Curriculum Vitae 2019

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COURTNEY ELIZABETH KING | courtney.elizabeth.king@gmail.



M.A. TESOL Central Michigan University (2016)

M.A. English Literature Washington State University (2013)

B.A. English Literary Criticism Truman State University (2011)


English on Your Terms – Remote

Private English Language Tutor (Spring 2017-present)
• Provided phoneme-level pronunciation practice, targeted reading and vocabulary assignments, grammar and
writing practice, and real-world listening tasks to improve the lives of working language learners.
• Worked with PhD candidates to hone skills necessary for reading scholarly articles and writing a dissertation.
• Designed learning plans to meet students’ individualized goals.
• Maintained a flexible schedule to accommodate working students across the globe.

Humboldt State University – Arcata, CA

International English Language Institute Instructor (Fall 2017-Spring 2018)
• Taught Upper Level Writing & Grammar (Spring Session 1 2018)
o Led students to write persuasive and cause and effect essays using model papers and corpus-based
grammar and collocations indicative of the genre
o Built additional grammar lessons based on the grammar education the students needed
• Taught Lower Level Reading & Vocabulary (Spring Session 1 2018)
o Used Lexile-leveled news stories on topics students showed interest in to maintain student interest
o Used Quizlet and vocabulary study sheets to reinforce vocabulary discovered in readings
o Taught explicit reading strategies informed by Fredericka Stoller
• Taught Upper Level Debate (Fall Session 2 2017)
o Designed an elective course to teach students the argumentative, persuasive, and ethical basis of
o Made use of technology to keep students engaged and to build 21st century skills alongside language
• Taught Lower Level Listening & Speaking (Fall Session 2 2017)
o Used Pathways 1 Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking to guide students through basic listening
comprehension, presentation, and conversational English.
o Used technology to maintain interest and help students develop the level of tech-savvy needed for
the contemporary U.S. university.

CE Credits Online – Remote

Course Designer (September 2017-March 2018)
• Designed a teacher-training course entitled “English Language Learners in Your Classroom” for K-


12 educators seeking professional development hours.

• Used current research and accessible pedagogies to create a critical, thoughtful course that features
videos, exercises, and reflective activities to assist mainstream teachers who want to create a more
inclusive and accommodating classroom for their English language learners.
• Worked with an editor to create a product that matched the vision of the company as well as the
objectives of the course.

ETS – Remote
California State University (CSU) English Placement Test (EPT) Rater (Summer 2017-Fall 2017)
• Selected to rate entrance essays from CSU college freshmen.
• Underwent training and certification.

College of the Redwoods – Eureka, CA

Associate Faculty for Adult Education (Spring 2017-Fall 2017)
• Taught a suite of Workplace Skills courses at the Job Market (Summer and Fall 2017)
o Used active, student-centered activities to teach the following intensive courses:
§ Stress Management
§ Happiness and Success at Work
§ Time Management
§ Excellent Customer Service
§ Communication in the Workplace
§ Ethics and Values
§ Conflict Management
§ Decision Making and Problem Solving
§ Handling Organizational Change
§ Team Building
§ Explore Your Career Options
§ Getting Started with Computers
§ Hotel Management
§ Cash Handling
§ College and Career Readiness
• Taught Fundamental ESL Career & Educational Vocabulary at the Fortuna Multi-Generational Center
(Spring and Fall 2017)
o Based lesson plans on the needs of the students.
o Developed a unit on job hunting and organized mock job fair in which students posed as either
jobseekers or employers.
o Invited a pharmacist guest from the community for a Q & A as the conclusion of a unit on
• Taught Fundamental ESL Computer Vocabulary at the Fortuna Multi-Generational Center (Spring 2017)
o Used College of the Redwoods’ Surface Pros to help students practice basic computer navigation.
o Made scavenger hunt activities to incentivize learning computer language at the students’ own pace.
• Taught Intermediate ESL at Eureka High School (Spring 2017)


o Adjusted plans to match level and skill of the students present.

o Used adapted news articles about topics relevant to students’ lives (immigration, local environmental
issues, etc.) to add interest to lessons.
• Taught High School Equivalency Preparation for Table Bluff Wiyot Reservation (Spring 2017)
o Differentiated instruction to meet the needs of a wide range of learners.
o Taught math, science, social studies, reading, and writing.
o Utilized HiSET and GED preparatory materials in a way that allowed students to feel successful and
maintain momentum toward their goals.

