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EE613 Spr2018 HW#6 due on 10/6/2018

A rectangular aperture mounted on an infinite ground plane has aperture electric field distributions and corresponding efficiencies of
Field Aperture Distribution Efficiency
(a) Triangular 75%
(b) Cosine square 66.67%
What are the corresponding directives (in dB) if the dimensions of the aperture are a = λ∕2 and b = λ∕4?

For the circular aperture of Section 12.6.2 with a = 1.5λ, compute the
(a) E-plane half-power beam width (b) H-plane half-power beam width
(c) E-plane first-null beam width (d) H-plane first-null beam width
(e) E-plane first side lobe maximum (relative to main maximum)
(f) H-plane first side lobe maximum (relative to main maximum) using the formulas of
Table 12.2. Compare the results with the data from Figures 12.19 and 12.20. Verify
using the computer program Aperture.

A circular aperture of radius a is mounted on an infinite electric ground plane. Assuming
the opening is on the x-y plane and its field distribution is given by

find the far-zone electric and magnetic field components radiated by the antenna.

Design a rectangular aperture of uniform illumination so that its directivity in the E- and H-planes is maximized (relative to its
maximum value), respectively, at angles of 30 ◦ and 45◦ from the normal to the aperture.
(a) Determine the optimum dimensions (in λ) of the aperture.
(b) What is the maximum directivity (in dB) of the aperture and at what angle(s) (in degrees) will this occur?
(c) What is the directivity (in dB) of the aperture along the E-plane at 30◦ from the normal to the aperture?
(d) What is the directivity (in dB) of the aperture along the H-plane at 45◦ from the normal to the aperture?

Design a circular aperture with uniform distribution so that its directivity at an angle 𝜃 =350 from the normal to the aperture is
maximized relative to its maximum value at 𝜃 = 00. Specifically,
(a) find the optimum radius (in λ) of the aperture.
(b) what is the maximum directivity (in dB) at 𝜃 = 00?
(c) what is the directivity (in dB) at 𝜃 = 350 ?


It is desired to design a circular aperture antenna with a field distribution over its opening of E = C[1 − (𝜌′∕a)2]
where C is a constant, a its radius, and 𝜌′ any point on the aperture, such that its beam efficiency within a 60◦ total included angle cone
is 90%. Find its radius in wavelengths.
A lossless circular aperture antenna operating on the dominant TE11 -mode and
mounted on an infinite ground plane has an overall gain of 9 dB. Determine
the following:
(a) Physical area (in λ2) of the antenna.
(b) Maximum effective/equivalent area (in λ2) of the antenna.
(c) Aperture efficiency (in percent).
(d) How much more or less efficient (in percent) is this antenna with a TE11 -
mode distribution compared with the same antenna but with a uniform
field distribution over its aperture. State which one is more or less efficient.

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