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Design and Development of an Efficient Screw Press Expeller for Oil

Expression from Jatropha Curcas Seeds: A Computational Flow
Dynamics Study of Expeller for Performance Analysis
Ali Bahadar,† M. B. Khan,*,‡ and Taqi Mehran§

School of Chemical and Materials Engineering (SCME), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) H-12, Islamabad,

Center for Energy Systems (CES), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan
NESCOM, Pakistan

ABSTRACT: Diminishing fossil fuel resources, unstable/increasing prices of oil, environmental issues, global warming/climatic
shifts, and allied problems have led the world to focus on alternate, environmental friendly, and renewable energy sources.
Among many experimental candidates, production of biodiesel from Jatropha curcas L. has gained significant importance. More
than 40 countries in the world are evaluating the potential of using this pure plant oil for manufacturing diesel. USEPA’s action
sets the 2013 volume at 1.28 billion gallons under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. With this premise, it is
imperative to identify innovative technologies to handle Jatropha biomass and its efficient oil extraction for economical biofuel
production. This study is aimed to make efficient screw expeller to cater massive Jatropha biomass for its oil extraction. A
computational flow dynamics (CFD) simulation is performed to estimate the pressure developed inside the barrel through screw
pressing when the feedstock is Jatropha seed. This CFD study has helped to determine the optimum values of important
operating variables like rotations per minute (rpm), backpressure caused by frictional forces, and effect of changing feed flow rate
on the performance of the expeller. The performance of the expeller is measured by power consumption, yield, and efficiency.
Experimental validation of the simulation is used to improve oil expeller for Jatropha seed by fabricating the expeller after the
analysis of design by ANSYS FLUENT codes. An oil yield in excess of 98%, as compared to a maximum 75% for existing screw
expellers, was achieved in practical runs which is very promising.

1. INTRODUCTION biodiesel can be used as a 100% automotive fuel with good

Among biofuel crops, Jatropha is the most promising tropical results. Biodiesel has added advantages; it has a higher cetane
shrub that has been planted on millions of acres across the number and higher lubricity and no sulfur dioxide emission.
world over the past decade. Jatropha still remains more Being derived from a plant source, biodiesel is a carbon neutral
promising as research shows that oil from its seeds makes an fuel, and so, any substitute of diesel by it could result into
excellent biofuel which aims to overcome the liquid fuel corresponding decreases in GHGs.6 Biodiesel is almost equal to
demand and energy crisis. Jatropha based biodiesel is more petrodiesel in terms of the energy density, and so, there would
economically viable, provided the byproducts of the biodiesel be no noticeable decrease in maximum power of an existing
and its cake are sold as valuable products.1 Jatropha works as an engine. Moreover, biodiesel increases the flash point which is a
alternate feedstock for biodiesel without disturbing the food favorable factor for the countries having higher ambient
chain cycle, thus creating new opportunities and attracting temperatures.7−10
investors in the production of low cost energy crop fuel. Also, it Jatropha plants grow quite fast, and well-maintained plants
is due to this reason that the pace at which petrodiesel is can grow up to 6−10 feet in 1 year. Its leaves alternate, 10−15
replaced will be largely decided by the pace at which nonedible cm × 6.5−12.5 cm, and fruits are 2.5−3 cm long. It is
energy crops are promoted primarily in marginal land. This propagated easily by seeds or cuttings; it grows rapidly and is
multipurpose nonedible specie has a tremendous commercial hardy to dry weather conditions. The seed resembles castor
potential with low cultivation cycle inputs that therefore makes seed in shape but is smaller in size (wt. 0.5−0.7 g; length, 1−2
the biodiesel production cycle quite straightforward.2 In cm) and of dark brown color. Analysis of the seed gave the
addition, its shell and husk for generating thermal energy, its following values; moisture 6.62 wt %; protein, 18.2 wt %; fat
cake for biogas production, its biogas spent slurry, and ash as 38.0 wt %; carbohydrates, 17.98 wt %; fiber, 15.50 wt %; and
manure make it more valuable with many attributes and ash, 4.50 wt %; starch, sucrose, dextrose, gluten, a free acid and
potential.3,4 an active lipase are present. A summary of these properties are
The Jatropha based biodiesel has drawn worldwide attention
as there are several obvious advantages and benefits provided Received: September 20, 2012
by biodiesel produced from Jatropha crop and there is no scope Revised: December 5, 2012
of diverting edible oil for the production of biodiesel.5 Apart Accepted: January 8, 2013
from the use as oxygenate and a blend with petrodiesel, the Published: January 8, 2013

