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l]f{f -'S"' Form-F

tfrtrq a T6D (See Rute 8I

t. s{r8flq+acrd : pathak enterprice

1. Name of the Establishment '.

?. i{r€{rqtff{trfrqBk{crtrfr :

$6]+{uft Fci6
G)a; offiq fiqf-{ etrq.S. ffi-ci-f,
2. Previous details of Establishment :

ln Case of Online Certificate '.

(i) Registration No. :

(ii) Application lD No. :

l. ffifsfrRa(manual)lq&ttirtfr
qclurqTocifiq fr{io
ors*qrs, +{ofr
3. ln case of Manual Certificate :

Registration No.
v qldoftqqlrqar$forariquqmlfrrio :

4. Date of Expiry :

q sireflq+Er"qldrqlqfl :

5. Postal address and situation ofthe :


6. Date of commencement of Business :

rs. q+tIIqrag€q :

' 3{reflq1tqdqfi6,
Nature of Business
fr-qr Elq'fta-dla ' elff{s, u €Mrt
Whether Establishment falls under : Public / Private
Public Sector or Private S€ctor
A" -l;;&fr" * aama orsr orrf Gro slr's{ ff'-dT slrsflar frtT q, fA.T, 6q{^
rcl"renq-+q'f,q r aI tis- (V-$ qrd
qlsr a;erqqrd qnsotq dtqfr,
;iDrtisri, toCt RoCr
.fr" ;rrniirfr fcdtr qqfre q sisqri offi 6-fiq qftHqq fr-dr {rGq
Ui,iffi sr<t fr ar ieqA eaqa baa c-6ris-d"rifrda, (€-66rS rietso, rsn RIIE-6 qrtro-tsT, qiqr
cT66tS fr-{r ilifi qdfuA-d 3fiRlrq-{, srsI 3{rt
Aada qtql qraqn-o a-*rsm fu Tsa-6 3{rs{rq-{r, ersr oG'
"*fi "nenqql "Fr,
defined in
the Government or Department ofthe Government (ii) a Government Company as
(iii) a corporation (including
clause (45) of Section 2 of the companies Act, 2013 (1s of 2013)
controlled and managed by the Government (iv) a Local Authority
(b) Establishment in Private Sector means an establishment which is not an establishment
Public Sector.
c afre{rq+#f,q{iuleTqrrR srr d cEnT
8 Total No. Of Employee Men Women
q qrcort€Wf qrd
Tota I I

9 Name of the Employer

rinku pathak
Residential Address of the Employer
EqI / rr6lrrr
Status / Designation
l{qqtfifrmqi-fiEE+d3{rTS 9172175557
Mobile No. And E-mail tD
enEn or€ m.qio fq-d orq-+s ouo
Adhar Card No. (upload copy) 330550724654
to. e-{€{rq-6raw;ilq, l{curqfi
E E i( qRr, orfr omgr,g.
10 Name, Address, Mobile No. And E-mail lD
of the Manager (if any)
lC. tiD.) ff'enq-{4trltriF-{ursEr. girH/
EIFIfuo o{refiq-{ / Ersrf6 /ffi mE
Aqzrlo-tcT+tfr qEfrril-{rfr
({r) sIrelq+EI U-6',R SdL Creffi r l{lrftdrt I
q-dqdfr Z d,Tfr Z SR{r U vCorfr de+r /
11 (a) Category of Establishment commercial
i.e. Shop/Commercial Establishment/
Residential Hotel/ Restaurant / Theate /
Other places of public amusement or
entertainment and other Establishment
(b) Type of Organisation
i-e. Proprietor, Partnership, LLp, Company
/ Trust / Co-operative Society / Board
t?. 3fl-Rfiqfl qrfrfr'rf,fi Erdrffqo'rc6-fi-d qffiiqrE rra
12 Name ofthe member of employe/s Name of the person Relation
family employed in the establishment - ?

