Fantastic Book of Logic Puzzles 29

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42. Drop by Drop 44.

The Rescue
Snarling, Wicked Walter (as the dragon) materialized
two vials so small that Seth could place them both on
one finger. One vial could hold five drops of liquid and
the other seven drops.
"What is the least number of steps it will take to give
me three drops of water, and what is the least number
of steps it will take to give me four drops of water?"
challenged the dragon.
'Aren't you giving me two puzzles?" protested Seth.
Walter snorted fiercely. Seth set about solving the

For the final challenge, Walter, the dragon Montagne,

presented Seth with two 10-gallon vats full of water and
two pitchers, one holding five pints and the other hold-
ing four pints.
43. Triple Threat "Place one quart in each pitcher," Walter said.
After several hours, Seth wearily presented the
For the next challenge, Wicked Walter placed before dragon with a quart in each pitcher, whereupon the
Seth four jars, the largest of which held nine litres of dragon Montagne was revealed to all as the Wicked
water. The three empty jars could hold five, four and Walter. He had no choice but to free Princess Fleur, her
two litres respectively. ladies-in-waiting, her pages, and the forty-nine knights
"This time," Walter said: "You are to divide nine litres who had sought to rescue her.
into three equal parts." How does Seth solve this last puzzle and expose
How many steps does it take Seth this time? Wicked Walter?

Clues on page 91. Clue on page 91.

Answers on pages 120-122. Answer on page 122.

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