© 2013 American Chemical Society 2123 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 2123−2129
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

shown in Table 1.11,12 The nuts consist of 45% hulls, and the properties were analyzed. The average size of the seed was
kernels 60−68% of the weight of seed and yields an oil (46− found to be 13−28 mm in length and 6−12 mm in width. The
fruit and seed are shown in the Figure 1.
Table 1. Proximate Analysis of Jatropha Seed
composition Jatropha Curcas (wt %)
moisture 6.62
protein 18.20
fat 38.00
total carbohydrates 17.98
fiber 15.50
ash 4.50

58% of kernel wt; 30−40% of seed wt) which when fresh is

practically colorless and odorless; on standing, the oil acquires a
pale yellow or yellowish brown color and a disagreeable
odor.13−15 About 2500−4000 plants can be planted in one
hectare, and each tree gives 3−5 kg of seed.16 The oil extracted
from seed is mainly by mechanical expression or solvent
There are many advances in the biodiesel production
technologies based on Jatropha feedstock to reduce the cost Figure 1. Jatropha fruit as a part of NUST standing crop in southern
of biodiesel. The diesel produced from plant crops needs Punjab.
extraction and conversion into quality fuel to commute the on-
road vehicles and for energy generation. The economics of
biodiesel is also based upon the methods of extraction. A 2.2. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Study. In
number of methods have been studied and investigated for the order to study the effect of different design parameters on the
recovery of oil from the seed. Chemical solvent based performance of expeller, computational fluid dynamics study
extraction is very time-consuming and involves the use of has been conducted. The flow of biomass inside the expeller is
toxic solvents, usually hexane, and energy intensive super very complex; therefore, the whole model was simplified for the
critical fluid extraction.17−19 The simplest method of extraction solution of the problem undertaking valid assumptions.
is a mechanical expression method; literature shows the Biomass being fed through the feed hopper is actually in
expulsion of oil from other seed crops like soya, rapeseed, heterogeneous phase with Jatropha Curcas seeds. However, for
and sunflower, but less knowledge is available for the extraction the purpose of simplification, it was assumed that feed material
of Jatropha seed by mechanical screw pressing. The average is homogeneous and its properties were estimated by
extraction yield of existing Jatropha expellers is 65−75%.20 This employing the Non-Newtonian model available in FLUENT.
study reflects the proper investigation of the design and The accuracy of the model is affected due to this assumption, as
parameters affecting the mechanical screw pressing, especially the behavior of fluid flow changes with this assumption.
for Jatropha seed by employing computational flow dynamics However, the focus of this study is to determine optimal design
(CFD) software. The study is novel as no attempt has been conditions for efficient screw press expeller; so, this assumption
made or reported to optimize the recovery of oil from Jatropha is not affecting model accuracy in the context of this study. The
seed using CFD codes. This study is an attempt to make simulation is performed with viscosity and shear rate values
efficient screw expeller to cater massive Jatropha biomass for its commensurate with real fluids. For this purpose, Ansys Fluent
oil extraction. was used. The objectives of this CFD study are described as
The main aim of the CFD study is to estimate the pressure follows: (1) to determine whether the present design is able to
developed inside the barrel through screw pressing when the develop the required pressure inside the barrel necessary for
feedstock is Jatropha seed. The combined force of friction and expelling the oil from Jatropha seeds; (2) to investigate the
pressure results into oil expelling. This CFD study will help to effect of screw rpm on pressures and yield of screw press
determine the optimum values of important operating variables expeller; (3) to estimate the frictional forces involved in the
like rotations per minute (rpm), back pressure caused by expulsion process along with pressure forces by finding the
frictional forces, and effect of changing feed flow rate on the influence of back pressure on the flow characteristics; (4) to
performance of the expeller. The performance of the expeller is determined detailed fluid dynamics of biomass (Jatropha seeds)
measured by power consumption, yield, and efficiency. from intake to exit inside the expeller; (5) to fine-tune the
design parameters like screw flight, restriction size, screw pitch,
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS screw clearance, and other geometrical characteristics related to
2.1. Jatropha Curcas Seed. For this study, fresh Jatropha screw and barrel design.
seeds were collected from NUST Jatropha Farm near 2.3. CFD Methodology and Approach. To carry out the
Bahawalpur, Punjab (Pakistan). The annual yield was 3200 kg CFD study, the detailed design of parameters through proper
per hectare. The seeds were harvested manually and trans- engineering considerations was carried out and the dimension
ported to a research lab in small jute packing, along with some of the screw press expeller was reached. These parameters are
quantity of 3−4 year old Jatropa seeds. The Jatropha farm well predicted in Table 2. Table 2 compares generic screw
reported the oil content of seeds to be around 36%. For the design parameters cited in literature with those used to model
design of an efficient Jatopha screw expeller, the physical the current design.21−28
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 2. Specifications of Oil Expeller