Central Michigan University – Mount Pleasant, MI

International Teaching Assistant Trainer (2016)
• Designed and led a five-day intensive training for teaching assistants that focused on basic pedagogy as well as
the specific issues inherent to international graduate students.
• Modeled active learning in the class while accommodating and engaging the students in a meaningful
discussion about their own culture’s classroom expectations.
• Worked toward a teaching demonstration which the other students peer evaluated, ultimately resulting in a
detailed evaluation from the teacher trainer.

Instructor for the English Language Institute (Fall 2013-Fall 2016)

• Taught eight sections of Graduate-Level Research Writing using Success with Graduate and Scholarly Writing and
Academic Writing for Graduate Students
o Worked with my colleagues to redesign the course to suit the students’ needs.
o Built the class to support an in-depth semester-long exploration of the standard Introduction,
Methods, Results, Discussion (IMRD) research paper.
o Taught basic data analysis as well as the skills necessary to describe those results in writing.
o Used error logs to help students identify and correct their own errors.
• Taught one section of Public Speaking for International Students using Speech Communication Made Simple 1
o Developed a speech course in which students could practice both academic and business speech
o Taught seven distinct presentation styles including introductory, informative, debate, and impromptu.
o Designed a unit to help students create simple, readable PowerPoint presentations to support their
o Added a professionalism unit in which students created resumes, attended mock interviews at the
career center, and then reported on their experiences.
• Taught two sections of Level IV Writing using Longman Academic Writing Series 5
o Taught expository, summary and response, cause and effect, and argumentative papers.
o Required APA formatting after teaching students through games, group work, and other activities
that lightened the often dull task of following a style guide.
o Provided detailed comments on two drafts of each essay.
o Developed a blended unit on Academic Integrity that students completed at home.
• Taught two sections of Level IV Reading using Q: Skills for Success 4, and Reading for Today 5
o Used college-level materials to prepare students to read and evaluate texts in their university courses.
o Introduced students to scientific articles and some basic vocabulary and jargon that come with
university reading.


o Implemented daily article discussions in which students were expected to have thoughtful questions
prepared to guide our talk about the readings.
o Assessed students using authentic texts and comprehension questions.
• Taught two sections of Level III Reading and Writing using Q: Skills for Success 3, From Reading to Writing 4, and
Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Essays
o Emphasized preparing students for university level writing and reading.
o Required frequent in-class writing, reading and vocabulary blogs, as well as longer written
assignments to assess students writing ability.
o Taught APA format to prepare students for later university writing.
o Assigned multiple articles per week as well as four major tests to evaluate students’ reading ability.
o Administered daily speed-reading activities to improve students’ reading fluency.
o Assigned an extensive reading book (Tuck Everlasting) and organized literature circles to help students
to appreciate reading outside of class.
o Used Socrative web app exit tickets daily to gauge student comprehension and the effectiveness of
my teaching methods, and then make changes from class to class.
o Utilized Nearpod to get students invested in the concepts of the class
• Taught one section of Level III Grammar using Randi Reppen’s Grammar and Beyond 3
o Organized the class such that students could practice not only using the grammatical structures in
sentences, but in conversation and in longer written assignments.
o Used online practice exercises to supplement instruction.
o Introduced grammar concepts with popular songs.
o Assessed students in a group project in which students used grammatical forms in a realistic news
• Taught two sections of Level III Listening, Speaking, and Note-taking with Service Learning using Q: Skills
for Success, and Pathways 3
o Used iQ Online practice to supplement instruction.
o Assigned weekly discussion questions which students answered in videos posted to the SeeSaw app.
o Gave students several community learning options and required video reports of their experiences.
o Made note-taking a central focus and provided examples of note-taking strategies as well as models
of effective notes.
• Taught four sections of Level II Listening and Speaking using the National Geographic Pathways 2, and
Interactions 2
o Focused on how students could learn from an appreciation of other cultures.
o Supplemented the text’s activities with original content to improve presentation and note-taking skills.
o Used the Color Vowel Chart to identify vowel sounds in each unit’s vocabulary words.
o Recorded frequent impromptu and practiced speeches and shared videos with students to help them
improve their skills.
o Used Nearpod presentations to practice skills in class and evaluate knowledge gaps in real time.
o Made use of presentation peer review in which students evaluate their own speeches and provide
meaningful feedback to each other.
• Taught one section of Level I Grammar using Betty Azar’s Basic English Grammar
o Used communicative activities to engage students in authentic speaking tasks related to each grammar
point taught.
o Applied each grammar point to a writing assignment that asked the students to apply what they had


