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4. What are the classifications of discrete – time systems?

The classifications of discrete time systems are

1. Static and Dynamic system.
2. Time – variant and time – invariant system.
3. Linear and non – linear system.
4. Stable and Un-stable system.
5. Causal and non-causal system.
6. IIR and FIR system.

5. Differentiate Continuous time and discrete time signal.

Continuous time signal: It is also referred as analog signal i.e., the signal is represented continuously in
Discrete time signal : Signals are represented as sequence at discrete time intervals .

6. Define digital signal.

A discrete time signal or digital is defined as which discrete valued represented by a finite number of
digits is referred to as a “digital signal”.

7. What is Deterministic signal? Give example.

A signal that can be uniquely determined by a well - defined process such as a mathematical
expression or rule, or look-up table is called a deterministic signal.
Example : A sinusoidal signal v(t )  Vm sin t

8. What is random signal? Give example.

A signal that is generated in a random fashion and cannot be predicted ahead of time is called a
“random signal”.
Example : Speech signal , ECG signal and EEG signal.

9. Define (a) Periodic signal (b) Non – periodic signal.

Periodic signal: A periodic signal is defined as the signal x(n) is periodic with period N if and only if
x(n+N)=x(n) for all n.
Non – periodic signal: A non periodic signal is defined as if there is no value of N that satisfies the
equation x(n+N)  x(n) .

10. What are the symmetric and ant symmetric signals?

Symmetric signal: A real valued signal x(n) is called symmetric if x(-n) = x(n).
Antisymmetric signal: A signal x(n) is called antisymmetric if x(-n) = -x(n).

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