specification conventional oil expeller modified oil expeller (initial small capacity studies)
capacity 70−100 kg/h 40 kg/h
screw length 700−900 mm 223 mm
screw diameter 58.4−80 mm 47 mm
average helix angle 8−18 degrees 11 degrees
flight thickness 11.5−18 mm top, 8−17 mm bottom 6.5 mm top, 13.4 mm bottom
channel height 8−20 mm 12.50 mm
channel width 8−18 mm 12 mm
rpm of the screw 30−50 variable (30−70)
compression ratio of the expeller 14:1 variable
power of motor 10−15 hp 4 hp

The model of screw press expeller was then developed using

PRO-E represented in Figure 2. Then, the geometry of the

Figure 3. Grid barrel, oil outlet, and grid screw.

Figure 2. ProE model with parts specified. used for current simulations. All the computations were carried
out on an Intel Core−i7 CPU, M370 @ 3.40 GHz. The
computational time was variable for different studies. Each
screw press expeller was divided into several zones for grid block corresponds to a different zone. An interface is created
generation and CFD study purpose. An unstructured grid was between the two zones. Using moving reference frame
generated using POINTWISE GRIDGEN. After generation of technique of FLUENT, an inner zone is rotated at 60 rpm
grid, solution setup was established for FLUENT, and while the outer zone is kept stationary.29 Water, having the
boundary conditions and initial conditions were specified. same density as the Jatropha seed, is used as the working fluid.
CFD solution for the domain was determined, and results were A mass flow rate of 12 kg/h is given at inlet which gives an inlet
analyzed according to the requirements. Then, performance velocity of 0.00066 m/s. A steady state case was run in which
characteristics of expeller were predicted on the basis of CFD the screw was kept stationary. After that, a transient simulation
results. of 1 s was done while keeping the speed of the screw at 60 rpm.
2.4. Grid Generation. The generation of the grid for CFD The key model assumptions are listed in Table 3 for the screw
analysis is the most critical and demanding job for a complex press expeller simulation.
geometry. There are several options for the generation of the
grid for CFD purposes. GAMBIT is a good grid generation 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
tool, but it is difficult to handle a 3D geometry grid in A CFD study of the screw press expeller was conducted for
GAMBIT. POINTWISE GRIDGEN was used for the grid several reasons, and results were obtained. The CFD study of
generation purpose. This is a commercial CFD grid generation the screw press expeller revealed the dynamics of flow inside
package. Structured grid is very demanding and involves the expeller and over the screw, as the simulation strategy was
complex geometry, and due to this reason, unstructured grid is to determine the pressure and velocity distribution over the
made. Unstructured grid modeled the boundary outline very screw.
accurately. Initially, mesh size is 3 million. A fine mesh requires The calculation of different variables is based on initial and
a lot of computational resources; therefore, the mesh was boundary conditions in the flow regime. For the expeller, the
coarsened to save computational cost and time. However, a whole geometry was divided into parts. Initially, mesh size is 3
mesh independent study was conducted to ensure that coarse million. Mesh requires lot of computational resources.
mesh is not affecting the accuracy of results. Results of the Therefore, this mesh needs to be made coarse. When there
mesh independent study are not reported due to space are more mesh cells, it will require more computational
constraints. The grid resulting from this approach is shown in resources. For the computational needs, the whole domain was
Figure 3. divided into moving and stationary blocks. This was necessary
For the computational purpose, the whole domain was to carry out the computation, as the moving block contains the