learned to a written genre.

o Made use of comics to help students practice using the verb forms in conversation.
o Created a game day for each chapter that allowed the students to test their knowledge through
various activities (board games, bingo, races, etc.)
• Taught one section of Basic Word Studies using the Oxford Picture Dictionary
o Used communicative activities to engage students with new vocabulary.
o Taught study skills and basic survival English.

Anhui Jianzhu University – Hefei, China

CMU Dual Program English Language Instructor (Summer 2016)
• Taught six-week intensive writing and intensive speaking and listening classes.
• Developed materials without textbooks or access to Western resources.
• Used low-tech content delivery methods.
• Introduced students to active learning and student-centered teaching.

Saginaw Valley State University – Saginaw, MI

Instructor for Thematic Approaches to Literature: Women Writers (Fall 2013)
• Created a course that helped students understand the value of the humanities through diverse, techno-centric
exercises in reflection and creativity.
• Selected texts for the course based on an inclusive, multiethnic appreciation of non-canonical texts authored
by women.
• Designed a WordPress course management site complete with embedded course syllabus, course schedule,
and links to valuable resources.

Washington State University – Pullman, WA

Instructor for Introductory Composition Courses (Spring 2012-Spring 2013)
• Designed and instructed five introductory composition courses.
• Worked in the CLASP program to advance otherwise disadvantaged students in the university setting.
Instructor for Introductory Composition for ESL Students (Summer 2013)
• Designed and taught composition course for English Language Learners.
• Developed a course management site to help students access course materials.
• Used technology to teach the basics of research and MLA standards.
Shadow for Women Writers (Spring 2013)
• Worked with Dr. Leeann Hunter to design a course to meet the needs of our students.
• Facilitated discussion and worked in small groups with students.
• Designed a multimodal unit on Toni Morrison’s Sula.
Facilitator for English Composition Tutoring Groups (Fall 2011)
• Facilitated group tutoring through the writing center for struggling composition students.
Writing Placement Reader and Proctor (Summer 2012)
• Proctored, read, and evaluated the writing placement exams taken by incoming freshmen to accurately place
them in the appropriate introductory writing course.


