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Instructions for Carbon-14 Dating Concept Map

Administrative guidance

1. This project will be completed by individual students. You will not work in your groups for this
2. Please read thru the directions and the rubric so you have a clear understanding of the expectations
and grading standards. Failure to do so could cause you to lose points in this activity.

Work to be done

3. Create a concept map using a software program of choice using carbon-14 dating as the main topic.
Hand drawn submissions will not be accepted.
4. You must include at least 4 categories with a minimum of 3 supporting details each. Color code the
categories so it is clear what supporting details go with each category.
5. Choose categories that are of the appropriate breadth to ensure the supporting details fit within
6. The concept map layout should be clear on the relationship among the central idea, categories and
supporting details.
7. Submit the concept map online at the provided link.

Background knowledge

8. Remember what you have learned in the previous section on elements and the periodic table, the
atom and subatomic particles, atomic numbers and mass, and mass balance. They all play a role in
this section.

Supplied information

9. Complete reading of the online text on radioactive decay and watch the videos on carbon 14 in
living organisms (first video and second video) and the carbon 14 dating process (video link).
10. Feel free to do further research on carbon dating and radioactive decay. The links I’ve supplied will
be enough to answer the questions and do the exercises; more research can expand your
knowledge and create more robust answers.
Scoring Guide for Carbon-14 Dating Activity
Criteria Points
 Choices reflect information presented in the assigned reading and videos
 At least four categories are shown supporting the main idea and were
present in the assigned reading and videos
 Categories are at the appropriate level to have the range of supporting 25
 At least three supporting details are shown for each category and were in
the assigned reading and videos

 Concept map is laid out correctly with carbon-14 as the main idea with at
least four categories connected to it
 Within the categories and supporting details, all are correctly color coded
and linked appropriately

Spelling, grammar, and mechanics

 Words are spelled correctly
 Terms are used correctly

Adherence to directions
 Directions were followed based on the execution
 Clear evidence of computer drawn concept map
 Layout is neat and easy to follow
 Concept map was submitted on the correct link

Scoring guide format from Intel Education Assessing Project
Scoring Guide for Carbon-14 Concept Map
4 3 2 1
Content Concept map Concept map shows Concept map Concept map shows
(75 points possible) demonstrates a a grasp of the demonstrates some a poor
strong subject and major gaps in knowledge understanding of
___/75 scored understanding of concepts. of the subject and the subject and the
the subject and categories. categories.
major concepts.
Terms and choices
Terms and choices Terms and choices somewhat reflected Terms and choices
clearly reflected the reflected the the assigned did not reflect the
assigned reading assigned reading reading and videos. assigned reading
and videos and and videos. and videos.
Some categories
Categories and Most categories and supporting Concept map does
supporting details and supporting details were at the not show
were correctly details were wrong level or not appropriate level of
linked and show a correctly linked and related. details
solid understanding at the appropriate
of the material and level.
Layout Concept map Concept map Concept map Concept map
(50 points possible) execution was inline execution was execution deviated execution reflected
with directions. mostly inline with from directions in a a lack of following
directions with just number of areas. directions.
____/50 scored. a few issues.
Proper linkage and Issues in the No clear hierarchy
hierarchy was Linkage and hierarchy and/or nor linkage among
demonstrated hierarchy was linkage among the the main topic,
thoughout the map. demonstrated main topic, categories, and
correctly for the categories, and supporting details.
most part in the supporting details.
Adherence to Execution clearly Execution shows Execution shows Execution shows
directions shows directions adherence to most some adherence to almost no
were understood of the directions. the directions. adherence to
and followed. directions.
Concept map
Concept map submitted correctly. Concept map Concept map not
submitted correctly. submitted correctly. submitted correctly.
Spelling and use of Word choice, Word choice, Word choice, Word choice,
terms spelling and use of spelling and use of spelling and use of spelling and use of
terms show a terms show a good terms show a terms show a lack
mastery of the understanding of beginner of understanding of
subject. the subject. understanding of the subject.
the subject.
Scoring guide format from Intel Education Assessing Project
Sample Graphic Organizer on Carbon-14 Dating

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