divided into some physical blocs, like inlet, outlet, flow domain, fluid, which has radial as well as axial velocity components,
static area, wall boundary, etc.; this provides the basis of while no-slip configuration applies to the stationary block.
calculation for the computation. 3.1. Effect of rpm on Static Pressure. Figure 4a
2.5. CFD Solution Setup. For the solution of this CFD represents the contours of static pressure over the screw
problem, FLUENT was utilized. FLUENT is commercial geometry at 60 and 100 rpm. It is obvious that pressure exerted
software for CFD applications and ANSYS FLUENT 12.0 was by the flight of screw on the fluid inside the shell of expeller is
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 3. Key Model Assumptions rpm can be the minimum value for speed of the expeller. Below
100 rpm, the pressure developed by the expeller is insignificant
mesh generating tool
used POINTWISE GRIDGEN V. 16.04 to cause oil to be expelled from the biomass.
3.2. Effect of Dynamic Pressure. Figure 4b denotes the
CFD solution tool Ansys Fluent v.12.0
contours of dynamic pressure over the screw geometry at 60
grid type unstructured grid
and 100 rpm. It is obvious that the pressure exerted by the
blocks stationary block (stationary wall)
flight of screw on the fluid inside the shell of the expeller is
moving block (moving wall)
constant. The dynamic pressure is increasing due to increment
initial conditions/ inlet velocity: 0.00066 m/s
boundary conditions in the diameter of shaft of the screw.
pressure: atmospheric
3.3. Effect of rpm on Velocity. In Figure 5, distribution of
temperature: 75 °C
solver operation: steady state, 3D
velocity of the fluid over the screw is shown at 60 and 100 rpm,
wall condition: no slip
FLUENT CFD rotating reference frame technique
techniques single rotating frame reference
FLEUNT solver pressure based
absolute velocity formulation
pressure velocity coupling scheme: SIMPLE
spatial discretization
gradient: green-gause node based
pressure: second order
momentum: second order upwind
turbulent kinetic theory: second order upwind
turbulent dissipation rate: first order upwind
transient formulation: first order implicit
CFD specifications wall boundary conditions with rotational velocity
of the moving reference frame
wall: moving wall/stationary wall
Figure 5. Contours of velocity of the fluid.
motion: rotational
shear conditions: no slip
postprocessing contours of pressure/velocity respectively. Velocity of the fluid is constant on the flight (ends
pressure velocity distribution of the screw flight) while it increased from 0 to 0.255 m/s at
path lines the end of the screw. The increased velocity causes increased
velocity vectors shear rate and, consequently, the oil expulsion, as the biomass
dynamic view of flow of fluid from inlet too outlet moves toward the oil outlet of the expeller. Figure 6 shows
position wise distribution of velocity magnitude (m/s) in
constant. It is obvious from the result that static pressure graphical form, and at position −0.16 m (with zero reference at
increases along the screw and more pressure is exerted on the the inlet), maximum velocity magnitude is 0.15 m/s in the case
biomass inside the shell of the expeller causing extra expulsion of 60 rpm and 0.255 m/s at 100 rpm.
efficiency for all equipment. Maximum pressure of 35 Pascal is 3.4. Effect of Back Pressure on Velocity and Total
observed at the area where the screw has a maximum roof Pressure. The viscous forces inside the fluid exert a back
diameter at 100 rpm. It can also be inferred that pressure pressure on the expeller. The effect of back pressure on velocity
exerted by expeller on the biomass increases as the rpm and total pressure is shown in Figures 7−10. Figures 7 and 8
increases but at the expense of extra energy. Therefore, 100 represent velocity magnitude distribution at 1 kPa and 1 MPa,

