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"We realized that the bison had a lot of different camps that were hidden away," said Dr.
Hausfather. The researchers were even able to confirm that the bison came from the same location
as our modern-day bison herds.

The scientists also found that the bison were probably originally a distinct species because of the
way they were shaped. "They had round teeth and long horns and their teeth were not attached by
grooves like other bison on the ground," explained Dr. Hausfather.


In a shocking finding, scientist discovered a herd of Chimps living in a remote, previously

unexplored valley, in the Andes Mountains. Even more surprising to the researchers was the fact
that the Chimps spoke perfect English. The researchers were surprised due to their scientific
interest regarding the Chimps and why they were living outside a village. However, these new
findings were soon overshadowed by an investigation that led to another new discovery. The
research in this case is not over as the researchers had to examine the genetic changes due to the
Chimp's living in a rural region. However, the two studies still stand and lead the way for the future
of the study as scientists look for solutions concerning future research.

The research on the 'Ugly Chimp' was done by Dr. Paul O'Hara, a researcher of the Wellcome Trust
Sanger Institute in Cambridge, and a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN), which is recognized as the international body in research on conservation and ecology for it's
work on the conservation of plants and animals. In 2014, O'Hara and the other researchers
published their 'Savage Chimp: Evidence for a Distant Near Extinction Event'. In 2016, O'Hara
published 'The Ugly Chimp: Genetic Changes Associated with a New Species.'

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