Daily Lesson Plan in Grade 9 English 2

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pDaily Lesson Plan in Grade 7 English

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature
in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity;
strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and short
narrative texts; word relationships and associations;
informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech,
passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and
sentence connectors.
B. Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of
asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and short
narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and
viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings
through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive
voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors
correctly and appropriately.
C. Learning Competency/ies: EN7V-III-a-13.11: Categorize words or expressions
according to shades of meaning
i. Specific Objectives:
a. define what is shades of meaning;
b. categorize words according to shades of meaning; and
c. create an infographic about the learnings from the lesson (shades of

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Shades of Meaning

A. Resources: Teacher’s Guide (Grade 7)
B. Materials: Visual aids, laptop, smartphones, paint chips
C. Values Integration: Change a negative perspective about something into

III. Procedure
A. Activity
i. Prayer
ii. Greetings
a. -The teacher asks volunteers from the class to perform the following
*Whisper your name to the class.
*Say your name to the class.
*Scream your name to the class.
-The teacher asks the learners what words were used to elicit such
actions; and do the words have a relationship with each other.
- The teacher explains that the words are related with each other but
have different degrees to their meaning.
- The teacher then plays the video, “The Power of Words” to highlight
how our choice words make a difference in the world/society.
- The teacher asks the learners what have they observed from the video;
and what was it about.
- The teacher presents the lesson “Shades of Meaning” to the class.

B. Analysis
i.The teacher groups the class according to the color that the learners will get from
the bag of colors.
Group Activity: Try to arrange the colors according to its intensity and then
describe each shade using adjectives.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Group 4 Group 5

- After the activity, the teacher asks the learners if describing the colors
was easier because of the different shades.
C. Abstraction
i. The teacher explains that just like the different shades of colors, words also
have different shades that would give color to your speech or your written
ii. The teacher gives examples:



iii. The teacher asks the learners to make use of a word from the box in a
iv. The teacher asks if the word used affect the sentence.
v. The teacher tells the learners that with the right word, we can express more
meaningful sentences.

D. Application
Group Activity
Direction: Using the website Kahoot, the groups will compete in arranging words
according to their degree/shades of meaning. The group who will get the highest score
in the game will be the winner.

1. afraid, terrified, horrified, petrified

2. hop, jump, leap, skip
3. attack, duel, combat, skirmish
4. upset, mad, angry, furious
5. wet, soggy, soaked, drenched
6. nibble, bite, eat, devour
7. thin, skinny, scrawny, gaunt
8. rich, prosperous, wealthy, affluent
9. smart, intelligent, bright, gifted
10. walk, rush, jog, run
E. Generalization
Group Activity
Direction: Using www.piktochart.com , make an infographic about the learnings you
got from the lesson
“Shades of Meaning”. Print your outputs to be assessed. The rubrics below
will be used in rating your work:

Rubrics 4 – very good, 3 - good, 2 - sufficient, 1- further work is required


IV. Evaluation
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is shades of meaning?
a. Words have different colors.
b. Words have different intensity according to their meaning.
c. Synonymous words have different intensity according to their meaning.
2. Which of the following synonyms of cry is least upset?
a. sob b. sniffle c. weep
3. Which of the following synonyms of eating would finish the quickest?
a. devour b. nibble c. munch
4. Which of the following synonyms of sleeping is more intense?
a. dozing b. napping c. slumbering
5. Which of the following synonyms of amazing has the least impact?
a. marvelous b. sensational d. wonderful

V. Reflection

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