Figure 4. (a) Contours of static pressure over the screw geometry at 60 and 100 rpm. (b) Contours of dynamic pressure over the screw geometry at
60 and 100 rpm.

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 6. Position wise distribution of velocity magnitude (m/s).

respectively. There is no effect of back pressure on velocity

Figure 9. Effect of back pressure on total pressure at 1 kPa.

Figure 10. Effect of back pressure on total pressure at 1 MPa.

Figure 7. Effect of back pressure on velocity at 1 kPa.

3.5. Effect of Back Pressure on Path lines. The effect of

back pressure on the flow can be observed more clearly from
the flow path line shown in Figure 11.

Figure 8. Effect of back pressure on velocity at 1 MPa.

Figures 9 and 10 represent total pressure distribution at 1

kPa and 1 MPa, respectively. It is clear that at 1 kPa the back
pressure seems to affect the flow and, at 1 MPa, a clear reverse
flow condition exists. Figure 11. Effect of back pressure on path lines at 1 MPa.

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Figure 12. (a) Contours of static pressure over screw domain. (b) Total pressure over screw domain.

This figure shows path lines for the flow field of the material Figures 14 and 15 show the distribution of velocity over the
inside the screw press expeller at back pressure of 01 MPa. At screw. The velocity of the fluid over the tip of the screw is
the inlet of the expeller, a strong reverse flow is observed at the
given back pressure.
3.6. Revised Modeling Conditions. Water was taken as a
material for CFD simulations, but this material did not succeed
in modeling the true viscous behavior of Jatropha seed oil.
Therefore, it was decided to use a material with properties of
specific gravity = 1.5 and viscosity = 500 Pa·s which
corresponds to Jatropha oil. These values of physical properties
of viscous fluid being pressed by a screw are equivalent to actual
values. Therefore, after slight modification in simulation
strategy and at revised modeling conditions when the viscous
medium was considered for simulation, contours of static
pressure over the screw domain are shown in Figure 12a. The
maximum pressure calculated from CFD simulation is 1.06
MPa which is sufficient to break the kernel and squeeze the oil
from the oil pockets (as mentioned in the properties of Figure 14. Contours of velocity magnitude (m/s).
Figure 12b shows the contours of total pressure and, the
maximum total pressure exerted by the screw on the biomass is
1.41 MPa. This result signifies that the modified simulation
conditions predict the process conditions more accurately, and
results are similar to the expected results from the theoretical
Figure 13 represents the increase in static pressure along the
screw of the expeller; the biomass is transferred by the
compressive forces of screw pressing. Maximum static pressure
is exerted at position −016 m where this value reaches 1 MPa.

Figure 15. Position wise distribution of velocity magnitude (m/s).

constant upon a whole domain which is in accordance to the

fluid mechanics laws while it is changing along the length of the
screw. Figure 16 is representing path lines of the particles as
they move from the inlet to the exit.

The results of this simulation show that mass flow of 12 kg/h is
achieved without the attendant back pressure because of
viscosity conditions. Also, the contour of pressure shows that
Figure 13. Static pressure along the screw of the expeller. the pressure of the fluid increases due to the screw rotation. A
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