Lewis-Clark State College Institute of Intensive English – Lewiston, ID

Language Lab Moderator (Summer 2012)
• Supervised language lab activities for speaking and listening courses for all language levels.
Institute of Intensive English Instructor (Summer 2012)
• Taught Conversational English (Beginning)
o Designed and implemented two sections of Beginning Conversation in which students used
worksheets, games, and community involvement to establish basic vocabulary and usage skills needed
for daily speech.
• Taught Reading and Writing (Beginning)
o Built a Reading and Writing class for beginning students that taught practical basic skills in reading
and writing in English in which we emphasized understanding and appreciating cultural,
geographical, and personal differences.
• Taught Vocabulary (Advanced and Intermediate)
o Designed and instructed two vocabulary classes for both advanced and intermediate students.
o Used exercises that emphasized the written and verbal potential of each set of vocabulary words.
• Taught Slang & Idioms (Intermediate)
o Constructed a Slang & Idioms course in which intermediate students could explore the common
phrases found in everyday English, learn about their origins, and discuss their relevance in their own
o Taught students about the regional differences in speech patterns, focusing particularly on the turns
of phrase common in the rural south, in the urban workplace, and in other English-speaking
countries such as England and Australia.


Textual Overtures
Editor-in-Chief (Fall 2012-Spring 2013)
• Founded and led a team to the creation of the inaugural issue of Textual Overtures, a graduate-only open
source online publication.
• Networked with other universities to help spread the word about our project.
• Conducted weekly meetings to help keep our journal on track.

The Chariton Review

Short Fiction Prize Reader (Spring 2011)
• Read and rated creative submissions for the Short Fiction Prize.
• Worked with a team of other students and professors to select the awardees.


• HSU International Education Week 2018

Presented on a panel entitled “Teaching English as a Second Language”
• TESOL 2017
Presented on a panel entitled “"How to Manage, Facilitate, and Teach about Culturally Sensitive Issues" as a


representative of the Intercultural Communication Interest Section (ICIS)

• TESOL 2017
Led a workshop entitled “SeeSaw for Every Classroom: The Learning Journal You Need” in the Electronic
• Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (MITESOL) Conference 2016
Presented “Moving toward Radical Tolerance: Feminist Pedagogy in the EAP Classroom”.
• TESOL 2016
Presented “Fighting Fire with Fire: Tools for Making Smartphones and Tablets Work Toward, Not Against,
Classroom Efficacy” in the Best of Affiliates Session.
• National Geographic Learning MSU English Language Center Learning Symposium 2016
Presented “Learning to Love Your Students' Smartphones: How Mobile Apps Can Breathe New Life into
Your Reading Class”.
• Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (MITESOL) Conference 2015
Presented “How Hybrid Features Can Pack More Learning into EAP Writing Classes”.
• Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (MITESOL) Conference 2014
Presented “Fighting Fire with Fire: Tools for Making Smartphones and Tablets Work Toward, Not Against,
Classroom Efficacy”.
• International Virginia Woolf Conference 2014
Presented “The Sound of War and écriture féminine mécanique in Between the Acts”.
• Great Lakes Conference on Teaching and Learning 2014
Presented “Enhancing Student Writing with Contact Zones: How Global Perspectives Can Enrich Your
Writing Instruction”.
• Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters Conference 2014
Accepted to present “Choosing a Green Golden Age: An Exploration of the Queer Temporality of Women’s
Regionalist Fiction”.
• WSU Master's of Arts in English Conference 2013
Presented "Manufacturing a Woman's Sentence: The Making of Virginia Woolf's écriture féminine mécanique".
• WSU EARThS Conference 2013
Accepted to present “Gaia Departed: Re-envisioning Classical Notions of Woman and Nature in Antony and
• Northwest Women’s Studies Association (NWWSA) Conference 2013
Presented “Manufacturing a Woman’s Sentence: The Making of écriture féminine mécanique through Virginia
Woolf ’s To the Lighthouse”.
• Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference 2012
Presented “Sex, Money, and the Pursuit of Liberty: The Queer Temporality of the Victorian Prostitute”.
• Louisiana State University Mardi Gras Conference Spring 2012
Presented “Seizures, Samurai, and Saving the Family: Epileptic’s Reappropriation of Disability Stereotypes”.
• Truman State English Senior Seminar Conference Spring 2011
Presented “Working Toward a Palatable Politics of Location: Politics of Location as a Means to Manipulate
the Public of a Feminist Text”.
• National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2011
Presented “Double Shot Demands and Ristretto Requests: Gendered Politeness Tactics in Coffee Shop


• Truman State Women and Gender Studies Conference Fall 2010

Presented “To Blame or to Borrow: Ecofeminist Applications of the Classics”.