lt. F{i-frCunrd
frlsnd, srgfu qi$tr-o rd6q-{ o-{d/ 6Ta o{rFr or$ qa ordl oG ot, du en6 W
&d-oqr q+srqr+q ffi s{ftftqc, ftqq, opr(t fr-dr ffi
Erfi qrqTdqrqT Grprar qe{qiM
qrfuf,r qrqr Bflt{rqrrrtridsrduqrd orA-d qr&ftr-crc-{r€oruqra orAdlr& enfurfrr on€wrqr}a
siklq{srq6-{-d orGU ofiAHetffi erfuHqc, ftqq, ffiqrqrdqrEr enrmffiwfq
qrfu-fl-qiqT Gfit{r qit seiffi greA qrfl.
frueir€, qrilt 3r$ dB-a ordl ort ot, ar qqffi c{e ffid crfdff, qrfl ru qmq ffio
ilnEsru. uffffi a ftmrer5en wS a n-aqp one. T+tfr qrtrfr tuqrqr qfirurmfr rrf,r / qrErdT
qof qruAE Gtre frdd crFfi
T+tS vraqa onerrs frz c{rd qT{#d iis €trdr (qrqo sr y\) qqA ft-qr
q€dEn arrl ersd-sr fct ffi orqqmt eeren rnqrqr& a RrM qn o{reu sntrd
frlgnd, orufu q{ ffifl r qrrra q+srq s-ruqrsr& dd.fu d sgfdd qrFor-qro-Sq enq{Tr fi
o'f{-drd, T{"nrft, qrqr+qtqftn erlB.
firi{r6, 3{Tdrd, q-{drft, rrr.tFII T t-dI q{ffq o-fl-a erssrs o.rqe${ orrsrm qrl s
fr2.vr€, rr$mft-do''.frr+.-{ad, qn-dreddrrf orsun-qrolqeiorfac-{r{ wledA-orqeqni
F-dI ffiRIrq oqulR qr0.

frle{r6, 3rS slfud 6rdro.{a 41, $t 3rsl e?rsrll {E oruqrs fr-dr srdBuqrs ffi
orr{rrrt B-{r ffi earq qrfufi r-qrq s{rtqrrfrrt n-{r{ ata-d .inB er olqrqrfr f*rqd qBl sfrqA
fr7orS, or$ dft -d o.-ffrr6-{A o1, .lrsft fi -{d slqr ffifl r EqsrqdRrd asrQ-sqrqr trff qr {d
<qQqsIqI vs q-fr 3ntd. qr q-fi orfls tb-qr c<ia-e .rrsgri onaqa onore urrd-o (s {ii{al (lqt o qr
vq vrFr 7 fiFor urddun dr[ onra-dqr ffi tat o'wgiqt cIgI I 3nqql fu€q qrqrd*{ q.dl
KUqNr-& q frr+qrdt fr z gnd qle o{rt u on&o qrfr c-dr I sncrdr qgf qToflE stre
fr I eird, q-dnrce gort s 3{r€{rq-{ (ffii
q fur qrffA frfiqri 3tfqfrqc, ?otts (loq\s qi qq)
E ilr.]iarfudqnffiflrffidilt{ei o[Fr sarcstMqi+d-fffrrffra a€qra 3{r+d 3{e{
uit pfa' uetoruur$ rS ffi I tt
13. Self-Declaration
t/We hereby solemnly affirm and state that the business which l/We have started is not
banned or prohibited by any Act, Rules, Law or Order of any court of Law or any competent
authority and the premises where l/We are conducting the said business is free from violation of any
Act, Rulet Order of any Court of Law or any Competent Authority.
l/We hereby declare that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of
my personal knowledge, information and belief. I am fully aware about the consequences of giving
false information. lf the information is found to be false, I shall be liable for prosecution and
punishment under the lndian Penal Code (45 of 1850) and / or any other law applicable thereto.
l/We have obtained necessary licenses, permissions, permit for the conduct of this business
and the place of business from the appropriate Authority.
l/We shall be responsible and liable for legal action if the business is conducted without
proper licence, permission, permit from the appropriate Authority.
l/We submit and declare that l/We will not undertake any illegal activity or any business
prohibited in law in force in lndia.
l/We declare that the place of business is not located in any area wherein commencing/
running of such business is prohibited by any law or order of any Competent Authority.
l/We declare that the copies attested by me are true copies of original documents. I am well
aware of the fact that if the copies are found false/forged, I shall be liable for prosecution and
punishment under the lndian Penal Code (45 of 1850) and / or any other law applicable thereto.
l/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the Maharashtra Shops and Establishment
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017 (Mah.LXl of 2017) and the Rules and
orders passed there under by any Authority.

Date :

fuoTq- erdqnri<nqErar$
Place: Name and Signature of Applicant

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