The Dastardly Doctor Droknar: GM/Crew Script

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The Dastardly Doctor Droknar

A Lasertag LARP

GM/Crew Script
See the Intergalactic Ranger and Poacher sheets for details of what those players will be
Crew will be responsible for:
● Defending Droknar from any incidents by angry poachers (who might get upset if we
don’t give them enough money)
● Defending Droknar from arrest once the IR team has enough evidence
● Re-seeding the forest with cute animals

As the recipients of Droknar’s experimental serum, you have 9 hits and will periodical reset
until the Final Battle when the Intergalactic Rangers assault the base.
The Dastardly Doctor Droknar
Intergalactic Ranger Handbook
The Intergalactic Rangers are charged with enforcing the law across the galaxy. Today’s
mission is to travel to a backwater planet in the Mogar system and put a stop the Doctor
Droknar’s experiments.
Droknar is rumoured to be engaging in illegal animal experimentation and this needs to be
stopped. Your objectives:
● Arrest the poachers he no doubt has working for him
● Locate Doctor Droknar
● Arrest Droknar (requires the IR team to have collected enough pieces of evidence —
Contact the representative of the prosecutor’s office on Channel 303 when you have
10 pieces to determine if it is sufficient)

As law officers of the future, you use non-lethal force. Your opponents will have
regeneration. Poachers want to capture the animals they are hunting alive, you will also
have regeneration.
You will have 5 hit points and regeneration of 1 point per minute.

Arresting people
To arrest someone you require sufficient evidence (X evidence tokens for Doctor Droknar, or
catching a poacher in possession of a protected animal). They must either be surrendering
or on zero or fewer HP.
You must then declare your authority and read them their rights.
By the authority of the Intergalactic Federation, you are under
arrest. You have the right to remain silent, but if you do not
surrender evidence or information that is later found to have been in
your possession, you will be treated more harshly. Surrender any
such now.
After correctly reading a prisoner their rights, they must give you an Evidence token.
Successful or otherwise, they must give you any cute animals they have (for you to release
into the wild) and they then respawn (obviously, don’t follow respawning players, that isn’t
The Dastardly Doctor Droknar
Poacher Handbook
Doctor Droknar requires cute animals and is willing to pay for them. You have gone to a
backwater planet in the Mogar system to deliver.
Your objectives:
● Locate and collect cute animals
● Sell them to Droknar (at the radio tower)
● Don’t get caught by the Intergalactic Rangers
● Don’t let rival poachers take your cute animals from you before you can sell them

A GM will inform you of your starting point when they program your sensor.

Poachers want to capture the animals they are hunting alive, and in this enlightened future,
the forces of the law use non-lethal weaponry. Nobody is using deadly weapons.
You will have 5 hit points and regeneration of 1 point per minute.

Being arrested
If an Intergalactic Ranger approaches you while you are are on zero hit points or when you
are surrendering to avoid being shot by them then they must read you your rights before
they can arrest you.
By the authority of the Intergalactic Federation, you are under arrest. You have the
right to remain silent, but if you do not surrender evidence or information that is later
found to have been in your possession, you will be treated more harshly. Surrender
any such now.
If they do so correctly, ​and you have a cute animal in your possession​, then they have
you bang to rights. Give them an Evidence token and any cute animals you have then return
to base and respawn (do not reset your sensor!).
If they read you your rights incorrectly, or if you don’t have a cute animal (they can’t arrest
you without evidence!) then you respawn without giving them an Evidence token. You must
still hand over any cute animals in your possession.

Being paid
Collect a cute animal and bring it to Doctor Droknar at the Radio Tower. He or his guards will
give you a fair price for it. You will be paid using the Intergalactic Block Chain Credit System,
a highly secure system that doesn’t use any form of token that might be stolen from you after
being shot.

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