Fantastic Book of Logic Puzzles 47

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23. The Ogre's Boast: Which statements are not possible? 31.

31. Gold and Silver Coins: Line up the sacks of coins and
Which statements contradict one another? Use the follow- number them from 1 to 10.
ing "truth table" to organize the possibilities:
32. The Brothers Four: Set up a grid with the possibilities.

Ogre T T T T F F F F
Pig Donkey Camel Goat
Kay T T F F T T F F Ahmed

Abel T F F T T F T F Sharif

24. Heads for Hats: Since there were only two red hats, Abou
both Benjamin and Paula could not both have been wear-
ing red hats or Abel would have known he was wearing a Omar
white hat. Therefore, either Benjamin and Paula were both
wearing white hats, or one was wearing a red and one a The conditional situation appears in Statement 3, in the
white hat. "if" clause, which permits three possibilities (one if the
hypothesis, the "if" clause, is true and two if it is false):
25. Hidden Gold: Divide the jars into groups of three. A. Ahmed was not a camel, and Omar was not a pig.
B. Ahmed was a camel, and Omar was not a pig.
26. Baskets and Baskets: Divide the baskets into groups of C. Ahmed was a camel, and Omar was a pig.

27. Wanted—Pig Food: Consider how to divide the four 33. Beasts of Burden: With three animals involved, there
baskets in order to weigh them. are eight possibilities. Make a table itemizing them, such
as the following:
28. Lead Weight: The solution lies in using the binary sys-
tem, the scale of two, rather than the decimal system.
29. Heavier Stakes: Instead of using either the decimal
Donkey o o 0 0 d d d d
system or the binary system, use a base of three. And
remember, weights can be placed in the pan on either side Goat 0 0 d d o
0 d d
of the scale.
Camel o d 0 d o d 0 d
30. Weighty Matters: When you place a weight on the
same pan of the scale as the object you are weighing, you
subtract that weight from the total of the weights on the Then determine which possibilities are incompatible with
pan on the other side. the conditional statements.

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