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Peter Yuan M.


English for Professional and Academic Purposes

June 07, 2019


Academic text advantages:

1.) It helps to develop strong writing skills.
Any person can acquire good writing skills if he practices. So, each student is
greatly encouraged to write as many academic works as possible.
2.) It stimulates intellectual development.
In order to produce any research work, you have to make the intellectual effort.
Human brain generates new knowledge only in the process of analytical thinking. So,
each time a student resolves research problem, he develops his brain and sense of
3.) It teaches a person to write according to rules.
It is impossible to produce an academic work if you do not strictly follow
academic style rules. You are simply obliged to do it. Even if in future you do not
become a scientist, but a businessman it will still greatly help you.

Academic text disadvantages:

1.) It may not appeal to everyone.
As academic text uses formal language, it is likely that younger audiences may
prefer works written informally rather than formal.
2.) It is more difficult to write than writing non-academic texts.
Academic writing is to some extent: complex, formal, objective, explicit, hedged,
and responsible. It uses language precisely and accurately. It is also well organized and
planned. Therefore, it is more difficult and complex to write academic texts.
3.) It takes more time to publish academic works.
Academic texts are written by professionals in a given field. They are edited by
the authors' peers and often take years to publish.
Non-academic text advantages:
1.) It is written for the mass public.
Everyone will be able to relate to non-academic writing as it is generally written in
such a way that its readers, whether they be young or not, will be able to comprehend
its text more easily.
2.) It uses informal language.
Using informal language can both be advantageous and disadvantageous. In a
sense, it attracts the mass public with its informal way of writing and can be mostly
understood by the younger generation.
3.) Non-academic works can be published quickly.
Generally, it is more convenient to write using non-academic writing because it is
not strict and has lesser rules to follow. Therefore, it is easier and quicker to publish
non-academic works.

Non-academic text disadvantages:

1.) It can be written by anyone.
Since it can be written by anyone, it may not be as accurate and precise as
academic texts are.
2.) Its language is informal, casual and may contain slang.
Because it uses informal language, it is not to be used when writing works for
educational and work-related purposes.
3.) The author may not be provided and will not have any credentials listed.
Some authors tend to use non-academic writing as a means to keep their identity
hidden. They will be able to publish anonymously all the while not compromising their
writing careers.

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