“Book Review: Comp Tales” The Wide Net. Truman State University Press. 1.1 (2011). 65-66. PDF.

“Making Smartphones and Tablets Work toward, not against, Classroom Efficacy” TESOL Affiliate News.
(March 2016). Web.


• Named one of eight Best of Affiliates at TESOL International 2016.

• Awarded MITESOL’s Best Presentation of 2014.
• Awarded Washington State University’s Teaching Assistantship (2011-2013).
• Graduated Cum Laude from Truman State University (2011).


College of the Redwoods (2017)

• Achieved Level I and Level II Google Certified Educator status (Summer 2017).
• Completed Online Teaching and Learning Training (Summer 2017).
• Attended Technology and Teaching conference prior to Convocation 2017.
• Coordinated multiple online professional development events for College of the Redwoods’ ESL teachers.
• Completed CASAS certification for eTest Proctoring (2017).
• Completed CASAS certification for Implementation (2017).
• Completed CASAS certification for Appraisals (2017).

Central Michigan University (2013-2016)

• Co-founded Women of the World, a social group for international women (2016).
• Attended all 2015-2016 Faculty Research Forums.
• Earned the certification to develop online courses for CMU Global Campus (Spring 2016)
• Presented on Teaching with Apps in an ELI Faculty Research Forum (Spring 2016)
• Presented on Teaching with Technology in a graduate-level TESOL methods course (Fall 2015)
• Earned the certification to teach online from the CMU Global Campus (Summer 2015)
• Developed a spreadsheet to help other ELI teachers report grade distributions (Fall 2015)
• Attended the National Geographic Learning Symposium (Spring 2015)
• Presented on maintaining a Wikispaces page at a department meeting (Spring 2015)
• Attended the Michigan Association of International Educators Conference (Spring 2015)
• Attended the Midwest Association of Language Testers Conference (Fall 2014)
• Attended the Winter Teaching and Learning Conference (Spring 2014)


• Presented on Writing Feedback Styles during a department meeting (Spring 2014)

• Worked with a committee to judge and organize a poetry competition (Spring 2014)
• Served on a committee to organize a unified orientation for all ELI students (Spring 2014)
• Served as group coordinator for spec-driven test creation in Level II Listening and Speaking (Fall 2014) and
Level IV Writing (Spring 2015)
o Created meeting agendas and delegated tasks necessary to successful test development.
o Maintained cohesion among the teachers in each group.
o Developed spreadsheets and created reports for the assistant director.
o Updated and maintained accurate tables of specification for our groups.
o Made certain that the objectives of each course were being met in our test creation.
• Worked on spec-driven testing committees for Level IV Writing (Summer 2015) and Level II Listening and
Speaking (Fall 2015)
• Organized weekly conversation hours with themes and activities (Fall 2013)

Washington State University (2011-2013)

• Professional Development Certification (2011-2012 and 2012-2013)
• Attended weekly professional development meetings.
• Acted as a student ambassador for incoming graduate students.
• Presented on finding relevant summer employment as a graduate student during new student orientation
• Literature Pedagogy Workshop Participant (2013)


Central Michigan University
• Testing leader for three courses (2015-2016)
• Norming organizer for placement tests (2016)
• TESOL Member (2015-present)
• MITESOL Member (2014-2017)
• MAIE Member (2015)
• Union of Teaching Faculty (UTF) member (2013-2017)
• English as a Second Language Association (ESLA) member (2013-2017)

Washington State University

• Chair for "WPA, WAC, ESL, and Pedagogy" session of WSU M.A. in English Conference (2013)
• Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Senator (2012-2013)
• Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) member (2012)
• Textual Overtures Founding member and Editor-in-chief (2012-2013)
• English Graduate Organization Member (2011-2013)

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