013).

There comes the notion of digging deep into researching what is

really true in terms of comprehension between printed or digitally

written texts.

In terms of academic performance, both assumed that academic

performance is a dependent variable which correlates with other

variable. According to the “Chronicle of Higher Education,” there

is a strong correlation between book ownership and academic

performances. It was justified by the conducted study results that

children who grew up surrounded by more than 500 books were more

likely to pursue college education and spend time in formal

education (Demme, 2014). There is also a claim regarding the

negative effect of digital media to the academic performance of

learners. To support the claim, Palani (2012) pointed out that at

present, mass media influence affected people’s interest in

reading. Poor examination results and practices may be traceable

to predominant reading interests and habits among the bigger

percentage of learners. Both literature and study support the

assumptions of the current study that reading comprehension and

academic performance correlate with one another.

Gap Bridge
Both related literature and studies connived with the idea

that the new generation of learners or what we know as the “digital

natives” has created a boundless change in our educational system.

Thus, educational reforms with the aid of digital media have been

thought about. This strongly supports the objective of the current

study which is to assess the effect of reading habits of digitally

inclined learners to their academic performance. However, related

literature and studies merely discussed about the levels of reading

habits which will be the gap bridge of the current study to the

previous studies. Determining the levels of reading habits of the

respondents will give a clearer result in correlation with their

reading comprehension and academic performance.

Theoretical Assumptions

Out of the related literature above, the following

assumptions had been made.

a. Digital natives have different learning habits compared to the

older generations. In terms of reading habits, they are also

different when it comes to reading preferences. They are fond of

reading online texts than printed materials.

b. Reading habits of digital natives correlate with the level of

reading comprehension and level of academic performance. Being

inclined with digital media made the learners set aside their

reading activities and it negatively affected their reading habits

as well as their academic performance.

Chapter III

This chapter discusses about the research methods, the

research design, the respondents, the instruments, data collection

and data analysis

Research Design

This study is qualitative. The researcher aims to find out

the common characteristics of digital natives, their reading

habits and its effect on their academic performance. The researcher

intends to know if there is a significant positive correlation

between respondents’ reading habits and their academic


Survey questionnaires will be used to know the demographic

profile of the respondents, the level of their reading habits and

comprehension and level of academic performance.

Diary will also be utilized as a tool to monitor the reading

habits and the reading comprehension of the respondents.

Respondents/ Sample

The researcher will use systematic sampling wherein

respondents will be gathered by grouping them into five and out of

it, 2 respondents will be identified. This will be utilized to get

the similarity index of the responses which will cover 80% of the

population of Cagbolo National Vocational High School.


The instruments to be utilized in this study are the survey

questionnaires, the diaries of the respondents and the texts and

reading comprehension tests.

Data Collection

The researcher will secure permission from the authorities to

conduct the study. The data will be collected through systematic

sampling. Out of different class sizes, respondents will be

identified. They will accomplish survey questionnaires and they

will be asked to keep a diary starting from the beginning of school

year and the researcher will monitor the entries at the end of

every quarter. Along with the diary are the reading texts and

reading comprehension questions which will be administered by the

respondents themselves and the results will be closely monitored

by the researcher.

Data Analysis
The data gathered in objectives 1,2 and 3 will be

analyzed through frequency analysis. Objectives 4 and 5 will be

using Pearson r correlation analysis. The Pearson r is the

appropriate statistical method to be used to calculate the data


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