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1. Serotonin Syndrome causes: HARM

 Hyperthermia
 Autonomic instability (delirium)
 Rigidity
 Myoclonus

2. Emergency drugs to LEAN on:

 Lidocaine HCL
 Epinephrine
 Atropine SO4
 Naloxone

3. LITHIUM side effects:

 Leukocytes Increased (leukocytosis)
 Tremors
 Hypothyroidism
 Increased Urination
 Moms beware of teratogenicity

4. Drugs acting on Microtubules: “The MicroTubule Growth Voiding

 Thiabendazole
 Mebendazole
 Taxol
 Griseofulvin
 Vincristine/Vinblastine
 Colchicine

5. Inhalational Anesthetics: SHINE

 Sevoflurane
 Halothane
 Isoflurane
 Nitrous Oxide
 Enflurane
6. Antirheumatic agents (disease modifying): CHAMP
 Cyclophosphamide
 Hydrochloroquine & chloroquine
 Auranofin (other Gold cpds)
 Methotrexate
 Penicillamine

7. Opioids – mu Receptor Effects: MD CARES

 Miosis
 Dependency
 Constipation
 Analgesics
 Respiratory depression
 Euphoria
 Sedation

8. MORPHINE Side Effects:

 Miosis
 Out of it (Sedation)
 Respiratory depression
 Pneumonia (aspiration)
 Hypotension
 Infrequency (constipation, urine rtn.)
 Nausea
 Emesis

9. Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) Side Effects:

 Thrombocytopenia
 Cardiac (arrhythmia, Myocardial Infarction, Stroke)
 Anticholinergic (tachycardia, etc.)
 Seizures

10. Atrial Fibrillation Mgt: ABCDE

 Anticoagulant
 Betablockers
 CCB’s
 Digoxin
 Electrocardioversion
11. Carbamazepine (CBZ) Use:
 Cranial nerve V (trigeminal neuralgia)
 Bipolar disorder
 Zeisures

12. GuaNEthidine MOA:

 GuaNEthidine prevents NE (norephinephrine) release.

13. Tetracyclines:
 Teratogen causing staines of Teeth in newborns (ages 6
months in utero and 8 years).
 Also causes severe gastric disturbance in some children.

14. Short Acting B2 Agonist (SABAs): MSTAP

 Metoprolol
 Salbutamol/Albuterol
 Terbutaline
 Pirbuterol

15. Long acting B2 Agonist (LABAs): BaSa InFo

 Bambuterol
 Salmeterol
 Indacaterol
 Formetrerol

16. Choline Esters (Parasympathetic drug): “si Ace Me new Car

 Acetylcholine
 Metacholine
 Carbachol
 Bethanecol
17. Low molecular weight heparin: TFED (tipid)
 Tinzaparin
 Fondaparinux
 Enoxaparin
 Dalteparin

18. Drugs for hypertensive pregnancy: MHLN (mahalin)

 Methyldopa
 Hydralazine
 Labetalol
 Nifedipine

19. Drugs that causes SLE: HIPSMQ

 Hydralazine
 Isoniazid
 Procainamide
 Sulfonamide
 Minocycline
 Quinidine

20. 2nd Generation Atypical Antipsychotics: RZ COLAA

 Risperidone
 Ziprasidone
 Clozapine
 Olanzapine
 Loxapine
 Aripiprazole
 Amisulpride

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