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Don Quijote Unit Essay

Assignment Directions:

*Now that you have finish reading the novel of El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha,
you will write an analytical essay, in which you will analyze, and discuss a theme of your
choice. *Important: The topic or theme MUST be approved by your teacher before you start
your essay.
Step 1: On the Webercise that you made, it was mentioned that as you read, you were supposed
to take notes, and write down any possible theme that you saw while reading the novel. Go back
to your notes, and chose a theme of your choice. Themes could be related to social, political or
other type of events. For example: Social justice, Class order, etc. Or it could also be Morality,
Love. For these you have to be more specific. For example: The importance of morality in Don
Quijote’s society.
a) When you have chosen your theme, give it to your teacher for approval.
b) Once it is approved, go ahead and write down any ideas for your essay. You can follow
these guidelines:
I. Introduction. (Thesis at the end of introduction).
II. Paragraph 1: Idea, reason or argument 1 with explanation and evidence from the
III. Paragraph 2: “…” 2 with explanation and evidence from the novel.
IV. Paragraph 3: “…” 3 with explanation and evidence from the novel.
V. Paragraph 4: “…” 4 with explanation and evidence from the novel.
VI. Conclusion
Step 2: After you gathered information, and wrote down your ideas. Go ahead and start typing
your essay in Word of Google Docs. The format should be MLA *Class time will be used for
writing your essay. However, you can also finish it at home. *Important: In order to prove that
you theme fits within the novel, you MUST provide evidence from the novel.
a) You should only include citations from the novel.
b) Everything that you cite, it must be cited properly in MLA format. For more information
please revise the MLA guidelines at
c) Here is a citation machine that could help you cite your book, *Check for accuracy.

 Your essay should be 3 to 4 pages plus a page for your Reference.
 Your essay MUST be written completely in Spanish.
 Check for spelling, grammar, orthography. (Make sure that you put accents to all the
Spanish words that require an accent).
 Extra Credit: If you use more than 5 vocabulary terms from the novel, you will get 5
extra points.
 Make sure to completely analyze your main theme throughout your essay.

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